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Ahead of a referendum planned for many will look out why lawmakers are pushing for a vote on this divisive issue now. Also coming up the faith healer whos got the attention of german officials he claims to be able to heal insurable diseases but critics say that promise comes with a profit well look at the evangelist trying to gain a following in ukraine and germany. And the temper of proof bottles that can be opened by hand the World Antidoping Agency is looking into a possible Security Breach that could compromise thousands of drug tests just weeks before the Winter Olympics. You. See me so much going to thank you for joining us kenyas Opposition Leader has taken a symbolic president ial oath of office in amman. Ceremony in nairobi thousands of ecstatic supporters were on hand at the swearing in of them push kenyas attorney generals called an act of treason to have boycotted a rerun of the countrys president ial vote last october calling it a sham as people assembled the Government Cut transmissions of t. V. Channels reporting on the event but despite previous threats to stop the gathering Police Remained at a distance a one though shes covering the story for us in nairobi hi catherine good to see you so a mock inauguration right in the capital tens of thousands of people on hand it sounds incredibly dramatic that tell us more about what happens well the people of or the support is a very low doing that they feel that this is whats they wanted in the first place they see him as the president and they say that theyre happy that hes the president in fact if you talk to some of them theyre saying that theyre willing to work with the previous government which they they say is what is now the ruling party but then now they feel represented that the reactions around the country seem to be divided there are people who are saying that you know this could have been avoided if they could have just stepped back and probably hopeful more dialogue rather than challenge the government try to on caffeine we mentioned that the government did shut down major t. V. And radio stations to stop coverage of this mock inauguration tell us more about how the government has responded. Well its interesting on there is a feeling that now the media is being controlled but then there are those experts who say that the government was trying to downplay this event as much as possible and thats why you saw Police Restraining themselves and not really provoking crowds and thats why we havent seen any deaths we have been seeing deaths in probably every single protest ever since august eighth but today it seemed quite peaceful compared to previous ones we have seen at least in the in the last couple of months we have seen at least the death of ten children so the fact that police restrain themselves and the fact that the government controlled the media it seems like they were trying to downplay this event as much as possible but the fact that they did gag the media makes this comparable to uganda makes this comparable to the o. P. O. Where the government does control what the public consumes in terms of information why was this so important for rollo dinka and his supporters. Or because they feel that he is the rightful president they feel according to then numbers we had last week the group releasing numbers that say that raila actually got eight million votes and president hu can nasa got seven million votes during the august eighth election they said they had access to this and right a one by about a million votes so that the people of nassau the supporters of nasa they feel that raul is the rightful president this however makes life difficult because in the eyes of someone who looks you know at the situation we have two president s we have a peoples president and we have an officially elected president so its going to be very difficult to move forward because now the country its going to move in to office at directions at this point. Correspondent catherine on one though covering the story for us in nairobi thank you catherine. Now some other stories making news around the world catalonia as parliament has postponed a vote to formally reelect the separatist leader Carlos Bustamante as the regions president the speaker said the vote would be postponed until they have legal guarantees for months immunity he faces arrest a few returns to spain and is currently in selfimposed exile in brussels romania has sworn in its first woman Prime Minister amid a wave of Anti Corruption protests if you dont see is that she last become the third head of government within a year the European Union has criticized new legislation which pundits claim will make it harder to prosecute high level corruption russian president Vladimir Putin has a blast at the u. S. For a listing of rich and powerful russians who could become targets for sanctions he said could Damage International relations on a whole is that Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is named as are dozens of ministers and nearly one hundred all of guards. And as many as one hundred fifty stranded skiers have been rescued from a broken down chairlift in Austria Armed forces helicopter the cation is to safety from a mountain in the Southern States of there were no reports of any injuries ireland will hold a referendum on reforming the countrys near total ban on abortion the country currently has some of the worlds strictest abortion laws Prime Minister leo carr says he will be campaigning to change the legislation an Irish Parliamentary Committee recently recommended allowing abortion up to twelve weeks into a pregnancy poll suggests a majority of voters are in favor of reform. Lets bring in our social media editor lizza show with more on this story shes been following the story for us online hi liz this is an expression a divisive issue in ireland how has this announcement gone down there. You know were seeing of that division being reflected on social media sumi tis of course a very emotional subject it is something that is very personal something that almost everybody has an opinion on so