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A sense of you. Im brian thomas thanks so much for joining us palestinian rivals amoss and fatah appear to have read it reached a breakthrough in their reconciliation talks the leader of hamas says the two groups have come to an agreement after negotiations in the egyptian capital cairo now a key point in ending the decade long split between the two sides is agreement over who exactly should control the dollars a strip a mosque sees that territory from fatah during the conflict in two thousand and seven and now theres a chance that gaza will be returned to a unity government under the Palestinian Authority details of this deal are set to be released later today. Our correspondent tony kramer has followed the reconciliation process between hamas and fatah for years he joins us now from jerusalem tanya is this the breakthrough people have been looking for in the push for a unified Palestinian Government well it could certainly be a potential a step forward in reconsideration between hamas in gaza and the Palestinian Authority which is ruling in the occupied west bank which is dominated by qatar now weve seen intense mediation efforts by egypt over the past month and always over the past two weeks or so we understand that the details of this first phase of in the bream and it will be announced today around time in cairo where the two sides are sitting together for the past two days now would people in gaza certainly want to hear that theres some concrete steps that are being taken to make sure that this we conservation will not fail because we have seen many reconciliation efforts in the past ten years that have all failed and they would like to see of course you know restrictions that were imposed by the posting or sovereignty of the past months like to reduction of electricity being lifted and that would show that this time it is actually for real of this agreement ok oh where is israel stand on palestinian reconciliation what id like to see fatah retake control in gaza instead of a mosque. Well it has been fairly muted response so far from the Israeli Government to be heard a Statement Last week after the palestinian problem is done delo went to gaza for the first time also in years and Prime Minister netanyahu has put down again the conditions to hamas saying that they must recognize is that they must put down their arms but it has been a fairly you know not such a strong statement that youve heard before this certainly want to see what kind of deal is being made that if actually the ultimate control is really under the Palestinian Authority and that is not been you know thats not yet clear what about the United States it is among those who consider hamas a terrorist organization what kind of reaction can the Palestinian Authority leadership expect when it reaches out and a braces a mosque from washington. Yeah thats certainly also interesting because most of the western countries consider a mass a terrorist organization their military wing and that is also a big question what will happen to them in this agreement and now also from the u. S. We havent heard much and that is also what some analysts here that to believe that this is also to give this agreement a possible you know breakthrough in the possibility to go on now what is the big question here what will actually happen to the military are because some brigades and also the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has said last week he doesnt want to have a hezbollah libyan and as you called it a situation where you will have a civilian government and the military power outside of this governments all of this we hope to use and care for cation and disagreement maybe later today and in the coming weeks because people you know this will be a very long process ok tanya trailer for us now in jerusalem following the reconciliation process between a mosque and fatah thanks very much. Now to some of the other stories making the news this hour the libyan coast guard has rescued seventy five migrants including a number of children who were stranded on a rubber boat as they sought to reach italy they were taken to the naval base in the libyan capital tripoli and handed over to the International Medical corps. Kenyan police have fired tear gas at opposition leaders in the western city of to sumo. Clashes also broke out between police and protesters demanding election reforms the demands come after Kenyas Supreme Court voided the results of a president ial election in august due to irregularities. California Authorities Say wildfires north of San Francisco of now consumed at least thirty five hundred homes and businesses the death toll from the blazes has risen to twenty three already say hundreds of people have been reported missing. A small asteroid is doing a flyby of planet earth today but Scientists Say theres no chance it will hit our planet its expected to miss by about forty four thousand kilometers still astronomers are saying the closer flight path is giving them the chance to assess our ability to respond to a real asteroid threat or british and e. U. Officials are meeting today in brussels to complete the fifth round of brecks go see asians and indications are that the talks are hitting a number of hurdles with one Sticking Point being the size of the bill brussels wants london to pay for its e. U. Commitments we met up with a british member of the European Parliament whos still trying to come to terms with british voters decision to leave the. Im very angry you know im angry at what is happening to my country in the name of this government they are playing games and its its pathetic its not going to work its not going to work and its not it was not going to do irrevocable home. My name is said dance im a member of the European Parliament i represent london and im a member of the labor party. So i was elected