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Being deported if the authorities find out shes working she finds it absurd that even though germany has a shortage of caregivers she has to provide her services in secret. Court you sit at home and get a bit of money from the state. And i am grateful for that but its not ok. Actually its stupid that were not working and paying for it own up keep. Us tuzla and Northeastern Bosnia the city that has left four years ago the vose million war ended over twenty years ago but the experience was so traumatic for her that to this day have bebo hopes to be granted asylum in germany but theres now a new wave of immigration from young people looking for well paid jobs. Germany is currently running a Recruitment Drive for Foreign Workers especially for caregivers demanded yasmine take german lessons at his school they do so in secret however they dont want their bosses to know theyre planning to emigrate and immigration is hurting bosnias health care sector. If theres a look at these is to get through are trying to put that discomfort aside. And to do my job as a teacher as well as i can. My job is to people who have people who want to white you know. I used to live in germany myself so i know what they can expect vice verse of dimension to come. Back in berlin caregiver had biba is taken aback by the big welcome the german state is extending to her. Fellow bosnians she feels like the authorities here are holding her back and sees no sign of that changing. People ask about my services. I get a lot of offers. Not a lot because then i would lose my residence permit. On her phone she reads about others who will soon be given work permits for germany or retraining courses just finished with the red cross however cant say how long shell have to continue to work under the german governments radar. When i first moved to germany back in the year two thousand getting a work permit was a bureaucratic nightmare its now heaps easier and new legislation is in the works to encourage even more skilled workers to move to germany it says they need german Language Skills but dont already need a Job Contracts like in the past instead of be given a six month window to find work in this country in a moment well look at the challenges facing Companies Looking to find people for hard to fill positions but first the huge task for a government that opened its arms to the world. Since twenty fifteen the language barrier isnt as stock in the capital berlin where so many people speak english and sometimes only english but youll have to learn deutsch if you want to get work at any of germanys small and Medium Sized Enterprises they form the backbone of the economy of course its extra nice if those Companies Offer language courses for free especially if youve just fled your country they dont use of its a visitor its employed one of the biggest numbers of Asylum Seekers nationwide is now in a predicament. In their home countries they were mechanics all students now in germany they Coat Industrial Machinery for i. D. S. The company is based in South West Germany and i know if he keeps pretty busy year he left syria a few years ago he says he had to get out. Get on the game and everybody has to go to the army and fight and if i joined up out of how to shoot people and kill them i didnt want to do that. He has learned to speak german fairly well and is completing a course off Training Funds to the son becoming a Coaching Technician of completed year one this is year to. Body and its a lot that you Michel Foucault you know good dad told you that youre right you probably have a minute it ok to go and this one hundred people work here and more than one hundred of them are refugees im not going to meet the executives who brought them on bought. Interest. You invest a lot in your whole workforce including the refugees but what if they arent allowed to stay if theyre sent home that sounds like a risky investment is that what depicting in this. We have about one hundred refugees working for us fifty or fulltime members of staff and if we were to lose a significant number that would pose a very serious problem we wouldnt be able to fill all of our orders one of our plants makes components for cars and the deadlines are extremely tight you cant afford the slightest delay this is the. Reason that crazy to invest money time and effort and people when its not even clear whether they can stay in germany long term. Im. Its a big one so when we started hiring these people in twenty fourteen fifteen and sixteen there was huge pressure to give them more the fear was they would otherwise cost the state a lot of money just out of the cash so we forged ahead and good face assuming we wouldnt be left in the lurch if the current developments however make me think that it was not really appreciate it. Less now i think it would be nonsensical to send away people who have integrated well from a region where unemployment is just a little over two percent. That would be economic madness. So simple theyre saying folks lets off think about. What is this bizarre and whats so special about this region i would question Border Theory in the region between Lake Constance and other ms economically very strong its flourishing there are lots of family owned firms here. To stand and because of the prosperity people here arent particularly anxious about losing out to refugees move here. In the fiftys with. The sense of envy or the fear of loss in response to refugees that we hear about elsewhere those feelings are just not as intense in this area. And. Thats it for three d. Image of refugees has changed in germany some Media Reports now focus on drug dealers dangerous individuals what have you experienced. By thought we hired a few people who dealt drugs or who committed crimes and we fired them we were very clear i think its right for the politicians and society in general to set clear limits on the other hand we have very many people who are loyal reliable and very committed. Or do you want to see politicians to. Eventually. Wed like to see the refugees here integrate into Society Learn the language get jobs pay their contributions and get on well. They should have the opportunity to be allowed to stay under the provisions of the law on immigration and work for their own benefit and for the good of society if thats what they want to do. Nuffin says hes keen to state. This obvious i have a job i can pay my way i feel accepted. Now you can say money is also a migrant of types on the move even more so despite all the different currencies in circulation and restrictions in Place Capital flows to a much better job of integrating themselves all suddenly changing direction thats been the case in turkey over the last few weeks where the cash is leaving quickly. Money makes the world go round it knows no borders companies go where everything think it will pay off. The factories or invest in shares in equity thats how the money makes its way from one country to another. In twenty seventeen one point four trillion us dollars worldwide were poured into foreign direct investment. Money in sensitive. Capital is actually a timid little lamb when capital starts to feel uncomfortable like in turkey iran the way. In recent years turkey has been attractive for Foreign Investors not least to to lower wages and strong Economic Growth. Capital flowed into companies and infrastructure there but the governments transformation into a more authoritarian state has scared many investors are inflation has escalated the turkish lira has fallen foreign capital has pulled out he took out turkey has lived beyond its means for years the boom of the aired on arrow was