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Abuse is catholic priests would no longer have to make a vow of celibacy australias Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull pours the reports findings of institutional sex abuse across the country a National Tragedy. And an end to socalled Net Neutrality in the us the government claims its cutting of red tape that truckloads of innovation but song uses fear truckle they did speeds instead. Blast the feet of young. Marriage as fighters linda is awaiting trial involved god its the first time the german teenager has seen her parents since running over to join the Islamic Group last hail. The two of the e. U. Summit in brussels and leaders are heading for a showdown over the issue of migration European Council president on a disc court for a mandatory quarter for refugees he described that as highly divisive and ineffective as the leaders stop their meetings of the second day of the summit will have the vives of german chancellor Angela Merkel ringing in their years she said Member States cannot pick and choose when it comes to burden sharing and solidarity and the migration crisis is not the only controversial issue on the agenda another difficult topic will be brechts it. That we are drawing. In brussels hi joe first of all lets talk brags that will there be any christmas cheer in brussels by the end of the summit on this issue. No fireworks no cheers and rita when it comes to breaks it leaders reiterated on this two day summit well again and again that they are sad that the u. K. Is leaving theyre relieved to some extent that things are moving forward now but they know very well that in the future that the talks will become more difficult a number of them are aware that theyre looking at a political fights but the ball is really in the youre in the you case side of the court and its difficult times ahead for the trade talks that now can come. Another contentious issue gilgan is about refugees just Angela Merkel of germany has already said shes not please lets first take a listen to what she said when he said i made it very clear that im not happy about the simple statement that the regulations we have arent working so. Theres not a doubt she has more than an external dimension we also need it internally thats where we have a lot of work left to do because the different positions have not changed. So the german chancellor that demanding solidarity with then the union you can possibly work. It can of course work if there is the will that it works and that mainly depends on the Eastern European countries that so far have been refusing in a compulsory mechanism to a relocation in other words they are unwilling to take in refugees to share the burden that is currently carried by the countries in the south of europe greece and italy who have taken in a lot of refugees and now hope that these people can be relocated to other European Countries the only thing where everybody agrees when it comes to migration is a stronger extra on the borders and weve seen quite a bit of movement in the dress that this respect so as we move towards the Holiday Season here in europe how united is the union looking there carol. I say america think of a camping trip with the extended family you always have the annoying nephew or the. One or other uncle you dont like so in terms of the you think of a pole nor hungary where there are issues not just with migration but also particularly with the rule of law in these countries so difficult issues Angela Merkel said a lot of work on these fronts gets to come for the European Union but when it comes to breaks it you have rock solid unity and at the end of the day i think everybody is glad they came along for the trip tonight good luck to send us a thank you very much a Commission Investigating child sexual abuse in australia has called on the Catholic Church to end the demand that clergy members remain celibate it also said religious leaders should be prosecuted for failing to report child sexual abuse including priests who hear about the crimes in confessionals the five year profound Many Australian institutions including the church had seriously failed to protect children with tens of thousands abused over decades responding to the report Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull fact those who come forward to tell their stories he said dec arriage had led to a National Tragedy being exposed. Joining me now from sydney is journalist roger may not roger this report details official feelings on child abuse among many decades what were its main findings. Well of course and rita the this inquiry represents a very dark chapter in australias long history involving neutrally tens of thousands of children most of whom an adult son seemed people in the sixtys and seventys as the Royal Commission made clear today that it believed that the Catholic Church in particular was guilty of a catastrophic failure of leadership it says the report the abuses mentioned in the report were not just a few rotten apples in fact there were an unknown number of people involved and the commissions chairman Peter Mcclelland described the abuse as a National Tragedy to her his words across many decades many institutions failed our children our children our Child Protection system has let them down he said embrasures well as you said the Catholic Church is singled out as one of the biggest offenders how has it responded to the reports recommendations like ending forced celibacy of priests. Well not very well is the answer i mean the recommendations of this inquiry will hopefully end those years of abuse and make sure that it never happens again but there are hundred eighty nine recommendations in this report and a lot of them are very very potentially controversial in one particular move in suggesting that the religious confessional should be put aside so that when priests hear of confessions from members of their church about alleged chances in abuse theyre forced to go to the police and the are fortis and report them theyre obliged