Transcripts For DW Kick Off 20240707 :

Transcripts For DW Kick Off 20240707

with me. unwelcome, well, for a young painter from ghana appeared on the international art scene like a bolt out of the blue. his works like hot cakes and the prices soon shut up a 1200000. the fashion world also took a fancy to his motifs. ah, we went with amal oval, awful to trace his roots in the capital of gonna crap where he also sees his future . ah, did dishonesty should learn from west africa's coast become a rising star of can in pre art and so quickly, lou, and what does he and others think of his success? mclamore and he's an artist who lives in his time and with his contemporary elicit a notice down the amount of them in there is the most recent star in the firmament . and he's gone through the roof in terms of attention, price out of it. and also incredible rec, noise ability or send it with if you thought you meant is one of the rates of it for some of us because we know that you can make it totally up make it i was born in, i was born here in a so and then at some point i move with my father to my dinner. and then when he died was we came back here because this were my mom stay so they moved back to my father is a fisherman. so when you goes foresees, i'm the eldest, so i have to basically stay home and look after my siblings. and then, you know, you have to invent your in games because you mostly stuck on the house. that's where my friends also get to come to the house and that's where we kind of start drawing in to. it's more like a mini competition where we find out who did or copy the best cut. so we would do the same thing. and then we'll be the judges and decide which of us to the best one. in just off the coast, the central district of acura is known for its restaurants and my life in this is where he grew up. long with the more no more. the one on often visits his family a . so we stayed here for some time. actually this one. now if i'm waiting for a button and then move to dial one, i live with a 1000000 coffee point in some way of you. i don't know, you don't have to necessarily come from the same model, but no, once you are living in the same house, if you are in your community or in that neighborhood, it's funny. that's how you grow your up is very, you know, for yourself. and i mean, sometimes it, it, okay, it gives you a lot of space to grow for yourself. but i feel it's, it's nice to have to for own that, you know, if you see how to be together, how to do things together. when it's just beautiful. mm. his studio has become a neighborhood meeting point it being an artist, a painter in guy. you know, for sure that you don't have a career like, you don't have a life. you know, you're not gonna make anything for me like this, you know, from the beginning. because your parents love you this supports you, but they would tell you point blank that you're not gonna make anything from it and those of what you are the kitchen. but in when you're done, you're going to tell you have to find a job. ah. so gonna spas is it's, it's a big thing. it's kind of a way to get out. you know, so for me, i thought, you know, i'm gonna make good money with tennis. and i thought, you know, i'm just going to get it. so at some point i was like, if i'm not going to money and i'm getting old, i'm getting old. like, why do i want to do? i love fancy, like a lot troy. so then i went to school to live my hobby, which is painting and, and come back play tennis, make the money and then paint. but then i got stuck with painting and knocked and it says is walker walker, i often say that amola co is askance turn to us if i have the impression that he scalps as painting his characters on guards of his reg. he's invented a new visual language with regard to skin, especially black skin discussing because it's a very personal nation. oh wow. his painting has an organic aspect from bonus bane that ends with the yoga. it's as if you can see the veins and painting that gets under the skin while a very common cold sitting about your it's work that has a lot of sense. you ality, see i have i, it's work that is deeply entwined with the body. he's describing to so 33. he plays with his fingers have i. he has a sensuality the khaki because he has a ton that is liberated. it sounds levy from the instrument and yes, it's all from the brush. he said the fact that he came to study and learn about the theories and practices and i was told this is how it goes. these are the rules and he still uses his fingers. it quite well in the end with us, but i think that's quite ironic. and i'm going to he said watchful. so i see nick, back to school. good now to college of art and design was founded in 1969. and it was a hot bed of talent for decades. i thought it was forced to close 5 years ago due to lack of funds. this is gonna so i did took my glassdoor, this is me, my glasses. it was a wooden structure. i think they had some problems with probably the government and also financial stuff that i didn't put it on her as in cannot i was a delay financial stuff. but yeah right. i believe because i have to raise the money and make payment and i saw it is a pencil. what under bought for me it was amazing. i was thinking how to do it. but then, you know, i checked the energy of their class and do a laugh in like making fun of depression. and so you know, i had all my joys asset. i need to hide it. so i hid owen driving because what i had was not even close to what is under bought and already were making fun of it . so i better not show it. and you know, that was gonna. so then i knew already that if you don't, you know, sit len, do astral, you're not gonna make it. so you know, i