were seeing the proabortion campaigners using the hash tag repeal be eighth meaning that they want to change the eighth amendment which says that it protects the rights of the unborn child making abortion illegal in ireland and these are the reasons that they are giving for wanting to change that part of the constitution here mary for example says ad last today as a doctor i now feel confident we will be able to soon offer women full and appropriate Reproductive Health care in ireland thank you to all the campaigning women and men who made this change happen we have an irish journalist here she says that this issue has touched her personally i had an abortion in england because i was able to gather the cash and because i had a passport ill come paint to repeal the eighth for those who cant get the money and dont have passports ill do it so my daughters can worry about other stuff its not politics its a peoples freedom and also peoples rights but then of course to me we have of the people who are prolife who say that abortion should continue being illegal in the country and its sickening that we are debating on whether or not to strip the protection of the right to life from tiny babies no one has the right to devalue a whole category of human beings and women need Better Maternity Services but abortion is not the answer so of course both sides taking to social media to show their arguments we mentioned was that the current laws are among the most restrictive in the world the fact remains though that many irish women are still having abortions a tell us more about how theyve been doing so. Yeah thats right some of them for example order Abortion Pills which is illegal and they can get up to fourteen years in prison for that then we see others who are traveling to other countries to have an abortion there for example one study shows that there are thirteen women on average its each they go to the u. K. To have an abortion there and then there of course others who go to other countries to have that procedure done and then were seeing online right now women who have had an abortion talking about it openly saying watch they went through how it was for them and so theyre sharing their stories for example on one website one a lady for example is called and she says she was fifteen when she got pregnant so she didnt want the baby and then she goes on to tell her story about what she went through so she says by the time i made it to the u. K. I was thirteen weeks pregnant my parents didnt have the money to pay for this and no access to money from the bank so they really had to get money there from a loan shark and every week they somebody would come knocking on their door for two years asking for that money to be a real paid another story here from a woman who calls herself tracy and she says i was twenty two weeks pregnant when we found out that grace was terminally ill fated part of this condition causes the chest cavity to not grow enough for her heart and a lot she says all right i dont have the last part of that story so she had to have that abortion because the child of the child was terminally ill and they sound would not survive so those are the personal stories really that adds to that debate that is going on right now all right lets show a social media to following this debate on social media for us thank you very much. Now in india millions of people have been remembering the death seventy years ago today of Mahatma Gandhi he was revered as the father of the nation for leading the struggle for independence from britain he was assassinated by hindu nationalist today there are concerns that the same nationalism is resurgent eroding gandhis vision of an india where all religious communities lived in peace. Huge portraits and statues of gandhi can be found at the capital one he was a modest man moreas to him and a thing boss. His face also graces everybody is a great politician and everything he is everything for us. That it did good acts with dignity that people will not always resort to violence that is what he told us theres already too much conflict in the world. In the garden of the Gandhi Museum in new delhi his final steps are marked his murderer was waiting up there among a group of supporters. Dipankar gone is the museums director almost an official guardian of his heritage. We have been living up to expectations of. Because we have. This partly. Activity its. His. First School Classes in the region a visit to the museum is a most children are taught his doctrine of nonviolent resistance gandhi is revered throughout the country he led the successful struggle for independence from britain he wanted india to become a secular republic in which all religious communities live in peace and minorities are treated with respect its a vision not shared by everyone hindu nationalism has been resurgent many hindu fundamentalists admired gandhis murder in a tour and god say who considers him too conciliatory towards muslims something the hindu nationalists also firmly believe. Was opposed to hindus and what he did was anti indian all true hindus were unhappy about it. Had the courage to put an end to that people like him should be accorded respect future generation should remember god not gandhi. For s. S. Is a rice wing Hindu Nationalist Organization to which gandhis murder also belonged in the thirtys and fortys or s. S. Openly admire it. So members of the current government are also supporters of the r. S. S. They want to transform india into something completely different from gandhis way of thinking. Hundreds and thousands of school. Boys in the minds of people uses used methods of spreading. Lies. And theyve succeeded so it is the failure of the liberal progressive forces. That you know Modernization Development and education ville. We did not it is logical he struggled with the poison that has been spread Mahatma Gandhi may be the father of the nation but powerful forces in india are jeopardizing his legacy. Youre watching news still to come on the program a selfproclaimed faith healer from ukraine is making headlines here in Berlin Health officials have warned