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Tanks in its syrian offensive and having repercussions here in berlin. Precious liquid and take town is rapidly running out after more than two years of drought the authorities are close to turning off all but essential water supply. Also ahead. Of the World Economic forum in switzerland our Senior Business editor ben consume is. Down to business in davos some of the topics will be covering today containing trump women and how to pull rain out of clouds for the team here on the news i dont social media. Welcome im terry martin good to have you with us turkey has intensified its military. Campaign against kurdish militias in Northern Syria despite criticism from the International Community the United Nations says the fighting has already displaced five thousand people and left vulnerable civilians trapped chris says it will press on with its operation against the kurdish militias on its border regards them as terrorists. Attacked this town has only a few kilometers away from the fighting come back to brock and his friends are discussing takis operational if branch navy they have believes in his wish to make sure. We dont know the area around freeman well so we cannot really say how long it will take but yes it may take a long time. To sink. Possibly a month thats what i think but are not a soldier. Takis military is continuing its operation was no reduction in intensity all day tanks and artillery are aiming across the Board Members of the protest Free Syrian Army are marching towards the afrin region they are supporting takesh troops and now pray she against the syrian kaddish militia group. And they are a lot more optimistic than the texan hasa. Im afraid will take a freeman succeed in this operation within the next couple of days. Ago. With gods help we will conquer offering everybody. According to the latest figures from the syrian observatory for human rights the war say for more than one hundred lives more than twenty to be civilians the turkish president joined a funeral on tuesday for a soldier killed the previous day ad one dismissed International Criticism of the offensive saying the situation at hand means its not possible to listen to every countrys take. These are pictures filmed by the kut ish militia group. Turkish media report that fighting between the the turkish army and its allies is intensifying in the direction of fraying. Turkey claims a threat is growing at its. Correct considers the y. P. G. To be the syrian faction of the p. K. K. Which he sees as a terror group reacting to attack u. S. Military attacks in recent days the why p. G. Has shell texas border towns claiming civilian lives while many techs were you for it at the start the militarys now changed. Neither for soldiers nor. For civilians with the much motivation. Of a few sides of the border to operationalise branch could still bring. Us bring in our correspondent dorian jones in bold dorrian do you have any reliable information on how the turkish offensive in syria is proceeding. Well its very difficult to get any information reliable or independent from this conflict most of the reporting if not all of it is coming from embedded journalists on both sides and much of it appears to be spinning their version of events for finding out what the independent story is actually going on one source of the syrian observatory scene is aboard the independent organization have access to some contacts and they do seem to oppose elise confirm the fact that there is major fighting going on much of it now in these isolated villages in these very rugged terrain there is concern for the plight of those villages there but it does appear to be very intense fighting villages taken recaptured also a strategic mountain is also the scene of very heavy fighting and its unclear who is actually holding it but the message is that the fighting is steadily progressing Turkish Forces do appear to be making ground but they are meeting very stiff resistance and they are being hampered by very poor weather conditions very low cloud which is making strikes very difficult and that is very important for the turkish offensive. How is this offensive affecting the civilian population in the region dorian. Well that is really the big concern the plight of the million or so people that live in this afternoon clave many of them had fled from the Syrian Civil War our friend had been in no way to have stability for many years now those people are facing fighting. Much of the concern at the moment is these villages many many of them and they all the seen apparently very heavy fighting also turkey she reports of turkish air strikes against them there is concern that the number of casualties there are reports of maybe twenty thirty civilians very difficult to confirm but we all seeing images on social media appear to show that some of them have been very heavily damaged and it is believed many of the villagers are still in those homes are unable to escape the fighting the United Nations says that the fighting has displaced over five thousand people but that is again very difficult to confirm and also the problem is that many of these people in africa have nowhere to go they cant get out the only axxess skate route is being controlled by the Syrian Regime forces and there are reports that they are not allowing the people to leave the area so these people are trapped and the big concern is that when the fighting reaches the main city of africa that is home to over four hundred thousand people maybe more the fear is that if that becomes a scene of a protective battle many civilians lives could be in peril. Turkeys defense partners have strongly criticized its actions in Northern Syria is president concerned that is offensive could alienate his nato allies. Well i think that was taken aback by frances. Frances particular criticism over the weekend the there was calls for the operation to