had to, i knew already arriving that i have to put astro with me. since when she foreseen local had the opportunity to study in europe at the academy of fine arts in vienna, it was time to leave acura. so students with us if he has a very unique style. yeah. self taught. but at the same time, we are sophisticated hover, you whiskey, those who compare or cover his training in vienna also taught him that there's a certain rigor. yeah. and that it's necessary to know his influences. or in this case, the viennese expressionist painters in law. oh, i think he succeeded in combining 2 completely different styles in those to the corporate monte. phil, vienna's museum distance, quickly became the 2nd term of the gun. an art student is foster or off it is. i knew that he visited the leopold museum regularly. so and had a strong affinity for sheila and for clamped thinker, i think for our for certainly got a sense of ornament from trinity. and from sheila, he got the expressiveness on to the individual, the austell, the search for self and identity. so quickly did the d as high the good put it with the sense of being thrown into the wall to say, and constituting oneself as one or several individuals. for us, we are the individual. ah, for the 1st time since michael bluffer, college days, some of his early works are going on display in vienna. in 2021. 3 self portraits from 2017. i rang there for sure. bring back memories. how? you know the men della lake. i was in a position always in a space where i needed to like looking to myself and so for that particular time they made sense. i like painting blo, buddies in hang vienna you have less black buddies. it's just a boy. so in a way to keep up painting, dr. bodies will be just looking to myself, it was good to go back to the groups that they got to see how your study is the word have seen what to accomplish. this yes, that way, but it's it's, it's wonderful that they get to see how our started it was he or son done it all. so constitutes important momentum her and him a thought and period in terms of the question of black identity in a long like history on what a christian could book would it be? so it's a question. many countries are asking this hippy about their accountability regarding their relation sharing with africa. that's quick. so no involvement and trade of a clinical mixer in slain for a go and colonialism cycle. industrial compet by no country can avoid that question to her. so did the shipping them on the system i worked by amola called while pho sits amid the viennese modernist at the lee pulled museum. ah, the gift from the front of it leading collector now has its place among dwarf was great role models, eco. and sheila and gustav clint, who shaped v in his art nouveau. in their time, they to revolutionized body in nature painting just like waffle to de leon in vienna. have in, you know, i says to all this, it was amazing to finally know get to see some art and you know, be in touch with it. and also been a and an environment where people actually appreciated and that, you know, kind of changed the way you also think about it. but in, you know, getting to vienna, seeing all the different stylus in different medium. how people worked. you know, no, get in tune to witness or this is kind of changed me us like, oh i just don't have to really, really good. like i don't have to pin the peasant to look like the pacing or the details to be good. and you just have to be authentic. you know, it took me a while. but then at some point i sat there like i'm thinking how to on linda things that i land. and i was difficult because lennon how to pin really good and then trying to lose enough. it was, it was, it was a king . of course you can see the influence of ego and she laid in the signature is very similar to she did in the media. that's interesting to english feed that it's an example of how much a going sheila influenced him, at least in this case, need be any stairs indecent pilot behind with their bit enigmatic baby and a bit pensive, sometimes not dank, they're free and they know what they are if they're proud of themselves, they look squarely at themselves in my life. very simple. i like to audi use, the was busy, but i like to be as simple as possible. no, not too much so i don't want to be loud. and then at some point i arrived with the finger painting was uncomfortable. i didn't know what i was doing because again, i just couldn't control it. but when i finished to face painting, i say this is special. i was sent in to a friend of mine. i was like i dis radish. this is a he said wishing risha flag ha new but i'm like, it makes me ill. i do. i feel good. last night. yeah. i just you know, i don't, i no one don't stop painting with a brush. so i kept painting the prize and doing my finger painting, trying know how to simplify, how to, you know, for me does, that's how i see painting. i said, painting i said problem or the congress has a problem. or the papacy problem suffers as a problem. and you have to find solutions to solve that problem. at any rate at blah forest paintings have triggered a food on the not market. i'm marco, bow, awful. 