Transcripts For DW Interview - Seyran Ates It Seems Im Desti

DW Interview - Seyran Ates It Seems Im Destined To Survive. March 11, 2018

The want to shape the continents future to. Be part of enjoying african youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges. Of the citizenship and present a. Platform for joining. Us live. So. Is a muslim lawyer and a feminist this makes her the enemy of many conservative islamic men. Id like to talk to you about islam and women welcome to the doors of el interview always. Good hello mr spawn. Mr youve received several Death Threats as a result youve been under Police Protection for years whats your everyday life like can you still leave the house to go shopping. This is well thats how it is i cant just leave the house and go shopping on my own no but theres a Positive Side if it werent for Police Protection i wouldnt be able to do my work at all. And unfortunately it seems that without Police Protection you cant voice your opinion not even in germany i know but. In this in this no its not only men who hate me many women are hostile towards me too id like to stress that its about petraeus and i sat in a nutshell what do these people have against you. They dont want any renewal in islam they wont accept any contemporary reading of the koran they want to prevent the equality of men and women that men and women can pray together in a mosque for instance and they dont want female muslims without the job to be regarded as muslims. Which is why some of your opponents threaten you with violence we know how far this can go in one nine hundred eighty four you were working in a Counseling Center for turkish women in germany you were advising a client when a man stormed into the room and shot the woman right before your eyes what happened to you if it doesnt. Shock me two sticks a bullet lodged in my neck its a miracle that i survived. After that i thought now im really going to fight and none man tried to kill me and another woman was killed because i stood up for womens rights and all i want is men and women to be equals not only in the eyes of the law but also in society sadly there are still both men and women in the world who are prepared to kill people for others or. In your position having barely escaped with your life many people would say im not going to put myself at risk of being attacked again what drove you to keep going anyway was it anger that i said. Yes certainly. It motivated me youre absolutely right it was anger was. Also the mindset now more than ever because what am i fighting for for for equality as a for something quite natural for myself most of all and for my for our children for future generations this is where i draw my energy from from a near death experience i draw my energy by telling myself i was meant to survive and i believe in god a gentle merciful god that would i believe that i was meant to live so that i could fight this battle so. You fight to liberate women within islam and experienced in your own family how women were treated not seen as equals but if they did your father and your brothers allow you the same rights that they claim for themselves. Then. I come from a very traditional family but fortunately in terms of religion it was very relaxed and thats why i never gave up my religion and thats also why i say in my autobiography that im not fighting islam im fighting patrick. Thats why its patchy aki which discriminates and oppresses women. When you look at the individual monotheist religions World Religions everywhere else you see that patry hockey and its traditions of the real problems you go from in your body so what is your family a special case or is it still the case in many families of this culture is that the patriarchy actually decides that women should have no voice which are. Very archaic patrick traditions within islam have led to the religion becoming very strictly patry arkell and orthodox less because to the origins of the religion were much more egalitarian regarding women and there are two docs potash and water i met now in germany up and actually even in germany we see a close adherence to patry arkell traditions in germany especially chiefly because. Migration per se makes people more conservative as we see worldwide People Living in germany who originally come from turkey or muslim countries are more conservative than in their countries of origin microns of at. Some muslim families its actually seen as wrong for women to have equal rights in germany we have the basic law enshrining womens rights as equals is this ignored in muslim families in germany. And unfortunately in europe and particularly in germany there are parallel societies with people from turkey or muslim cultural circles who believe that german or european law does not apply to them their values are the values of sharia law not just the ritual aspects of sharia but its legal aspects to democracy is something they do not accept unfortunately many families see the world this way. Why is such intolerance accepted in germany as the state looks on who does nothing to intervene. Like a beggar i would say no freedom for the enemies of freedom no tolerance for the enemies of tolerance none the less there is a policy saying we are a liberal country we are an open country and in our Pluralist Society everyone is entitled to their view but in my opinion this is not how integration policy can work in fact its quite wrong as dance fights. And if we turn a blind eye there may be extreme situations like a recently attempted honor killing more than brother of a woman who loved another man not the one she had been forced to marry stab his sister in the chest and mutilated her face not only has the family failed but the german state to. This man was known to police. Often in such cases especially on a killings the german state and sadly also the. Courts tend to say that these cases of jealousy eye for Domestic Violence which happen in german households to buy for calmness would. They overlook the fact that were talking about a brother or relatives who behave this way towards a sister. And and then this is a difference a Delay Development in society and. Then people look away and because its just about a few people with a migration background in political terms its not such a big issue of fun and. Politicized of course is too much just perhaps its not so easy to anticipate and intervene its easy to say that the state has failed but what exactly should it do dr stat contador the state could do a lot with a good education and integration policy immigration policy in particular which should have started forty years ago for an integrated Education Program should have been introduced from and german basically all because thats what tied to can. Fundamental rights apply right that fundamental human rights apply and to convey that what ive observed is that the majority of migrants who gather in parallel societies or counter societies have no idea what the basic law actually manes. Is what are these european or german values which is so often talked about because. This is what you wish to convey your aim is to liberalise islam from within. Lin youve founded an inclusive mosque which no longer separates the genders where women and men can pray together. As a consequence you received thirty five hundred hate mails on whats outside. And many Death Threats isnt that a huge disappointment that people are immediately trying to sabotage your project in this way when they found i wasnt naive i expected a hostile reaction. I didnt expect turkey as a nation to declare assist terrorists to align us with battle glenn who was held responsible for the attempted coup in turkey that imports. Lets get him also surprised that the authorities from cairo didnt hesitate to issue a fact was saying we are simply not muslims and reaching a wide audience. When can and hunt from the hate postings you can see that we are not dealing with radicals or extremists like the Islamic State or poke around or the taliban etc but just with socalled simple conservatives or who see their worldview being violated absolutely absolutely it also indicates we have a problem across our whole society with people who are afraid of losing their identity whenever we talk about European Values and human rights that were mentioned. This really goes and then think how difficult is it then for your work when we see that you also visit muslim pupils in the multicultural berlin district of new icon and they say it isnt good for men and women to pray together and. It is this disappointing that coming from youngsters. Important as antispam well im not disappointed because i have a very realistic view of the whole situation of my work on my cases as a lawyer in a similar way the way we are doing things in the mosque is the only way to promote educational work on International Womens day and its unfortunate we still need to celebrate it in two thousand and eight we launched a book called women in medina in our book we describe islam in another way and interpretation from that which is understood by the broader masses. What is key for us is a contemporary reading and agenda inclusive interpretation. Legal or look its a way of offering pupils a means of understanding our work that we are not saying our way is the truth that there should be no more conservative. Islamic but no one can say they are above human rights and thats the message were going to but if i may ask for a brief response please does this backlash against your mosque mean that many people are afraid to go there. Yeah some people are afraid to go there that shows the campaign against us works with fear more than content has met in high of. This. Thank you so much for joining us lets round off our interview with three unfinished sentences that id like you to complete my my fight for the rights of muslim women will have been worthwhile when then as more and more women stand up and live free and selfdetermined lives there first and. When i wish that muslim men would that is this show solidarity with women and realize they can be my all feminists. My hope for young muslims in germany is. That they grasp how wonderful and transcultural their identity is that they realise the richness of their languages and identities and that they are world citizens. Thanks for talking to us thank you. The highlights of the week. Ready to trash no way the company can find him useful practically anything. But are you looking at the swiss inventor who come to hollywood see the world with different. 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