end and france saying move to the United Nations Security Council to discuss the operation but it seems that france has dial back its criticism and it seems to be more for in the line of many of its. Other nato allies calling for straight leave of condemning nora supporting the operation and i think the concern among nato is that turkeys drift towards moscow moscow gave the green light to operation the concern is that that will only further enhance relations between turkey and russia and for now at least very happy of the fact that most of the criticism is very muted and is very what they say even handed and i think that will only enhance it in bold and turkeys military operation into africa has dorian jones there in istanbul thank you very much. While turkeys offensive in Northern Syria is having political repercussions here in Berlin Germany regularly sells arms including tanks to turkey and those tanks are being used in the offensive in Northern Syria german lawmakers describe that offensive as illegal contracts to upgrade the tanks are being put on hold. Relentless heavy shelling in northwest syria Turkish Forces step up their offensive known as operation olive branch. The prepared german made leopard tanks to roll into a free. The German Government had recently considered reinforcing these against mines but that seems to be off the table no. You. Know that turkey is violating International Law with its intervention in syria. Its absurd to think about upgrading these tanks start all the. Kind of there should be no arms exports to turkey i want to know what Foreign Ministers he discussed with his talk his counterpart was it all about an arms deal. That was just under three weeks ago the aim to foster better relations then on monday the Turkish Foreign minister to protect civilians. It fell on deaf ears turkeys president says the military action is justified. And the kurds in a free now are determined to defend themselves. I wish our forces strength we are united and we dont fear or do on his planes and his weapons. And the one nine hundred ninety s. Turkey used old east German Army Weapons against the kurds in turkey and history is repeating itself in syria. And its not just german tanks German Military trucks have also been spotted on the syrian border. And lets bring in Political Correspondent standing by studios. Leading Foreign Policy expert in merkels conservatives has labeled turkeys syrian offensive illegal was. Taking on the conflict. The chancellor herself has not said anything publicly about the conflict but her spokesman has spoken of all of those and has been very reluctant in fact to condemn whats happening in the oven in syria at the moment to condemn this to. Action the governments position is that. It is not clear whether International Laws being broken by this offensive and that to the whole thing should be seen in the context of developments in syria in in its entirety so the German Government is pushing for a peace initiatives in syria to be accelerated and this situation in a free in Northern Syria to be included in those kinds of negotiations in other words there is a great reluctance on the part of the German Government actually to criticize turkey and to condemn what is happening there at the moment as we saw in the report has germany has been a key arms supplier to turkey we saw those tanks other vehicles is that likely to change in light of recent developments. Well in the possibility because turkey is a nato partner exports of alms to turkey were not in essence controversial as a result of recent developments in turkey more generally obviously turkey has been. You know getting closer to russia and there is a certain distance between turkey and nato as a result of developments in syria but also since the attempted coup in turkey a couple of years ago so the relations are quite tense and here in germany it is clear that the export of alms to turkey is likely to be turned back to be possibly even stopped completely as a result of these developments theres a lot of political pressure that no for the arms deals to be done with. As we all know germany is in a bit of political limbo at this point is the countrys failure to form a new government after the last election impacting its ability to deal effectively with crises in Foreign Policy like were seeing in turkey. I think i think thats not really the case after all the government that is running the country at the moment in an acting capacity is the same government that is likely to be formed or a very similarly structured that is likely to be formed after Coalition Talks in other words the social Democratic Party together with the conservatives will continue most likely continue to have the control of government in germany and the acting government is simply continuing with the policies that the skull them and pursued before as a result you know the export of arms that have been approved in the past by this government are being defended at the moment and polish politicians from both sides both the social democrats and the conservatives are saying that the situation in turkey is so special its so difficult that one has to be very very careful about containing such actions that relationship through turkey have freed have to be dealt with in a very reticent manner. Thank you very much d w Political Correspondent hans blunt there. Now in some of the other stories making headlines around the world today an explosion has gone off outside the office of the save the Children Foundation in the eastern afghan city of jalalabad media reporting that suicide bombers and gunmen attacked the agency theres no word on casualties. Two consecutive car bombs dead touch unaided near a mosque in the libyan city of benghazi on tuesday killing at least twenty seven people and injuring dozens of attack happened as worshipers were leaving the mosque many Security Officials were believed to be the target of the attack or