6000000, 800000. your back are swipe that in many of the berlin gym under 1000. in the summer of 2020 fueled in part by debate surrounding the black lives matter movement office work sold at auction for more than 15 times their estimated price. so from 1000000 200000, congratulations, back even call was every, the appeal. when you reach such high prices, you have to listen to the market for the matter. and the mom it is same icdc. we won 10 malackle over and walk at any price. and then bought the market. so seattle, mushy, he don't care. so you have to be able to find a balance between what the market one could have here and what's good for the article in the long run. what i long unworkable alpha is not the 1st artist to be thrust into dizzying heights of fame by the art world. it's a beautiful thing to for a special but yours. i just have to know that she just an ordinary person and everything can go wrong. he knows how inconsistent that success can be sworn or my fe. oh my voice. oh oh i i mean i have doth obscene to move anywhere i one to and leave or did life. you live that one by the know it cannot say is disappear like that if you don't again. but dwarf a did take care and continue to explore new territory to if you look on my painting, as you will see, the freshman has a big role. so i'll, if i shoot, you know, you don't have to say it. but what you where says everything intrigued by blossoms, lots of fashion. kim jones, the created director a deal invited him to collaborate on the summer collection of 2021 lane, very tabitha amo new was in real harmony on the connection between kim jones and m . malackle bhaskar, kim jenkins, lyft in africa for quite a long time. vick hill and also spent time in gone i briefly in his youth by said he thought he was gonna, okay, it's not unknown to rain for him soon. it by the tour until it was like when you're 41 should be eyes flushed. i'll he met more, get them, dial our own day art, always influences fashion. so again, more days our i entirely school dad and vice versa on van via on, i'm awkward to him by speed. it can be said that fashion as a part of creativity. react in these anthem, and d, r, thinking about pamela co and his project with your eyes at me. i know more got more . i hope that he can reach a broader audience. this blue book, which might also be or become interested in art. the i'm feel like i'll go launched into he had seen thought at once as c, it's dead in. mm. though a more cold waffle enjoys success. he's less keen on the hype, so he's pulled back into his corner as he puts it. and that's at home in acura. he wants to set up a new art school in o soon. and while coy amola co, his a very, very generous person will defer to someone have won't forget his roots, his origins from them all. and what is lacking in certain big african cities, structures for artists structures that enable creation, but also production according to go. so this on my earlier worse. yeah. these are louis i'm of course, when i started said to san clix, when the hub is it, he's a wise collector, luscious. he supports his contempt freezing mice. there weren't any decor. well, he also discovered them fast, faster than the professionals. don't come well, go up. also clue, he thought about residency when artists can create on the ground to hong k. and we is that the observers gather the collectors the call you will have to move around to them. this is the blessing. it was just a trial to see how people war act with each other being. this is face working now just to get it on them. so just fossil them to understand or see how it is like to work with each other and also take from each other so well, that's why i go into space and i think was at them. it's really nice to have your own studio space where, you know, you feel free to do whatever you want in the space. a mccoy's, a friend of mine, you school gun at the college of art and design. so we're berkeley started for school, so he got a chance in trouble also. so you, kim buckley said, okay, have a pseudo space. i think this place has been a good place to help. some of us contemporary artists in going on here. i think we are doing great, great works and this studio space. there are some things that i got in vienna that i feel like dental getting. so with my university, for example, i have a professor that you know, you do a presentation and dates from time to time. they criticize away. and you know, it depends how you take it and then you go from there. and i feel like they don't have it, you know, it's like everyone works. india always show and that's it. and so bringing them out here, working with each other, interacting, you know, they will go to each other studio and they will make comments. i come in, we go visit one arches to the ada in every one have to say something like, you know, you look at work and you make a comment and you like it, what you feel they can do better. and that's how they go. and i feel like that's what i got from, you know, because it will and how to paint. and i mean, we have the technique, we can, we can do it. but you know, presentation and learning how to talk about someone else's work and you know, getting criticized to, to be better is something that we did not get. so i think that's what i'm giving them. and maybe they see that i actually started with my police at all. and when i have my teeth, my clothes and everything around me, my freeze my tv one day, always a painting and actually pay me a surprise visit. so he came in there and was like no on this list is too small for you either be police that's, i don't fix you, you gotta start working on, you know, and then you start developing your style. and i saw that this place is well good. and also big for me to start and exploring what, what is we do? move the foundation stone to his artist in residence project has been late. and the plan is to build a complex with several studios opposite his own studio. in the west. can i get to how the community is like, you know, they have so many spaces and that makes you feel more comfortable being an artist. and i feel like, you know, i should be the same in my community. so may i thought if i have them is i'm gonna make the gulf is just a