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Has intercepted the british like time to stand in pearl in the Strait Of Hormuz through our. Pictures montrose a real navy type 23 frigates currently deployed in the gulf try to come to the time because 8. Obstruct. And reach them. Good for the up to. Iran has no rights to obstruct the ships passage lets. Talk about all those countries calling on iran to release the tank we asked them to tell britain the same thing that most of us feel for there is simply no comparison between iran illegal seizure of a vessel inside a recognized Shipping Letter and the enforcement of e. U. Sanctions it was planned for an act of state piracy. Also coming up in parliamentary elections ukrainians have given their new president a strong mandate to fight corruption and thats rather remarkable considering what income but lawmakers allegedly did just staying in power. Transfer and then overnight both want to transfer and however the company was mocked by widespread. Over incumbent and. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and All Around The World welcome we begin the day with a growing crisis between the United States and iran and britain firmly caught in the middle today iran said that it has captured 17 spies working for the cia in sentence some of them to death the u. S. President reacted with a Tweet Calling that announcement fault. And nothing but propaganda at the same time the British Government was in an Emergency Meeting to come up with a response to what it calls iranian piracy on the open sea on friday Iranian Revolutionary guard troops ignored warnings from the british navy and seized a british ship in the Strait Of Hormuz the fact that it has taken 3 days for london to announce its response speaks to the few and frustrating options that it has ever since the u. S. Withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal britain has found itself in an almost impossible position how to help the rest of europe save the nuclear deal while maintaining ties with its most important ally the United States and to make matters more difficult britain is counting on a new trade deal with the u. S. After it leaves the European Union later this year so the irony was not lost today when the u. K. Said that it will put together a naval Protection Mission in the Strait Of Hormuz to be led by europe and not connected in any way with a Similar Alliance that the u. S. Is struggling to create because freedom of navigation is a vital interest of every nation we will now seek to put together a european and that maritime Protection Mission to support the safe passage of both crew and conquer in this final region weve had constructive discussions with a number of countries in the last 48 hours and we will discuss later this week the best way to complement this with the recent u. S. Proposals in this area there was the u. K. Foreign minister there jeremy hunt lets take this story now to london im joined by our correspondent barbara vais all good evening to you barbara there is another important part of this story tomorrow we expect to find out who the new u. K. Prime minister will be either jeremy hunt who we just saw or Boris Johnson i mean would you agree that this has to be the worst timing possible. We also know french that is the most likely candidate to step into Downing Street 10 downing street on wednesday afternoon is going to be Boris Johnson and the timing is absolutely horrific because of instead of sort of throwing himself into his favorite topic that is brechts it and sort of go to europe and sort of the hit everybody around the head and say you now finally have to do what we brits want because im Boris Johnson im the new Prime Minister what he has to do is go cap in hand to paris and to go in and talk to them and say now listen can you come up with anything that swims off flies so we could form convoys in the straits of hormuz and protect the tankers there and so he has to sort of strike is rather to say polite and more or less consider a tone no insult against the french friend since we know how much he likes that and he also has to talk to im going to marco who is not an easy partner in negotiations like that so its very difficult 1st day and week for Boris Johnson likely in all likelihood. Do we know how Boris Johnson would handle the situation with with would it be different from what theresa may. We have not the foggiest idea to be truthful because when he was the Foreign Minister Boris Johnson upheld the european line he said we want to keep the nuclear deal was iran a life he was very diligent in talking to paris and talking to the linen sort of talking to the of the Foreign Ministers and trying to keep those diplomatic ties or diplomatic contacts as they were to iran life and he did not try to rock that particular boat bought now hes in a totally different position you already mentioned he does want to trade deal with the United States. So what Boris Johnson under pressure to be ready to sort of Throw Everything away she said just go to washington and say listen i sort of. Changed sides here im going to be was you now and lets sort of beat the iranians over the head was a big stick and im your boy. British papers talk about the danger that Boris Johnson might make britain and to the us poor again weve had this was blair and the iraq war so that would not be very well come but we dont know what hes thinking we dont know whats in his head even his closest advisers say we should just have to wait and see what you do take a listen barbara to what the u. K. Foreign minister jeremy hunt said today about this proposed Maritime Protection alliance. He will not be part of the us Maximum Pressure policy on iran because we remain committed to preserving of iraq chremes. But thats astounding what do you make of the u. K. Announcing this Maritime Protection force in the Strait Of Hormuz they wanted to be led by europe and not to be connected with a similar force led by the United States. And the political will behind this is quite clear i mean britain does as the of the europeans does not want to be drawn into this increasingly and pillage driven stance that washington shows to its around they dont want to be drawn into a possible Military Conflict in the region with which would be absolutely horrifying so they still trying to sort of keep diplomacy a life theyre still saying now we really did something for iran we sort of worked it was them for so many years now they should sort of be more conciliatory towards us they should sort of give Something Back we tried our best and so this is the clinging to that but this situation objectively of course is dire and in the end they will have to come out with some sort of protection for chen can call unvoiced in the straits of homeless otherwise oil will not be transported and everybody will hit by that equally so difficult situation for the british side because they sort of stock this difficult situation by what you already called the Tit For Tat Tanker Crisis and also for the other europeans because they know they have more less have to get involved. Before we run out of time to talk to me about the irony here britain leaving the European Union later this year tonight it is asking europe to help it be a troll the holy see. Yeah its not all about taking back control i mean you can hardly sort of pronounce this without really start to start laughing because of course britain when its under pressure its just a medium sized country on the edge of europe and they of course do need their allies in europe and of course they need to rely on them and then they will have to turn around and say now lets do brecks it and now lets be enemies