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A potential promise were going to a correspondent also coming up. Paris remembers the victims of attacks three years ago that horrified people around the walls the killings began when a gunman stormed the offices of satirical magazine and shot the dog. And soaring to success ski jumping coming as she talked was looking for a historic final stage when up to dominating the four hills tournament could the polish face make it a clean sweep. Im going to humphrey good to have you with us german chancellor Angela Merkel has embarked on key talks over forming a new governing coalition to lead the country going into the negotiations the chancellor said she was optimistic macas conservatives are holding the exploratory talks with the center left social democrats off to previous negotiations with other parties failed sticking points this time around are expected to include germanys refugee policies and its approach to european integration. Well have a listen to what merkel and social democrat leader martin shows had to say as the talks got underway. Because the c. D. U. Is going into these talks with the aim of creating the conditions to form a stable government. Thats because we believe that the tasks ahead for which we have the voters mandate are enormous in terms of Foreign Policy challenges european challenges and also in domestic affairs. You know i was fond of we all sensed that the challenges for a new federal government however it may be structured lie in that the new year in which we all live must also include a new kind of politics in this sense we will conduct the negotiations here constructively and with an open outcome. Covering the talks for us as our political correspondent. Joins us now regret chancellor merkel has a lot of work ahead of fires these preliminary Coalition Talks get underway why is it so hard for the parties to find common ground. Well the basic problem is that from these three parties that are negotiating it to have completely opposing objectives first of all the social democrats they have lost the last elections after governing together with the grand coalition so in order to convince his party to go into another grand Coalition Social Democrats leader Martin Shultz has to push through through some key points for instance he wants to change make some reform on on Health Insurance he wants to cut he wants to have higher taxes for the wealthy and a more liberal stance on refugee policy and more integration into europe then on the other side within his conservative party bloc see the you see as you the small of the two parties they see as hugh they feel the breath of that they feel in their neck the breath of the right wing populist of deep parties so they want to push. The c. D. U. And seize you into a more conservative direction they want to have a more tougher stance on refugee policy they want to cut corporate taxes and they also want to have a less integration into europe and thats the key problem here and in the middle between these two parties is on the americal and her c. D. U. And they know that the only chance to keep angloamerican in power as chancellor is this coalition. Is this nichols last chance to form a stable government. But it is her last chance to form a government with a clear majority in parliament the only other option would be a coalition together with the business friendly liberals and the Center Left Wing parties she already tried that one but this these talks failed already at the end of last here so the only other option would be a minority government something until america already ruled out and then the only other thing left would be new elections something both the social democrats and the conservatives of angloamerican couldnt want because in the end this would mean to strengthen the right wing populists of the f. T. Reporting for us thank you. Paris is held a ceremony commemorating the anniversary of attacks on the shadowy abdo satirical magazine in twenty fifteen islamist gunmen stormed the offices of the publication and ultimately killed twelve people a stream is believed to have targeted the magazine for printing provocative cartoons of islams prophet mohammed. In a somber simple ceremony french president call in paris mayor laid a wreath at the former offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo the attack on the publication was a watershed moment for france a moment felt not just by a few but by the whole society. Three years ago the french born islamic extremists i eat and chevy. Stormed the offices of Charlie Hebdo and shot twelve people dead two days later another extremist stormed a kosher supermarket killing for. The gunmen from both incidents were killed during shootouts with police. The magazine found itself in the crosshairs of radical islamists after it published images of the Prophet Muhammad in two thousand and twelve and acts for bin and in islam the twenty fifteen attack is presumed to be in response to those cartoons. The assault shocked france just me shyly became the rallying cry of the magazine supporters after the shooting triggered discussions of free speech and freedom of the press shyly of dog was also the first in a string of terrorist attacks in france over the last three years. This has changed the bernie thora way i mean first of all this was an attack on the right one of the very cool principle of democracy many friends here felt even today people are still afraid that there might be new attacks its very much a topic in the center of attention and move the nine out of ten of the french say that they think that a new terror attack in france is likely a very lucky challis of daw is still in operation according to their editor they pay more than