few minutes away by con amola cove waffle accompanies his mother. it's time to reflect upon everything that's happened . what's coming and who he is. i been to painting the for painting so i will paint everything my head. so i see a character i think of what i want to do, you know, like do editing my finishing. and that comes with the ones that come to, to come up and know what where are you, when are you near while warm this is not that we are going to go right as a right. because you know, you can, i couldn't go by then this morning go because it wasn't really not. i wasn't really, wasn't saying anything at all. so we got in been out of ah ah, with so much frustration. and so few fish, british fishermen are furious. many of them supported bread and believe the promises of their government. but instead of more fishing rights, they now have less income troubled waters, british fishermen, and brags it close on 30 minutes on d. w. insomnia, all over the world. more and more people are having trouble sleeping, some of them even sleep all day and are active at night. but sleep disorders have detrimental effects on the body and may even increase the likelihood of dementia. what can be done to prevent people from losing sleep? 075 minutes on d. w. or asia and arctic lovers guiding by vibrating asian cities. 5 local artists, ah indeed meek experience of their craft. join us for exclusive master classes. with this week on d. w. ah, come mike speaking, how can miss national hatred of a people be explained? a gold hon go. a history of anti semitism is a history of stigmatization and exclusion of religious and political power. struggles in the christian christianity wants to come from. that is why christianity use the figure of the jew as little tesla. it's a history of slender of hatred and violence. is the focus more on then on the jews were considered servants of evil. we simply told you the most atrocious chapter. a 3rd of our people were exterminated $6000000.00 jews, like microbes to be annihilated, even 77 years after the holocaust hatred towards juice is still pervasive. a history of anti semitism starts july, 2nd on d, w. a blue ah, this is dw news live from berlin. today we focus on ukraine's hopes of joining the european union. president lindsley calling this week historic. a key decision is expected on ukraine's cannon seized for the european union. and it comes as the lensky warns of more russian attacks. and.

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Berkeley , California , United States , India , United Kingdom , Ghana , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Russia , Berlin , Germany , Ukraine , Russian , British , Semitism Isa , Vick Hill , Gustav Clint , Kim Buckley , Kim Jenkins , Walker , Kim Jones ,

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Transcripts For DW Kick Off 20240707 :

Transcripts For DW Kick Off 20240707

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with me. unwelcome, well, for a young painter from ghana appeared on the international art scene like a bolt out of the blue. his works like hot cakes and the prices soon shut up a 1200000. the fashion world also took a fancy to his motifs. ah, we went with amal oval, awful to trace his roots in the capital of gonna crap where he also sees his future . ah, did dishonesty should learn from west africa's coast become a rising star of can in pre art and so quickly, lou, and what does he and others think of his success? mclamore and he's an artist who lives in his time and with his contemporary elicit a notice down the amount of them in there is the most recent star in the firmament . and he's gone through the roof in terms of attention, price out of it. and also incredible rec, noise ability or send it with if you thought you meant is one of the rates of it for some of us because we know that you can make it totally up make it i was born in, i was born here in a so and then at some point i move with my father to my dinner. and then when he died was we came back here because this were my mom stay so they moved back to my father is a fisherman. so when you goes foresees, i'm the eldest, so i have to basically stay home and look after my siblings. and then, you know, you have to invent your in games because you mostly stuck on the house. that's where my friends also get to come to the house and that's where we kind of start drawing in to. it's more like a mini competition where we find out who did or copy the best cut. so we would do the same thing. and then we'll be the judges and decide which of us to the best one. in just off the coast, the central district of acura is known for its restaurants and my life in this is where he grew up. long with the more no more. the one on often visits his family a . so we stayed here for some time. actually this one. now if i'm waiting for a button and then move to dial one, i live with a 1000000 coffee point in some way of you. i don't know, you don't have to necessarily come from the same model, but no, once you are living in the same house, if you are in your community or in that neighborhood, it's funny. that's how you grow your up is very, you know, for yourself. and i mean, sometimes it, it, okay, it gives you a lot of space to grow for yourself. but i feel it's, it's nice to have to for own that, you know, if you see how to be together, how to do things together. when it's just beautiful. mm. his studio has become a neighborhood meeting point it being an artist, a painter in guy. you know, for sure that you don't have a career like, you don't have a life. you know, you're not gonna make anything for me like this, you know, from the beginning. because your parents love you