against taking his advice we visited one of his events. First business with ban on the euro zone is finally out of the woods finally i mean its been a source of uncertainty for the rest of the world for such a long time but clear evidence out today that the common currency area has managed to shake off the shackles of the debt crisis the eurozone has enjoyed its best decade or best year in a decade rather Economic Growth of two and a half percent for twenty seventeen thats despite breaks it and is thanks to a percent france and spain. Its a colorful optimistic as madrid fashion week message spain is. Tell me only. The economy is growing last year by three point one percent despite the catalonia crisis but looks can be deceiving unemployment is still high many jobs are limited and poorly paid especially in tourism. Overall the economy in the eurozone grew by two point five percent in two thousand and seventeen the strongest increase in a decade it even outpaced the u. S. Where estimates point to growth of two point three percent. Frances economy expanded by one point nine percent twice as much as in the Previous Year but even in the second largest economy in the eurozone off to germany all that glitters is not gold fronts is held back by the Biggest National debt in the eurozone. Lets bring in daniel corp our financial correspondent in frankfurt daniel so the debt crisis is over according to these figures at least but the debt hasnt disappeared has it. Yes certainly has not disappeared ben but we also have to remember during the financial crisis when countries such as cyprus ireland portugal they were pretty much bankrupt by that time and they were only you rescued with major banks and credits here for example in germany the good news today is that also those countries are recovering thats also what this report is showing and also that in those countries we now see also the unemployment over rate also going down but here from the market perspective the market not sure impress today maybe we are some spoiled brats here a little bit a little bit used to Record Numbers here of the economy but i guess big cant be all that much celebrating going on because i mean weve. Look ahead and now would be an opportune time for the eurozone to get its house in order. Yeah thats certainly one of the big question marks and the other question mark ban is really when you talk again about the Monetary Policy of the European Central bank because many people here are again questioning what mario draghi just a few blocks from here is doing with his very Strong Economy we just heard from him last week that he doesnt see any reason at the moment to change his Monetary Policy speaking about Interest Rates and also speaking about the Bond Purchasing Program yes so lots of question marks whats going to happen there and weve also got breaks that ahead the euro zone big the u. K. s largest trading partner. Yeah exactly and also reports today about a leaked a paper that was released as kind of creating a scenario how breaks it could be for the u. K. Economy and those figures dont look very promising at all british Prime Minister trees are may now saying that this was only initial work and was never supposed to be released so yeah very interesting what is also going to be said about this issue thank you very much for your interesting analysis that you call person very. Folks talking has five the executive food middle response ability for diesel emissions tests on human beings and monkeys the comic has announced thomas stieg who is in charge of Public Relations and sustainability has been relieved of his duties firing a b w chief lobbyist has been termed the first consequences of the scandal which was revealed on friday the New York Times reported the research is false ten bunky is to inhale diesel exhaust in twenty four. W. Dyna and b. M. W. Funded a Research Group that studied twenty five human volunteers inhaling nitrogen dioxide. Germany is one step closer to four when you government see me thats right then the countrys two main Political Parties have made a major breakthrough in negotiations chance on the americans conservatives and the center left social democrats have reached an agreement on refugee family reunions involves refugees already here bringing their family members to join them in germany its been a Sticking Point between the parties during the negotiations lets bring in our Political Correspondent kate brady has been following this for us hi kate what exactly has been agreed. So what we know so far sumi is that from the proposed policy here is that from the first of august one thousand refugees in germany will be eligible to be very united with their families here in germany and on top of that cap this is something thats being sold as quite a win for the social democrats is that there would be exceptions for refugees in extreme cases of hardship so expected to be included in those cases is refugees who only have limited or subsidiary protection in germany so that refugees who havent got automatic right to asylum but could prove for example that if they were to return to their home country that they would be persecuted or would face immediate danger so this would be quite a success for the s. P. D. At the moment there is a suspension in place and that would then remain in place until the thirty first of july on family reunions for refugees with limited protection but the exact details still need to be hashed out in these Coalition Talks which are expected to go on until sunday and then in the following weeks so this is being seen as a breakthrough does that mean that the road is here clear from here or are there other major Sticking Points. Well we certainly shouldnt get ahead of ourselves here and it would be fair to say that this is much more progress than a breakthrough there are still going to be two main Sticking Points to overcome here which include Germanys Health insurance system and also limited work contracts in germany an already way herring a few gripes from the c. S. U. As one of the conservative parties included in these negotiations saying that there is in fact not