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Independence also coming up the man accused of carrying out the new york terror attack tells a court that he feels good about what he has done but u. S. President says the suspect should be given the Death Penalty and Jerome Powell has been nominated as the new chief of the u. S. Federal reserve but will he push for the same old policy well get reaction from wall street. And in the seventh game of the world series the Houston Astros take down the Los Angeles Dodgers to take baseballs crown. This was the astros first ever World Series Championship in their fifty five year history will take a closer look at how they did. Im burnt gough it is good to have you with stu day he defied a madrid court order but the else did catalan president carlist is not facing arrest at least tonight reports from spain say that a judge will not issue an arrest warrant for wisdom on this thursday what happens tomorrow that remains uncertain mr bridge to mom failed to show up in court in madrid today to answer questions about catalonia his declaration of independence hes currently in brussels along with four other members of the dismissed Regional Government the judge in madrid sent eight other members of the former cattle on cabinet to prison today without bail. Freedom chant the demonstrators outside the Catalan Government building in barcelona a show of support for sacked catalan officials appearing in court in madrid they are facing possible charges of rebellion after the region last week declared independence from spain. What i find shameful is the defending peoples opinions is considered a crime letting peoples voices be heard is not a crime they havent done anything but allow the parliament to work normally. Nowhere to be seen in barcelona as the Catalan Leader car less pushed demand whos traveled to belgium he failed to appear in court in madrid today and the spanish state prosecutor wants him arrested. When someone doesnt appear after being cited by a judge to testify in spain or in any other e. U. Country and arrest warrant is issued its a duty to answer to the summons push to much lawyer says he will cooperate with both spanish and belgian authorities. Before. And. Against this extradition. Exception. Outside the Supreme Court in madrid lawyers representing Catalan Leaders said push to months no show would impact on the other defendants. We want to analyze whether it will be beneficial or detrimental but it is going to have an effect thats for sure. Despite his passionate support in barcelona months refusal to come before the court in madrid can only damage his case. And we want to go. Now to our correspondent charles until she is standing by for us in barcelona good evening to you charlotte lets pick up the story with these eight former cattle on lawmakers who were sent to jail today without a chance of bail what more do we know about them. Good evening brand im stood outside the capitol and hanumant at the moment this was the place where on friday dismissed catalan lawmakers voted in favor of independence there were changes inside the parliament two nights they we had a very different picture some of these men and women as youve just said who voted for independence and now in jail for what theyve done we know that there are eight of them who are now behind bars tonight one of those who also appeared before the high court escaped on bail he quits the government just before the vote so isnt facing similar charges now those people out there say facing very serious allegations rebellion alone for example one of the charges leveled at these people carries up to thirty years in prison so there is a great deal of concern among people here about what that will mean for the Independence Movement there is a huge amount of anger as well directed at the government in madrid and also at the European Union people here only evening have been chanting shame on europe theyve also asked exactly how Many Political prisoners is it going to take the droids to act that euro ties and charlie talk to me a little bit about what we are seeing behind you there it looks like a protest i mean how are people reacting to what has been unfolding today in madrid. Yes theres a huge crowd behind me at the moment it looks like its staying very peaceful and theres a real fear that this news that says that many women who it lets them it to independence something that people here been wanting for years and decades even and now behind bars there have been cooled as well for more demonstrations just like this one behind me were expecting more tomorrow sunday and through to the next couple of weeks so it looks like this anger thats being devastated here behind me is not going to end anytime soon. Or dock or spondon to charlotte chosen field on the story for us tonight in barcelona charlotte thank you very much. But to the United States now and change is on the horizon of the u. S. Federal reserve u. S. President double trump has nominated Jerome Powell to head the u. S. Central bank if confirmed by the senate paul would replace janet yellen as the nations top Monetary Policy maker funny from our business desk is here now to tell us about this development from the white house i mean we know his name jerome tals on e who is what we also know that its no surprise that hes been nominated but dont troll because hes seen as a very pragmatic policymaker brand and theres more of course in fact the way hes doing his policy doesnt differ that much from janet yellen. Therefore we do not expect any big changes when it comes to an Interest Rate hike hes seen as a person who is rather soft on that was rather stable and that the peers more. If trump out his way this man would head up the most influential central bank in the world Jerome Powell a former private equity executive has been sitting on the governing board of the Federal Reserve for years Analysts Expect him to hold on to the policies of his predecessor janet yellen that means