Transcripts For DW Kick Off - Special Beneyams Dream 2018070

Transcripts For DW Kick Off - Special Beneyams Dream 20180702 23:30:00

africa on the roof. of stories about people making a difference in shaping their nation. and their continent of africa on the move stories about a motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands. d.w. multimedia series from africa. d.w.m. dot com or go.
that's been jambalaya identity teenage superstar from the o.p.'s created football history against national team player in his country. his dream the phone business. and that's me the guy with the camera who wants to follow being young in his attempt to live his dream. so i'm heading to topeka to footballing terra incognita in east africa not for the first time i went there before when binyam was a sixteen year old talented youth player in the capital i mean he's been jambalaya and of course he's got to. binyam was living in a dorm for talented athletes four hundred fifty kilometers away from his hometown to read quite privileged in this group. when he wasn't on the pitch
he was making a little money as a construction worker to support his family back home. even back then i saw something special and i mean really special and that's the man who introduced us. the german coach ignore ignore this guy's eyes this is german guy german t.v. . he wants to feel the talents a future of it but only god look at looked. you know i think he got also told me that bill young has an visa and is looking for tribes and job and that he doesn't have an agent yet so what if he also changes my life completely by having me as his agent. is there a wealthy and glamorous future ahead of me. back dr than half it's instead of the expected he raised. two and
a half years later we meet again during our traditional g.o.p. reaching i noticed a change. it seems that he has hit the gym quite often the last year i will go to germany. i really see professional clubs have to fight to be professional player different profession out there for ethiopia. when it comes to football if your peers a strange country although they have the second largest population in africa they're already qualified for the africa cup they're famous for the runners but also mad about football. no homegrown player has ever made it to professional you peak in them is being watched by many clubs who are offering serious money but the final match day he couldn't showcases skills. sapping.
teves. it's in bits my back pain it's their pain he's come slowly it's. painful. i didn't finish the much from the banshee watch this club c.b.c. news to champion stan george a goal in overtime since being what to do second to fruition i am emotional number and i'm. he was substituted before. but you know me as a pretty tough guy. the next day the relegation has already been fun part. is now the most wanted me to feel that if you know. is hungry for more. i want to play in general and. then i have to see the as that ocean. but for
myself. i need a germany. this is starting point. now let's go we pick out things and go on a journey out to. challenge take some five thousand five hundred kilometers from home. on the twenty seventh of june we arrive to frank floyd. old we had a proper. pass for that told us about the resilience trying to get into the country with fake invitation mark ups but then the guy with the camera in that thing. being young received the real invitation from second division is what. we have to
take the train to get. throughout our journey deeply religious beam it was kind of praying most of the time. after twenty hours of travelling we reached trees but no one was waiting at the platform for us because thomas the guy supposed to pick us up was a little a very young german in billy's opinion. it was obvious that thomas didn't expect that much but after that everything was good and well. and i will later. appear for the first time in the official kit of the normal drazen that train. full of relief focused and beautiful. but. i was so tired at
that moment so i decided. but that was his take. not as a family man but as a camera because in a friendly match the next day he scored his first goal on german soil. training the team. its moods. i played one marching team. and i made him go. it was nice. i was present at the next friendly match but other us corps. know binyam on the pitch what happened. in the photo was itself i think again if you need to match.
three days almost three days in the three two months and all three mean my side to me. today i was feeney did three three months i went into the doctor and say everything is. i will start to morrow always my teammate waning. time for a little sight seeing injuries and of course binyam into historical churches. seems impressed by the beauty of the city. it appears that he's already living the dream. with excellent food service in the first class hotel. and the big black limousine that chauffeur's him to the train.