this supports you, but they would tell you point blank that you're not gonna make anything from it and those of what you are the kitchen. but in when you're done, you're going to tell you have to find a job. ah. so gonna spas is it's, it's a big thing. it's kind of a way to get out. you know, so for me, i thought, you know, i'm gonna make good money with tennis. and i thought, you know, i'm just going to get it. so at some point i was like, if i'm not going to money and i'm getting old, i'm getting old. like, why do i want to do? i love fancy, like a lot troy. so then i went to school to live my hobby, which is painting and, and come back play tennis, make the money and then paint. but then i got stuck with painting and knocked and it says is walker walker, i often say that amola co is askance turn to us if i have the impression that he scalps as painting his characters on guards of his reg. he's invented a new visual language with regard to skin, especially black skin discussing because it's a very personal nation. oh wow. his painting has an organic aspect from bonus bane that ends with the yoga. it's as if you can see the veins and painting that gets under the skin while a very common cold sitting about your it's work that has a lot of sense. you ality, see i have i, it's work that is deeply entwined with the body. he's describing to so 33. he plays with his fingers have i. he has a sensuality the khaki because he has a ton that is liberated. it sounds levy from the instrument and yes, it's all from the brush. he said the fact that he came to study and learn about the theories and practices and i was told this is how it goes. these are the rules and he still uses his fingers. it quite well in the end with us, but i think that's quite ironic. and i'm going to he said watchful. so i see nick, back to school. good now to college of art and design was founded in 1969. and it was a hot bed of talent for decades. i thought it was forced to close 5 years ago due to lack of funds. this is gonna so i did took my glassdoor, this is me, my glasses. it was a wooden structure. i think they had some problems with probably the government and also financial stuff that i didn't put it on her as in cannot i was a delay financial stuff. but yeah right. i believe because i have to raise the money and make payment and i saw it is a pencil. what under bought for me it was amazing. i was thinking how to do it. but then, you know, i checked the energy of their class and do a laugh in like making fun of depression. and so you know, i had all my joys asset. i need to hide it. so i hid owen driving because what i had was not even close to what is under bought and already were making fun of it . so i better not show it. and you know, that was gonna. so then i knew already that if you don't, you know, sit len, do astral, you're not gonna make it. so you know, i had to, i knew already arriving that i have to put astro with me. since when she foreseen local had the opportunity to study in europe at the academy of fine arts in vienna, it was time to leave acura. so students with us if he has a very unique style. yeah. self taught. but at the same time, we are sophisticated hover, you whiskey, those who compare or cover his training in vienna also taught him that there's a certain rigor. yeah. and that it's necessary to know his influences. or in this case, the viennese expressionist painters in law. oh, i think he succeeded in combining 2 completely different styles in those to the corporate monte. phil, vienna's museum distance, quickly became the 2nd term of the gun. an art student is foster or off it is. i knew that he visited the leopold museum regularly. so and had a strong affinity for sheila and for clamped thinker, i think for our for certainly got a sense of ornament from trinity. and from sheila, he got the expressiveness on to the individual, the austell, the search for self and identity. so quickly did the d as high the good put it with the sense of being thrown into the wall to say, and constituting oneself as one or several individuals. for us, we are the individual. ah, for the 1st time since michael bluffer, college days, some of his early works are going on display in vienna. in 2021. 3 self portraits from 2017. i rang there for sure. bring back memories. how? you know the men della lake. i was in a position always in a space where i needed to like looking to myself and so for that particular time they made sense. i like painting blo, buddies in hang vienna you have less black buddies. it's just a boy. so in a way to keep up painting, dr. bodies will be just looking to myself, it was good to go back to the groups that they got to see how your study is the word have seen what to accomplish. this yes, that way, but it's it's, it's wonderful that they get to see how our started it was he or son done it all. so constitutes important momentum her and him a thought and period in terms of the question of black identity in a long like history on what a christian could book would it be? so it's a question. many countries are asking this hippy about their accountability regarding their relation sharing with africa. that's quick. so no involvement and trade of a clinical mixer in slain for a go and colonialism cycle. industrial compet by no country can avoid that question to her. so did the shipping them on the system i worked by amola called while pho sits amid the viennese modernist at the lee pulled museum. ah, the gift from the front of it leading collector now has its place among dwarf was great role models, eco. and sheila and gustav clint, who shaped v in his art nouveau. in their time, they to revolutionized body in nature painting