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A dozen something inches. Or so coming up Tragedy Strikes at a Football Game in france a stadium barrier collapses during goes celebrations living several fans severely injured. And we get a glimpse into renowned german painter max spectrum and metaphor of wealth is so i knew exhibition showcasing the Twentieth Century and his work has just opened in the city of the payment. On head of the humphrey thanks for joining me we begin a spade where the catalan Regional Government says more than three hundred people have been injured in a Police Crackdown on a banned independence referendum madrid has called the vote a false and is trying to prevent people from costing that ballots. Rubber bullets being fired as protesters. Clashes between voters and Police Forces. It was a chaotic start to cattle and spans independence referendum the Central Government in madrid deployed Police Across the region. They ceased ballot papers and boxes at polling stations and occupied the Regional Governments telecommunications center. In the town after rona offices forced their way into a polling station the Catalan Leader colace put demand was expected to cast his vote at. Puts them on voters at another location. And he sharply condemned the spanish Police Crackdown. A syrian. Unjustified and irresponsible use of violence by the spanish studies will not stop the will of the catalan people to vote and to freely decide about their future in the most critical men. And indeed many catalans were not deterred by madrid show of force thousands came out to make their vote count poles are due to close at eight pm local time the Catalan Government says if the u. S. Side wins it will declare independence from spain within forty eight hours. And joining me now in the studio to talk more about this is you we are nearly at he is a political scientist from the humbled university. Thank you for joining us today you know this referendum has been in the making for such a long time and its also such a contentious topic for spain and for catalonia why is that yeah thank you for having me. It is his story has this kolker reasons it has economical reasons but in the last years became in more and more concrete the referendum and the Central Government was just sitting it out and now they see that they came to a dangerous situation and now they are like two trains rushing in front of each other and catalonia is a very wealthy region of spain the industrial heartland tourism is also important there does that explain its desire for independence this might be one reason but i wouldnt suggest that the most important. The money is from the central state is giving to the regions and the other lands feel that they are under a prince that representative. So that might be that is one reason but it is also to do with identity it has to do with the crisis of two thousand and eight where lot of spanish people became unemployed and they are they are not all right with the with the politics of the Central Government now the Spanish Government in madrid declared this vote on constitutional its tried to crack down on the ballot with use of force what do you think the consequences of that will be you know it is right that there is no constitution in the world that has that includes the possibility of separation and you have to you have to negotiate with the Central Forces and what we see right now is what everybody was suspecting. That there will be there will be a harsh reaction from the Central Government and the people in cars when you try to be peaceful they say they want to vote because there were no negotiations since two thousand and ten and the tide of nationalism that weve seen in the region is this similar to the tide of nationalism that we have seen across europe would you describe it perhaps is a precursor to it you know i think the nationalism in catalonia is quite different from what we see in other countries it is not only a right wing or a nationalism especially in germany we are afraid of nationalism as a right Wing Movement but in catalonia is more a left wing a. Movement that has to do with the history of franco time the cut to learn a region that was declared themselves loyal to the republic when franco took the took the power and they suffered under franco dictatorship so its more an anti fastest movement to what could we expect to see in the hours you know to come for example tomorrow proponents of the independence say that the region could split away in forty eight hour was could it. As we see theres still a struggle going on between the powers so they might declare it that had happened in history before and thirty four for example. But then i think the government will be arrested by by the by the Police Forces union from what university him but and thank you for sharing your insights with us here on. Gay and lesbian couples in germany are tying the knot to today as the countrys new Marriage Equality law comes into effect a couple whove been together for thirty eight years were the first in the country to say i do the husband and husband got married in the capital but when same sex couples in germany received for marriage rights off to a Parliament Vote in june they were previously only able to register their relationships as a civil partnership. Now political leaders in berlin could face months of wrangling to form a new government a chance and im going to merkels party came out of last weekends election with the most seats in parliament but it will need to form a coalition in order to govern one possibility is named after the colors of the three parties involved a black for americans conservative christian democrats yellow for the probusiness free democrats and green for the greens. Black yellow and green three colors that go together well in the jamaican flag but they could soon cause trouble in german politics. Down here the battle will soon continue seven parties will be in the bonus top four of them might form the next government