Transcripts For DW In Good Shape 20220912 :

DW In Good Shape September 12, 2022

Eat or drink. People also bring toxic chemicals into their own homes. And even fresh food can contain dangerous substances. How can our bodies, coke, and how can we protect ourselves . Were talking toxins on this edition of in good shape with the human body is a master of detoxification. Any harmful substances are absorbed by the stomach and intestinal tract and then transported via the bloodstream to the liver, our largest internal organ as effectively the bodies chemical factory. And its also responsible for Waste Disposal with its sponge like structure, the liver overseas, a range of metabolic processes, rear shocks ins are sent via the portal gain to the liver among the recipients. There are what are called cope for cells. These use microbiological processes and masses of enzymes to convert the unwanted substances and prepare them for excretion. The exchange of molecules occurs in miniscule blood vessels and bile duct running through the cells. They lead into larger vessels which pass on the accumulated toxins. In soluble excess substances migrate to the gold bladder and them to the duodenum there, they are further broken down and then eventually excrete it. Soluble substances enter the bloodstream and end up the kidneys, which are the body. Second, most important cleanser, like a Swimming Pool filter system, they catch the pollutants, which are then discharged through urination. The bodies own detoxification system is very effective, but its having to rise to more and more challenges. More than 350000 synthetic Chemical Substances are in circulation. Well, white plastics, pesticides gases, and medical residues and International Study has come to the conclusion that the stability of the earth system is in danger. Industrial toxins are being spread around the world by wind and water. Theyve been found in the arctic in ocean depths, and on mountain peaks and flora and fauna. And inside our own bodies, scientists are particularly worried by chemicals that affect our hormones. Or theres one problem that oak is, polar, bears and humans, all having common, declining fertility rates. One reason hormone disrupting chemicals am packaging, food and polluted debt. We are all exposed all the time, independent pro, aware we are cancer developmental disorders and obesity are also likely consequences. As early as 2012, a w h o reports highlighted the risks to humans on the environment. What does Current Research say . How dangerous saw endocrine system disruptive ah, in the human body, there are about 50 different hormones that control metabolism, reproduction and sleep wake rhythm, among other things, a highly complex on sensitive system. In adult life, it regulates all we function back and forth and overlooked in development. It has an enormously bit programs undergrad andreeas cotton camp has been studying environmental pollutants and how they affect her health for over 20 years. And now imagine a camry coup, interferes with, with this study of Developmental Program effective. This will stay with you for the rest of your life. Its the reverse to date, just under a 1000 such endocrine disrupting chemicals and know the most studied bis fino. A used in Cash Register receipts, and in the coating of food cans. P. C, dds formed during the processing of plastics. These end up in the food chain and in humans, especially via animal products, fell aids. Plaster size is found in plastic, from childrens toys to floor coverings. Perrins preservatives that are also used in cosmetics and certain pesticides. Ah, the lions shouts, this comes from food. Number 2, very largely from food material. So it was found that milk is a big contributor. The better to be stored in cans and tins that are lined inside with these white epoxy resin. Other sources can be cleaning agents or disinfectants in tap water. What does the substances do in the body . Between 19732011 sperm counts in men, declined by an average of 52 percent. This is shown by various studies. Research has believed that this cant be explained by a change in lifestyle alone. And the most recent evidence shows that this is now not only limited to western industrialized countries, america, europe, in china. We see we see the effect of proving exactly which chemicals are responsible is complicated because people are never exposed to just one substance. We have very recently published an analysis where we look at this from the viewpoint of mixtures. We believe this can only be explained from the perspective of cocktail. And we find that the most important chemicals are very likely linked to this, all the females, the dioxin and as satin satellites. All of the participants in this study had a mix of chemicals in the year. And on average, the results were 17 times above the levels considered tolerable. The early onset of puberty in girls by an average of 9 months, could also be related to these types of substances. We have a hormone related cancers, breast cancer. So for example, that is when you look at the rate though with time is a continuous increase that cannot be explained by just better mature on, again, for diagnosis. Ill come back, man has been researching and decrease disrupting chemicals. His entire korea, what is the lowest disturbing say to to, to rate is that we have the relation to never sick, reactive wonders. And i q a learning. We published a paper in science earlier this year where we see that the language impairment is evident in children have been followed. Sions around 2008. The result mothers who were exposed to home and active substances during pregnancy had a higher risk that their children would not learn to speak until later. And then last but not least, this miss saunders obesity diabetes. You have a range where the associations in humans are here. Lifestyle and diet, have a major influence on the development of obesity or type 2 diabetes. But theres growing evidence that hormone active substances have just as much influence with the substance is particularly dangerous for study, show that the greatest risk of and decrease disrupting chemicals is to babies in the womb and young children. If they come into contact with the substances, it can affect their health for the rest of your time and you need to market. It means basically you need to protect the entire population. You cannot achieve this by without adopting measures, stops. In effect, protect how can people