he's focused on making this a permanent lifestyle watching me me in training sessions i notice a tennis. let's say he's trying a little bit too hot. and you know move they have a rule you have to speak german but will they make an exception for being nice. to. us. after a short layoff you to injury he's back in training how is he doing our home because at the moment binyam is almost never responding to my messages which leaves me annoyed. really annoyed and then i found out why. without writing me a lot of me saying. sky instead grounding. them
but it's difficult ones out of four or how many messages by seeing. two hundred and. the most important thing for try list for at least. i'm in the next trial against check the first division she was slow volleyball nets binyam does not play in the first when he comes on he shows his class in only one situation a little bit less rushed here he could assist for the one one. make a difference and maybe convince you know most sporting director. after the game passed the coach who dressed inside the boy. to give us a free invite all the yard with a muscle in them until it is evidence out of it was along on them as a goodish knows can feed. on
a lot of innocent people. and while being young is doing public relations with fans i have a me. thing was someone who has an eye on me. and interesting guy i flick money players agent from albania being close to the inner circle of football. if it's not working out here for you try to do something for him you did you check up on the fame yes and yes it is you have to offer from montana. from one of the men came you know been nice it's easy for him because it's not. the quantity from the macis just not so strong like an honest we got through because of us the police is more easy more more with about. together we go on
a night out injuries this old city center afraid to invite us and all of us the best of everything but most of the time it's all just small talk still it's pretty obvious that i freak wants to lure me need to obey me and. i bane you know was a really big dream destination. no he has high hopes of the number will start. off first take him to their pre-season training camp. which happens two days later in his first time in bavaria very sends me one of his rare video messages. i want smaller and beanie. we are now in the training camp going to. model it once more training then we'll prepare for coming out of my eyes through as
to the guy so for now it's enough child by. the friendly between stuttgart embrace nick will be shown live on german t.v. but little billy played my son johnny sanch this right starts on the bench. of. the same pitch side just for a few seconds there he is in his first run out life on german t.v. johnny finds a match a bit boring without him despite dressed in spectacular when. you see. i want to find out why binyam didn't play. so i had to but good and beautiful now the area. when i arrived the players are doing some team rafting on the revenues yet most
christians relax but i'm getting some strange lives i had the feeling that there was something cooking to work with your feelings. when it seems as legacy but there's something fishy going on. then being these old mentor from ethiopia shows up german coach i can think that it means a decision must be close. so i went out with a german coach for a couple of berry and beer and beat me at binions chances to get a contract i'm not too good any more brazen coach who will not house says that only one thing could change his mind goads goals go. that means binny has to deliver in the last friendly of the training camp and he does have addressed and too little behind against third division to having been to school. first forty six
minutes. and then a minute later with a nicely taken equaliser. sure . the shop came the next morning sunday. early sunday i got a call from the no much the scout can stand by to ask me if i can pick up the meat in berlin what's the story i'm going to pursue business of going into them i thought they. could even put a business. suit just fine on this silver box of this british will too and i mean it's. it's a korean. i knew mr and of him i saw him up with the steps it with us and him on top it was pressure on to speak to him as i took on the king and she him of concern and i saw. her say on the sets of says it would present it to squid and you can eat
any munch of it and supposed to spit in the dozen but why the hell they needed three weeks to realize that. which of us mean if i can much easier than come to understand a few thing on. this being off. of them i'm thinking of it's a zillion things that i just often feel it's a game this was a. man and had it's for number one thought this is an example. of this fill in some of the here he said you feel like well it was. you know i'm addressing felt they couldn't properly integrate him although he was top scorer in pre-season can he still make his dream happen and become the first ethiopian in the bundesliga yet. no integration problems with my family at least. not in
the first thing we wanted to know the next day what is the internet saying about her. not signing. down anything. ok. and as for you going to get a contract because i'm going to do overs from. the fans more please sixty percent said the police should sign you. yeah. germany's biggest newspaper broke the news no contract for binning but first we had something to celebrate johnny and the union share a birthday on june eighteenth pena's nineteen in johnny turns for. sure.
and while being young is celebrating the rest of the day chatting to his family and friends in ethiopia johnny's proving that he is a real party and. the next day we step up our efforts. binyam to stay top fit and meet to find a cure for my toss turns out to be the hot. it's pretty confusing to see a young player with so much talent and commitment not being a scientist by exploring a lot of roads and friends. one reason could be clubs trying to reduce their spots in pay walls and office taking in yams resign expires soon. and i miss
a call from an unknown number. so i return the call to the. bean he was back and. sebastian schultz of from the second nation agency says he has organized trials for us so we take the train to that place. but leipzig is only meeting second division side our interested in what is the name . our may not be the most famous club but its local rivals of drislane they are curious to see beneath we are told by the sports pages oh you. plan on this also holds on to what are going to us of a nation with one fin if you wish to know. the preload strong plan as it's defined in the minds of all fun and you wanted to know if i was all that's what i got rough insight out of all of the directors i've spoken and so that will come to me often as it was as i did a biden or if i set out to write a song. to my off not for through it
a sentiment which i think we knew in the future in detail. so will the agency manage to find a club for beanie and make his dream come true. the sucker in the asian guy said they don't want me. and being nice fate is not helped by a series of missed on the things turns out i would want to strike out to have immediate not for future. and over inside spoke austria he's two years too old for the red book and. the next important question for him how can i get to a mania how you want to do it. what they directly said from cologne but you don't berlin so we have to take it from berlin you know because how are you going to get to know from here to call on how money.