conflicts almost certain even before exploratory talks begin parties that were fighting each other in the campaign will now have to cooperate. The debate over an immigration act might become especially challenging the business friendly f. T. P. And the green party wanted the conservative c. D. U. C. S. U. Parties oppose it Environmental Protection might be another issue the green party wants a fast brown coal face out the f. T. P. Does not in fact they might become the most complicated Coalition Talks in decades. Its the we have a lot self work to do now not only in berlin but also between the sea as you and the c. D. U. To find Common Ground for exploratory talks on the plates of food and one all parties involved are aware of that but most of them look like theyre keeping their cool. My motto is strength lies in peace its in the semi it for us who let there be some peace and quiet reflection first. Isnt woman enough cause we are now moving quietly into a complicated situation. But that complicated situation seems to be the starting point to forming a coalition because the social democrat s. P. D. Has announced they will go into opposition following their election defeat. And german voters prefer that sixty three percent support the s. P. D. Going into opposition only twenty nine percent would prefer that they become part of the government again. For the jamaica parties there is no other option than to start talks soon because they also have one common goal to avoid new elections at all costs. And now to some of the other stories making news around the world legislation banning full face was in vail is in public spaces has gone into effect in austria only one hundred fifty women are thought to wear burkas or kneecaps in the country the government says the norwich says faces must be visible from the headline to the chin is about protecting austrian values the socalled burqa ban law signals a shift to the right in austrian politics. Police in canada are probing an attack in the western city of edmonton as an act of terrorism a man has been taken into custody suspected of stopping a policeman and later plowing a van into several pedestrians. Tens of thousands of people have marched through islands capital dublin to demand access to safe and legal abortions ireland has some of the strictest abortion laws in the world with terminations even in cases of rape and incest the government is planning a referendum on abortion next year. U. S. President donald trump has blamed for thirty can spare their island slow recovery from Hurricane Maria on twitter trump criticized the quote poor leadership stange one mez the mare common union crews she had been pleading for days for more emergency aid from the trial administration. Now a new Art Exhibition showcasing the work of renowned german painter expect man has been opened to the public in the german city of blame and welfare to features a collection of paintings sculptures and other works by the Twentieth Century paint. These people have come to get a glimpse into the corky and colorful world max spec wins art depicted. The famous painter drew his inspiration from cabaret and circus he saw himself as a clown and the world his theater. Display to art us but in the world theater conceives the world is the stage and the people as the actors each of us has a part to play assigned by the creator of this world of pictures whether as god or as director. And effect was on a theatrical life one where we all wear masks as seen here in one of the highlight pieces the apache dance. A film being shown at the exposition depicts the street gang choreographers which beckman saw on stage in paris put him into the suspect once in a its very apparent that this picture from one nine hundred thirty eight was painted against the backdrop of the nazis material events happening on the world stage in germany and europe events which backman witnessed and which affected him directly. And. Max beckmann world theater at the braman art gallery until february twenty eighth seen. Former u. S. Football star o. J. Simpson has been released from prison on parole after serving nine years behind bars for. The seventy year old left in nevada prison shortly after midnight aboard hearing in july approved his release simpson was sentenced to thirty three years off to a botched robbery at a casino in Las Vegas Simpson was famously acquitted of the double murder case of his exwife and her friend back in one thousand nine hundred ninety five. Well goal celebrations turned to tragedy in the top french football only when part of a safety barrier collapsed and the fans were cheering the opening goal against when the fence gave way some fans were seriously hurt but none of the injuries are reported to be life threatening. It was meant to be a happy occasion he took the lead in the fifteenth minute courtesy of a fruity balaton a header but in the onscreen celebration of the safety parea separating the away fans from the pitch gave way. Some fans fell one and a half meters and were crushed by fellow supporters Emergency Services rushed to the scene and the game was abandoned at least twenty nine fans were injured six of them all in serious condition. And coach moss said o. B. L. Son later returned to the pitch to console supporters still in the stands. And just a reminder now of the top story were following for you here on d w several people have sustained injuries off to scuffles broke out between riot police and voters outside polling stations in catalonia the region is pressing ahead with a band independence referendum the Spanish Government has called it a false and urged catalonia to end it. Last all the time we have for now do join us again at the top of the hour if you can up next oil football auction it at the board as we get our helena home for a ballad xa watching on the floor to see you look and see. Me take it personally you went with a little bit wonderful people once to lose the game so

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