just like waffle to de leon in vienna. have in, you know, i says to all this, it was amazing to finally know get to see some art and you know, be in touch with it. and also been a and an environment where people actually appreciated and that, you know, kind of changed the way you also think about it. but in, you know, getting to vienna, seeing all the different stylus in different medium. how people worked. you know, no, get in tune to witness or this is kind of changed me us like, oh i just don't have to really, really good. like i don't have to pin the peasant to look like the pacing or the details to be good. and you just have to be authentic. you know, it took me a while. but then at some point i sat there like i'm thinking how to on linda things that i land. and i was difficult because lennon how to pin really good and then trying to lose enough. it was, it was, it was a king . of course you can see the influence of ego and she laid in the signature is very similar to she did in the media. that's interesting to english feed that it's an example of how much a going sheila influenced him, at least in this case, need be any stairs indecent pilot behind with their bit enigmatic baby and a bit pensive, sometimes not dank, they're free and they know what they are if they're proud of themselves, they look squarely at themselves in my life. very simple. i like to audi use, the was busy, but i like to be as simple as possible. no, not too much so i don't want to be loud. and then at some point i arrived with the finger painting was uncomfortable. i didn't know what i was doing because again, i just couldn't control it. but when i finished to face painting, i say this is special. i was sent in to a friend of mine. i was like i dis radish. this is a he said wishing risha flag ha new but i'm like, it makes me ill. i do. i feel good. last night. yeah. i just you know, i don't, i no one don't stop painting with a brush. so i kept painting the prize and doing my finger painting, trying know how to simplify, how to, you know, for me does, that's how i see painting. i said, painting i said problem or the congress has a problem. or the papacy problem suffers as a problem. and you have to find solutions to solve that problem. at any rate at blah forest paintings have triggered a food on the not market. i'm marco, bow, awful. 6000000, 800000. your back are swipe that in many of the berlin gym under 1000. in the summer of 2020 fueled in part by debate surrounding the black lives matter movement office work sold at auction for more than 15 times their estimated price. so from 1000000 200000, congratulations, back even call was every, the appeal. when you reach such high prices, you have to listen to the market for the matter. and the mom it is same icdc. we won 10 malackle over and walk at any price. and then bought the market. so seattle, mushy, he don't care. so you have to be able to find a balance between what the market one could have here and what's good for the article in the long run. what i long unworkable alpha is not the 1st artist to be thrust into dizzying heights of fame by the art world. it's a beautiful thing to for a special but yours. i just have to know that she just an ordinary person and everything can go wrong. he knows how inconsistent that success can be sworn or my fe. oh my voice. oh oh i i mean i have doth obscene to move anywhere i one to and leave or did life. you live that one by the know it cannot say is disappear like that if you don't again. but dwarf a did take care and continue to explore new territory to if you look on my painting, as you will see, the freshman has a big role. so i'll, if i shoot, you know, you don't have to say it. but what you where says everything intrigued by blossoms, lots of fashion. kim jones, the created director a deal invited him to collaborate on the summer collection of 2021 lane, very tabitha amo new was in real harmony on the connection between kim jones and m . malackle bhaskar, kim jenkins, lyft in africa for quite a long time. vick hill and also spent time in gone i briefly in his youth by said he thought he was gonna, okay, it's not unknown to rain for him soon. it by the tour until it was like when you're 41 should be eyes flushed. i'll he met more, get them, dial our own day art, always influences fashion. so again, more days our i entirely school dad and vice versa on van via on, i'm awkward to him by speed. it can be said that fashion as a part of creativity. react in these anthem, and d, r, thinking about pamela co and his project with your eyes at me. i know more got more . i hope that he can reach a broader audience. this blue book, which might also be or become interested in art. the i'm feel like i'll go launched into he had seen thought at once as c, it's dead in. mm. though a more cold waffle enjoys success. he's less keen on the hype, so he's pulled back into his corner as he puts it. and that's at home in acura. he wants to set up a new art school in o soon. and while coy amola co, his a very, very generous person will defer to someone have won't forget his roots, his origins from them all. and what is lacking in certain big african cities, structures for artists structures that enable creation, but also production according to go. so this on my earlier worse. yeah. these are louis i'm of course, when i started said to san clix, when the hub is it, he's a wise collector, luscious. he supports his contempt freezing mice. there weren't any decor. well, he also discovered them fast, faster than the professionals. don't come well, go up. also clue, he thought about residency when artists can create on the ground to hong k. and we is that the observers gather