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An investigation into his alleged actions and also coming up back to the moon president trunk i just to send americans to a lot nearest neighbor for the post im known as fifty years but theres no mention of how he paid for his ambitious plan. And the bundesliga is back in leipzig is looking to keep up the chase at the top of the table while dont mourn and the new coach hope to turn this season the round. On moment that she made great to have a company u. S. President donald trump is facing scrutiny once again over allegations of Sexual Misconduct three women who had previously accused trump of sexual hottest months are calling for a congressional investigation into trumps alleged predatory behavior. The white house is called the claims for its but the women have pointed to the infamous access Hollywood Video in which trump traveling on a tour bus bragged about trying to have sex with women mr. But its when he put his head start put his hand up my skirt now some of the women accusing him of Sexual Misconduct are repeating their stories and calling for an inquiry into trumps behavior lets take a listen to what theyre saying. But its when he put his hand started put his hand up my skirt and that was the last time i wore skirt traveling. And then i managed because im not a small person i. Managed to wrestle myself out of the sea and stood up grabbed my purse and went to the back of the airplane i want to believe that as americans we can put aside our political inclinations and admit that some things in fact do transcend politics that we will hold mr trump to the same standard as Harvey Weinstein and the other man who are held accountable for their reprehensible behavior. And those women are receiving the backing of dozens of lawmakers fifty six members of the Democratic Womens Working Group of cord on the House Oversight committee to open an investigation in the letter they wrote in the time of need to women across the country are coming forward with their own harrowing stories of Sexual Harassment in the sort we cannot ignore the multitude of women who have come forward with accusations against mr trump calls for action are also echoing in the halls of the upper House Democratic senator ron wyden tweeting these women are right if donald trump wont resign Congress Must investigate allegations by many many women that he sexually assaulted and harris them no one is above the law. Democratic senator Kirsten Gillibrand even calling for the commander in chief to step down treating President Trump should resign but of course he wont hold himself accountable and their full congress should investigate the multiple Sexual Harassment and assault allegations against him however with republicans controlling both him is its unlikely an investigation will ever get off the ground but according to the us news site politico President Trump has privately complained that the Media Movement is spinning out of control and now earlier we spoke with tyson baka hes the Program Director of the Aspen Institute here in germany and we asked him how dangerous the Sexual Assault accusations could be for donald trump you know this moment the me too moment which has been least since the Harvey Weinstein accusations has reshaped the Public Discourse in the United States and globally about Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct and clearly donald trump who thought that he had already closed this issue in the elections has not done so i think it could be quite dangerous for the president. So that was tyson baka from the Aspen Institute in a gemini sting with the u. S. And President Donald Trump has launched a new Space Program ordering nasa to send more american astronauts to the moon and beyond signing a policy ought to trump said this time we will not only plant a flag and leave a footprint well establish a foundation for an eventual mission to mars and perhaps sunday to when he was beyond thats been almost half a century since man visited the moon. American astronauts Mian Armstrong the first man to walk on the moon in july nine hundred sixty nine. Why three years later in one thousand nine hundred seventy two the apollo seventeen mission this was the last time man traversed the lunar surface no humans have visited the moon since then. Now u. S. President donald trump has signed a directive ordering nasa to return american astronauts to the moon im we will not only plant our flag and leave our footprint we will establish a foundation for an eventual mission to mars and perhaps someday to many worlds beyond. A return to the moon would make a strategic claim in space for the u. S. At a time when rival nations notably china are contemplating their own Lunar Missions but it wont be cheap easy or quick experts say it would take at least a decade and it will cost billions of dollars. Now for more on this story im joined by Derrick Williams from a Science Department thank you very much for coming in as we heard donald trump once its been forty five years since the last manned mission to the moon and donald trump was to go even further you want to aim for maz how realistic is this plan well i think whats interesting about this directive is that its really a shift the obama era really was focused very much on a trip to mars and shifting it back towards a trip to the moon now getting there is going to be a question of what kind of a time frame youre talking about basically and how much money youre willing to throw at it you know nasa has said themselves that a trip getting back to the moon is going to cost about one hundred billion dollars interestingly donald trump six months ago was one into a lot a couple of hundred Million Dollars off of nasa budget so its very clear that getting to the moon is going to be something thats going to only be possible with partner countries and possibly also with commercial with commercial partners i think that he would probably love to see americans back on the moon within his presidency but its certainly in my opinion not going to happen in the first term and i doubt very seriously if it would happen in the second apart from the finance is a theoretical second. Apart from the finances why is this mission is a complicated. Space