one Million Euros every year in security costs sales have fallen sharply and its journalists and editors still rank file off to the crash such things as then looking to survive this cream and this from the cargo ship has been rescued. Irans parliament has held a closed door session to examine why antigovernment protests broke out around the country starting more than a week ago at least twenty one people has been killed during the demonstrations that began partly due to frustrations with corruption and economic turmoil irans leaders have accused foreign enemies of being behind the wave of unrest which the countrys revolutionary guard now claims it has the seat it. So will fans in germany currently having to make without their weekly fix as the takes its midseason break they can still stay up to date with their favorite players who share the bits of their everyday lives on Twitter Facebook instagram but its not just a way to interact with fans its also big business for the press. Fans lined up to catch a glimpse of their idols but signing autographs and taking selfies isnt enough. Social media is the most important point of contact for supporters posting daily updates is almost as important as training for stars like messi and cristiano ronaldo. Has different fans want to feel close to them to have a connection they can catch a glimpse of their lives every single day. They find out what the players are up to and also what makes them happy or sad if in fact looked. Polished. And manages the social Media Presence of football is its his job to help turn the football into a sustainable brand its a massive business not just for the players. Its. Big clubs dont just pay the player for his contribution on the pitch its also for his marketing value so its also about whether the player can help sell more jerseys and merchandise maybe attract new sponsors to the club and kind. In germany told us is one of the biggest names in social media aside from posting about sports on his private life he uses his accounts to promote social causes. Lower profile pros like daniel. Also use it to build their brand eighty five percent of bundesliga players have a social Media Presence. Social media to social media gives those other players the opportunity to increase their Media Presence put themselves in the limelight and create a continuous dialogue with. Fans ultimate and mom took on todays footballers need a virtual presence but for fans theres nothing quite like meeting their favorite player face to face. Ski jumping is prestigious for hills tournament has come to a close in australia with one name on everybodys lips commish was untouchable over the first three stages and with the overall victory almost in the bag he had a record in his sights he was hoping to become just the second man off to germanys chef and one of those to win all four events lets find out if he managed it. Head and shoulders above the competition reigning champion and olympic Gold Medalist kamlesh doc was king of the four hills again after winning the first three stages the pole was equally impressive in bishops often he said the longest distance in the first round and held his nerve on his final jump to ensure victory again. That gave him the grand slam and kept one of the most dominant four heels performances in a year is. It was a really good competition for me the chance wasnt perfect today but i did my best and can i say thank you for one team Team Colleagues team coaches because they theyve been working so hard and im really appreciate them after germanys best type of take out hi todd crashed out of the tournament in the third stage is countryman and that is belling as stepped up with a Strong Performance to claim second place for the tournament. He was followed in third by no wise and as fun im a. Former astronaut john a young hailed as a pioneer by u. S. Space agency nasa has died at the age of eighty seven youngs trailblazing began in the one nine hundred sixty s. And he was part of the first manned Gemini Mission by the time he commanded the first Space Shuttle flight in one thousand nine hundred eighty one it was his sixth travel into orbit in the meantime he joined an exclusive club. Oh my god. April nineteenth seventy two john young and his fellow astronaut charles duke collecting rock samples from the surface of the moon. It was an achievement that they shared with only ten others adding them to the exclusive fraternity of moon walkers forty nine years later young would break new ground again. Or. Start. Commanding the Maiden Voyage of nasas new Space Shuttle Program Young took on a particularly risky assignment it was the first time that nasa launched people on a rocket ship that had not first been tested in space. When we launched reed really did know a lot of things and we learned a lot of things i think chris craft said it best he said when we got back he said we just got in fairly smart over his forty two year career at nasa young became the only astronaut to go into space as part of the gemini apollo and Space Shuttle programs before retiring in two thousand and four he spent his last seventeen years in management focusing on safety issues john young a passed away age eighty seven at his home in houston texas. And in mind now the top story were following for you german chancellor im going to mark and is leading a new round of talks aimed at forming a governing Coalition Conservatives on a go seating with the center left social democrats about possibly governing to get up for another ten country could see fresh elections if the talks fail. When hes coming up at the top of the hour in the meantime head to our web site d. W. Dot com im having a. Seeing again. Story

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