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A construct or cost index for tots. So you want to go in. Or have a nice me or a good nights sleep but you cant because youre suffering from heartburn then you came to the right place for three reasons first this is a clinic in the from building in berlin second im going to meet dr mark johnson and third this is in good shape. If. You look at. No one has to suffer from heartburn for a long time we have great medications and surgical options with good long term results. Its nice to have gastric acid it helps tiger. Expect. Too much gastric as it is not good because it can cause heartburn. There are medications thing inserted but recent studies suggest that they might be dangerous. For twelve years Peter Schmeichel has been suffering from heartburn also known as acid reflux after eating he often experiences acidic belching in a Burning Esophagus he also suffers from an irregular heartbeat its all a source of stress. In that whenever i eat something im just worried that it will start back up with loose on there so i dont really have a big appetite anymore like a gruesome up it didnt seem is. To reduce the symptoms he started taking medication called Proton Pump Inhibitors or p. P. I. Used they suppress Stomach Acid Production by blocking certain enzyme but he soon found himself battling with side effects. After a few days i started feeling really on what i had diarrhea and Stomach Aches and my digestion just wasnt working anymore. These are common side effects according to dr christophe. Some of the people taking p. P. I. C cs dont really need them. In his opinion stomach acid is part of a healthy Digestive Tract it helps digest nutrients and inhibiting its production should only be done if absolutely necessary but do it in tutors finished as is food for this patient and id recommend taking the medication for six or maybe eight weeks medicament then weaning himself off slowly not stopping abruptly. And then well see how far the stomach has recovered and the body as a whole maybe he wouldnt need any more Medication Event without anybody coming to map out the digestive side effects suffered by peter and not the only problems that p. P. I. Is my cause recent reports suggest that they could increase the risk of more serious conditions like Heart Attacks or dementia. Dr vulcan shep is an expert in the field. He thinks patients shouldnt worry about taking p. P. I. He says the evidence against them is insufficient. To say. Taking Proton Pump Inhibitors is very very safe compared to all the other drugs used in medicine. Of the air is some indication that there might be an issue. And he must cut there is no evidence that would make us withdraw the medication from patients who need it and that just wouldnt make any sense victor. If you were happy. And some patients do desperately need it. Stephanie batman suffered a painful narrowing of the esophagus it had to be dilated and since then shes had to take medication. If she doesnt the stomach acid rises up through the esophagus and causes inflammation. Yes i prefer to relieve the inflammation with medication now maybe rather than to think maybe ill get dementia or in a few years time. Whatever other side effects there are demands of a mad dash to a need that seems less important to me right now. What matters is that i have a cure now moment yet sed now that in. Studies have revealed one dangerous side effect the risk of infection from Clostridium Difficile a bacterial species also known as c. Diff with reduced stomach acid the microbe can spread more easily through the Digestive Tract so desmonds are content with a patient comes to the clinic with Clostridium Difficile colliders which is a life threatening Diarrhea Condition thats an indication to check the Proton Pump Inhibitors very thoroughly and have possible discontinue the medication as many coming up is it via. Peter deco stop taking p. P. I. Is two months ago hed rather not expose himself to the risks. Then the mungiki that is if youre desperate it does say on the Package Leaflet that you can take the tablets as a one off but it would be better if i didnt have to take them at all it missed him. Stephanie batman doesnt have that option shell probably have to take Proton Pump Inhibitors for the rest of her life. When i was a medical student i had a surgical professor who told me it was medications are medications from hell because they can make you impotent and we doctors should stick to surgery this is why im here in the Operating Room of the healers clinic in new from being in berlin meeting head of department for surgery guns and thanks for having me today how critical should we be concerning this medication we are facing huge discussion about complications of the of these medications like this or a malfunction. However the evidence is very low and if the indication for these tablets is good it can be given regularly lets talk a little bit about heartburn why so many people suffer from heartburn is caused by the west and last. For example obesity smoking Drinking Alcohol or eating a lot a huge amount in the evening and i know many many patients who suffer from heart burn sometimes and i think many of us do suffer from it