A healthy diet can help ward off cancer. And heres dr constantly tout oh i know what youre thinking you think oh no here comes that guy again whos going to tell me that exercise is good for my health thats right it is good and i have to tell you because we got this letter from india manjoo wrote us and he wants to know how he can prevent cancer without any medication. Thats novel thats an interesting approach and im going to discuss this with dr mindy manda she knows all about the chest have to find her. Nice to meet you so you jack on a regular basis yes i talk to work every day and from work back home this is very far its six kilometers one way so its twelve together who why do you do this i dont have much time so i need to integrate sports into my everyday life and thats what i do so i run to work and its very healthy to use yes you can reduce your risk for many diseases like heart diseases or cancer even so its very healthy so it could even reduce your risk of getting cancer yes it can reduce your risk of getting cancer a lot so if you run you have a healthy way to reduce that risk youre going to colleges by profession so why do you specialize in this kind of thing because i treat many women with cancer and i want to give them something so they can reduce. Their problems so lets exercise a bit then yes ok. And by the way our choice of food also influences our risk of getting cancer and when it comes to food bad guys and good guys. Nutritionist gunda is going to pick out some groceries for us foods that might prevent cancer and some that protect us from cancer and she knows the bad guys and the good guys shes already picked out some of the best known ones. That broccoli is the real superstar among the vegetables there are so for compounds in it look assimilates that are only released when chewed or crushed or jury preparation. Scientific studies have shown many cancer inhibiting properties and interestingly theres twice as much in the stocks as in the florence so we should definitely eat the whole broccoli and not just the tops. But the fruit stand expert goes for color the good guys here the bright red so yellows which signal cancer protection. Thats thats one of the boards have the red color of an apple or a grape comes from anthocyanins or the beautiful orange of a pumpkin or proprietor are correct in the eyes. This does just provide color but also protective Anticancer Properties secondary plant substances like these have an antioxidant effect and protect the cells in many other ways. So thats. The good guys can also be found in supermarkets hair expert focuses not only on color but also on taste. And here are some more sharp tasting items everything thats a bit better has this sulfur containing cancer inhibitors there the same beneficial substances that we find in broccoli and theres a huge selection here. Gunda is on the hunt for more. Of the good guys nuts have recently become very popular even apart from their high fiber content they have a lot to offer. Not have many benefits take the brazil nut its selenium is very important for protection against cancer but all nuts like other plants contain poly phenols and nut polyphenols are found to be very protective against colon cancer. Then on to a major food that lands on many plates around the world on a daily basis i mean it. Has gone though it is a total of one pound of meat made up of chicken pork and beef one lb is the portion of meat recommended by nutritional organizations poll week more than that could increase the risk of cancer red meat has been considered suspect because of its iron content there recent studies on this have not proved a connection nevertheless experts say eating too much meat still places people at risk if the real problem with eating meat is the preparation and we fry it grill it or darken it too much then various carcinogenic substances can develop such as poly aromatic hydrocarbons we know this from grilling shouldnt let the fat drip into the blaze. And there are other compounds header a cyclical means which are always formed when we brown me. So we can reduce our cancer risk when eating meat not only by limiting the amount we consume but also by not eating charred or overly darkened meat and making sure we dont overheat it shorten or and then when mr. Gonda has another tip for meat lovers. If its only common thats basically the combination makes the difference i may have bad guys on my plate but i compensate with vegetables greens and dietary fibers to make a wonderful contribution to my own cancer protection by some clear truths. Other good guys go by the name of omega three fatty acids. Im looking for fatty fish everyone talks about salmon but what other fish have a high fat content. But up to seventy percent. Monkfish. If we fish once or twice a week thats our weekly portion taken care of these fatty acids have antiinflammatory effects and many illnesses including cancer are so see it with inflammation. So we have preventative power in our own shopping cart the bad guys and the good guys we eat the most we lower our risk of getting cancer the bottom line is not total avoidance but striking at healthy balance. So the cabbage was indeed a good choice so why so good when it comes to preventing cancer where. Not fruits and vegetables can reduce your cancer risk in many ways so from implication to reducing your free radicals in your body so you should eat fruits and vegetables but the tradition is very tricky its a very complex subject so fat is good for us and other experts say it is not good for us so whats true you should stick to the basics that i should stick to fruits and vegetables and then whole grain nutrition and this is good for you so you reduce your intake off at essex and make it in take off as well especially if artificial sugars and then youre on a good way but is it important to focus on individual food or is it more complex system of attrition that you should stick to its more like a general concept of your life and your nutrition so you should generally ask yourself how do i want to eat what do i want to eat and then. If you can you should decide for vegetables and percent of your intake should be fruits and vegetables and control play weight control is an