hell adopt a cautious approach to raise Interest Rates but the president s pick still has to be confirmed by the senate powells appointment would be considered a good compromise when acceptable to the democrats and republicans would assume his post in february twenty fourth but ive never worked. With much more on this is crossing over now to the to our man of wall street. And the entire process of nominating the chief was very unorthodox to us i mean a stray shell is floating names quite openly quite loudly hall much damage does that do to the office of the fat. Well i mean the costings show is over and yes it is a very crucial job because a lot depends on Monetary Policy looking forward if the u. S. Economy can remain at the pace and in the pos us president s have barely mentioned that theyre even looking at different candidates so it has been very unusual but first of all most people younger knighted states they do not really Pay Attention to who is the chair of the Federal Reserve and then you could also make the counter argument so who is making this decision so public maybe even more people became very of this position and this job so i do not believe that its really going to have a negative touch on the Federal Reserve looking forward or do the image of the chairman chairman of the Federal Reserve yes it is a first statement of the new ng i mean i just thought chief lets listen. In the years since the Global Financial crisis and our economy has made substantial progress toward full recovery by many measures were close to full employment and inflation has gradually moved up toward our target our Financial System is also without doubt far stronger and more resilient than it was before the crisis our banks have had much higher capital and liquidity theyre more aware of the risks that they run and theyre better at managing those risks well postcrisis improvements in regulation and supervision help to achieve these gains i will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure that the Federal Reserve remains vigilant and prepared to respond to changes in markets and evolving risks sells rather positive and prepared what is your view. Yeah i was standing on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange when the nomination got out and a traitor right next to me yelled borings thats basically his reaction but boring can be good Jerome Powell is considered to stand for continuity hes probably not going to do any crazy things events we need to be good to be not creative to be not innovative that remains to be seen but at least wall street they like continuity they like if they get no surprises then we saw it here in the thursday session we actually achieve the new record high for the Dow Jones Industrial average but we also should be aware that the possibilities of will be limited to some hours to get out of this easy money policy and then the Federal Reserve amassed a good amount of over four billion dollars in u. S. Treasuries and mortgage papers and to get rid of this note is not going to be easy and will limit the possibilities that your own power will have looking at yonsei new york thank you so much back to you brad and youre going to d. C. Now that were going to take the story to washington finally we want to bring in our washington correspondent carsten phenomena to talk more about the nomination carson opted not to renominate the incumbent said chairwoman janet yellen what message is trying trying to send out with the nomination of Jerome Powell. Well three points come to mind first of all don and from once again made it clear that he is an unusual president breaking with the kind of physician he not renominating the fed chief that he inherited from his predecessor he once his own fed chairman second point is that donald trump is very keen on deregulation since he took Office Environmental regulations workers protection regulations have been rolled back in a massive way because don from things hamper businesses and their own powell is said to be a bit more open to deregulating Financial Markets than janet yellen was the third point though is that donald trump wants change but he didnt want to rock the boat clearly he didnt want to nominate someone who is seen as a fringe ideological candidate he won some continuities as just pointed out its a business and wants to eat they dont like surprises they dont like changes and here is whats on it from deliver that as continuities all right stand by weve got another story i want to pick up with you donald trump has renewed calls for the Death Penalty to be handed to the suspect in tuesdays terror attack in new york city the accused is a fellow waived his right to silence and told authorities that he was inspired to kill by socalled islamic states online propaganda meanwhile u. S. President donald trump has called for a Capital Punishment for cycle of tweeting he killed eight people and should get the Death Penalty family and friends of the victims have been holding vigils in their memory. Back to constant now in washington what do you think karsten could trumps Death Penalty remarks could be jeopardized the possibility of the suspect getting a fair trial absolutely or at least thats what i would argue if i was the defense attorney in that trial and donald trump is the head of the executive the same branch of government that is investigating and prosecuting the suspect of course the verdict eventually the verdict will come from the Judicial Branch in the courts but still what kind of a fair trial can you expect when it is known that a Top Executive once that man dad and in one instance even called him an animal and that is why basically all president s are advised not to weigh in on criminal cases but donald trump clearly doesnt care much about such advice and i guess thats also some of his appeal to his supporters so he continues to throw a red meat to his base and doesnt care much about conventions or legal standards in terms that we know that the u. S. President