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A new plan to tackle assault and harassment president amount of a phone calls French Society sick with sexism to this i have hundreds take to the streets of paris to demand more funding to protect them also coming up. Whats next for germany as it faces a political crisis time there im going to merkel says she wants a new government as soon as possible and rejects the idea of holding fresh elections. And egypt fights back after fridays deadly attack on a mosque in the Sinai Peninsula footage released by the military is set to show it gyptian jacks targeting suspects as militants by day. Im on i was on a welcome to the Program Demonstrations are being held around the world to protest violence against women and girls on the International Day for the elimination of violence against women people are demanding greater scrutiny of crimes such as assaults and even murder perpetuated against women here in germany an increasing number of cases are coming to light highlighting the prevalence of these crimes. This is early thirtys mother of three she does not want to be recognized the fear in the shame of too much for years she endured violence at the hands of her husband but still kept up the appearance of a happy family two weeks ago the situation escalated her husband punched her in the face and called the police these men were ever there for this time the child was involved he saw the whole thing right in front of his eyes he wasnt hit himself but he saw how it was done and that was a red line for me no more. The police banned the man from living at home and they suggested contact the Domestic Violence Intervention Center in magda berg such facilities listen to the victims and help them through the next steps here women from all social classes often talk about their experiences for the first time. This what it even happens in quite a few academic families who also have public reputations and you can imagine that they try to keep it quiet and not let it go public because careers are on the line. Is an academic herself now shes getting legal advice but prosecuting Domestic Violence can often be difficult although the physical injuries a usually easy to prove emotional and Financial Dependence on the partner make it a tough decision. In many cases the women later withdraw their allegations and then the judge has no choice but to acquit that in turn means that the prosecutors refrain from indictments so lots of cases are not prosecuted at all alice says she wants to give other women a piece of advice get help sooner rather than later. Well in france president emanuel micron has proposed a raft of measures to address violence against women and speech he pledged to make gender equality and major cause of concern for his administration mccraw and promised victims of sexual abuse more help and said aggressors will face harsher measures. A moment of quiet in the normally bustling elisei palace in remembrance of one hundred twenty three women who died in france last year all of the murdered by their own partners french president Emmanuel Mccall is marking the International Day for the elimination of violence against women in his official residence micro one stricter controls on pornography and higher fines for higher acing women. We have to do more to help women overcome fear and shame that is why we are setting up an Online Platform for victims to report violence horace mint and discrimination. Several thousand people took to the streets of paris on saturday to protest against the physical and sexual abuse of women two hundred twenty five thousand women suffered abuse by their partners last year in france alone. We have to shed light on this problem change the way we educate people and show men that its not ok to her rest women it has to stop its just not normal. Statistics show that more than half of all french women have suffered sexual assault. A protester also house in france for micron held his speech earlier we are joined by journalist on elizabeth take in paris and watch where the reactions across france to a new plan. Well you know at this time i dont think we can still have the actions against france you heard the usual suspects being do it on television or radio that are all the left wing feminists that this was not nearly enough that it was not nearly enough money that one hundred fifteen Million Euros or three hundred eighty Million Euros was not enough they were not here about the figures and the rest of the country was away for the weekend and by and large thought this is interesting we agree with that its i mean it was not it was not a huge thing and there were a few who are hundreds of people in the streets so our people are still looking at this and they see a political but unity of something that most people agree on their fight still as a long way to go to paul gender equality and to combat violence against women how does it make wrong propose to do that. Because first of all gender equality and heart stopping violence against women are two entirely different but lets go about this michael says that it should be easier to report violence there should be a telephone number talking about you know reporting vanity decry the fact that only five or one out of five acts of violence against women actually go to the police because women think that they will not be relieved he specifically said you know there are too many of those women who say when you notice that they have bruises oh i ran into a door and he says this must stop so thats one thing and a series of measures and instructions to the Police Authority his movements. To the effect that that should be there that should be sort of a flag that much sooner and that there should be a combination of belief in the women when they come and talk about it and immediate action and violence against women he includes a. Female genital mutilation pools and briefly why this show of solidarity with the women in france. Well you do all of this i think is a side effect of the Weinstein Miramax and the fact that