too so when do you need to see you doctrine is it dangerous its not dangerous immediately you dont need to go to the doctor directly most of the cases its probably enough to change your lifestyle and sometimes its also a good idea to take these kind of made a comment for short period of time like fourteen days for example and do you have to be concerned. Both say that this is a tumor developing out of this harbor like cancer. The risk of developing cancer due to. Is very low its approximately four out of ten thousand people but if the macos of the years of focus changes its habits like developing a socalled barretts recalls are the risk of developing cancer is much more higher therefore you have to go to doctor have a gastroscopy and in this case is the risk of developing cancer is about one point zero point one percent per year very low. So its totally safe to do some Self Medications and to go for some of the counter drugs first yes its possible to do so if medication. Be aware that you only take these medications for a short period of time what are the problems if you take it for a longer period of time if the indication is good and confirmed by a medical doctor you can take these medicaments lifelong and some patients wanted to discontinue the medications and take a problem afterwards so is it a problem to stop those medications its not a problem gastric acid really cures and b. Is a such item is really a cures these pro these patients benefit probably from an operation speaking about surgery when those medications dont help anymore then a small intervention could be very helpful. Since dr feeds an ultra thin tube through his nose and down into his throat this tiny sensors will determine whether his a softer guess still functions properly when he swallows. It turns out that the muscle valve leading into the stomach has become slack. My despite my esophagus have suffered a lot of damage when i was sleeping on my back or standing im a tiler by trade which means working on my knees or sitting i experienced severe heartburn and belching it was really bad a team of experts germanys your highness vais ling clinic discuss what course of action to take until recently gastro softened geale reflux disease had been underestimated and is even linked to a higher risk of cancer a third of people in europe in North America suffer from reflux in many cases prescribing a pill is not effective hoover hansens doctors recommended surgery the aim is to implant a pacemaker that stimulates the muscle valve that closes the bottom of the esophagus these are the big advantages this Esophageal Pacemaker is that the wires implanted in the muscles are extremely thin. It builds up an electrical field that exercises the muscle and makes it stronger as a result the food being digested can no longer rise up or its like. In the case of nina back maya the doctors chose a new solution placing a chain with magnetic beads around the esophagus the chain reinforces the muscle value in similar style to a rubber band in the process restoring the balance natural function the surgery takes just twenty minutes. And that had just finished whats changed for me is that im finally rid of heart after twenty five years it had always been a burden i dont see developed a Chronic Cough and was constantly clearing my throat because of the feeling of pressure. Right after waking up post surgery i noticed that permanent feeling of constriction was completely gone and ive had no heartburn since that day. So i can talk to. Nina back my are can now indulge in a bit of coffee and cake treats that used to be a major problem due to reflux minimally Invasive Solutions now offer patients genuine hope for the future. So returning chips to medications with this is a Fickle Pacemaker and consisting of detaining and beats so what do you think of those interventions. We should be careful in using this kind of new techniques because there is no evidence and no long term results concerning this techniques. Are long term results for other kinds of surgeries like these from duplications. I do think. This operation is the standard procedure in patients after topics Stomach acid blockers Opportunity or risk . ; Heartburn Expert interview; Surgery for heartburn; Acupressure Fast relief for everyday complaints;. Worked up quickly and she takes a lot of issues and stress on board. Strength of this is thats what i think the cause was. In china like you pressure is used widely to treat all manner of symptoms they can be applied at any time and anywhere with a few exceptions in mind in the case of an acute infection with fever or if you have a skin disease or burns on your skin then you cant use actually pressure how. Come on. This patient has been suffering for years from a different problem or meet. Your message have chosen i had recurring headaches and really that migraines. There were lots of weekends where i had nonstop headaches from friday to sunday. That began in the week but that happened often. A message. Not only heck decided to have Acupuncture Treatments to relieve her intense headaches but because she would otherwise have to make the trip to the doctor every time she was given the option of treating herself with acupressure she