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Well it could be a game changer because overall if you look at it one of the details of the potential deal would be that this Production Facility would be wholly owned by tesla so far all the Foreign Car Companies they need a chinese partner that deal probably would not have that included and it would bring costs down quite a bit for. China is the biggest market for electronic vehicles this year alone probably. More than double electric vehicles will be sold in china in comparison to the u. S. And if you look at tesla specifically about fifteen percent of their sales were generated in china so far china is not the big market for tesla but that could change even if the stock traded a bit lower here in the monday session as a big week for the markets with things season open one hundred eighty Nine Companies on the s. And p. Five hundred sets report. Its the busiest week of the earnings season by far and one reason that the stock market has risen so much in the past couple of months was due to the expectations that corporate earnings actually will come in a better than expected and weve just seen that recently that we had some misses and that actually could put some pressure on the market here on monday for instance the stock of General Electric lost more than six percent in value after that company mr earnings expectations on for right it was the first earnings miss in about two and a half years specially the focus will be on thursday when the Big Tech Companies will be out with earnings Amazon Google microsoft intel but then also on tuesday we will have General Motors for instance or make donaldson out was numbers so a lot depends on those earnings if this rally that weve seen recently can continue all right plenty to look forward to this weekends quarter in new york for us thank you or us will for a tease have given a german comic a fox fog and the green light to repair around thirty eight thousand s. U. V. S with three to diesel engines it could potentially have access and we should never and this is welcome news for fox german call maker would have had to pay up to four billion dollars at the u. S. Authorities denied the approval for the vehicle fixes that means its set to save around one billion dollars as a result of that decision that decision affecting its. Seven and Porsche Cayenne models. Nevertheless the clouds continue to gather over germanys car industry here in europe the European Commission has announced even more raids on offices of comic saying it was looking for evidence they might have violated e. U. Anti trust rules dine at the top and have confirmed they were targeted by those rights investigators visited b. M. W. Offices on friday the raids aimed at uncovering evidence of the secret that might have an equally discussed industry emission controls and standards since the one nine hundred ninety s. Now getting around busy Central London is a ready testing but now the drive is of older pollutant vehicles it just got even more expensive as well in a bid to tackle c o two emissions the british capital has joined the ranks of european cities make it harder for those polluted vehicles to take to the roads and veiny a new tax on them drivers in Central London are used to paying extra to be on these roads now another fee may be added for some to teach hardship or toxic charge would be an additional eleven euros on top of the ten year old congestion levy they already pay. And the idea is to encourage those who are the most pollution vehicles to stop driving into the heart of london and if they do drive into parliament theyve got to pay an Additional Teacher these the cost of driving into london the whole of that is twenty one pounds fifty but not everyone will come to the new levy some Business Leaders feel that it could affect Small Businesses especially those in london and near the british capital so the big impact on business in london the southeast that effectively by extension the rest of the country so everyones affected by this whether the new fee will indeed reduce traffic remains to be seen but what is clear is that london like many other cities is taking steps to lower vehicle emissions. The sharing economy is changing the face of business you schemes are popping up all the time founded on the possibility that its more efficient not to actually own something especially when it comes to big ticket items like cars or bikes if you can access it easily whenever you want now that is the theory at least unfortunately as australia is finding out implementing sharing schemes can be a little bit more complicated and you might think. It seemed like such a great idea at the time cutting down on emissions and traffic helping people keep in shape but shared bicycles schemes in sydney and melbourne hard to quite working out as host the problem bikes known litter the cityscape because a lack of bike racks means users are just leaving them pretty much everywhere. There are things for the life of the place off to use it on control. Of the streets i worry about them in the up on the road or any up in the tree or any about in a skip bin they already are and in local waterways as well many have been fished out of melbournes yarra river the bike tire providers are scrambling to find a solution but when we see the bikes being made into a particular location what often. Teams are going out there in a regular basis and redeploying them to eighty is what we call this hotch potch but it looks like the only way to make the schemes work long term will be to get the authorities involved we need. Governments state governments in particular to step up to the plight but also like governments to put in place the cycle facilities including bike racks and places where people can be clear that i can safely store the boss of those until that happens the residents of melbourne and sydney will just have to cope with an inconvenient side effect of the sharing economy. Here in germany organic food is all the rage which means so too is organic farming now accounts for more than six percent of the country you know much of the nation says that growing organic produce could be a lucrative export opportunity for africa and like anything its a skill that can be taught and so we caught up with a young woman from cameroon who spent a year actonel gannett dairy farm. He will call on mungo and her colleague are setting up the livestock fences again rain or shine it has to be done the grazing cows have to be moved regularly or theyll destroy the pastors thats something the twenty four year old has learned here. In ca moon we just use the cyclist and we dont know that its time to regenerate its fertility but when it holds up in the train farmer has been volunteering here for a year driving the tractor took a bit of getting used to it first