is one of the most like its one of the most hostile environments that you can imagine even if very minor things go wrong it can kill you very very quickly and theres still a lot of science that very fundamental science that needs to be done a lot of technological steps that need to be taken in order to make a trip to for example mars a safe one we dont know enough we still dont know enough about the physiological effects of being in space that for that period of time we dont know enough about it yet closed systems you have to create some kind of close systems to be able to recycle off the resources this is not the International Space station which is where theyre doing a lot of this testing where you can ship things up and you can ship up extra water extra. As needed in a closed system theyre going to be breathing the same air drinking the same water for years that its time and all of those technologies as well as a long list of other things are going to have to really be firmed up and clarified before we can really afford to gamble with astronaut lives on a trip like this so i did it williams for most fans to pot one thank you very much for that those insights they started to get some of the stories making news around the was one of business was Business Leaders and open was being dumped as the vine planted Climate Summit in paris french president and i look raul is cohosting the meeting along with the u. N. And the wild bank mccraw is expected to push for more climate related investment and for businesses that dont. Global warming. Amnesty international has accused the European Union countries have been complicit in the abuse of refugees and migrants the Human Rights Group says the e. U. Is turning a blind eye to alleged alleged brutality by the libyan coast guard and to the dangerous conditions in detention facilities that. Understands it as a national gas plant in austria has killed one person and injured more than a dozen others the cause of the blast at a plant in a town east of vienna is still not no. Youre watching me is coming up ahead well look at the latest round of good news to get games tonight game leipsic skills of playing up at the top with the win against books but over will be for free to a hungry what pack. But first helena joins me now on efforts to crack down on tax joe dodge as on the agenda and most and he is european no makers are discussing a final report and rita regarding the economy all papers revelations last year which exposed the myriad ways the wealthy including Global Leaders have exploited offshore tax systems to make his will then vote on recommendations for action this comes after the published its first ever blacklist of seventeen tax havens last week sparking criticism from some that no e. U. Countries themselves have been named and shamed. The great Britains Queen elizabeth the second is among those named. And bono of rock band u two along with hundreds of famous names listed in the socalled Paradise Papers a catalog of Shell Companies and offshore accounts used to camouflage the tax avoidance strategies of the ultra rich while usually legally watertight the strategies of frequently morally dubious transactions carried out through socalled tax havens with no or low tax regimes publishing a black list of seventeen countries deemed to be tax havens is seen as an important step by the e. U. Towards curtailing the practices. Critics Like International Aid Organization oxfam have been making their voices heard in brussels for them its no more than a first step in particular since the e. U. Wasnt even prepared to take responsibility for the tax codes of its own members we also found out that for you Member States are not fully compliant with the criterion of taxation meaning they are tracked a lot of profits that did not seem to be made there thats problematic and thus far countries are much looks invert the netherlands and ireland yet not one of those countries is included in the e. U. Blacklist and none of those which are need fear sanctions for the moment either the e. U. Hopes that simply being listed will bring countries like panama or barbados of the u. A. E. Around to reforming their tax codes. Lets bring in a modest mind to now an analyst and director of the Tax Justice Network and marcus a lot of people see this european blacklist as a rather blunt instrument as that you have further means to enforce anything global taxation systems. Yes it definitely has i think this always all has been in the past the kates been found out to be their blunt and also weak and ineffective instrument to calm that scorched off tax havens so im not surprised that we ended up with namibia in tunisia on that least while its for instance a meeting and then moved on that raised. The potential for reform off the tax side in the offshore system and to bring transparency into it. Are embodied in that the recommendations that are being voted on tomorrow in European Parliament and this is a very promising new potential game changer that we are witnessing here in that report its really a very ambitious in its proposals and the potential to really transform the world that they say is just a report i mean what all concrete actions that can be taken. There is a risk that these actions will be in the end watered down and vetoed back here theres also some hope in the report in article one hundred sixteen of the european treaties there is an option to change from united us voting to majority voting if there is a distortion of Market Competition to be discerned and determined and this is out of question the case with the tax havens who poacher profits from other nation states so we see that there is even a potential to overturn that each oh by those most address if he poaching the profits from other countries and in terms of concrete measures for instance we see the a. B. C. Off track spends ferentz he spelled out very clearly a fence for Automatic Information Exchange between Tax Administration and that b. Is beneficial only to real owners of companies trusts and foundations which should be called put on Public Record and then to see stands for country by country reporting by Multinational Companies somebody we can discern whether operations declared it profits without actually