Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20171210 16:00:00 : compar

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20171210 16:00:00

starting from scratch in an unfamiliar country. finds people who found a new home in a foreign land. with their stories books and music they've built bridges to the past and the future. for the new skate starting december seventeenth w. . this is d.w. news live from berlin and israel's prime minister holds tense talks with european leaders after calling them hypocrites for their response to
thanks for joining us i'm marrying evans dean french president of model micron has urged israel's prime minister to negotiate with the palestinians saying they must find a two state solution benjamin netanyahu is in paris on his first trip to europe since donald trump recognized jerusalem as israel's capital while a wave of violence followed trump's announcement including during a protest outside the u.s. embassy in lebanon security forces fired tear gas and water cannons at the crowds the lebanese government has condemned trumps decision calling the move a threat to regional stability western powers agree saying the move could jeopardize the middle east peace process but for his partner who has praised trump decision and accused european leaders of hypocrisy in their response while
l r a and government troops victor archon and his organization african should have network provide support for victims who until now have never seen a doctor. because i have no problem with forgiving those who injured me as long as i'm healed it depends on my ability to become normal again but defines whether or not i can forgive. omar james will walk again victor uses these success stories to convince the un and the european union to fund his project. make peace tangible people suffer justice and that's why we say people physically. elop them here it will hop into space for its twenty.
raging through southern california around two hundred thousand people have been forced to flee their homes firefighters had gained some ground battling the flames bont are bracing for the return of strong winds. celebrities from galaxies near and far hit the red carpet in los angeles on saturday for the world premiere of the latest star wars movie the last jet i opens in us haters on friday no formal reviews have been of these debt but lucky ticket holders say the film more than lives up to the hype. and the dark swedish comedy has scooped the biggest prizes at the european film awards the square is a searing satire of contemporary society it already won the top prize at the cannes film festival and has been nominated for an academy award last night's glittering ceremony here in berlin puts it one step closer to winning that oscar.
it can become a bit we could make come a bit to repair that area of the square. swedish comedy vásquez sweeps for a night scooping six prizes including the most prestigious you ward the best film the cast and crew chose to state fair thank you speech and express their joy in a different way to get to know we have to do is to get it right. so as to the countdown happy scream three a one. i. wonder if a square is a light hearted look at the hypocrisy of modern society has sent us over trials and tribulations of christie and for curator of an art museum in stockholm. christian drives an electric car and say's all the right things about poverty and world peace invest film his high minded idea was a put to the test and that's actually. how often rich people women
time for some force news then but as the club dortmund has fired their coach and hired a former cologne coach. he replaces bosch whose dortmund side haven't won a bronze like a match in the last eight tries last season to help cologne to a hugely successful season that saw the club rise in the standings to fifth place but just last week he was fired as cologne couldn't fight its way out of last place and only. the most. after i left cologne i didn't have my eyes set on dortmund. it's just as surprising for me as it is for the rest of you. i watched dortmund like i did other opponents how they played the game like when they were in the champions league. joining us for more on the dortmund coaching changes for its corresponding yannick spades diana good to
see you all right before i ask about sterger tell me why was firing pater bush the right decision based on the results it's hard to argue otherwise i mean they didn't win in the last eight games they were knocked out of the champions league and i think the writing was on the wall a few weeks back when they blew a full goal late against the shaka and then the last straw of course is this last brain and the players have to take some of the blame as well they weren't up to the standard it especially when it was a woeful performance but in the end blushes the coach and he has to take ultimate responsibility he failed to get the team playing to his tactics right he neglected the defense it was vulnerable all season yes they've had injuries but the performances weren't good enough but jordan's problems go beyond this coaching coaching change i think the c.e.o. hans joachim votes guy has to take some responsibility as well transfer dealings have been good enough in the past few seasons he sucked the previous coach thomas to cool and he brought in boston he has to take responsibility for that as well all
right so now let's talk about the new coach peter sterger he only picked up three points with cologne this season before getting fired himself is he really the right man to turn things around it sounds strange to say so given his season status season with cologne but this is the best option goldman could hope for you don't become a bad coach of a notch did fantastically well with cologne he brought in from the second vision finishing fifth last season and i think he is the man to bring him back up to the top four spots i think if you saw his previous club cologne just last for three after having a three goal late tonight against fraud so i think if he can sort out all this defense he can bring them back so we wish him and darkman to the best of luck many thanks to an expanded from sports department always nice to talk to you. well starkers old team cologne are still willis this season after

Related Keywords

Evans , Palestinians , Prime Minister , Israel , Thanks , French , Model Micron , Trip , Announcement , Benjamin Netanyahu , Trump , State Solution , Wave , European , Capital , West Jerusalem , Donald Trump , Violence , Paris , Two , Decision , Us , Government , Water Cannons , Embassy , Protest , Movea Threat , Tear Gas , Security Forces , Lebanese , Leaders , Hypocrisy , Response , Partner , Middle East , Move , Peace Process , Stability , Western Powers , Victims , Victor Archon , Problem , Organization , Doctor , Network , Support , African , Lords Resistance Army , Ability , People , Peace , Omar James Will Walk Again Victor , Success Stories , Project , European Union , Un , Justice , Space , Twenty , Homes , Ground , Return , Winds , Firefighters , Galaxies , Celebrities , Southern California , Flames Bont , Two Hundred Thousand , Film , On Saturday For The World Premiere , Star Wars Movie , Debt , Jet , Reviews , Haters , Red Carpet , Los Angeles , Ticket Holders , Dark Swedish Comedy , Prizes , European Film Awards The Square , Lives , Hype , Berlin , Prize , Satire , Step , Oscar , Academy Award Last Nights Glittering Ceremony , Contemporary Society , Cannes Film Festival , One , Area , Bit , Swedish , Night Scooping , Comedy VÃ Squez , Six , Way , Countdown , Crew , Joy , Speech , The Cast , Three , Society , Trials , Light Hearted Look , Things , Christian , World Peace Invest Film , Idea , Tribulations , Curator , Art Museum , Poverty , Car , Test , Put , Women , Christie , Stockholm , Peter Bosh , Peter Sterger , Dortmund , Cologne , Force News , Side Haven T , Bosch , Season , Place , Match , Standings , Bronze , Rise , Saw , Cologne Couldnt Fight Its Way Out , Eight , Most , Eyes , Opponents , Champions League , Dortmund Coaching Changes , Yannick , Spades Diana , Game , Brest , Games , Results , Sterger , Tell Me Why , Pater Bush , It , Some , Goal , Brain , Shaka , Writing , Players , Course , Blame , Wall , Straw , Responsibility , Performances Weren T , Defense , Team , In The End , Coaching Change , Performance , Problems , Injuries , Tactics , Jordan , Hans Joachim , Seasons , Guy , Dealings , Enough , Boston , Man , Points , Vision , Notch , Option Goldman , Club Cologne , Best , Fraud , Luck , Spots , Four , Sports Department ,

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