and she was amazed to discover that the fences around the animals are electrified also because im going to die if theyre here that targeted their code theyre going to die but then i learned that a voltage is not so high for the cost of die but that is just enough to keep the costs from running away. Although the cows dont seem exactly eager to leave anytime soon in fact they look quite content with their lot. Likes the idea of dividing a pasture into smaller areas and rotating the livestock through them she hopes to convince farmers in cameroon to do the same. Yeah in germany ive learned so much about caring for Natural Resources over weeks i think that is enough experience for me to think back home and share with you in spite of all the positive experiences there were some things she doesnt like at all even on organic farms calves are separated from their mothers shortly after birth and housed in separate pens in cameroon they grow up in the herd industrialization comes with its own disadvantages like this like having color so you know stay out in the bun so when i go back i would like to you know share my own ideas about balancing both like balancing industrialization as well as taking care of the animals and making sure that natural habitat was able kolo nongold believes her country cameroon should get away from food imports shes convinced just because its from the e. U. Doesnt necessarily mean its organic or healthy instead the cameroonians should rely on their own agricultural products. Youre up to date with in ages from the wild all business and all find us on facebook on us on twitter on this whole business im there as well and then to see how great is my handle for business coming up in the on by just watching. Its reformation day on d w. I have programs while on the clock marking its five hundredth anniversary were going live to the commemoration ceremonies in that bag will be documentaries magazines and talk shows focusing on luther and the groundbreaking events he helped set in motion reformation day october thirty first sunday w. New on d w makers the famous stars emmy and now. At the feet cam envy gods house of musical son close to me this Anime Fan Club and unplugged. Three night groups starting november third on d w. Its all happening doge of it is a figment of. Your link to news from africa and the world. Your link to exceptional stories and discussions can you unwelcome student news obviously Program Night from funny to me from the news of these eaves i would say d. Deputed comes to africa join us on facebook at t w africa. Going to let them know double your we speak your language our Spanish Program only until. Own words will inform us of what listen i can like to always close to the action but im not part of the focus on the whole like im guessing that up to the minute news and opinions of the background to Political Developments w d w we bring you more. I thought. There were a hindu exodus from be on mars a seemingly never ending stream of refugees headed towards bangladesh since late august thousands have fled every day to escape me on mars military. They left behind apocalyptic scenes the Muslim Minority regime just saw their homes burned down in what appears to have been an act of revenge by myanmars army after one hinge or rebels attacked a number of police posts. The army says all its actions were aimed at protecting the people against islamist terrorism. And. Unsung suchi was once the hope of a Better Future the nobel peace laureate embodied many peoples longing for democracy for their hinges that has clearly not come to pass. Now me and mars defacto leader she condemned the violence but was not willing to criticize the countrys powerful army. They were hindu are officially stateless unwanted in myanmar and hated by many. Now thousands have been driven out of their homes raped or even murdered. Nearly six hundred thousand have fled to find literature since late august some human Rights Groups are calling it genocide. Going on i was there. You know. I know that i was there i dont. I mean i learned on the one i got our houses were burned down we had nothing left they came after us they cut peoples throats and shot at us and thats why we had to leave. But im not. Going oh no the border guard gives them permission to come ashore. Theyre covered in mud brown has become the color of their nightmare journey. When they fled they were forced to leave everything behind nor mohamad his brother and their families have just crossed enough river that marks the border between bangladesh and me and maher. Is going to die when we no longer have a home out of the soldiers beat out. The last of us. Why there was a little bit older than us what my mother and father disappeared to when they burned down our village so i took my wife and children and ran away as fast as i could for i know i cant find my son. Therefore they got him on those on the way here and all along the river i saw the bodies of children so many are dead but we saw dead people everywhere disappeared alerted body just charred bodies some of it. Here in bangladesh the Border Guards are expecting the refugees from myanmar also known as burma theyve been told to let them through. Five of them but it would just hurry their shooting coming from the other side their burmese soldiers just across from here i dont know. But. After five days and four nights on the run and in hiding norma hamad and his family are exhausted. But they have to keep going. With their last remaining strength they trudge over to the other side of the rice field were a group of traffickers are waiting. But my how many people theres five of us five adults. Nor mohammed is shocked at the price hes told if he doesnt like it he can find another boat the family has little choice but to agree. Communication is no problem as the ranger language is closely related to bengali. So you sit down there. You go to the front. Of. This last boat trip brings them a big step closer to their final destination. Moon. A lot of them are going to get herself better is not going to. Finally a chance to relax in safety. The right age is. Going to buy the notion that this is the first time weve had a war since we left our village and weve been on the road constantly since then you know you down the hills to sleep. We could never rest a month but in one month. We just wanted to stay alive. Five days are now over and we can finally have a break and when our new dad i do have the old one the and. Now that i had under the hood you get to keep going keep going i know were doing good youll find food and water. Over there. As soon as they arrive the family comes upon all the other refugees like. Michael. Dunn and aid worker hands them a sack of rice itll be their first meal in five days. Im going to

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