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One point two million venezuelans even colombia needy and illegally. Were ready to meet them when i returned to venezuela. To visit friends i dont think id ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i dont know so im not sure. Bearing witness global news that matters. Made for mines. L. O. L. A very warm welcome to another edition of kino w. s Weekly International briefing that is coming up on the show. Or c is. Like oh lions is back twenty five Kilometers Per Hour up a german road movie with a difference middle aged man on love heads and. Eighty six the return of the german code for spy series or were he known as billings that means three. Is just around the corner in cinematic terms of Course Halloween is one of the most successful horror movie franchises ever. Since original one thousand nine hundred Seventy Eight film is a legend and it launched the Korea Of Jamie the cuts for the fortieth anniversary there is of course a new movie and jamie lee is back together with some familiar faces. Excuse me somebody is in here. Hes back. Hello in serial killer Michael Meyers is perhaps the most terrifying character ever created for the horror genre. I knew i was going to say yes on page like for a friend. Curtis is now a grandma for a fight of my as turns up again shes going to get the better of a. Singular of purpose she. Wakes every day in a state of heightened anxiety and preparation. For jenny Lee Curtis First played the part of Laurie Strode in one thousand nine hundred Seventy Eight here shes going home from school with her friends is the beginning of A Night Of Terror and what will become a never ending nightmare. John carpenters shop the original film and even composed to find the soundtrack him self hes a consultant and producer on the latest movie. Began as a an idea for a low budget horror movie called the Babysitter Murders and the distributor asked me can you make this for Two Hundred Thousand books and i said yes sure i can just what Creative Control in my name above the credits. The paltry budget was compensated for by simple but effective ideas the camera work showing a callous perspective made John Carpenter and the distributor a few Million Dollars richer. Color when the came the template that inspired the makers of subsequent franchises like friday the fatty Nightmare On Elm Street the common thread teenagers alone at home and unexpected visitors. What makes kind of Lean Stand Out is its killer Michael Meyers has become one of the horrors on his most iconic figure its a character with a seemingly total lack of humanity. Whats terrifying about him is that there is no rhyme or reason really it is nothing he is nothing and in that nothingness that enigmatic. Nothing is the embodiment of pure evil and thats why its so terrifying i spent the last eleven talib in film is based on the original from one thousand nine hundred Seventy Eight. I have some Michael Meyers manages to escape from an institution for mentally disturbed offenders while prisoners are being transporters. Then im with the mask then proceeds to celebrate halloween in accordance with his own perverted personal taste. Aesthetically the latest film pays homage to the original cast with everything that fans of the genre have been put through in the intervening years its difficult to achieve the same shock effect. The new director saw the original with friends. Recollections a little foggy because i was so traumatized but then i got ill and barfed called the mom to come get me that was my introduction to what would later become one of the cinematic loves of my life and. How in Two Thousand And Eighteen probably wanted to give seasoned horrified sleepless nights but if you havent experienced Michael Meyers you could be in for a shock. When im sure that some time for something a little more laid back twenty five Kilometers Per Hour is a slow travel road movie with a star last i didnt go and made a plate for all that was a wrecked childhood the set out on a trip across germany on. A strange brothers christiane again brought back together by the death of their father time does not heal that he wants if anything that just fester it. Its often because the oh god if you cut off my stuff. Just you know. After some excessive Alcohol Consumption the brothers make an unexpected discovery under the old table tennis table thank you cousin. When they were young christiane and georg dreamt of traveling across germany on the path someone decades later that a federal brothers decide its not too late to turn this train into reality. Its not the fastest way to travel. And get busy and getting to ten but doing a little bit against the trend today everything has to go much faster you always get somewhere fast by train you to is actually a theory that the soul takes longer to catch up and i think thats valid to us and i have the feeling theres something to that that the soul actually requires the speech you wore cats with glee. On the way from the black forest to the baltic sea there are a number of tasks to be fulfilled that the journey is by mopeds is only one of the many. If you know what i tell you my for fish position sex love and. But i think its time to cut off i would really be nice with its presence and if youre pretty good to me here do you mind doesnt address for after weve got. The journey makes the brothers realise what theyve missed out on how life has maybe passed them by. It was a good sort of in a way the film is about the journey to oneself about finding oneself basically is a bit of a Self Discovery trip to the makers without them knowing that beforehand they dont plan it as such. Its an absurd meineke grand tour with many comic episodes. As im sure like the first and the other tough thats i have this is ahem a bizarre Security Community even less and its written in a pompous very morning on the vehicle were going to answer voters could well you know for she would any friends if its done its considered its good. Yes theyve really are this is germany after all and there are rules. And finally the return of an alternate actually successful german t. V. Series thought extent eighty three was a hit spied on the set at the height of the cold war in One Thousand Nine Hundred Three of course the elected second series picks up the story three years on you know met up with it starts to talk about the key to its success and about whats new and diced and six. Sackville interest in. East germany and spanish to africa at the end of the last series now his country facing a lot of economic support from moscow need to make an. Almost noise out saying we need a new angle and we have that because whereas the first series concentrated on the german jew. And conflict within the cold war we now see more of the global dimensions this is the new background and because we shot in self africa we have a more International Look into lets another look. As a. Dutch land eighty three was a surprise t. V. Hit internationally back in Two Thousand And Fifteen the stylish Spy Thriller Fatima divided germany in the middle of the cold war through praise for period detail what was the secret of its success and party has been. Having the person active of a young east german spy on the cold war this was something pretty new and then it had this funky. Part of cultural elements the music the fashion and furnishings the style of the interiors this was a mixture that hasnt been seen before the stylish mixed reviews for has gone on is also the first act in socialism to doc said this to. Anyone in a second series i wish i hadnt returned as a nora martin Spy Controller and art but her role has changed somewhat. Because as i just said in a discussion once id really like it if lynn or i got out of the office i think that shes not just the Puppet Master but has to do something herself to help us to watch that shes not just delegating. Somebody does it and well this was really good fulfilled in the second series is that the stuff it used. In to actually have a good source is new on board as a Government Functionary charged with obtaining hard currency to keep the alien communist stays afloat this time around students of history may be aware east germany survives through. Communisms final showdown will be the subject of torture under eighty nine. I lets just about it for this actual correct edition of q. And i dont forget you can find low movie news on the page and join us next time for a Special Edition on seven of the children till then go three hope you get socalled coal and coal a. Holiday. Her first day in school in the jungle. Her first climbing lesson in the doors granted moment arrives. Join the reckoning on her journey back to freedom. In our interactive documentary during the no ranting returns home news on the d w dont come to tangs. Birth. Home

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