going to be any exceptions in this policy and that cap of one thousand is indeed one thousand so we really have to say as i said those talks are expected to be close by by sunday so then well really see what compromises and what deals have been made between the social democrats and the conservatives little correspondent for us thank you kate on the last few years hundreds of thousands of syrians have fled the civil war at home to seek refuge refuge in germany get up you spoke to one refugee from syria who is hoping that his wife will be allowed to join him here. Her son hasnt seen his wife since he arrived in berlin two and a half years ago he came to germany with three of his brothers. Cousins wife alone in lebanon has requested entry to germany on the grounds of family reunification. She hasnt yet received a response. I hope my wife can come here house and says. He knows that hes among many refugees hoping to reunite with their families. But he and his brothers have little chance of bringing their relatives here the German Government expects refugees like him to return home at some point if theyre not in danger of persecution the u. N. Disagrees with this policy the need for protection is the same you cannot predict a conflict is significantly shorter than the need for protection based on individual persecution for example because someone is a political opponent. People need to be with their families we have to see the situation from a humanitarian perspective its not right that people should be separated from their spouses and children for years at a time and this is a question of humanity. That. Question isnt sure why its difficult to Refugee Families to be reunited here imagine he says if germans were in his situation all alone in a new country without family in any case hes adamant that returning to syria is not an option theres nothing left for him to do but wait for the decision from the authorities and keep in touch with his wife every day online. Keep taking your medication and follow your doctors advice thats what german Health Officials told people when ukrainian of Angelus Vladimir Monti paid a visit to berlin recently that he could heal anything from cancer to blindness connelly want to find out more. My. This is the man they dont come to see in the flesh selfstyled apostles like him in one town and the prolific on social media on cable t. V. This was the ukrainians first personal appearance in the german capital just. Just such time destroying the curse of cancer a phone call in g. s. Cash gone yes. Yes yes. But its not just cancer that claims to be able to heal. There was a problem exactly here. The problem is now gone. The holy ghost has taken it away. Your heart is completely healed. Its a claim that draws in the crowds to these crusades as the service is unknown and it is maidment on a celebrity in ukraine but it also raises questions to munch on followers give up on conventional medicine and who pays for these immaculately choreographed events. Back in the ukrainian capital the countrys orthodox churches and their arcane rituals are losing ground fast to the times. When johns church known as Regeneration Center with its modern social media operation and cable t. V. Network is one of those filling that gap. If. You touch on a spent ten years as a member of one towns Regeneration Center by the time she left she was working as a live in assistant to the moon child family her own family first joined the church when her sister became seriously ill they credited the church with her recovery. People always want some kind of miracle something extraordinary i was a member of regeneration for a long time sometimes theyd bring the same person onto the stage more than once id pray for them and the person would fall to the ground that would go on week after week i guess. But the promise of healing comes at a price. That they convince people they need to donate a minimum amount each month but to really get gods blessing theyre told to give more and more each month for. Such other tells us of congregation members going heavily into debt to donate to the church of a culture in which spiritual growth meant paying for expensive courses and retreats. The nerve center of men Chance Church and media empire is located in this vast industrial unity of a place to tell and spend a lot of time. But eventually she became disillusioned by the incessant financial demands what she says was the excessive focus on the churchs founder. Youre the worst go look as in i think theres a cult of personality around a lot of me among regeneration its all about the moving him everyone about to hear but its not about god anymore its all about him about hes even shot movies about himself he won. And with a Record Number of crusades planned for twenty eighteen ever more of them in germany the outside world looks set to hear a whole lot more about ukraines apostle of health. Youre watching get of your news still to come marvels latest a superhero black panther gets a star studded World Premiere in los angeles well get a preview from our culture that. Plus the countdown to the super bowl begins well tell you how the teams and fans are gearing up thats all coming up in the next thirty minutes. Daily basis. Looking to his rescue people from the Mediterranean Sea but only thing into the hands of people smugglers again counting more if you choose to risk the perilous crossing critics say there. How a Relief Organization is responding to the allegations help or hindrance n. G. O. S see you wish to use. The five minutes d. W. Gives them about the moments that. Its all about the stories. Its all about chance to discover the world from different perspectives. Join us in. Inspired by distinctive instagram others. D. W. Stories new topics each week on instagram. Bursts. Home to news of species. A home worth saving. Those are big changes and most start with small steps global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world. Like to use the protect the climate boost Green Energy Solutions and resource division. Was out to people you can not put their computers to create interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental to change. Using all channels available to inspire people to take action and were determined to build something here for the next generation a. Global audience a multimedia environment series on d. W. Back youre watching your news our top story kenyas Opposition Leader ryan loading the has staged a mock an operation in the capital nairobi thousands of supporters turned out for the symbolic ceremony challenging president kenyattas government and a breakthrough on the contentious issue of refugees has taken germanys two main Political Parties closer to forming a new Coalition Government they struck a deal on reunifying Refugee Families a peace Sticking Point and the talk. Of the World Antidoping Agency says it is looking into a possible security problem with the bottles that are used for drug tests thats after a lab in the german city of cologne told the organization that the bottles could potentially be opened manually the International Olympic Committee Says it is concerned by the findings. Theyre meant to be tamper proof but these sample bottles are said to be easily manipulated the revelation first reported by german journalist. Comes after the bottles were examined at the anti doping lab in cologne found the bottles could be opened manually when a frozen this sports lawyer is furious he says testing at next months winter games will be floored. In south korea where we can forget it because the head of germanys Olympic Movement has urged the World Antidoping Agency to act. Only. In the coming days to clear out this matter and if youll pardon the pun they need to plug the hole in these tests once and for all. The problem dates back to sochi in twenty fourteen russia success at their home undone by evidence of state sponsored doping the man who provided that evidence former director of is now in hiding in the United States among his allegations the Security Service the f. S. B. Was ordered to break into sample bottles. And russia have consistently denied state sponsored doping but these latest revelations raise questions about the security of samples worldwide. More on the story now with a journalist heigho sample to help discover that potential security flaw higher we saw you in that report there essentially tampering with those bottles to prove they could be manipulated tell us more about what you did and how easy it was. It was a very very easy read two steps a first step we want to check if sample bottles i talk about some proposals from two thousand and sixteen and two thousand and seventeen are easy to falsify that means to copy that worked we succeeded to do that by then finally so it was very easy to manipulate the process even with that method but then danger we said ok lets try to see if it works a different way because we have received information from secret informant said to seize a new generation of bottles is. It possible to open and exactly that we did insta seventy two hours put them in a fridge and after seventy two hours according to them and to the information received from and from a secret source it was able easily able to open them without any other big problem how you set yourself a new bottle they were introduced after the russia doping scandal does that mean that the upcoming Winter Olympics and yung chang could be compromised we talk about two generations the first one was after two thousand and fourteen there was one we call the generation to support will and the next one kid came into the market in december two thousand and seventeen and as a generation three and generation three three will be used in pure enchong that means the whole process of doping control testing is now and jeopardy it from my point of view is completely impossible to use these samples so as as a big mistrust it was these bottles and i dont know how the i. O. C. Will solve the problem within one week to go yet so that means that centrally how you know youre saying its too late to make changes ahead of the olympics and if that is the case what can officials do at this point. I dont know to be honest six talk no a boat socalled plan b. And we are very curious to learn what they mean with that from one took part of you its absolutely impossible to use the sample bottles if they use the older ones which we have also shown shown in our documentary that subject of copying which means we can easier is that you falsifies them also so what what can happen i dont know i have no idea but is has no no to be discussed in water and the i. O. C. And hio how can these bottles be made a tamper proof for all the future competitions it is the next question but is has to because the debate had to be discussed out there lympics it means off to pinching because now they are running out of times those after focus on how to solve this problem within that short time period after the games they have to think about from my point of view to put the whole system as a whole doping control system. In a different structure and that means also including the way how to secure doping controls was good working and functioning doping control samples continuous journals the highest suppled reporting for us though with some reporting that could have major consequences for the upcoming Winter Olympics hire thank you so much thank you now its one of the greatest sports shows on earth the super bowl will be taking place in minneapolis on sunday like every year the hype surrounding american football as the finale is high with both the new England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles in town fans and media are gearing up for an unforgettable shota. As the reigning super bowl champions the new England Patriots certainly know how to make an entrance this group of players led by stock Quarterback Tom Brady and the favorites to retain their crown on sunday the five Vince Lombardi trophy zim blazoned on the plains telling a sign of that statue. After the arrival it was time for some fight for the media even if brady was trying to keep things grounded. Still be for. Bradys going for his six super bowl title but has an injury to contend with his throwing hand