had suggested cindy ings ipod to the Guantanamo Detention Center in cuba today he seemed to pull back on that but his attorney general was speaking earlier and he was pushing that idea further as well what is happening here. When i think i think the attorney general Jeff Sessions was talking about this issue in more general terms pointing out that both the military legal system with the Detention Center at Guantanamo Bay and the civilian judicial system are in the mix when it comes to prosecuting terrorism suspects or terrorists and so obviously one tunnel bay is used mainly for socalled foreign fighters whereas the judges of the system is for american citizens the suspect here is not a citizen but a legal resident and i think most legal experts and also Jeff Sessions agree that its my impression that this suspect should be tried in a court in new york a correspondent crossed a phenomenon the story fortune one thousand the u. S. Capitol crossing thank you very much. But here in germany more than a month after National Elections the country is still struggling to form a Coalition Government and there is no sign of a breakthrough the Political Parties are trying to hammer out an agreement on a host of issues but negotiations are as we understand becoming increasingly contentious the greens have accused the free democrats of using quote populist platitudes the free democrats have called for more mutual respect. Negotiators arriving for the latest round of exploratory Coalition Talks foreign and Security Policy is one area where the parties have widely differing positions the c. S. U. Wants a complete halt to negotiations on turkey joining the e. U. Politic in the Foreign Policy its clear to us that we need a commitment that turkey will not be able to acquire a full membership in the European Union. Defense is another contentious issue the free democrats want more defense spending but developmental age should be taken to account as well if. You want to achieve peace through diplomacy and create Economic Opportunities for local people through Development Corporation you want to ensure stability and security with the bundeswehr so the threat of terror diminished and people must no longer flee the role of germanys armed forces in the world is where there is strong disagreement the greens want to restrict foreign deployments but the conservative c. D. U. C. S. U. Bloc and the f. D. P. See things differently and when it comes to german arm sales the greens want to ban exports to crisis regions the conservatives are much less keen to restrict exports contentious issues aplenty on the road to a Coalition Government. And here are some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world a paris court has sentenced. To twenty years in prison for terrorist offenses he was cleared of helping his younger brother mohamed who were attacked a Jewish School in two thousand and twelve in the town of to lose killing seven people the younger was killed days after the attack by police. The israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his british counterpart recently are marking the one hundredth anniversary of the controversial Balfour Declaration which signaled british support for the creation of a jewish homeland but amid these celebrations there were demonstrations in the west bank and gaza as palestinians took to the streets in protests given williamson has been appointed britains new defense minister he replaces Michael Fallon who resigned amid allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior allens departure is the latest twist in a growing scandal over abuse in the u. K. s core doors of power all right funny is back now with more Business News were going to start out in the u. K. And Interest Rate hikes france the bank of england has raised its key Interest Rates for the first time in over a decade from one quarter to from one quarter of a percent to half percent the u. K. Is at a crossroad as to where bracks it is going to take the nation bank of England Governor Mark carney says its time to tighten fiscal policy. Tucked under this mans arm good news to save is not such good news for those with a mortgage to pay on thursday the governor of the bank of england announced that for the first time in ten years the time was right to not u. K. Interest rates upwards with unemployment at a forty two year low inflation running above target and growth just above its new lower speed limit the time has come to put a little off the accelerator so a little and slowly rates are only set declined by a quarter of a Percentage First but the prospect of britains departure from the e. U. Means braggs it is already beginning to bite with Consumer Prices reaching a five year high many analysts agreed action was needed. Something with inflation probably going to go about three percent this is something that they need to do particularly at a time when the u. S. Federal reserve is probably going to raise rice in december this year and the e. C. B. Is starting to pull back its own Stimulus Program further rate rises from the bank of england are expected over the next three years depending on the Financial Impact of braggs it because as the governor of the bank of england put it himself these are not normal times. And the news of going to hear about now is not quite normal either branch right which is a story about love but also a movie about hate were going to take you to india now that countrys most famous monument the taj mahal is at the heart of a political controversy some hindu nationalists are calling it or calling for it to be demolished they say the malls only and built by a Muslim Emperor does not reflect Indian Culture one lawmaker described it as quote a blot on Indian Culture. This majestic model leon was named one of the new seven wonders of the world ten years ago. The taj mahal draws eight million visitors per year Prince William of wales and his wife Kate Middleton among them. The taj mahal commissioned in sixteen thirty