among the casualties. Police in pakistan arrested a man suspected of being a serial killer responsible for the rape and murder of a seven Year Old Girl case has sparked nationwide protests over allegations of government inaction police said there the arrested twenty four year old man had confessed to the girls murder and is d. N. A. Match samples found on earth on. Improve in peru fears of a new flooding catastrophe are spreading as the remark river raged through the town of. Hundreds of residents took to the streets to protest what they say is a lack of government a region was devastated twenty seventeen by epic flooding that left ninety people to. Youre watching d. W. News still to come cape town is rapidly running out of water after more than two years of drought will rain come in time to prevent the shutdown of all but essential supplies in south africas second biggest city. And your way for holds the first ever draw for a new International Competition but does soccer really be yet another target. So to monaco now and donald trump gets his way with the fed you can say that again terry i mean his choice for the next head of the u. S. Central bank the worlds most powerful economics jobs has been approved by u. S. Senators drone powell multi millionaire was backed by lodge majority asked chair of the Federal Reserve with support from republicans and Many Democrats the appointment marks the end of a decades long tradition that has seen president s stick with the Federal Reserve chair who was in charge when they took office power is expected to take over when janet yellen leaves her post on the end of february. Well outside to the United States there is a growing criticism off drums trade policy as the leaders of india and canada both use the World Economic forum in davos to call for free trade washington is slapping steep terrorists on imported washing machines and solar products is another week and another set of tariffs this time hitting imported washing machines and solar panels on tuesday u. S. President trump signed an executive order for punitive tariffs on those products specifically naming two asian multinationals. Our action today helps to create jobs in america for americans it will provide a strong incentive for l. G. And samsung to follow through on their recent promises to build a major manufacturing plants for washing machines right here in the United States the trumpet ministration believes that south korean washing machines and chinese solar panels have an unfair competitive advantage against products made in the u. S. Tariffs as high as fifty percent could be imposed on washing machines trump is on his way to davos and plans to use his trip to promote his America First strategy theyre going to davos will be talking about investing in the United States again for people to come in and spend their money in the good old usa and thats what theyre doing we have massive amounts of money coming in. The u. S. President is due to host a dinner for european see those at the World Economic forum on thursday and investment in the u. S. Is likely to be high on his agenda. Well on its second today the World Economic forum in davos focuses on europe and its role in the well today king philip of spain italy as Prime Minister polo gentil levy and french president among lemme call theyre all expected to speak today as is the german chancellor makola with this id like to cross over now to davos where my colleague ben fizzling joins us on the balcony with a beautiful view today in the background ben lets start with ladies first i mean what is the worlds most powerful woman going to say in davos. Which hes going to be giving his speech on European Affairs she was really seif with and ecstatic welcome last time she was here a few years ago and there was doubt about whether or not she was going to come this time because shed been out of the worlds focus basically trying to build a Coalition Government shes now go to preliminary deal of types so is now on her way and is going to be spending the day here and blowing the trumpet for europe shes got the timing right she wont be crossing paths with u. S. President donald trump hes not a real fan of his medical especially her refugee policy he said that accused her of ruining germany but in her confrontation with trump she does have a very close and very strong and powerful ally and that is the french president well macaw of colors and with marco and merkel we have two very pro european politicians and certainly mccaw in his less than a year presidency hes made his mark do you think hell fire up the crowds in doubles. He is a World Economic Forum Favorite theres no doubt about that a former investment banker and hes really been shaking up france hes being reforming the economy and having a lot of success in doing so he also wants to reform the entire e. U. Hes talking about closer integration free trade at a time that britain is pulling out of the block meckler macaw dont agree on everything one of the big issues that they have is sharing debt the germans dont want to do all the work and see other european sit back relax and enjoy the right but at the same time analysts here think that mccourt will go even bigger in his speech today and that he will not only be focusing on france and europe and what hes achieved so far but will also take up the mantle of the free world under europes wing both medical and my core going to be saying that twenty eighteen will be a very decisive year for europe all right ben thank you so much fun out of course youll be back in just a few minutes with a special coverage live from dallas looking forward to that one. Now with all the rain of course in the snow here in europe it is very difficult to imagine terry that there are other parts of the world literally drying up thats right monica Subsaharan Africa is really suffering at this point especially way down south in the cape the cape region of south africa