again i mean this is such an impossible political situation is entirely paranoid and what Boris Johnson will make will make off it there is no telling who you know our correspondent barbara has a little story for us tonight in london barbara as always thank you. Or youre watching the day still to come. On india on its way to the moon does it also represent the latest launch in a new space race ill try to find down in just a my. Colleagues and guests as they say welcome to the new reality the parliamentary election has taken place you can see the data on the screen as we process preliminary results to put it in for months and which it will show in reality we may be looking at a situation when for the 1st time in the history of independent ukraine well have one party in the parliament which will be able to make all the decisions and will have the 226 votes to support all day legislative initiatives. Isnt going to shoot and he said it will voters in ukraine went to the ballot box yesterday and made history for the 1st Time Parliament will be led by one party the party of the new president a blow to me as a Lenski The Comedian turned president who came to power with the promise of Fighting Corruption a mandate for change that is that much stronger tonight thanks to yesterdays parliamentary elections so lets take this story now to our correspondent Nick Connelly he is on the story in the Ukrainian Capital Kiev force good evening to you nic so the president he must be laughing all the way to the Parliament Building his party controls parliament this should make it very easy for him i would think to get legislation passed to keep his Current Campaign promises will it. Well brant these are really Uncharted Waters for ukraine politics as you mentioned this is a 1st The Ukrainian Politics the 1st Ukrainian President to have an absolute majority in parliament his strategy of pulling those elections forward really banking that honeymoon he had with the voters really seems to have paid off not only that but also hes a rule new p. C. Boards palm and not one of his new members of parliament has sat in parliament before youve got a t. V. Chef there and a limb pick wrestler a fellow comedian so its all expected that these people will be fairly pliable and easy to be disciplined compared to political veterans that have been in ukraines parliament up till now what would you say nick was the Parliament Election result was it a strong show of support for selenski or was it more of a protest vote against the established. I think this is very definitely still a rejection of the establishment and the status quo the people who have been responsible for ukraine failing to live up to its potential this is a country that has huge huge economic potential but where people are still living much worse off than in neighbors like poland for instance so huge frustration about sons of living here selenski has been very careful since he won that president ial election a couple of months ago not to offend anyone in his big Electoral Coalition as it was to. Please everyone to say bring peace to dont bask in the same time not sounding too friendly towards russia hes basically been in Campaign Mode all this time so i think theyre only going to really find out what kind of president selenski will make now after these. Elections election observers from the oas see they say that the election this weekend was fair and free however they accuse him combet m. P. s of trying to buy votes in order to keep their seats as theyve been anything said about that by the president today and i mean this really speaks to how big the problem of corruption in ukraine really is doesnt. But theres no getting around the fact that ukraine routinely comes at the Bottom Of European Corruption Rankings only russia routinely really doing worse i think the positive takeaway from today is that the old timers trying those tricks vote buying they didnt get away with it they were swept away by this tide of political newcomers that he has brought into parliament i think the real test of mettle and his real determination to fight corruption will be how he deals with. The channels made him a star in the 1st place and whos been really instrumental with his Media Resources in helping his political rise to power. Used to own ukraines biggest bank but it was nationalized under the previous government with support from western lenders because its alleged. Billions to buy real estate around the world including in the us if it turns out the Business Interests are now going to be given preferential treatment on the government the credibility in terms of Fighting Corruption will obviously be show our correspondent Nick Connelly on the story for us tonight talking about the fallout from this weekends parliamentary elections nick as always thank you. Well in hong kong it appears to be going from bad to worse over the weekend antigovernment protests descended into violence but it all began peacefully as Tens Of Thousands took to the streets against an unpopular Extradition Bill that they fear will erode the citys tanami as protesters headed for the office of chinas communist party police fired on them with Rubber Bullets and tear gas and in a new Development Video has emerged showing suspected Mafia Members attacking demonstrators. It was a vicious Assault Gangs of men all dressed in white attacking antigovernment protesters on their way home from another huge demonstration. The brutal attack was life streamed on social media showing journalists as well as protesters being beaten as the men rampage through a Subway Station and onto trains. The way i saw somebody bleeding all over the floor in front of me i tried to drag him away but they wouldnt let me but had all sorts of weapons and i came over and attacked me too. Thats all that got up that although. Im not position nor make it he was injured claims triad gangstas suggesting the shadowy criminal network was intervening in support of the Chinese Government as the dozens of injured received Treatment Police finally arrived on the scene and work used by witnesses of taking more than an hour to get there despite frantic calls for help so far no arrests have been made on monday from Homs Probating Leader carry now condemned the attack which absolutely do not although that court of law will allow a Levy Laden Spirit but rules its not a solution to any problem above that this will only bring more followers. But other pro china nor makers focus their condemnation on the antigovernment protesters who threw eggs and paint at Chinas Hong Kong liaison office. Once again protesters clashed with police well into the night. Such and should be severely condemned and i think these reposts look look still these provocative actions which we see here is the foundation the relationship between social couple and hold i guess it is the closeness of that relationship that prodemocracy protesters are worried about the concerns of expanded beyond the controversial extradition bail as fears grow that democratic freedoms of being a renegade fears that would only be stoked by the unchecked Intervention A suspected criminal gangs. Well its 2nd time lucky for indias Lunar Mission mondays launch brings in the year closer to its goal of becoming the 4th country ever to land a spacecraft on the mood after the United States russia and most recently china the Chandrayaan 2 lifted off from its launch pad in Entrepreneurship State as play and with time sparking celebrations around the countrys Mission Control space said these says will lift off comes a week after an aborted 1st attempt. The Unmanned Spacecraft will explore for the

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