to do so and in another significant controversial move theyre recommending that the celibacy for priests should be voluntary from now on and that they the quietly that affect the head celibacy in the church what i did some contributed to the incidence of sexual abuse over the years on the other hand the church itself is not very happy about that these suggestions one senior cleric in australia today said that by by adopting these recommendations he would effect a really excommunicate insult from the church and he was not for bed to disobey what he believed were the laws have got angry just how have the survivors of sex abuse responded to this report afterward theres a horrific stories are finally heard after years and years of cover ups. Yeah illegal well theres been widespread relief at the. Findings in this report and in particular from the evidence to the inquiry and today also is promised and. Praise the survivors and the have been taking part investigation he said it must a been very tough and harrowing work for them is also suicide about fifty million australian dollars and eighty Million Euros to help those survivors alert so there are sixty thousand people who are eligible for compensation and who put this money aside so that they can hopefully get over their ordeal so they can hopefully put it put it to one side and and those who want redress will be compensated accordingly dr raj a man out in sydney thank you very much for that. Let me not being young that someone other stories making news around the wild Russian Court has found a full my commie minister guilty of accepting a two million down a bribe from an oil cloth close to president Vladimir Putin here to k. F. Cordie allegations observe the circumstances of the case have ignited speculation that it might have fallen victim to a kremlin power play four children were killed and twenty others injured some critically when a train had to school bus on a real crossing in Southern France a party theyre trying to determine what caused the accident investigators are looking into whether the crossing barrier was working. In argentina protests against planned Pension Reforms have descended into violence the writing was so severe that it forced the congress in bonus ibis to suspend a debate over the reforms the government says that needed to bring the countrys deficit under control and inflation but opponents fear they believe millions was off. German president. Has been attending the launch of celebrations of the Israeli Embassy in berlin to mock the seventieth anniversary of israels existence next at the reception lit in menorah with israeli ambassador jeremy i suck it off he also had strong words about the burning of israeli flags an antisemitic comments at recent protests in germany those demonstrations followed u. S. President dollar trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital lets hear whats time i had to say. Lets. Anyone who burns the israeli flag on german soil shows not only a totally unacceptable he treated israel. But also doesnt understand or at least respect what it means to be germans. And done just that and then the german state has the responsibility to take a clear stand and intervene when necessary and. Evil is no trains. From on the story let me draw in our correspondent all of us solid all of it to what extent have the celebrations there been overshadowed by recent events and the fallout over trumps decision over jerusalem. Yeah thats right weve just weve witnessed these scenes that youve just described here in germany when protesters took to the street after the u. S. Uni letter re uni letter only except as the capital of israel and weve seen people burning israeli flags and this is really something unheard of that has never happened on that scale in germany before and off course the german president today took the chance and delivered a very strong speech calling damning any kind of antisemitism on german soil he also said that antisemitism is still a topic here and that we have not overcome it yet but at the same time that it may not be tolerated at all and youve just played this very important quote. Of. Said that those who burn flags do not understand what it means to be german and you certainly we fair as there are refers there to the german history to the mass murder of European Jews by the nazi regime in the Second World War and this is therefore a very important quote of today a very important and strong speech he delivered here condemning all kinds of antisemitism in germany in fact one of a gemini of israels relationship has often been defined by the horrors of the possibly just mentioned but a lot is defined in the current german israeli relations. Well first of all the relations have come a very long way since the Mutual Exchange of embassadors about fifty years ago and as you can imagine after the war the german ambassador was not very well come in israel at the at the first place and the first moment since then a lot has changed in that their relationship is now described as a close one as amicable there as there are Cultural Exchange programs funded by government money in order to understand to Foster Mutual understanding there is the business and trade aspect where germany is israels third biggest trade partner but germany then in turn also delivers weapons to israel that comes as a result of the german stance here of the german position that it feels responsible for the security of israel and there is another famous quote of fungal merkel that she delivered in the knesset a couple years ago where she said that the existence of the state of israel is of Germanys National interest calling for an unconditional solidarity there but then there are also disputes over the settlement policy in the west bank that is seen as a major off stickle for a two state solution for the Peace Process in the middle east that germany also supports very strongly right on of us sat at up on im interested is thank you very much linda doug is awaiting trial in baghdad where she could face the Death Penalty she