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Myself what he thinks hes doing. To try to find an answer kind of kind of would not really maybe hes just ignorant. Perhaps he got those ideas from his family. There can be a lot of reasons. But its very painful to have to listen to it. Is extreme. But i can imagine do you see it is an expression of anti semitism or is it just a provocation thats completely a tone deaf to history person approval quite sure you can finesse us and i think it shows an acute lack of empathy it. Displays a complete lack of compassion for Holocaust Survivors and the people who were at auschwitz. But im equally shocked by the fact that hes so successful. In mainstream what he does is acknowledged and accepted by the mainstream its not even a marginal phenomenon. I was amazed that the jury for the eco music prize a group of educated people that you would expect to have a grasp of history saw fit to give them an award. That ones ideas in class. One seems the statements like yours are tolerated by the mainstream us with. Yes but if german musicians no longer see our shifts in the murder of millions of jews as taboo subjects what does that indicate to us from god theres. Absolutely no bond absolute ignorance and absolute lack of empathy its hard to put into words. As someone who works in education i have to wonder whether this is a failure on the part of the educational system in the way history is taught in exists mr martin i think the state has to do a better job of helping us to deal with this. List once best start to. That funny thing is an idol for many young people in germany what implicit message is he sending to them on sports stank of an i pod to you i think when a public figure makes this sort of statement and theres no reaction or only delayed reaction then the message is that its totally ok. And supports your fundie meaning. Its ok to Say Something disrespectful to auschwitz survivors. Is coming and its also ok to be disrespectful to jews to other minorities because he talks about auschwitz and there were only jews that i was fit so it was a mass genocide. He was not even aware of that on the stand you know probably not which i find highly disturbing. As he mentioned that this controversial musician was awarded the prize. But im impious. Absolutely definitely. There are no limits his music is part of the mainstream mainstream. Things but of course he didnt just appear out of nowhere. Because they stand narratives like this dont just develop overnight to need to do political movements someone had to lay the groundwork. And thats inspiring. Represents a Youth Culture this current in the same background as the f. T. For example and someone like beren hooker who referred to a Holocaust Memorial as a monument of shame. When this could go jews in germany i watching another development with great concern. Theres been a sharp increase recently in the number of muslim immigrants here with some of these people come from a culture that teaches them the jews and israelis are the enemy. You concerned about the situation. And. I thought maybe i would take a more nuanced view of that situation not all muslims are fed negative images of jews by society or by their families but israel plays a very specific role in the arab world. And i think that we as a Heterogeneous Society need to make sure that the debate about israel and palestine is civilized to my posts you not see it really is the expression. Theres just been an incident in berlin where two israelis wearing a kippah were attacked by a young man who spoke arabic we want from them youre going to the balkans and you told me earlier that you sometimes wear a star of david necklace. Even now before we could see just what the. Because ive never had a problem no ones ever said anything about it no ones ever harassed me because of it. Obviously a star of david necklace is less noticeable than a kid but we need to talk about the fact that antisemitism is not a marginal phenomenon and the studies about Mainstream Society have shown that theres been a steady increase in bias against jews and roma and its about blacks and the fun to zoom into a small space stand and a report compiled by the federal office for migration and refugees reaches the same conclusion. So. To condemn muslims and call this a muslim arab problem isnt an option. For the one in just. Spite these developments a growing number of israelis are emigrating to germany you conducted a study in collaboration with the university of the Hebrew University in jerusalem what conclusions did you reach what attracts israelis to germany sunsets a positive campaign has a very positive image in israel its also seen as a land of opportunity many israelis are attracted to new germany in the two thousand and six soccer world cup had a lot to do with that it really boosted germanys image was it even my kind of witness the investigate you can also see that various cultural policies in Exchange Programs have contributed to this positive view among young israelis. Because it was thought. Dusty for survey arrive with these expectations but what happens after that they just are projecting something on to germany or is this to see you on this in mind they were projecting and this is a very transnational migration movement. Transnational crimes if youre going on here again. As a kind of theres a lot of shuttling back and forth its not migration in the sense of moving somewhere permanently they tend to come and check things out often because they have some kind of stipend or because theyre studying. There usually highly educated lots of engineers and medical doctors who come here for the opportunities but its not like theyve planned to live here forever. You cant compare it to the wave of immigration to the United States around eight hundred fifty or so so i mean the coffee. You could say that theyre moving from the land of the holocaust to the land of the perpetrators do israelis think in these terms or have they had enough of that. And its the stuff theyve had enough we conducted or. Percentage of survey eighty percent of those questioned said that the holocaust did not play a role in their everyday life. Kind of. Ideas but in interviews and ethnographic studies the subject did come up with like how much of the story i was so into in my last heist for example you might be on a train with one of the study participants and certainly they might say hey the trains going to say as in the vans a conference this is one these are things that change your awareness obviously they can come as a shock to people. And theyre also confronted with antisemitism and general ignorance about israel and then out to friends and theyre constantly confronted with the middle east conflict. Conflict confidant yet the absolute majority of israelis who are here are liberal secular and politically moderate if not left wing political. This is. Basically the holocaust doesnt play a role in everyday life its not the First Association that they make with germany what role does the holocaust play in your family the holocaust and on the. Soft its a source of pain a colleague of mine once put it very well he said that when we celebrate holidays its hard to ignore how many members of the family are missing out. On this thank thats even my family its a kind of phantom pain because i never knew those people but it still feels like somethings missing tonight stop us must fear she didnt include born in cologne and grow up that you started in britain and join our research in germany and occasionally in israel where. Good is that and why it is. On time and i will say that people are my home people with whom i share values and ideals. People in close to and care about it doesnt matter if theyre in britain germany or israel. And i wouldnt call a particular country my home although i have to say and this is something that should make people think that i am aware that in germany there are mechanisms in place that make me foreign land. In a famine type smith got tired food so im expected to speak about issues from a jewish perspective prospect no one expects me to speak about issues from a german perspective spect you wish both perspectives exactly thank you for now id like you to complete three sentences for. He says that. Relations between jews and germans will have improved and then stop asking me if i feel safe as a jew in germany and if things got worse after the refugees started arriving if they didnt. To me the seventieth anniversary of the state of israel means. As a daughter to me it means a lot it means there is still a lot of work to do and it means that i must and will continue to work for Israeli Palestinian understanding. Was from a chinaman he is. So most of germany is the country i grew up in the cologne dialect is my Mother Tongue but i also see germany as a difficult home yes. I feel that puts me in here i have to use an expression from the field of psychology in a double blind. And i cant leave but i cant necessarily stay. There are times when i just have to leave it there are times when a certain type of discourse certain exclusion mechanisms simply drive me to destruction so far. But then there are other times when im really heartened by the investment that people here make in democracy. Is if you invest so young and you get more clout you do they like me theyre willing to defend and promote democracy diversity and acceptance. And not just tolerance and its not followed on so far tied. Down across many facets my pleasure. Would be fighting for the case to be taken seriously in the world of what appears whats come out. On my. Own code is the speed of superhero on a mission to change attitudes smart women smart talks smart strange and legend is it by no means left out or increasingly dangerous time. To make. The dangerous battle for images. Five women. Five exceptional stories. Please. I want to go to the. Point at least be nothing more easy one calling more photography dramatic pictures from the frontlines capturing street full moments in time and even risking death. She gave her life to tell the stories of people who ended up telling their. Players when the war photographers starting may third on d w

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