is in the grips of the longest drought in living memory since twenty fifteen the area has seen no substantial rainfall and none is expected before may or june water is already being rationed and the Authorities Say they have to cut all all supplies for nonessential use by april. A lack of rainfall in cape town is making South Africans very nervous water in the citys Main Reservoir the teva tis kloof down is down to thirty percent capacity the situation isnt much better in other reservoirs cape town has imposed a level six alert level six is the next step that were taking it to. People most significantly less if they can than eighty seven liters per person per day anyone who exceeds the amount of water permitted for each household faces severe penalties thats why a growing number of people are getting their water from public reservoirs so it doesnt change their water meter readings. Ive seen some parts happening here and this is before day zero so i can imagine people get quite upset when theres no water. It seems like a paradox that the metropolis on the Atlantic Coast is slowly running out of water but cape town doesnt have a Desalination Plant tourists are being asked to save water too its currently high season and public showers are being switched off at the beach apart from that there are no real restrictions for visitors. By contrast agriculture has been very hard hit the water shortage means many fields can no longer be cultivated the latest alert means farmers must cut their water usage by sixty percent based on their consumption before the drought began Johann Esther whos a gross fruit in the western cape where hes had to cut down some trees in order to save the rest on the rotten saudis and other. Perfectly producing orchard that i decided. To operate. Because of the water shortage. And you know its not that not an easy decision to my. There is no improvement in sight all eyes are on the t. V. If the water supply sinks below thirteen point five percent capacity will be forced to turn off almost all its taps experts are dubbing it. They warn it could happen by the end of april. Draw for european footballs new tournaments a little Nations League will take place in switzerland later today the new competition will see European Countries split into four leagues based on their current you a for rankings way for created the Nations League in a bid to improve International Matches and and what many saw as rather meaningless friendly its the first Nations League champion to be crowned in twenty nine t. Well the mechanic climbed from v. W. Sports is with me here in the studio to explain what this new competition is all about good morning nick one terry how did this tournament come about and whats the incentive its essentially left over michelle plus in these years of course presence of you for until you know ethics violations forced him to leave simply what he wanted to do was replace friendly as you mentioned they are sometimes meaningless which is true there are friendlies which are a little boring but when things were good because you could you could blow through and you knew Young Players you gave them a chance to to try to find their ways into the team which highly formations that are because the games where themselves meaning less but now of course with this competition theyre competitive games which means you want to win you want to sort of be able have the chance to try out new things so that my opinion is one of the negatives when it comes to this but there is of course the added bonus that for teams from this year if nations they could or can or will qualify for euro two thousand and twenty and this sounds a little bit complicated it adds another level of complication to to the tournaments how does it all work there for leaks and in each league there are four groups in an exclusive there are four teams so you see the number here is always four in league one or league a that is the twelve top teams in europe that it takes by the way for rankings of the many france spain england for example all the way down to lead the sixteen west teams in europe so gibraltar luxemburg as a buys on kazakhstan or we play against each other and what then happens is that teams can be promoted relegates. Between the a and b. And c. And d. And so theres an up and down the whole time the incentive at the end especially for the teams in league is the group win is the nikkei when they go on to compete to become the u. A. E. For nations the champion and i can knock out format the positives you mention was the european qualification the ways why this is good is because once you a first set is the four teams from each league will go into a knockout for want to qualify for the european championships so in theory if one of the teams lead to have a good run they could also qualify for the year as in twenty twenty so thats a good thing i would say that makes it more interesting to have four places than in europe twenty two and it doesnt need a so weve got twenty four teams which had twenty sixteen as well but what it means now is that smaller teams can in theory qualify but they can go to the euros but whats going to happen is off this year if the Nations League they go into a knockout form out or first a group stage the no couple thats still be playing against big teams from groups from league a league b. V. Stronger teams so even the league probably will not qualify they just have an extra sort of backed away and set against it so the competition just quickly whats been the reaction all this to this tournament change in football its definitely mixed. As you you know germany for example recently were against it because they want to host the tournament in twenty twenty four that now of course force is more a political decision but theyre definitely mixed reviews because of course the friendlies being gone and now the competition competitive games come in and its a very difficult thing to head