having a comic activity or if theres some he said im and and therefore property shifting going on as a thing is european lawmakers going to vote on these sanctions when we know for example that Member States like multi and luxembourg probably wont want to that in the future face these you know measures themselves so are they likely to pass. I expect that with this new majority voting trade. That is provided for in the lisbon treaty there is an option to actually overturn it and by majority voting to make progress in on that agenda why did it say sorry to interrupt that why dont they just put countries like mulcher knox in that on a blacklist. Its even more difficult to agree on that actually stand on the on the on finding political of a backing for pointing fingers at some its also less effective because in the end you put it that the weakest politically weakest countries which cannot defend themselves properly and for instance germany who is also not innocent in the European Union in terms of poaching investments fall for Money Laundering and for tax evasion is elsewhere at the peace would be left off the hook so we do not have a reason why we should expect the black lace either to be more likely to be aggrieved at the chief agreement upon nor that it is going to be more effective than the measures that we have being that we have been seeing in that in these recommendations theres lots more than what i just mentioned in terms of the a. B. C. s which is very promising but just a thought i mean this this comes at a time when u. S. President donald trump for example is lowering the corporate culprits tax rate is that you then not doing itself out of business potentially well this is the myth that we have not yet come to true to unpack and counter because it is really only a myth we do not have empirical evidence that would back the notion that lower lowering your Corporate Tax rate would increase your your growth in any meaningful way it would it will post profits pay for profits. An illusionary well but it would not create jobs and a queen for the investments that everybodys looking after ok so no i dont think that its in danger to growth in europe and we have to leave it at markets mindset analyst and director at the tax justice net what thank you. At the meeting of the World Trade Organization currently underway in one is it is the u. S. The e. U. And japan have signaled theyre planning to join forces against china this time the focus is on industrial capacity and other controversial trade practices which they say are rampant in the country a joint statement is expected on the sidelines of that summit the three parties have repeatedly criticized china for subsidizing its state owned enterprises who say want to curb the capacity in the country still an Aluminum Industries that they say needs to dump in prices and export markets which hurts global competition. And we can talk to our financial correspondent Daniel Cooper in frankfurt now daniel a lot of upheaval at the w. C. Old meeting accusations flying is there actually anything useful coming out of this meeting you know lots of headache the us having right now because of china but it really seems that there can be sort of an agreement between the European Union and merkel so we remember america is sort of the separate block with a fully member countries brazil argentina paraguayan or all right they have been very keen in the past off a sort of a Free Trade Agreement with the European Union but they have been many a stumbling blocks in the past just recently greenpeace the Environmental Organization was releasing a leaked the papers of a possible major concessions off the European Union when it comes to import goods from south america this has been heavily criticized by most of the Agricultural Companies here in the u. And also a member of the green party in the European Parliament was just stating today that this could be very dangerous for farmers in the European Union down in court in frankfurt thank you for that. And i have a full Business Update coming up in the next hour. German present from my has arrived in gonna at the start of a four day trip to west Africa Steinmeier is in the capital with around twenty german Business Leaders the focus of the visit is on strengthening economic ties and tackling the causes of mass migration from africa steinmeyer will visit the gambia later this week. The indian capital delhi has been shocked recently by reports of how more than ten sanitation workers have died from toxic fumes while cleaning septic tanks is still in the spotlight on manual scavenging the practice of cleaning human waste mostly carried out by ballots or people deemed to be outside the in didnt cost system manual scavenging is banned in india but it still carried out on delhi correspondent sonia follicle sent us this report. Every morning marshals up for a drug that few anywhere would want to do. As a manual scavenger he cleans blocked drains and got an indian. City has been doing this for six years he owns anywhere between four hundred to eight hundred rupees a day thats about five to ten euros. Up the first day here until then ive never cleaned the toilet in my own home the stench was disgusting i nearly quit. But i had to feed my two children since id lost another job so i carried on in the middle of. The work is extremely dangerous theres no machinery. Sometimes to undress and squeeze into the sewers. He says hes developed skin attitudes his eyes burn from the toxic gases. The labels belong to the community. That sits at the bottom of indias system they work opens them to prejudice and discrimination. Some people treat us as if were not human and were human too now youre sitting here its very dirty but people cover their noses when they walk past. And i knew it was outlawed in india more than two decades ago the law prescribes fines and even jail time for those employing workers to manually clean toilets so with the tanks without protective gear. But the roads are routinely flouted with devastating consequences. This settlement on the outskirts of debby is home to dallas formerly known as untouchables. Two months ago three of its residents choked to death in a septic tank in a car parts back on three were cleaners