in thirty forty i believe passionately that britains place is at the heart of you know at the periphery and i thought that it was a case that could be won because frankly i was had to prove that it could be well. Im working towards reversing the decision im working towards convincing majority people in my country but this is the wrong thing to do simple as that because i think staying in the European Union is by far the best thing for britain. You wouldnt trade with the rest of the world directly we trade through the e. U. To the rest of the world can we replicate that outside. In thirty forty years maybe two generations but we really saying that were going to let two generations of people just their life chances just just they dont matter. It was back in february of this year i had a sign that said hes lying to you. When niger frogs are speaking and i was feeling. Very emotional still from the referendum i was feeling very angry at what was happening to my country. This is my dream job and on one level i could cry myself to sleep thinking about that you know when i was. Young boy and i dreamed of. All the things that you were doing being a part of how can i never ever imagine that i would one day be sitting in the parliament this extraordinary experience has just reaffirmed my belief in europe and its made me want to fight for it so much harder for it now than i ever thought i would could so. Whether we leave or not and i accept we probably are going to leave. Im going to go for it from ford and i certainly dont want to stop being a friend and an ally of of everyone here fighting for about a year. Still to come on the show in the final part of our series being gay in russia we meet the blogger challenging Business Owners with antigay policies and hes doing so the real sense. The future of the bankrupt carrier air berlin has become a bit more clear today monica exactly doesnt come as a surprise but now it is official brian lufthansa chief executive costs says hes buying op more than half the aircraft of a flailing rival air berlin the frankfurt based carrier said to sign the deal later today evelyn declared bankruptcy in august after years of losses and after its biggest shareholder gulf airline eighty heart ceased financing its been in talks for weeks with love johnson easyjet about selling parts of its business or calls it a great day for germanys biggest ally and which is set to get even bigger something its international rivals arent too keen on. But investors im sure like it for more on that story lets cross over now to our whos standing by for us outside the front food Stock Exchange your hair looks nice thank you shamil. So what more can you tell us about that deal. Thank you for the compliment monica but through the deal well it was very much expected but still investors were very much cheered upon this news now we saw the share price spike off towards two point seven percent so thats a very big deal and its also its highest level in seventeen years so thats made it a winner in early trading now investors are still waiting for further details to trickle in like the final price tag of the sale which earlier reports had placed in the low hundred millions two hundred Million Euros to buy the company one hundred Million Euros to meet operating costs now c. E. O. The c. E. O. Of tons of carson four has also said that the company was prepared to take on three thousand of air berlins workers but whats going to happen to the remainder of the five thousand the remaining five thousand is less clear what about the failed ask they oh will will this take over affected in any way. Well the fear of course is that turn near monopoly on the german Aviation Market would push prices up now carsons four has that increasing competition on the global Aviation Market is of course expected to keep ticket prices in check now germany has market share in germany is of course increasing but if you zoom out to the rest of europe it only has fourteen percent on a global scale that shrinks to three percent at the same time having categorically ruled out a rising ticket prices as such passengers might have to contend with an upswing there as well reginald im alone there from the frankfurt Stock Exchange or just outside of it thank you so much for this. Us president are trump is coming under more fire for his America First straight stance the c. E. O. Of Delta Airlines edgbaston is the latest to reject washingtons call for introducing import tariffs bastiaan buys in canada planes for his company and he says he wont pay any extra charges u. S. Authorities have said they will levy a three hundred percent empty dumping charge to imported planes drop claims that are subsidized by the canadian government. A huge new market is opening up for the microchip Industry Professional athletes could receive a microchip implant in the future the head of the world of them Pigs Association says that thats a way to fight doping but the idea is not new in the United States employees and some companies are having chips implanted on a voluntary basis the chip can function as a door opener computer log in or for the Company Canteen football clubs in argentina are also testing chips on their fans which let them into the stadium and the chip also helps to control fans prone to hooliganism. Russian authorities have agreed to regulate the crypto currency markets to currencies such as bitcoin enable him to. Vigils to transfer value to each other and pay for goods and services bypassing banks and the mainstream Financial System it is a trend not just in big cities but also in small communities in iraq so rich fall into one not far from moscow. The village of color you know a couple hours drive from moscow its home to just seven families who would have thought that this town poses a threat to the worlds Financial System thats what the russian government is accusing this mayor of