can now stimulate the points on her own whether at work or at home. Is finished and so how do i find the points how do i recognize them when the press down with your firm and you feel a large depression. Generally each point is massaged for between one and three minutes although very gently in the case of severe symptoms for chronic sometimes you can apply a little more pressure. To stronger mattresses i did notice that things got better and that the intensity of the headings has decreased i cant say i dont get any headaches but they have decreased. Sufyan from its definitely improved and i now feel longer and deeper and i fall asleep quicker. Theres a clock now when i leave ascension i mediately feel that my condition is going to be really good that day. Acupressure is helping patients around the world to alleviate pain and improve their wellbeing. Always humans are so proud of our erect gait but it also has its disadvantages like Headache Stomach Ache back pain and even writes all this can be caused by a vessel which gets washed by a erect posture and this syndrome is called not trick a Syndrome Nutcrackers as we know them but theres also a Health Complication named after them Nutcracker Syndrome but what is it exactly. Something psychological that when a person is really close to you want to make them open up. That i predicted before i cant quite remember but ive definitely come across it before in the sense that i dont know what the syndrome is but i do know what a nutcracker is all of us needs. To impeach is a twenty six year old student a few years ago she developed a stomach ache which kept getting worse sitting for any length of time was agony and cycling became torture us she suffers from endometriosis a condition that causes the tissue that normally lines the uterus to grow outside it. So she presumed that was to blame. And that it was the first i thought endometriosis must be the cool since its a Chronic Illness so i didnt think much of it but after three years i went to my local Endometriosis Clinic and they realize that the problem must lie elsewhere. The doctors found that the endometriosis couldnt be affecting the areas where sabrina was experiencing pain that made them suspect Nutcracker Syndrome. Nutcracker syndrome describes what happens when the renal vein coming from the left kidney becomes compressed by the sapir youre missing here it harder and the aorta. Just. It can affect both men and women the condition stops blood flowing normally through the vein this can lead to it flowing backwards into the pelvis via the ovarian or testicular vein this disrupt circulation and can cause Varicose Veins the exact cause isnt known. To shits actually fine fortunately there are no typical symptoms of nutcrackers syndrome some women experience chronic pain some people find blood in their urine which is called him a tour. Nut cracker syndrome isnt especially well known within the medical community either theres a guy in a logical exam wont reveal anything untoward and only very experienced professionals can identify Varicose Veins in the pelvis. Of we dont yet know how prevalent not cracker sent wrong as our guess is that its high because the symptoms arent always obvious and doctors dont always think of it. They would be good if more medical personnel considered not cracker syndrome as a potential cause of chronic pain. But Varicose Veins showing up on an ultrasound isnt enough for a diagnosis. An m. R. I. Scan unable doctors to identify the angle and positioning of the relevant veins and arteries they also examine the blood flow for signs of renal compression and these images reveal the presence and severity of any Varicose Veins in the pelvic area. Used in certain cases of Nutcracker Syndrome surgery is an option. Its generally performed by a radiologist the patient is put under Local Anaesthetic The Surgeon dilates the renal vein and inserts a stent which keeps the vessel open. This kind of intervention isnt suitable for everyone. Thats how fond i said about standing by the like the treatment is suitable for patients who meet certain criteria chronic lower abdominal pain a compressed renal nerve and a back flow of blood identified on an m. R. I. Its found that the success rate is high patients are generally relieved of their symptoms within a few days. After the stent is inserted the patient needs to take Blood Thinners to prevent clonic in the stent. Sabrina had the operation a year and a half ago and will soon be able to stop taking medication. She no longer has any problems working out for her the minor surgery was a major success. See the next week and then lets all try to stay in good shape. Motherly and fifteen minutes on. They make a commitment. They find. They conspire. Africa on the a. Story for both people different shaping the nation plug on the continent the t. W. Multimedia series for africa. Dot com africa on the move. To run once and consulate if you see it now a major power in the middle east. To runs once continues to grow. Economically and above all militarily. Doesnt keep some of the countrys opponents who have their doubts iran from going to see the super power source aug fifth on d w

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