traveled to iraq after converting to islam and marriage an i. A. S. Fighter who was lead to cant she says she wants to go home but even if she makes it back her future in germany is. It was a cautious we union with a family who traveled from germany to baghdad to see the seventeen year old whos in custody awaiting trial. Pictures of her arrest in mosul in july were beamed around the world. Identified only as linda w. She left her home in eastern germany to join the socalled Islamic State now she regrets. I dont know how i came up with such a dumb idea ive completely ruined my life. Linda says she didnt take part in any fighting she says after the death of the i. A. S. Member she married she stayed in various womens shelters and almost never stepped outside hundreds of women have left europe to join i. A. S. Many of them are now in custody in iraq according to research by german media at least seven germans are among them until now german women who were not in combat but married to i. A. S. Militants were rarely prosecuted back home now a different legal approach is likely. Where of the opinion that these women are guilty of membership of a Foreign Terrorist Organization because they help to strengthen the internal structure of the socalled Islamic State but this question will ultimately have to be clarified by germany its federal court of justice. But. Its not clear whether linda w. Would be prosecuted if and when she returns an investigation is underway but theres no warrant for her arrest in germany. Joining me now in the studio is journalist whos met for an interview in iraq welcome. Tell me first under what circumstances if you meet the person youre describing only as linda for all it is the second time that i met sort of back its quite different from the first shes. Still living with two or three women in the prison. She got more health. Become better but still shes still wishing to go back to germany in the report this is what was the difference between your first interview and your second interview in the way she came across to you while i have the impression in the first interview that she did not understood what she is for her or what is going to be happening but the last tribute that i got with her was more stay. Able to happen she also has what a dick circumstances that says shes going to face and especially the second time weve been joined with her mother and her sister visiting her in baghdad that was somehow quite different more family she got. To speak more explaining her situation why she joined the Islamic State she we got more answers from many questions that we have in all she was more open and more emotionally absolutely ok so did she tell you about why she decided to join Islamic State well thats the main question that i must solve but when she met her mother the first time two years after she left from home the first sentence is that she told her mother why you are coming here because of you i left my hope that means this is the question of the conflict inside the family and with the will of gulf of teen years old and she want to go outside from home and she just want to go without coming back and maybe she could join the the rights of the nazis or something but the business was somehow quicker you know but thats if she didnt join the right wing parties or groups within germany she actually decided to go you know to baghdad i did to iraq and join islamics it was then you know i did article component to her decision definitely she was a rocket article ised through internet she got access for a girl muslim girl from cheney and she talked with her in internet and she convinced her to join the islam and then she connect her with islamic fighters them state fighters are from serbia speak also german and he asked do you want to leave germany and said yes or no and she said yes i want to go outside and he give her the instruction how she can travel to turkey house. And she crossed the border to syria and so on and so on and then they got money through and through a telephone through skype gosh did she tell you more about this man shed mad who was an Islamic State fighter his name he called muhammad i dont know whether it is right but he is a cheney and have to tune in have a story and he got he got killed through the fighting and they got just small short time to live a woman and all the men together because i mean this is a fascinating story and of course the faces of a uncertain future as you mentioned the past thank you very much for sharing your personal insights off linda debbie after you better i mean we thank you very much. The u. S. Federal Communications Commission has reversed Net Neutrality rules championed by former president barack obama they barred providers from blocking or slowing access to content or charging consumers more and the move is part of u. S. President Donald Trumps push to scale back regulation in many economic sectors. Net neutrality rules banned internet providers from giving preferential treatment to certain websites after the f. C. C. Vote that seems to be a thing of the past. The ending of Net Neutrality has been met with fury by millions of Internet Users both online through social media and offline at this protest outside the f. C. C. Headquarters they say consumers will be forced to stump up the costs of say paying for faster access to their favorite sites or even paying to access certain websites at all. Say it will saddle content platforms with costs that they will be forced to pass on to their consumers the chairman of the f. C. C. Saying its not the role of the regulator to dictate to Business Models to the market it is not the job of the government to be in the business of picking winners and losers in the internet economy we should have a level Playing Field and let consumers decide who prevails action but for democrat commissioner minion cliburn it signaled by dereliction of duty. The public can plainly see that a soon to be toothless of c. C. Is handing the keys to the internet the internet one of the most remarkable empowering enabling inventions