the collectors the call you will have to move around to them. this is the blessing. it was just a trial to see how people war act with each other being. this is face working now just to get it on them. so just fossil them to understand or see how it is like to work with each other and also take from each other so well, that's why i go into space and i think was at them. it's really nice to have your own studio space where, you know, you feel free to do whatever you want in the space. a mccoy's, a friend of mine, you school gun at the college of art and design. so we're berkeley started for school, so he got a chance in trouble also. so you, kim buckley said, okay, have a pseudo space. i think this place has been a good place to help. some of us contemporary artists in going on here. i think we are doing great, great works and this studio space. there are some things that i got in vienna that i feel like dental getting. so with my university, for example, i have a professor that you know, you do a presentation and dates from time to time. they criticize away. and you know, it depends how you take it and then you go from there. and i feel like they don't have it, you know, it's like everyone works. india always show and that's it. and so bringing them out here, working with each other, interacting, you know, they will go to each other studio and they will make comments. i come in, we go visit one arches to the ada in every one have to say something like, you know, you look at work and you make a comment and you like it, what you feel they can do better. and that's how they go. and i feel like that's what i got from, you know, because it will and how to paint. and i mean, we have the technique, we can, we can do it. but you know, presentation and learning how to talk about someone else's work and you know, getting criticized to, to be better is something that we did not get. so i think that's what i'm giving them. and maybe they see that i actually started with my police at all. and when i have my teeth, my clothes and everything around me, my freeze my tv one day, always a painting and actually pay me a surprise visit. so he came in there and was like no on this list is too small for you either be police that's, i don't fix you, you gotta start working on, you know, and then you start developing your style. and i saw that this place is well good. and also big for me to start and exploring what, what is we do? move the foundation stone to his artist in residence project has been late. and the plan is to build a complex with several studios opposite his own studio. in the west. can i get to how the community is like, you know, they have so many spaces and that makes you feel more comfortable being an artist. and i feel like, you know, i should be the same in my community. so may i thought if i have them is i'm gonna make the gulf is just a few minutes away by con amola cove waffle accompanies his mother. it's time to reflect upon everything that's happened . what's coming and who he is. i been to painting the for painting so i will paint everything my head. so i see a character i think of what i want to do, you know, like do editing my finishing. and that comes with the ones that come to, to come up and know what where are you, when are you near while warm this is not that we are going to go right as a right. because you know, you can, i couldn't go by then this morning go because it wasn't really not. i wasn't really, wasn't saying anything at all. so we got in been out of ah ah, with so much frustration. and so few fish, british fishermen are furious. many of them supported bread and believe the promises of their government. but instead of more fishing rights, they now have less income troubled waters, british fishermen, and brags it close on 30 minutes on d. w. insomnia, all over the world. more and more people are having trouble sleeping, some of them even sleep all day and are active at night. but sleep disorders have detrimental effects on the body and may even increase the likelihood of dementia. what can be done to prevent people from losing sleep? 075 minutes on d. w. or asia and arctic lovers guiding by vibrating asian cities. 5 local artists, ah indeed meek experience of their craft. join us for exclusive master classes. with this week on d. w. ah, come mike speaking, how can miss national hatred of a people be explained? a gold hon go. a history of anti semitism is a history of stigmatization and exclusion of religious and political power. struggles in the christian christianity wants to come from. that is why christianity use the figure of the jew as little tesla. it's a history of slender of hatred and violence. is the focus more on then on the jews were considered servants of evil. we simply told you the most atrocious chapter. a 3rd of our people were exterminated $6000000.00 jews, like microbes to be annihilated, even 77 years after the holocaust hatred towards juice is still pervasive. a history of anti semitism starts july, 2nd on d, w. a blue ah, this is dw news live from berlin. today we focus on ukraine's hopes of joining the european union. president lindsley calling this week historic. a key decision is expected on ukraine's cannon seized for the european union. and it comes as the lensky warns of more russian attacks. and.

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Berkeley , California , United States , India , United Kingdom , Ghana , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Russia , Berlin , Germany , Ukraine , Russian , British , Semitism Isa , Vick Hill , Gustav Clint , Kim Buckley , Kim Jenkins , Walker , Kim Jones ,

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