still heavily bandaged in practice i know youve been rehabbing the head so i got it sounds sort of dont we now that just left a legacy already that the were not ready yet already you know. In contrast bradys opposite number nick foles has never played a superbowl he wasnt even meant to be here but the eagles first choice course a back cost and wentz is injured. Im really just enjoying the moment im grateful for the moment the future can take care of itself because right now weve got a lot going on and ive got a response here i cant wait. And hes not the only one. The super bowl is more than just a Football Game with his many traditions and sideshow use of even set up a zip line over the freezing mississippi river. But im like these thrill seekers only one team will be riding high come sunday night. Later today u. S. President donald trump will deliver his first state of the Union Address laying out his governments agenda for the year ahead lets take a look at some of the key issues that he is likely to address now on trade it is America First during his a speech at the World Economic forum in davos trump said the American Economy remains his top priority and that the nation was open for business lets take a look at what he said for. But America First does not mean america alone when the United States grows so does the world. Well immigration of the future of the socalled dreamers are going to be another issue the president has suggested that he is open to protecting the seven hundred thousand dreamers there are the children of undocumented migrants who live in the u. S. Illegally in return the president wants the senate to approve billions of dollars in Border Security funding and a trump is also expected to give an update on the fight against terrorism and his view of International Threats like north Korea Donald Trump has repeatedly targeted the north korean dictator kim jong un following the regimes Ballistic Missiles tests and Nuclear Threats to the u. S. And its allies but looking ahead to that state of the Union Address lets bring in our washington correspondent covering a few more who is following this story for us cover you know if you can to hear me there you are into my fate of the union the president has in his administration has indicated that they would be making some sort of bipartisan appeal in the speech any idea what that will be well yes i mean its the only way to run this country right now donald trump needs the support of both parties in congress and he also needs the support of the once in his own party who belong to the establishment of the g. O. P. And dont support his own president so he needs the support especially on big items like immigration policies he already mentioned that and that we also have to remember that we had a Government Shutdown here in the United States a week ago because republicans and democrats didnt find a compromise on immigration policies including dhaka so congress is of course expecting that the president is going to set an agenda to know what they should be doing next because usually this is what the state of the eunice speech is about its its about the vision for the policy agenda usually this is not the moment for a Political Campaign speech what is that vision clearly know what you think the main focus is going to be. The focus of a speech will be on the economy on trade and immigration immigration is a very important point since the discussions about the government budget will reach again next week because a new deadline for the Government Shutdown is the eighth of february the white house already released its immigration plan this week trying to restart negotiations on this subject and the president is going to try to sell this plan incredibly not you know thats the president s point of view of course america remains deeply divided what do americans want to hear from the president right now you just said it sixty one percent of americans believe trump has more to divide the country than to the united. Now after a year in office terms of prorating a record low levels and a majority of americans see his first year in office as a failure so this speech also gives. A prime opportunity to tulane lay out his agenda and try to set a new tone donald trump would probably highlight the countrys economy economy. And perhaps it will even this economic upswing will even be the core of his speech but he definitely has to address the other issues that are really in a positive sense right now are a key to abuse more reporting for us from washington thank you very much. And well be carrying that speech of course live here on g. W. Now the Latino Community makes up a growing and important segment of the u. S. Electorate trump one around one third of the latino vote in the two thousand and sixteen election but as he moves to block immigration from latin american countries some of them are starting to question whether they would back him again. Just five miles from the white house its lunch time at ricoh restaurant a favorite spot for the Latino Community in the Nations Capital while customers speak highly of the peruvian street food they have very few good words for President Trump during his campaign he blamed latino immigrants for many of the nations problems now after his first year in office many latinos feel unwelcome even threaten. The lives of latinos are afraid to go out to go to war. Theyre afraid that migration officers will catch them afraid to be deported but we have lots of needs whether we are from god our side by the order of us all central and south american countries american i think that after one year there is no room to say. That it was a mistake that maybe he didnt mean it because he has been very consistent with the message. Although thirty percent of us hispanics voted for trump in two thousand and sixteen recent polls show that his Approval Rating among this demographic a sunk to under twenty percent i think im one of the half of the country that we just want to for a period the forty year period to be over with and then maybe you know border. The future under trump is uncertain for many of our tinos