important issue also so you should have keep your body mass index between one thousand and twenty five because fat in your body also increases the risk of certain problems especially for cancer weve got a lot of viewer questions. To know what the hormone insulin place in the formation of tumors. In effect. In your whole body so it also affects the cancer cells could. Increase the. The growth of tumor cells lets turn to. Cancer cells cancer cells take sugar as a nutrition as well this other cells in our body but you cannot just avoid sugar because then your body will build sugar itself so that doesnt help so. Jenny no use. Keeping sugar. And everything well. Diet. Is a way of living your life thats you have to take decision to kill genic lifestyle and then you avoid sugar but thats like a whole different concept you can do this but you should be really informed about diet them and if you already have cancer Good Nutrition help in recovery yes it can. You should always keep in mind to watch your quality of life so if you feel like eating this chocolate then just do it because you know youre only there for so we just heard that Good Nutrition and a good workout is excellent for preventing cancer and even good if you already have cancer. Check out this report and dont just sit around here lets get moving. Events he was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer seven years ago at the age of sixty three just a few months later his wife heidi was diagnosed with Breast Cancer she got chemotherapy he underwent surgery and then radiotherapy they both do exercise to try to counteract the side effects. Of every step you take is credited to your activity account physical exercise can offset the side effects of chemotherapy and other kinds of treatment. During his Radiation Therapy low tar he developed a pain in his hip his g. P. Thought it might be an inflammation of the snow v. L. Sac lining the joint and prescribed massage but the pain didnt go away. Its my really couldnt move i thought that was it that i would never walk again. His physical condition and insurance deteriorated so that happens to many Cancer Patients but exercise can help halter even reverse the decline which kinds of physical activity are best depends on the kind of cancer by a part of his puts him after getting Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer patients often have problems with their hips specifically with hip extension thats what we have to work on with them sometimes question because i didnt have appeared. This hip extension exercise can help with the leg pain the weight on the cable can be adjusted to match the patients condition the aim is to build up muscle and regain strength it. Finds leg presses also help a lot he does them twice a week he says they make a big difference and relieve the pain. So if you dont theyre going to have to write three months or so of moderate training the pain really got a lot better. Heidi evanthia meanwhile took part in the study. During her chemotherapy she did exercise and went on brisk walks with a group of other women Thorsten Schmidt evaluated how fit they were. Highly actually became fitter over the course of treatment. She says being out in the bout with her group helped her get through the grimmest phase of chemotherapy. Its funny i enjoy it and its nice to be quite fit again and not always feel terrible and worry about my illness. Was going to college just nicholai masses impressed by such outcomes it seems that exercise really can help women get through Breast Cancer treatment. And typical side effects of postsurgical therapy include fatigue morning stiffness joint pain muscle pain. Physical exercise has a positive impact on them all we know that of voiding overweight and doing exercise reduce the risk of the disease returning couple here between. What we see. Now in such good shape that he even takes part in sports competitions he doesnt mind if he wins or not its the exercise that counts. Exercise reduces cost by cancer that means primarily reduces the side effects of chemotherapy and other forms of therapy but it can even prove wrong your life so how to do sports many things in your body so it changes until your genes and everybody should be doing sports because then you know outers and it has so many Positive Side effects exercise can prevent us from getting cancer can you give us some numbers if you do sports then you reduce your risk significantly so everybody should be doing sports to have a decreased risk of cancer this can even mean that maybe at one point you develop cancer but very much later in your life. And how does exercise do this on a Cellular Level on the Cellular Level exercise has positive effects in all of your body so for example it catches up your free radicals or it changes your genes and. It changes your metabolic and then it reduces your cancer risk and those effects the same in all kinds of tunes unfortunately not but the good messages there are some cancers sports really helps to prevent like colon cancer Prostate CancerBreast Cancer. And what kind of exercise is best. You should choose the exercise you really like so it doesnt make sense if you do exercise you dont like if you try some sort of exercise for four weeks and you still dont like it you should switch to Something Else so you could do you could run or go to a gym it doesnt matter as long as you sweat and as long as you have fun in medicine its all about the right do so. For sports and exercise you should at least do thirty minutes four times a week thirty minutes of sweating you can do more and theres no limit. To what you think and overdo it you can write so many of my patients dont have the problem of overdoing it they say they just dont have time for sports and exercise yes thats a problem because nobody has time we all we are so busy we have to work and do things and then we go home and then the day is over but thats why you should integrate exercise into your daily life you should find slots we can do exercise or maybe you can run somewhere or take the bike and go somewhere other components of effective Cancer Prevention where you should stick to a healthy life should the void nicotine and alcohol or reduce your knickers and intake and