of our lifetime over to a handful of multibillion dollar corporations the Companies Argue they need the money Internet Users are demanding faster connections for ever more devices and that infrastructure will add to billions in costs to their Balance Sheets that has already been legal opposition to the ruling but for now its a victory of light touch regulation over Big Government of Corporate America over the average internet user. Who here with me in the studio is teresa locker editor motherboard great to have you with us today hi there now if this decision has inflamed passions i mean what does it mean Net Neutrality being over yeah its basically one of the founding and central central principles of the internet that is at stake and has been repealed now by the f. C. C. Is so. If you compare it to your phone provider he cannot block out calls when you get when you get a call but this is basically what could happen now so basically it is about slowing down or speeding up and prioritizing data by the big Telecom Monopolies and it is the end of the internet as we know its and there will be moment up. Communal i mean so as i understand it you could end up having as you say a fost lane a slow lane some outright restrictions even without the need for the rest of the world for europe well for year up it doesnt mean anything in particular right now but we know that there are a tends to undermine the Net Neutrality rules that we have in europe already for example for companies and providers and as p. Providers they offer particular data plans that include for example you music streaming apps and they would be excluded from the data plan youre paying so this is a this is a bit shaky but i can see that as an attempt to undermine the Net Neutrality rules already and probably. The pressure of lobby groups in brussels will also be increased now with peace suggesting that they can only finance a broad brand band build up infrastructure with plans that exclude or include Certain Services now perhaps rather appropriately weve had huge reaction online democrat senator Bernie Sanders saying it means basically the internet stopped the sale to the highest bidder all this fearing that this could deepen the divide between the rich and poor i want to bring in this tweet now you tube star anon appears tweeting i cant even begin to explain how devastated i am by the loss of Net Neutrality today the internet is the only bridge that successfully connects people of low income to those of high income with the tremendous opportunity to have equally weighted voices. Then how could they sleet to further inequality do you think well for starters the the scope of offers and the scope of particular plans will get so devastatingly. Confusing that you would have to have you have to bring up a lot of energy time and money to find out the particular right one for you plus weve already seen that for example when licenses when license disputes. Where a tree to where it carried out between ice she provides that would block Certain Services so for example if telecom and arisan are disputing over who is going to get them the better license for netflix it would then mean that you as a Telecom Provider would not get access to netflix right but the thing is i mean Big Companies probably can stump up the cash for this so why if they come out big vote for critics why do they really care well they do care because first of all it slows down startups and slows down innovation and secondly they have to take money into their hands to actually broaden the infrastructure now because there is only so much space on the internet which is the lines and the speed of the lines so everybodys going to fight about whos going to be first and whos going to be last and whos going to be the on the losing part as the customer in the end yeah because i mean its probably worth pointing out facebook started out in a dorm room as well i mean less choice does that mean less competition and therefore worse content and less freedom of speech and less even less equality because you have a constant or us prioritized a constant that somebody else paid a lot of money for and this is actually runs counter to everything that we know about the internet to silicon from mother mother border all that germany thank you very much. As many offices and schools hold their crystal spot is a london zoo is also getting into the festive spirit santa brought the zoos furry and fed the residents some early treats in festive stockings and gift wrap. The obviously enjoying that heres a recap of the top stories that were following field divisions of all migration overshadowing a meeting of evaders in brussels with your brain cancer present dollars to schooling mandatory migrant protests highly divisive and ineffective media zones of speculative greed to start the next phase of briggs later today. A child Sex Abuse Commission in australia has called on the Catholic Church to end its demand that clergy members remain celibate the five year profound the church had seriously failed to protect the children. See that. Really isnt a one hundred forty years ago no submission celebrates a month into them. Including works of public display and this time a new perspective will be in the mood to ensure. In the. Car its in to sleep in the bundesliga. Is this the studio effect dortmund beat minds this week the teams first win in work seemed like forever. After by noon it extended their lead to can only beat preparing for the Second Division the film sixty minutes on d. W. Images from an isolated country. Images from north korea or any telling photographer captured fascinating shots of everyday life in a regimented society. An exclusive peek behind one of the last iron curtain its. A north korean diary starting december twenty eighth on t w. I t t twenty i dont think it. Tells them to and i make us feel im telling the famous potato. Everybody its great to have you back for another half hour of the european lifestyle and culture is whats coming up on the

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