living in the u. S. The regulars have poor rico told the w. That until the next president ial election they are expecting things to change for the better. Ari ben is back in a band singapore is putting the brakes on traffic yep if you want to buy a car and drive it for the first time then youll have to wait till another vehicle is taken off the roads its part of measures to ease congestion on singapore streets the government wants to cap the number of vehicles at five hundred seventy five thousand once they get the go ahead aspiring drivers can then purchases to fit allowing them to buy a new car and the certificates. Equivalent of around thirty three thousand euros little more expensive than a car in many cases. China is fast becoming a Cashless Society payments fire smartphone are threatening to undermine the governments efforts to control the money supply and regulate prices by gino setting an upward limit for each smartphone transaction in the hopes of gaining the upper hand of a fast moving Internet Companies. She only pays in cash when requested. Back. Here i found a coin but thats it. She hasnt paid with cash for a year when she goes shopping the cashier just scans a barcode on her cell phone to dock the amount automatically. Chinese Internet Companies have made this possible we chat is the most popular social media app and a Market Leader in mobile payment. Switch it up with innovations worldwide are making the internet faster but on mobile payments were leading the way thats something were really proud of. With its payment function we chat is trying to position itself as an app for every situation but the company is facing a setback Chinas Central Bank is wary of mobile phone payments and has announced plans to limit smartphone transactions to seventy euros. How and when that will go into effect is still unclear. If there are problems well be able to protect our customers weve all gotten used to paying on the go when were shopping eating out or singing car ok. Thatll continue to be available for our customers. Whether with online retailers in supermarkets or at the corner greengrocer china saw transactions of an estimated seven point five trillion euros last year. Thats twice the amount of germanys economic output. So. Eighty percent of my customers pay with their smartphones the oil we chat and competitor ali pay likely have more Customer Data than any other company in the world. Of course there are also disadvantages. I think a lot of people are worried about their. Personal information being collected and analyzed. Still for most people its become their way of life your agenda and your book. Shes a bit worried about the Central Banks plans but in the worst Case Scenario shell just use her bank card. Machines are on the monch robots and unofficial intelligence applications a foaming more and more low Level Service jobs and now that even includes the cool profession of arista at least in one coffee shop in tokyo. Sawyer has mastered coffee making the robot barista can brew up to five cups of drip coffee at a time customers at tokyos hand not cafe first buy a ticket with a q. R. Code printed on it. Sawyer stands it and gets to work. Four minutes later he serves the freshly brewed joe. The manager is more than happy to save on costs and labor starved japan with its rapidly aging population. Sawyer performs the work of five people. Studio my running the cafe with fewer people we can increase productivity and serve delicious coffee at a reasonable price. Hes not just to mark he says that will help keep the price of a cup of coffee low its currently costing three hundred twenty yen about three dollars the robot coffee shop is part of a trend in downtown tokyo. H r you know its also a whopper its three hotels where the robots run the check and dance instead of humans. With. These are pictures from the film black panthers the latest in a long line of successes from Marvel Studios monday nights on the World Premiere in los angeles the expectations are high for its release in mid february. And the current homestead if youre from the culture to tell us more about this character theyre expecting this to be a record breaker absolutely advance ticket sales already sort of broke a record in the first twenty four hours when they went on sale for all of the marvel films ever in the history of marvel films and by all reports its actually on track to possibly have a record breaking weekend and it could certainly probably compete with previous marvel blockbusters like for instance superman the homecoming more or thor. Rock from last year you said superman this is not just another superhero film no and i meant spiderman and it absolutely isnt just another super fit a hero film youre absolutely right a lot of people in waiting for black panthers return after he first appeared back in two thousand and sixteen i think that was in captain America Civil War going to put the title straight but this film follows on that story with the black superhero obviously in the lead role so this is marvels very first film with with an actor of color actually taking the lead and charged with both the man who plays child or also known as black panther himself hes got an absolutely amazing cast at his side including figures like michael b. Jordan or Lupita Nyongo or Forest Whitaker so lets have a quick look at some of the highlights before we talk some more about it. After the death of his father the china returns home to the african nation of what conduct to take his rightful place as king. Black panther is not only a visual feast but a superhero film that offers depth and shimon storytelling it is also in more ways than one first. Time as an african superhero movie ever so. I mean in the ilk of like james one of this world im not kind of late so its exciting. To see what happens next. With black panther marvel cinematic universe expands in a new way those five things. Happens now determines what happens to the rest of the what if this could be a shift in Popular Culture and i think you know. That Something Like marvel has a way of like really affecting Popular Culture and. Theres a lot. Its not