none had safety equipment. One of them was nani and. His wife poonam is still waiting for compensation from the company. My children dont understand that their father is not coming back our world has come crashing down ive had to borrow a lot of money since i lost my husband and i dont know how im going to pay it back. The issue has sparked an outcry reports in the indian media say more than ten switch workers have died in delhi alone in recent months the City Government has since banned its agencies from outsourcing sanitation work to contractors who hire manual scavengers. Who done a spokesman for the Delhi Government says manual scavenging has no place in modern india but he admits the rot runs much deeper its absolutely in human its me do you will there is a problem of lack of awareness this problem of insensitivity and just callous attitude of on the part of not just the police but i am afraid of what the law sections of our society because they dont see it as a wrong as as a moral wrong as a legal role. That means little to suniel and his friends. They finished. They already off to the next job. Regardless of the will they will always be enough demand for cheap labor. To do the citys dirty work. Live city envelopes but face off in the bundesliga tonight loves the hosts only three points clear of relegation i live six needs a victory to catch to believe this by munich the wolves have only last month since Martin Schmidt took over and made september their last outing at home was a convincing three nil victory over gladbach stopping their momentum in its tracks but a league high of nine draws had their main table purgatory currently eleventh and closer to relegation than they like to be the head coach addressed the drawing issues in the press Conference Ahead of the match clumped us with obviously the nets and in the last five or six games i think were closer to getting away from that statistic victor being the king of draws after a long time doesnt take you anywhere. So our goal was to turn that around and also to change our mentality moving forward go. On to a button that it wasnt going to be. Despite being second on the table rb leipsic last elite last time out against mikes the bulls were even gifted a questionable penalty in the match that ultimately ended even. Definitely conceded more goals than last season and that could be why we dont have as many points as we did at this time last year but we just have to deal with em. This is what. If defeated the newest club on the block would extend their winless away streak to four games it wouldnt be the best way to celebrate r. B. S. Fifty eight but in this league fixture. The case of four more on the bundesliga midweek action im joined by a lima hotel keeper. I love to see you not to elapse it could be just five points adrift of munich if they win the match tonight do you think they could do it at all is it too late to mount a challenge to buy it would think that they could do it because at the moment theres just an eight point gap between them it balances eight points at the moment and if they win of course if it does cut it down to five but you know it could be a lot worse than that could be that the gap couldve been in the double digits but its not even a question but by and and i took wanted to mount a challenge because of course they do put you up against by and munich for the past five years to have dominated the goodness be that so even if you try how far can you come because by and just tends to win they win when they win titles year in year out they dont just win but they have a tendency to run away with it so but what was different this year and return we all had hopes up high because for the first time it looked like by ad might actually fall flat they were having too many problems but by ending by and they always find a solution coaching change out goes and in comes you pine kids and buy and have their mojo back so if the title i mean its a foregone conclusion i know its only december but its done and dusted ok so you say the most is that biden is going to win ok now lets take a look at a team we still dont have any mojo at the moment is dog and now theyve got a new coach and you think he could turn their fortunes around because dont want to go on lines today well we do know that when this quality at a service that he can get he does a great job unfortunately at cone the season he didnt do a lot of injuries he didnt have his strike a. Anthony my desk but that of course wont be the case at dortmund because now here we have all these creative high quality have over my youngs will be interesting to see how this all plays out what god can do creatively how much he can it achieve with a team i dont want to leave all the talking for me to abuse photos thank you very much. Youre watching the news heres a recap of the top stories that were following for you three women who accused president truong of sexual hardass need to calling for a congressional investigation into his alleged tragedy behavior the white house denies the claims. And President Trump has launched a new Space Program ordering nasa to send more american astronauts to the moon and beyond its been almost champa century since man das visited oh its nearest neighbor. Thats it for me im not that she minded youd have been used to have more news for you in half an hour a see you then. Amidst all the glowing glitter. Lovely aromas marble and make a wish there are places in europe where the Christmas Season is particularly special. Take you there. For christmas i wish you all a very veteran free crisps. Moment. D. W. Take on. The industry god highlights. The coach has been sacked the team is in pieces good luck beatnik come back greenlands new coach same old misery cologne loses again this time its a struggling glen sixty minutes on d w. Whos in your home life because of persecution the city. Starting from scratch in an unfamiliar country five people who found a new home in a foreign land. With their stories books and music theyve built bridges to the past and the future. After the escape starting to simmer seventeen d w. I p t twenty i dont think i. Tells them to and i make us all feel im telling the famous potato

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