from berlin. a lot six hundred two so yeah. what. is that's on the list he's crazy for i wouldn't want to call on. the day before his visa expired birth place. a few days later his agent alfred gave me a call good news it's. been just signed a contract to scan the bail koch. when he is now wearing red and white is signed the contract will be a bay new club scandal bay ok. after returning from my holidays i'm taking the first plane to obeying i don't know much about
a baby and football that's gonna bail sounds like an interesting time in two thousand and fifteen the club became the first abang inside to reach the playoff round of the champions the last of the numbers are correct and dropped into the open but we're still the first of a new team to qualify for the group stages of a if i can petition now scanned the mayo have a chance to repeat that success and again they faced in. after one all drawn trace goannas draw would be enough to make scan the bails dream come true defense comes first meaning few chances for young forward been. back for. a ninety six minutes bathroom. watch out europe scan the bayeux coming.
i meet the new in the stadium sparky didn't get on the pitch but making his first one for you pin match is a big. the fans love the african play since then the bills started integrating african talents like beneath and his gambian roommate ali so were the provincial team has improved its fortunes. asked about thirty minutes delayed we are heading to the players' party at and this is. the best part. place was definitely not cheap it came close to my imagination of the exclusive world of being a professional football. ollie and beany a boy so they all fit the next morning we have an important appointment at ben yes
public t.v. station only after it seems like he's not one hundred percent fit for the cameras. station is doing a special honor of being us first if you'll be a player and his journey to the land of the skipper thomas. the school they're built so how can you call your. name. you can say beanie and we say always that you can go with a piece near the ok it's also interesting how i first describes his job as a play at a job where both of you have to step past the only. hope. for years ago. it was a strange experience to be interviewed and to be dumped on a bush continued program people me see minister. during the three days often. being spent doing nothing eating and sleeping travelling through germany
and i was seen three weeks and i'm with. then i went. it was very hard you know i didn't get brickbats to be professional player and. to see my future. i have to. import on his. first play up from a doctor. sign him in europe you know in one club from europe. here's the process it was with the sixteen year old. with a national team and now is the. place of trust in europe from a top tier and you know but he was the sec is a sort of do i. mean he seems happy and i guess
given time to adapt he's making good money and his chance of playing in their own folly grows the following i'll frito bandito looks like it was the right. hand down. again so i do feel good. ok. ok. ok. ok cool cool a. clue
the moments thirty minutes w. a silent clash of cultures in india. a clash between those who believe in arranged marriage and those who want to marry for love to. come to. a clash that shaking families against society to the cold. war my father will be angry sometimes i think i'm already dead and. commandoes starts july eight g.w. . ok news on this message she's not seeing the
unsub. us the folds of the so-called changes on the british consulate boost side boxes come up. people have put big dreams on the big story mummy movie magazine on the w. . how is the view of the world. where i come from at all is that it is this go it's just like with chinese food that's natural where i am it's only with reminds me of home after decades of living in germany chinese food is one of the things i miss the most but that taking a step back i still think i need to differentiate knowledge printed for its first as an articulation that exists the other part of the order haven't been implemented

Related Keywords