around but i think seeing new games like this will be good nick mckenna climb from d. W. Sports thank you so much. Thats all you need is for now ill be back in just a couple of minutes with the other poll riled up or you want to. Try to get off to a roaring stock as a detroit much as. The face lifted favorites. Can dissipated well crimea. And visions for a cause of the future. And trying to measure. Pride in sixty minutes w. Bush germany is a strong country. We have achieved so much we can do this and its something hinders us we must overcome it. Going where its uncomfortable global news that matters w made for mines. Oh dropping bombs on civilians turn more troops the situation escalates cosin a longer and for schools. Ruthless country lisha military leaders were coping extent of the classical. Technological progress comes with a conflagration massacres instruction. Coming from get to her starting february third on t w. Circle of fear. Correspondent during russia toat is in chechnya. Islamic state has recruited more young people here than anywhere else. And more and more chechen fighters are now returning home theyre both respected and feared come. How will this affect change in society. Circling here. Welcome back youre watching news im terry martin our top story turkey has intensified its offensive in syria ignoring International Concerns sharky and its local allies are trying to clear kurdish militias away from the border United Nations says the fighting is already just placed by people. Well lets go straight over to Senior Business editor ben to zoom in for our special coverage of the second day of the World Economic forum in davos switzerland so ben while the snow there are you getting a chance to hit the slopes. Briefly terry very briefly it was for Research Purposes of course i did hold a few interviews on the slopes i was hoping to catch a glimpse of a celebrity or two but maybe today ill brush shoulders with german chancellor or the french president both of them he europe is in focus but i got to tell you once the u. S. President donald trump gets here he will eclipse all theres no doubt about that the tensions will also be high he stands for everything that davos does not stand for his lack of Political Correctness his antique globalization stands now it was a year ago that he was inaugurated i was here in davos and i was speaking to this very man Philip Jennings from the International Trade union global Union Tell Us what trump is a chief in that past year in in your opinion as far as workers go and in his role as stewart of the worlds biggest economy achievement is the wrong word its failure he promised that he would put America First in economic and political terms and hes largely done that to news back on the world but he made a many significant promises to the American Worker and to the men and women that make the American Economy tick and hes let them down badly on all counts he talked about draining the swamp not happened he talked about a rigged economy hes rigged it even more first of all with the tax policy settings that he that hes recently introduced eighty three percent of all the tax games go to the top one percent the biggest cutting corporate taxation that they have seen in a generation but then when you look beneath the radar that doesnt capture the headlines through out the piece you see attack on well the regulations and laws and also the conditions of working people on their over time the tips that they earn in restaurants is now going to go to the boss and not to the not to the staff when it comes to health care when it comes to immigration when it comes to having a voice at work that you could not go see. Wait hes making those those laws and regulations weak when it comes to public procurement and the contracts that the government off they used to have a condition that you have to be a good employee thats going as well health and safety no need to report on health and safety infringements i could go on and on and on he promised to put the American Worker first hes failed to deliver on that promise and i think we will see a sea change of opinion out there about what his policies these harmful and aggressive policies have meant to the working men and women of the United States its a failure and he has turned their backs on them what about his success in bringing back apple one of the worlds Biggest Companies the most valuable. Bringing back so much money to the United States and investing that money surely thats something thats going to benefit the u. S. Consumer and u. S. Workers well if this is a sign that apple is going to get into regular tech situation not just with the United States but with other countries then of course we welcome it they still have an outstanding bill of thirteen billion dollars in oil in which they have not paid the European Commission of estat her took this action against google and with apple and they still has not being resolved this company has money stacked up in tax havens all over the world and for once now its beneficial for them to bring this to bring this money home but why didnt they pay their taxes in the first place why doesnt have also man in the corporate world here pay their taxes theyre avoiding two hundred fifty billion worth of taxes and what this is mean at the end of the day it hammers you know your you know the income of the government and you can do what youd like to do with infrastructure with with education and health and transport and all the infrastructure of the of the nations i mean theyre not saints very briefly what about his threats towards Migrant Workers surely he hasnt come through on those threats hes. This man is destroying the American Dream of almost one million young people these young people were born here they were brought in circumstances which were with their families they made their life here they work here they are educated they are professional they are americans and