doing. Like everyone else i had no money bank loans were too expensive and the government didnt help either there just wasnt any money so we thought about it and said lets print our own way. And thats exactly what he did the mayor named the currency the colli own after his village of call the noble as soon as moscow caught wind of what was happening it back and the currency but that didnt stop the mayor he simply digitized the call the own creating a new crypto currency. Now needs is a smart phone to make payments. Russian central bank chief. Is trying to regulate cryptocurrency is to stop wild speculation but other Financial Experts see the new Payment Systems as a great opportunity. Countries have hit us with sanctions. Starting the minute and the sanctions we could get worse. Thats what currencies are a valid alternative to traditional Payment Systems. Experts dont need to convince may actually apne cough hes keeping his coley owns no matter what moscow thinks. All right well the Catalan Independence saga goes on it has a new immediacy right now monica thats because pain has set the clock ticking for catalonia Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has given the Regional Government until monday to say whether it has in fact declared independence from the rest of spain now is also promised to do Everything Possible to prevent the break up even threatening to suspend catalonians autonomy and impose direct rule from the dread locked in a standoff spains Prime Minister delivers an ultimatum Mariano Rajoy giving the cattle and government until monday to clarify whether its actually declared independence a move he branded illegal but. It is not possible to accept a dialogue to agree on what is expressly forbidden by the constitution to negotiate over the sovereignty that belongs to all spaniards and the unbreakable unity of spain. Threatened to impose direct rule on semi autonomous catalonia if it ignores his warning opposition lawmakers in barcelona say both sides should come to their senses. The truth is we have two government leaders who have acted very irresponsibly we are asking them to take on the political responsibility and govern for everyone in spain and catalonia we ask that they are responsible and courageous and open the possibility of dialogue it all means days of more uncertainty on the streets of barcelona people are frustrated. Its ridiculous to reach this point because we the people pay for the politicians and its their fault theyve passed problems on to the people when they should have solved them. Its impossible to talk with i dont know whats going to happen nobody does. Now the ball is back in catalonia as court and across spain the waiting game continues. Lets get more now from madrid and the journalist jaime veloce course jaime thanks for being with us you know today is Spains National holiday a day dedicated of Course National unity doesnt feel like theres much to celebrate in madrid the service. Well if something has achieved theyve got to learn conflictual parties to aspire to the national fannys nation out of pride we havent seen so many funny under street in years so in that sense this nation of the day is somehow he thore tell us that they. Had to hear it seen as a reaffirmation overspend if you need to and a clear message that this fine is integrity as a country will not be broken ok now madrid is threatening to suspend total on autonomy and impose direct rule what would that entail what would that actually look like well i think that might enter the whole hes obviously determined to apply the article one type of the constitution but something a. Way through thought in its application to spanish government. Take control of some powers of the got to learn anything but he doesnt have to think and the out on him you know to hold that would be a way to avoid an outraged reaction if i got an infinity that would spark the fifty our teeth feelings so we still need to see exactly what im going to be this and what what how many entered a hole is going to take control of thumb powers of the catalan and if do you know the two not should spend the whole autonomy as a whole because i think that that that is not that that would be good for four million of the hard right now ok well the rhetoric coming out of madrid right now is very strong how much support does roys hard line stance on catalonia have where you are. Well right now it has the support of the socialist party and progressive or liberal party that im going to switch around for a wide out for you to my jury duty and define the parliament so in that sense whether or not one has a lot of support right now in madrid you know one of the party is more likely to support a high reputation no article one hundred five but new socialist party has agreed to a constitutional reform in six months time and that is the offer to theyve got to learn a National Youth party youth from the socialist party to renounce to independence and lets change together the three tauriel organization after spain in return so that would be their thought and application of the one five five list truth bend or renounce to two independent analysts or start a new process to change the constitution within the lines of the constitution we still need to feel exactly where what Mariano Rajoy is going to do and whos going to follow. Us for us in the dread thank you so very much to the u. S. Now where the growing sex scandal involving hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has taken on a political dimension with former president ial candidate Hillary Clinton denouncing weinstein and promising to donate to charity the money he contributed to her Political Campaign and the cases even been reverberating in new york where that citys chief prosecutor declined to charge weinstein two years ago when an italian model filed a complaint that he groped or. Harvey weinsteins alleged