East Africa , Dream , Attempt , Terra Incognita , Binyam , Youth Player , Course , Time , Capital , Jambalaya , Sixteen , Pitch , Group , Hometown , Dorm , Athletes , Four Hundred Fifty , Us , Something , Man , Money , Family , Home , Construction Worker , Guy , Coach , German , Talents , Eyes , God , Job , Bill Young , Agent , Visa , Tribes , Life , Dr , Half , Wealthy , Two , Change , Gym , Player , Football , Clubs , Ethiopia , Profession , Country , Runners , It , Population , Africa Cup , Match Day , Sapping , Skills , Much , Bits , Steves , Spain , Back Pain , Painful , Cbc News , Number , Goal , Overtime , Banshee , Fruition , George A , Champion , Part , Relegation , Most , More , Ocean , Things , Point , Lets Go , Challenge , Seventh , Go Ona Journey Out To , Frank Floyd , Twenty , Five Thousand Hundred , Camera , Proper , Resilience , Invitation Mark Ups , Young , Thing , Second Division , Invitation , Train , Journey , Kind , Beam , Little Billy , No One , Platform , Opinion , Trees , Little A , One , Thomas Didn T , Everything , Beautiful , Drazen , Kit , Relief , Family Man , Take , Team , Soil , Moods , Friendly Match , Corps , Photo , Doctor , Side , Feeney , Three , Injuries , Teammate , Sight , Binyam Into Historical Churches , Class , City , Beauty , Hotel , Food Service , Chauffeur , Limousine , Big Black , Bit , Lifestyle , Tennis , Training Sessions , Rule , Exception , Messages , Training , Injury , Layoff , Lot , Grounding , Writing , Sky , Hundred , Sentry List , Ones , Two Hundred , Four , Division , Trial , Volleyball , Check , Difference , Game , Sporting Director , Situation , Boy , Invite , Goodish , Evidence , Yard , Muscle , People , Fans , Someone , Public Relations , Eye , Inner Circle , Albania , Fame , Men , Montana , Police , Quantity , Honest , Go Ona Night Out , Macis , All , Talk , The Best Of Everything , Old City Center Afraid , Hopes , Dream Destination , Me One , Training Camp , Video Messages , Bavaria , Beanie , Friendly , Publictv , Child , Nick , Stuttgart , Johnny Sanch , Pitch Side , Bench , Run , Matcha Bit Boring , Binyam Didnt Play , Players , Area , Revenues , Team Rafting , Feeling , Feelings , Christians , Lives , Legacy , Decision , Mentor , Contract , Chances , Couple , Berry , Beer , School , Binny , Goals , Mind , Third Division , Forty Six , Equaliser , Call , Meat , Shop , Scout , Morning Sunday , Berlin , Story , Business , Silver Box , British , Mr , King , Pressure , Concern , Sets , Squid , Korean , Them , Munch , Hell , Spit , Fill , Some , Example , Thought , Felt , Ethiopian , Pre Season , Scorer , Bundesliga , Integration Problems , Internet , Signing , Overs , Anything , Sixty , News , Newspaper , Birthday , Share , Penas Nineteen In Johnny , The Union , Nineteen , Friends , Brest , Proving , Party , Efforts , Meet , Cure , Talent , Reason , Commitment , Toss , Roads , Scientist , Office Taking , Walls , Hyams , Pay , Spots , Sebastian Schultz , Nation Agency , Place , Name , Famous Club , Leipzig , May , Trials , Drislane , Rivals , Nation , Plan , Fin , The Sports Pages , Song , Directors , Minds , Fun , Biden , Insight , Sentiment , Agency , Dream Come True , Detail , Sucker , Asian , Series , Fate , Red Book , Question , Mania , Cologne , List , Six Hundred Two , Alfred , Birth Place , Bail Koch , Plane , Scandal , Holidays , Bay New Club , Red And White , The Club , Stages , First , Numbers , Bail , Last , Champions , Baby , Playoff Round , Gonna , Abang Inside , Two Thousand And Fifteen , Chance , Bails , Trace , Success , Goannas , Draw , Mayo , Scan , Dream Come True Defense , Europe , Bathroom , Bayeux , Ninety Six , Play , Match , Bills , Big , Stadium Sparky Didn T , Fortunes , Gambian , Roommate Ali , Thirty , Imagination , World , Fit , Appointment , Beany , Collie , Ben Yes , Station , Cameras , Land , Honor , Skipper Thomas , One Hundred , Piece , Experience , Both , Hope , Nothing , Minister , Sleeping , Bush , Brickbats , Import , Process , Trust , Sec , Doi , Top Tier , Sort , Frito Bandito , Playing , Folly , Following , Hand , Right , Feel Good , Coola Clue , Wa Silent Clash , Clash , Cultures , India , Families , Society , Love , Marriage , Cold , War , Message , Father , Commandoes , Eight , Changes , Folds , Unsub , Consulate Boost Side Boxes , View , Big Dreams On The Story Mummy Movie Magazine , The W , Chinese Food , Living , Chinese , Step Back , Knowledge , Articulation , Border Haven T ,

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