he said goodbye the other attacks hes making on other nations in the world diminish him and diminish the United States of america this is a land built on immigration and the Migrant Worker it nourishes the workforce america cannot work without its immigration policy without the immigrants in the workforce and what is he doing hes aggravating them hes creating tensions his racist comments are outrageous hes pouring fuel on fly is on fire as its already burning this White Supremacy connection that he has is not good and therefore i hope today you mentioned this is europes day now this is a time for leadership for Europe America have to take a stand and elevate the position of europe in the world as a place of peace as a place of democracy and a place where the economy is thriving they have to stand up to the message that this man will be bringing to davos on friday we have a fractured world but to create that sense of a shared future and europe has to be stronger in its voice it has to provide leadership in this conversation and show the world that we dont stand with donald trump and his mrs miso genius dick racist message and this whole story of America First we say europe we say world this is and were in this together people and planet philip will have to stay leave it there thank you very much strong words on trumps presidency well while the United States withdraws others is stepping into the void last year it was china at this year its india. Its the first time in twenty years that the head of indias government has come to devils for the World Economic forum and hes brought one hundred executives and six ministers along with him. Narendra modis message was simple warning against the protectionist tendencies of some countries is diametrically opposed to u. S. President donald trump whos just imposed punitive tariffs on a range of imports. Paul said some argue are very many societies and countries are becoming more and more focused on themselves it feels like the opposite of globalization. The negative impact of this kind of mindset and wrong priorities cant be seen as any less dangerous than Climate Change or terrorism. Modis speech was greeted with wide acclaim among devils participants. Sidling is ready of a great time for india to slap me and to be a cabaret to is other countries for a moment of Climate Change the number one priority. I will mention modi is also using davos to highlight his countrys progress in the switch to Sustainable Energy a sector he intends to expand forcefully on day to wednesday devils turns its attention to europe as well as german chancellor Angela Merkel the heads of government of france italy and greece are all expected to attend. Well speaking at the World Economic Forum Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to sign the Transpacific Partnership the t p p along with ten other countries and youll remember that canada had withdrawn from the deal said that it was going to withdraw after the u. S. Pulled out of the trade deal but negotiations between the United States and mexico over revamped nafta the north American Free trade deal has put pressure on can canada to diversify its trade pact so the t. P. People eliminate tariffs for goods and improve access to services plays in the Services Sector in several sectors rather and countries that are involved is set to sign in early march now the main message from trudeau was if you want to fix your economy employ women we spent the day yesterday talking to top officials here in davos from this say it is about how to close the gender gap. No matter how you look at it there are still far more men than women and davos but somethings changing and not just the numbers the forum is discussing topics like harassment power and injustice more intensely than ever before the seven high profile women cochairing the World Economic forum are a symbol of change that many women and davos feel things need to progress further and faster. We can make sure that all girls get access to quality education that will be a huge step for these girls and also we need to make sure that no children get married educate girls in science and technology and take away the stigma that girls are not skilled at these disciplines and take away the fear that many girls that are not qualified are capable of engaging in these disciplines to close a gender god we need to tackle economic inequality because all these norms in society that justify inequality between men and women that justify violence against women are already intended to put women in a no a position and exploiting them economy because i think we need to understand the value that living with people not just going for it but also in the generations trance what theyve done for the world in terms of the workforce that they bring to the table in terms of daintily to capital in terms of the nurturing the caregiving the deployed to the world i think thats the unique thing about women taking action is more important than ever studies show women have the most to lose from globalisation. Now davos offers the Perfect Pitch opportunity for startups around the world if they can get here its an expensive trip but worth it for a lot of them according to many ive spoken to its their chance to get their idea onto the world stage and make the links that they need to youll never find anywhere in the world at the one time of year the one place was so many c. E. O. s come together and World Leaders a reason why i have moved through all the is he is the c. E. O. And founder of weather take a Technology Company based in germany is that correct and its with and in switzerland tell us a bit about your technology you create twenty percent more rain from clouds something that would be extremely popular im sure in dry countries but if you need that humidity first of all how does the Technology Actually work its an eye on the Station Technology very environmentally friendly and we only