Sexual Misconduct has been an open secret in hollywood for years weinstein said through representative dad and his opinion all of the encounters have been consensual but more and more women coming forward with harrowing stories of harassment led me to this bathroom pleading that i just watch him masturbate. My heart was racing and i was very scared. I pulled my arm away finally and headed to the door he started following me and telling me that he could introduce me to Bob Weinstein and that i could get a three picture deal and that he would green light my script but i had to watch the master its a scenario that repeats itself in many of the tales of abuse the New York Times published an audio recording made by the new York Police Department in twenty fifteen where weinstein appears to confess to the Sexual Assault of an italian model but weinstein was not charged in the end the new york prosecutors say there was a like of evidence. If we have every thought that the church his Prime Minister would. Suffer actresses have now accused the movie mogul of brain and hollywood a listers have come forward with their own stories of Sexual Harassment including engineer jolie and Gwenyth Paltrow she said weinstein had groped her as a twenty two year old and suggested they must watch each other she refused. Following the allegations the academy of Motion Picture arts and sciences which is responsible for the oscar awards will hold a special meeting on saturday to discuss weinsteins alleged conduct which he described as repugnant. Weinsteins also been fired by his own studio which is self came on the fire critics say his conduct was known in the workplace and in the industry but many had turned a blind eye. Weinsteins wife has announced shes leaving him and sat she was heartbroken for her husbands cannot speak to weinstein himself just go into rehab. Well this week d. W. Has been running special reports on being gay in russia today we bring you our final piece in that series and it we need a video blogger whos using his platform to fight and he gave business policies the process is discovered some surprise. When you tell people youre gay you have to bear in mind what country you live in. New york im a blogger apparently my blog helps some people i want to use it to explain that being gay is normal and its nothing but its an individual choice. Im going to. Do that no fact its allowed anywhere in russia. No joke whats up until you go and today im visiting one of get a monster storms theres a sign in the window that says no faggots allowed to obviously its been dont want me to go in there but i want to try them theyll come up with if that are a part of the course it was a provocation good months from the countryside im from the countryside heard so much. Of this is what the stores its like that all is so its just its what i want to know. Of course it was scary i knew perfectly well that there would be girls working there who just crossed themselves when i tell him im gay i just bought milk for me and i want to know how things work here misdoings they gave me a discount here the worst thing is that i thought theyd start freaking out when you call someone thats what i was expecting so i get my milk go to the checkout and she says to me i want your channel. I watch you on you tube really yeah. I was expecting at least a bit of outreach from the. White so that anyone can come in and buy something. Yeah thats his sign i can take it down but i dont agree with it if i were allowed to i would take the sign down right away. So. That changed everything. And also unusual it ended up being a cool video about totally reasonable people working for someone im reasonable. I get that this is a business came up with an image for himself and i have a simple question from the countryside thats how he earns his money thats his philosophy. The problem here isnt the idols of the government but the powerful Russian Orthodox church the church thinks being normal and they reduce everything to sex. No one says love whoever you want everyone just thinks of the physical side of things about. The comments under the video. Literally help. People were watching t. V. Were going to kill you. The hell you should all hang and youll burn in hell that sort of stuff. Its obvious the comments like this dont happen in a vacuum they wouldnt be there if he wasnt so homophobic. And you can find out more about these and other stories on our website dot com for now though thanks so much for being with us. Entered the conflict zone confronting the powerful. One crisis after another for Donald Trumps of ministration some of his own making all those like a mass shooting in las vegas out of his control my guest here in washington is the republican congressman don bacon how long is he going to put up with a president whose proved so divisive to so many. Folks next on. The traditions says they belong in the home. Bed dreams say they need to be free. Women in egypt. Many feel confined by the old gender roles. But to living the lives they choose is harder than ever. Biting back women in egypt in forty five minutes long dont believe. Me take football personally i do it with all the wonderful people and stories that make the game so special. For all true fans my. Little more than football online. G. W. True diversity. Where the world of science is at home in many languages. On a lot of programming go on doing a. Show now with our innovations magazine for in asia the us from every week and always looking to the future on d w dot com science and research for asia. One crisis after another for Donald Trumps administration some of his own making others like the mass shooting in las vegas out of his control my guest here in washington is the republican congressman dan bacon how long is he going to put up with a president whos proved so divisive to so many

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