dependent on credit and that was fine as long as turkey had a sound Economic Policy and an independent central bank that guaranteed the value of the currency. But thats no longer the case so of course Foreign Investors arent willing to finance this boom anymore as they were before. If investors dont get the returns they want in one country they simply move their money elsewhere. If the feel was cause theres a lot of uncertainty in turkey itll cause the economy to slow down significantly and maybe even slip into a recession. Twenty seventeen most foreign capital is directly invested in asia around Four Hundred Seventy Billion us dollars. Europe was on the Receiving End of around Three Hundred Billion dollars. North america chalked up about the same amount. To One Hundred Fifty Billion Dollars a direct investment went to Latin America and just over Forty Billion to africa. If you want to convince people to lend you money you have to show them that youre going to do something decent with that something that offers decent returns because you have to use these returns to pay the money but still wonders abroad but sad. Entrepreneurs who borrow money have to make sure business will. Good enough to pay back investors. But that means the country needs a sound Economic Policy while turkey is out of favor with Foreign Investment china is in a much more attractive position its economy has been soaring for Years Companies there are growing which is good news for investors. Chinese companies are also investing money in Foreign Countries like the u. S. Theyre helping to finance Economic Growth in north america. The u. S. Is the worlds biggest receiver of foreign capital and the country thats most in debt to china. Money goes where theres money to be made. And without direct Foreign Investment the World Economy would come to a standstill. Inflation is set to top one million percent in venice way this year the governments issuing new bank notes slashing five zero zero off the beleaguered bolivia is uncertainty about whether that will work many venezuelans a stocking up in advance the governments also announced a minimum wage hike of Three Thousand percent most businesses wont be able to afford that the situation is desperate around one and a half Million People have left the country and the stories we keep hearing are disturbing. My nephew is seven years old and night my sister was driving her car to meet daisy and a stop light and then came to my nephews window and not to the window and pointed had gone through his head in order to rock my sister these is happening a lot in vince will every day i cannot believe in a place i can walk to let my my my children grow in a place like this. My name is kind enough to escape it and we have been married for fourteen years now in my name is ron says bob as i was building houses i was doing well you know like before i had a little apartment here and. I say lets go there and see what is it that we could do there maybe i could find a job and maybe i can bring the family over to see inside the spanish nationality and the girls as well so our opportunity to us in europe and well we came here on the cations with the girls and. One point a friend of course asked the girls what do you like about berlin and my my oldest daughter said what i like is to be outside without being scared thats what id like at that point i was almost clear and sure that i was not coming back the year before we came in that year before we spend so much time playing out in the streets you know texting. And it didnt really work you know some people who got the outs to you know this was Two Thousand And Twelve. Like from Two Thousand And Twelve until the out every year it would need thousands and thousands of many frustrations everywhere. Three years ago for example you will you could you could go to the. Supermarket depending on the last number of your id. My id number and i dont five then i could go on the men face so i was basically forced to go on wednesday to the supermarket to buy whatever was available that day and maybe when you get into the supermarket theres no more left. Beginnings here in berlin where it was quite our first year and how the first three years are really really hard when i came here. I got an offer from a friend of ours gave me a contract and thanks to that i could tap insurance for the whole family. Of course a very low income for all but it was a really big help for us to start well the most difficult was to see the girls you know that i was thinking of the source of us to see them you know not being able to understand why they had to leave everything be hard. To. Believe in feels like home we have found so many good friends here we have found so many good things that we really we feel it with at the moment with feel that were all going to come to the. Now if any of you do decide to come to germany at some stage even for a visit dont feel pressured to dont the National Leader who isnt or didnt do it unless youre going to the top of this then its a must but otherwise youll get a lot of strange looks if you turn up to a Business Meeting looking like a traditional bavarian as deep as explained. Germany is a great country we have everything vibrant city stunningly beautiful landscape great food fantastic wine even better beer nice cars friendly people except in berlin but you see there is one thing that we do not have here in germany elegance National Dress how i envy you guys from asia all over africa the middle East South America just look at this land the vibrancy the collars and would we have seen those. Thank you very much. If you were from venezuela recently asked me whether the traditional dress theyre called Mickey Mickey would be acceptable for business and formal occasions but of course it is its understated elegant and culturally appropriate if indeed you are venezuela is the problem when politicians for example go on state visits they often give us a tauriel nord to the host country by donning the local traditional gear they think its cool well. That can backfire tremendous as recently demonstrated by one of the usually best dressed men in international politics. The canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau went to india and this happened he wore a different indian out fish for practically every occasion and this is actually as the rule is outfits for whom waiting for Justin Justin what were you thinking was your stylist or drugs. What happened why did no one intervene. And what is the indian Prime Minister going to wear on his return visit if i were to render a modi id wed there us preceding. You are just. Like see that and id like to see you next time here are made im banned catch it. Should. One to elephants need this. Is a plastic model turned into a paving stone why do algae make it clear in. The good idea Kill Working Anywhere and there are people developing Smart Solutions everywhere. Lets inspire each other eco in Africa Vitamin Magazine on t w. They make a commitment. They find solutions. They can stronger. Africa on the move. Stories for both people in the community of friends shaping their nation. And their continent africa on the move the stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands. D. W. Multimedia series from africa. D w dot com for go on the move. The thing is h i v positive. He was infected at birth. She probably wont live to the age of five. The Program Dream aims to prevent a mother to child transmission of the virus. Hiv positive women give birth to a child negative babys. Mother project is a hugely effective strategy in the battle against. More than one hundred percent of

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