it is not a movie its a movie with you know and thats i think very true you know its exactly cutting right across everything that weve previously perceived as you know what we think is entertainment so i think. In this one is responsible for that man is rising star filmmaker ryan coogler well you know you try to keep. The Bigger Picture stuff. Youre not that not that big about what i mean. You know more than just just just it being a film you know sheriff i mean the best for me good out most honest film you could governor. With black panther tracking for a record breaking to view where the film does go from here is anyones guess. You can visuals are just so fantastic really striking there its exciting looking at some of the commentary that we heard from the actors and director there you know hollywood got a lot of flack a few years ago from the oscars so white controversy does this mean that were going to see now more diversity in hollywood as are things really changing well i think thats an interesting question especially with regard to this one particularly because you know black panther was the first black Marvel Marvel black superhero in the comics but it certainly wasnt the first he wasnt the first one to make a splash on film weve had other examples like cage for instance isnt that like series from two thousand and sixteen starring mike coulter and its based on another marvel comic hero back from the one nine hundred seventy two now thats one that was created at the height of what they call the blaxploitation genre back in the seventys and that saw actors of color start to move into focus and starring roles in film and television and another key figure of that jonah was the detective john shaft thats from the film in one nine hundred seventy one so we are seeing perhaps you know another shakedown but hollywood has been in the throes i think of a paradigm change in terms of representation for the past couple of years where the entire creative engines are are increasingly run by afroamerican so i think from director Barry Jenkins that one best film at the oscars last year. Get out by jordan peele. Is currently nominated for best actor and mud bound also doing very well and director female director also has several nominations so i think look at the incredible hype surrounding this film i think we can also see it in the context of the current political situation in the states obviously with. The rise and literal sanctioning of of racist speech and behavior under the trumpet ministration. Divide the divide that has been created we heard from our correspondent earlier i think i think this can people are seeing this as something of a response so the ground is very ripe for this film at this time. Lets just put it that way of course its got all the hallmarks of a good film according to the feedback that weve been getting from that premiere last night in l. A. Obviously its going to be a doozy sort of looks like really like three all right so more on the film on our website not the last time i checked but hopefully. From our culture does karen thank you very much. And a reminder of the top stories that were following for you at this hour kenyas Opposition Leader. Has staged a mock in operation the capital nairobi thousands of supporters turned out for the symbolic ceremony challenging president hu to kenyattas government. And a breakthrough on the contentious issue of refugees has taken germanys true main Political Parties closer to forming a new Coalition Government they struck a deal on reunifying Refugee Families and shes Sticking Points in the talks. But before we go into ten meters tall took ten days to build on this are in the name of big frozen were talking of course about romania biggest ever Snow Mountain teenagers and village and the record snow man with snow that they clear from local roads made for. A huge hit with the locals and by the look of it it has really melted some parts. All right thank you for watching. Me taking over the news just in just a few minutes please stay with us. For. The. To daily basis. To people from the Mediterranean Sea but other thing into the hands of people smugglers clothing toting move to risk the perilous crossing critics say their own callow Relief Organizations responding to the allegations. N. G. O. S seem based. Two minutes on. The fast pace of life in the digital. Shift as the lowdown on the web that he chose a new developments useful information and anything else worth noting. Presents the latest finds. Looks over the shoulders of makers and choosers. Should. Be funded. By endorsements shelter like the big favorite seems to go all the best goals weve got all the action the job is the home of german football shared experience every match if someone does leave the country weekend to cheer on the w. To speak technology. May be time for an upgrade is. Part of the future. Sorry for. I must say it worked so i have created a new sense on the new organ and ive designed my perception of reality in implants that make every day life easier. I use my implants on a daily basis that optimize the shoeman body and to connect people more effectively. I hope that this will make us more ethical persons if we have a greater understanding for each other. What would life be like as a cyborg home for would people be willing to go get into so at the end of the day these technologies can be used against us and its what effect will it happen society does this human race really need an upgrade i think its only the beginning of this. Cycle or shimon machines starting february first on d w. This is due to other news line from berlin kenyas leading opposition figure stages a mock inauguration in the Nations Capital tens of thousands turned out to witness raila odinga challenge to the newly installed government well in a symbolic protest sparked more deadly unrest after kenyas disputed election were live in nairobi also coming up a breakthrough on refugees the parties in germanys Coalition Talks hammer out a deal allowing refugees to bring family members to join them and naming and shaming the

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