then you should eat fruits and vegetables and if you then move on. And exercise then youre on a very good way what about all those super foods maybe in pills thats whats going to need from medical wants to know if you eat lots of burgers or french fries all the time then super foods make sense but if you are in a healthy diet already if you eat lots of fruit and vegetable then this doesnt make sense and your body will just inject perforce and they will not have a positive effect but if you have an unhealthy lifestyle also before this might help you a little bit well heres an interesting question is asking whether medicinal water can prevent cancer well clearly no medicinal very expensive and it was sold by some people but dont buy it because it really doesnt help just expensive so what about asking to prevent cancer thats what. Happens asking yes fasting there are lots of studies going on about fasting and interval fasting so the last word is not spoken so we have to wait a little bit for these results but it makes somehow sense because if you look at that you will evolution then we all have periods of fasting in our lives. And only no food as much available as it is and you should add a little fasting to your diet yes ok sarah from the u. S. Also voters and she wants to know what other topics were in good shape have in store for you. On an upcoming show well be talking about parkinsons disease physical therapy is often recommended in this motor system disorder but how does training balance and mobility influence the course of the disease so that your questions to you in good shape at g. W. Dot com right parkinsons disease in the subject line we look forward to hearing from you. I cant wait to read your mail but if you do have a question about frankincense dont bother sending it to me because i will answer it now frankincense is made by the resin of the boswell the entry and even the egypt used it three and a half thousand years ago as a remedy and no theres even scientific proof. Get schneiders back problems began with a slipped disc hes had for peroration but for a long time he relied on painkillers to get through the day. I was taking painkillers but after some time they began to affect my stomach and with the permission of my doctor i switched to opiates but i went off those after ten days became disoriented. And a friend told him about a local pharmacy that specializes in frankincense it can be taken in tablet form or applied directly to the skin to treat conditions like psoriasis and eczema some people also use it to ease joint and muscle pain. In most cases its only extracts of frankincense that are taken internally. In recent times interest in the properties of frankincense has grown. It contains both as well like acid which is known to have an anti inflammatory effect. Professor specializes in the analysis of the substance. Peoples fears are chemicals well like acid inhibit key enzymes linked to inflammation but in different areas from synthetic inhibitors like cortisone and dye close fanatic and there are fewer side effects to. Florist swears by the Anti Inflammatory Properties of frankincense she suffers from rheumatism and has difficulty moving her hands her treatment combines injections of anti robotic drugs with frankincense tablets. Its been sort of created as im very pleased that i found a natural product that really helps and doesnt have many side effects. For chronic inflammation like rheumatism doctors who advocate a holistic approach. Might have worked in sindh rankins and has an anti inflammatory effect i mean you can often reduce medications like cortisone for example in addition as part of a holistic approach i recommend switching to a plant based diet. Coast for that means eating plenty of vegetables the occasional portion of fish and oils that contain on a good three fatty acids frankincense has many uses that if you look online youll find a huge range of products available professor has taken a closer look at some of them. In all such good you have the first is that we discovered that a lot of the products didnt contain what was advertised on the packaging. Many of them didnt have any extracts of boswell yes or alter which is important because its actually the component thats been most researched many of them were diluted so i would recommend getting frankincense products directly from the pharmacy to ensure quality. Is get schneider is happy with his tablets his Health Insurance pays eighty percent of the costs frankincense is no miracle cure but it does seem to help with his back problems. Frankincense is used in many religious rituals rates muesli burnt the smokers said traffic lensing the fact that many scientists warn that inhaling the smoke could be dangerous nothing is better than fresh air especially if you know how to breathe properly. We may not be aware of it but its there throughout our lifetime. Delivery room to just bad breath marks the start of life and its ending we can survive for days without food water or light but only for around two minutes without air. Breathing is generally an involuntary action when we inhale the diaphragm lifts and expands. And when we exhale it lowers and relaxes. The rate at which this mechanical process takes place is called the breathing rhythm. Breathing is also a physical chemical process that regulates gas exchange in the lungs. The air in the lungs can be visualized using a contrast medium. Breathing also plays a role in our mental state in stressful situations it becomes rapid and shallow depressed people often suffer from shortness of breath. Its possible to learn how to inhale and exhale optimally karen weeklong seminars participants can learn to consciously experience their breathing movements while the ideal is balanced regular breathing inhale ation exhalation with a short pause between them the important thing is to let the breath come naturally were spiritual therapist playing that correct breathing techniques have a healing effect cost investors a pastore and a breathing educator he practices a form of therapy that was developed in germany. From start from its very origins grieving is a motion that involves the entire body correct breathing means restoring the bodys original alignme