mimic the effects of the sun from a buff was basically with the stations we myth ions which connect the arrow source and form a plume between the growing that the clouds and as strong or less strong we produce this into a media thats proper thats grow in the clouds so its twenty percent but the problem is that you can reach the speed of the grows in the right time to make its rate so clouds which are rainclouds two by two kilometers can grow up to fifty to twenty kilometers what about the price tag how much does a liter of water cost for example. We only go to cubic meters of cubic metres troughs and so a liter is zero point zero one cent thats the most an expensive addition of fresh water source on us especially in these for us if you look at the study nation they are between two and three and you cant compare it with cloud seeding which where you have to invest in planes much much more expensive still is that something the poorer countries can afford considering. I guess its a lot of poorer countries where you want to get more water yes of course they can afford it because International Aid organizations all for example as i say this will Impact Investment association they support these countries when you go and start drilling pumping piping its much much more expensive. And that she we need to compare it with some cooking plates and they need thousands and tens of thousands of kilo what ours which we dont need at the end of the day are you messing with nature other dangers involved i mean there are critics out there as far as this technology goes. Thats not the case so we Work Together since years we developed over ten years. Splunk experts and and so on and also Queensland University and its very. Differently so we can say sun creates rain because its purely solar power but we have very few killer what we actually c o two free which no other fresh water source is normally possible why not just plant trees. You can plant trees of course but you need water also for trees. At the end of the day. Just tell us lastly your technology can also produce no most no we dont really need it here though no not this time but we had three winter us we produced for the space of a meant to test years ago in the area south in the southern ups and. I met the people here because you mentioned davos i was the youngest chairman food member in doubles for my internet work in ninety three i know the power here we met the swiss government a couple of times and we worked together was and they supported us the biggest support is to. Increase the rain forests by over thirty percent in the country. You know we were. Making technology cry heard so i know i read it in six weeks we created nearly a billion cubic meters which is amazing but you locate that interest near to a perfect big part of the pacific exactly. Thank you very much thank you. And back to berlin well have full coverage from davos the World Economic forum right throughout the day thank you terry thanks been looking forward to that. Now in recent months the socalled Islamic State terror group has lost control of most of the territory it once held in syria and iraq and as defeat looms families of young people who left for areas are wondering what has become of them hundreds of people left the russian republic of chechnya in the second of three reports from their use your ear chateau speaks to the family of a young woman who took her children to join her husband in syria. And in grozny a typical. People know each other and how each other two despite the high fences there is one thing the neighbors dont discuss it though the missing children. Is one of those who has kept his silence for a long time hopeful use but now shes breaking her silence to talk to us about. Selena have a love with dota hasnt been a happy erins house for four years. On her husband who went to syria to fight with the socalled state. He took selina together with their three children i know he will never come back because he was killed last march. Since adventurous as she hasnt heard from her daughter salinas one of hundreds of chechens who have left their homeland since of the beginning of the syrian war to join the us. The women mostly followed their husbands as is customary for chechen women to do. Official figures to the number of chechens fighting for the terrorist militia at seven hundred almost all are listed as missing some of the mothers give us these photos desperate and hoping to get some sign of life from their children. Its pretty much house her son and so on and grant dont look at photos of celina we want to know if answer would allow himself to be recruited by terrorists and would go to syria as his sister did you. Know i will not get recruited. After all i have my own mind and i do not listen to the others. Isnt giving up hope of seeing her daughter again she even shows us children things she has bought for her three grandchildren who are in syria now and then she shows us that they speak to her. I took the picture myself in syria. When we accompany her again on a trip from moscow to chechnya she reveals that she did once manage to see her daughter in the last forty years. Middle men in turkey helped her to establish contact with selena in december twenty fourth team. It took her several weeks of travelling to reach members in Northern Syria she says of the journey was fraught with uncertainty and she didnt know if she would ever arrive. Islamic state member allowed her to stay with her daughter for four days she wanted to take her back to chechnya but wasnt allowed to leave and tonight her children are. Now together with other mothers she has found that a support group it already has over eight hundred members. Is a mother on. Daughter to syria is also a member of the group. My own daughter. My daughter was always obedient she really trusted her husband and he ordered her to go with him to syria. Hes. Also to blame for your daughters disappearance. No