it was very obvious that you had a great deal. Sudden interest in the way that women were mistreated in many ways so has never seen me your patootie that he doesnt want to control and he felt anywhere that this was something that is politically your to do this and its also stuck to the left at the time when you get accused because of cost cutting to reduce. The stage expenditure and the level of deficit in the budget but at the same time hes married to a woman whos always defined us up as a feminist who feels very strongly about this movie has a very equal partnership and i suspect that this is something that i mean this calls that hes hardly got to hold all of his life thank you very much elizabeth will take in paris for that thank you. Had some of the other stories making news around the world pakistan has applied its army after these clashes between police and hundreds of resumes protesters in the capital islamabad several people have been killed and many others wounded the religious hardliners have blocked the main routes into the season for more than two weeks theyre demanding the resignation of a government minister of blasphemy. Thousands of residents in the russian city of have protested a spike in radioactivity in the air over your own mountains suspected called person a Nuclear Fuel Processing plant denied it was the source of contamination of the plant has been responsible for at least two of russias biggest radioactive. Here in germany Political Parties are rethinking their positions after the failure of Coalition Talks between chancellor Angela Merkels conservatives the liberal free democrats and the green party now all eyes are on the social democrats praising previously ruled out forming another grand coalition under chancellor merkel for her part says shes strongly against fresh elections. In the merkel speaking Political Base at a Party Conference in northern germany voters here want to know whats going to happen next in berlin merkel says she does not want new elections and for going back to voters and telling them that they have to vote again i dont agree with that at all thats why shes now reaching out goods is that we work well together so now we need to talk about the things that didnt work and try to do them even better. But the social democrats arent so sure one of their most senior members of the partys youth wing to take a long hard look at themselves and their party invertor its still not clear how much of what happened is our responsibility we shouldnt let anyone put us under pressure will feel like we need to dance to anyone elses chin in. Order to manders since the partys vice chairman ralph stagnant takes a similar view. If the german president says the party should talk then thats what they should do. The free democrat leader Christian Lynn who broke off talks with the conservatives and green says the s. P. D. Is found. If we can be in talks for weeks on end then so can the s. P. D. That ministers is still sitting on the government benches its not such a long way back into government for them. The german president is now in the driving seat hes invited the Party Leaders back for more talks next week. Egyptian warplanes have hit back medicine suspected of carrying out fight is attack on a mosque in northern sinai the jets struck vehicles and said to be used by the militants in mansons nearby and the death toll from yesterdays attack has gone up to three hundred five so far no one has claimed responsibility but prosecutors say the militants were carrying flags of the socalled islamic state. Action intended to reassure a shaken nation the military says these egyptian fighter planes a bombing those responsible for the recent attack on a mosque in cairo they say they had a number of the militants vehicles and properties but details of the strikes are hard to verify reaction in cairo though seems to support the retaliation. And i and i said i want to strong response to deter this kind of attack we should not wake up to a whore every day every day now we hear someone has been killed. I am sick of it. And that was. And this is where the attack took place the house of prayer turned into a place of carnage. Gyptian t. V. Showed images of the horror of what went on inside the outer rodwell mosque. The attackers came in vehicles surrounded the mosque and bombed it worshippers were fired upon as they try to escape. More than one hundred were injured many were rushed to nearby hospitals some even had to be taken two hours away to the city of his money. One of those who managed to escape recounted what he had seen. When the sheik said in the name of god for most merciful and compassionate to begin the sermon heard gunshots and saw bombs being thrown and people all of them say referring and everyone within the us. Some friends and families of the dead have already said goodbye to their loved ones and many find the pain too hard to bear. This is unjust that person should die holding his child in his arms. Did god order this where is the faith the religion and islam that they hold. Regardless of the governments latest show of military might theyre still coming to terms with how a place of peace can become a target of such hate and so forth stays there and in boxing germany has a new World Champion for the First Time Since nine hundred thirty two. Sander enough to take the heavyweights crown and become the first german to take a global title since the legendary knox. Fighting on home turf in oberhausen char took the title on you know this decision it marks a remarkable turnaround in fortunes for the fighter who survived being shot in the stomach and twenty fifteen and recently underwent a double hip operation. Thats actually euro news raf for now thats it for me coming up next though pablo poorly and well be adding all of the golds from the weekend wins because soccer action there was no shortage of them are there as dortmund childcare clashed in the hard fought socalled darby. On more in just four minutes to do stay with us at the

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