two took twenty one years to build the johanne intended it as a memorial to his favorite wife. But this long revered symbol of love is now being scorned by hindu fundamentalists because it was built by a muslim. Any moment built by muslims cannot be our national pride. There are the moments of celebrity they are the moments. They are the moments of. Hindu nationalists see the taj mahal as a tribute to muslim conquerors who occupied india in the sixteenth century they believe it was built on top of an older hindu temple the ten. They want the hindu temple to be excavated even if that means demolishing the taj mahal. Just like the people of germany did best broyard this. Wall in the same way this. Monument this should be reconverted into they dont. Only then it will become a symbol of. The controversy has dominated headlines in india for against members of the ruling d j p party in Parliament Support the calls of the fundamentalist thats why the chief minister of the state of qatar pradesh was compelled to make a demonstrative visit to the taj mahal. Wearing the robe of devout hindus a degenerate is known as a hard liner but in a symbolic appearance meant to put an end to the dispute he insisted the taj mahal would remain standing his a close confidant of indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who has himself used famous muslim buildings like the red ford in delhi to showcase india as a regional superpower critics say modis Party Politics are dividing the country and pitting the hindu majority against the Muslim Minority muslims in india say they feel socially and economically marginalized by the b j p government hardline hindu nationalists now want to restrict religious freedom to they say that muslim prayer or no mas should be forbidden at the taj mahal. When it is. Believing. Meant in by the logical department not sort of not be allowed to or did and thus the taj mahal status as a symbol of love is being overshadowed by irreconcilable differences between religious groups in india. Or and in europe illegal action on thursday night to sleep as i hope and time were in action against bashar assad here looking to keep their hopes of advancing to the knockout stage alive after a scoreless first half florian put hoffenheim in front the lead held until three minutes into injury time when substitute eden vicious fired in an equaliser the result leaves health and haim in third place in group c. Baseball now the Houston Astros won the world series for the first time in the clubs history last night the best of seven contest against Los Angeles Dodgers went right to the wire but the astros pulled off a solid victory in the Decisive Game to utter to their utter delight of their fans the oasis the moment fifty five years of good finally came to an end the oldest as fans watching on a big screen at houstons home stadium went wild as they saw their team become World Series Champions in Enemy Territory the owners history in the making and a big moment for the city after of recent events the city was it was the only was it was the houston exploded out of the blocks a game seven hitting five home runs in the first two innings. George springer was the hero as he hit a home run for the full consecutive game from the houston held out the dodges winning to decide a five one to seal a memorable first championship. Thousands are still displaced following hurricane hobbes devastation this victory was a boost for the whole city. And everyone down im not going to answer bridges that they can somehow figure out that its here for now were champions of the was. Already. Up to fifty five years y. C. For glory the posse in houston will be left out and proud. All right something for houston to celebrate for a change in the Champions League it was a tough night for german sides are be like six paths to the next round got tougher after they were defeated by porto three one dortmund meanwhile are on the brink of elimination after their one one draw at home to the cypriots high. Raw feel their own opened the scoring in the first half returning to the pitch after a long term injury even the score in the second half through Michael Bolton and dortmund didnt have an answer towton hotspurs defeat of rio in the dritte keep stuart means hopes alive just out bare. Is reminder of the top story that were following for you spains state prosecutor has asked a judge to issue a european arrest warrant for dismissed cattle on leader of our list which tomorrow he is currently in belgium and has refused to return to spain for questioning for his role in the regions of declaration of independence. After a short break ill be back to take you through the day to see them. Laundry Done International talk show for journalists discuss the topic of the week adopted from south America First policy wind up putting china in the International Driver seat find out on country to. Quadriga in sixty minutes on d w. Because the way they start to divide the country i do its still where they start to divide the language your blood will flow for. Ninety nine the soviet union is breaking apart. The members of the Russian Federation would have to find their own way politically economically. With love it was me credibly difficult tough. This democracy was a lie because the elections where fraud say privatization was robbery the soviet Union Territory where does russia stand today and moscows empire our series starting november fifth on w listening and d. W. Because im you speak your language got the best. For content in dari pashto and order. Specs for returning our web special refugio journeys of life in germany and the prospects for those returning home. Join the discussion on d w dot com and on facebook. Prospects for returning s d w may for mine. He is a wanted man tonight the alstad cattle on leader carlist pushed him off faces arrest after refusing to appear in a madrid court today and for his catalogue who did show up. I am

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