i swear because to be honest it all happened according to the higher will the will of allah what must be must be thats what i think. As we hear again and again while filming in chechnya strong religious believes are one of the reasons why young people are being recruited by yes the mother of missing children keep coming back to the airport in grozny in the hope that their loved ones will one day return. And im here very often for. Im hardly at home why should i be at home you know i have to look for my daughter. Know that russia has declared to military victory over the socalled Islamic State dozens of chechens are being transported back from syria and iraq every three weeks that gives. You hope that she too might hold her daughter salim in her arms again. If she is still alive. Or for some background not joined by that glib over from the independent university of a call the g in politics in moscow first of all new why has chechnya been such a Fertile Ground for recruiters of the socalled Islamic State. Well known though why has. My true playground for different forces and. Isis is one of for example so we should remember the shia has a nice history tool big was suis. Russia ease and we should remember theres a few generations. Of people who are leaving there has choir to be to experience all for surviving and are struggling for they are lives. In a situation of was. And there have quite be term relationships weve saw so called. Before and of. Cause it is quite understandable if they are quiet trained before for defending themselves in their opinion and defer and their defenses connected to use ices and also we should remember that isis well again that. Is mostly all rain hit on young people with quiet limited experience of life tall with four quiet strong beliefs are and are so or are. I suppose that we should also remember that of there is a great. Opposition to their mystic idea of sar family who is a ruling. Whose ruling sharon dates tape. Is just me for interrupting so im just a curious an additional about the ideology of isis they purport to be islam is to have a religious ideology does that have particular appeal to People Living in church the young people there. Are you in my p. J. S. Are on of these so i dont all are trees saw it is very close due to the aims to onto building a new socalled Beautiful Life for you most limbs and so. I suppose. Why not share is quite a. Serious part of the muslim world or what about the russian and chechen authorities or how well prepared or are they to deal with the threat of returning i asked fighters. Well in reality it is clearly quite difficult. To meet its there i mean theyre raising this to the return of the fighters but im quite sure that some Security Forces are working on the subject and theyre quite ready. For our side show fighters. On this you to some measures of it has been. Taken so and i also know i think also that. Russian afford to have made a few steps songs there we are two to five seen lees. Ice is. Just super support supporting. Ok in addition a thank you so much the additional globe over there from the moscow independent university of a college and politics. Well that was part two of mini series on jihadism originating in russia and our next episode to morrow youll meet an extra hardest to return to russia after serving as a guard in syria chechen will talk us through his motivations his life as a militant and his escape. And just go a reminder the top story were following for you here today news turkey has intensified its a pensive in syria ignoring International Concerns turkey and its local allies are trying to clear kurdish militias away from the border United Nations says the fighting has already displaced five thousand people. At the World Economic forum and its kind of just Prime Minister just introduced said hes ready to sign the resurrected Transpacific Partnership with other countries he wants to diversify away from reliance on the United States he said. Youre watching news we have more coming up. Thanks for watching. Trying to talk to a roaring stock of the detroit. Pray for an. Anticipated world premier. Version for cars of the future. Trying to measure. Your team. My first boss like mosul sewing machine. Where i come from women are balanced by this notion for. Something as simple as learning how to write them by psychos isnt missing since i was a little girl i wanted to have them by cycle of my home and it took me as them and. Finally they gave up and mentioned by nehemiah said theres a return because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more appropriate for those than rising advised as knowledge i was in need of those woman back home where bones by their duties and social rules i was informed of a more dead piece of whites my name is the matter of the home and i wore its easy to. Jump stories followed across social media share your comments and content and welcome to the team. Also for the photo pro or con feast mirrors to you a solar view from concentrated on then youll see if you also i could move a coal fired power plant to generate good were going to be. The energy of the future and three got. Being proved. By my p. T. O. Can. Function with even higher temperatures because thoughts and leave me alone you can only concentrate so much taller power before my feet of the can. Concentrate of solar power and feel more expensive for some fuel spoke with a Mule Technology used. For old phone. This is news coming to you live from turkey intensifies its offensive in syria ignoring International Concert on the road with turkeys our lives as they move to clear kurdish militias away from the border these fighters are confident of success also coming up recoil in germany turkey is using german tanks in its syrian offensive and thats having repercussions. Precious liquid and rapidly running out after more than two years of drought the

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