protect themselves . Minimize the exposure to pesticides, and this can be di, done by shooting equal label some products and avoid plastics as material and food contact. But plastic is almost ubiquitous today, especially in food packaging. Glass would be a healthier alternative. Actually look quite carefully into it to me. Ingredients, for example, in products, shampoos says an example, here was the one with the shortest. But contact cant be completely avoided. We need to really integrated to come government regulated traction to protect people better, especially from from cocktail effect. Its definitely not, not a 1st world problem. And i believe, and i know in certain parts of non economy exposure to some of these chemicals, it is a global problem. And experts agree that its high time to do something about these hormone active substances in our food and environment. Because they pose a danger to humans, animals and nature. Ah, can we rid our bodies of these poisonous substances by detoxing . Detox plasters a claim to remove toxins from our body overnight and help combat sleeping disorders, headaches, obesity and skin problems. As the black color allegedly goes to show, the clusters contain the likes of bombay or lavender mm. In good shape asked specialists to investigate these clusters. The Forensic Toxicology Department at fry bogs University Hospital came to the conclusion that they didnt contain anything that could in any way, support bodily functions and eyes. And therefore, we can assume that these plasters do not have any directly beneficial effects on the body. Often papa. So when does the black coloring come from . Well, we got the same results when we wrapped one around a bottle of hot water. Wherever the coloring comes from, its not the bodys waste products. Money for old wrote, perhaps become detoxification. Walk on any level. If you believe all the hype and our body is basically your checking talks of time, bomb that urgently needs diffusing the answer, detoxification the Ideas Centers on our body being overwhelmed by exposure to pollutants. Day in day out. Our metabolism generates waste products. There are sometimes called slag a term originally from the metals melting industry. As a nutritionist explained dynasty and slackened us in slacken prizes, unwonted residual products from intense, hating manhattan. So people, so the cold on the other detoxifying organs as needing to be cleansed of this waste or rather like a furnace diamond like shackle. Strictly speaking though, our body does not contain with scientists, would classify as slag and destruction certainly is an acceptable term. We talk about detoxification normally a process taken care of efficiently and dependably by the liver, the kidneys and the intestines. Naturally, of course, you need to get exercise and consume plenty of fluids because theyre the medium through which weeks great substances with mediums in whom oxygen is also important washed off, which means exercise outdoors into ive picked a di. These are the factors that help the body and the detoxification organs to function properly, and also discharge certain substances of siding. Oh, ma, smooth advice confirmed by nutritionists like christoph lemons. Its about giving an extra boost to those crucial organs so that they keep on running reliably was huh. About believe, own, to deliver in the kidneys or the 2 organs that detoxify and i can provide stimulation to accelerate the detoxification process. Suppose elan quoted, in some cases hell recommend to Supportive Health cure the hymns it us for them. Hope its not. One thing thats popular and widely used is lemon juice, like pepper plus a few other substances. The can vary greatly us from michigan by zone stolen. These, when we measure the Laboratory Results with say, the free fatty acids in the blood called triglycerides. We sometimes see a reduction fuel of 50 percent says, oh, but experts say stay away from obscure detox. Products that are typically high in price would have 0 effect from miracle pills to juice cures, and special teens. The market is huge, but at the same time unregulated, leaving customers often not knowing what theyre actually buying, he comes back, i. Yeah, they might look like medicinal products, but their food stamps. Smith, that means theyre not subject to official testing for their effectiveness or safety before they go on the market. Who said on the side from behind, as i did before, the of denmark, one of the kinds whose effect, oh, they have no supplementary effect except for people paying a lot of money in the belief that theyre doing something worthwhile. Hooters, some fasting cures are marketed with the detox label, but the various forms of fasting, ultimately amount to going without food for a specific period of time. And in contrast to self styled detox, cures fasting, certainly does have an effect in the low, fast enough. Intermittent fasting is beneficial for all of our organs, tuneless. This is because it lowers your insulin resistance. So even if you dont have diabetes, diabetes of these kinds of things do make sense after christmas or other festivities fast enough live youre about to hillson. The hype over detox stubbornly processes, despite the medical benefits being questionable at best. All too many detox products are just money making exercises. Instead of relying on miracle pills, youre better off focusing on a healthy lifestyle, your liver and your kidneys will. Thank you for it. In japan, the puffer fish is a much price delicacy. But its intestines contain tetra talk. Then if the fish isnt prepared properly, the results can be fatal. Life threatening paralysis consultant after just 10 minutes. Salmon may seem harmless in comparison, but farmed salmon can be exposed to high levels of antibiotics, fish excrement and other chemical contaminants, or be infected by c life. Environmental and Health Experts back will recommend eating organic. Oh, wild salmon. And now for some, every day fits, that should also be treated with caution. Mm. Here are 3 common foods that can poison you. Potatoes, potatoes, yes, thats right. They contain so daneen which protects them from rotting in humans, it causes headaches, vomiting, and diarrhea. Most of the so daneen is found in the skin, particularly in any sprouts or green areas. Thats why the sprout sun green parts on all the potatoes should be removed on the potato peeled. And you can only use the cooking water from peel to potatoes safely. Beans, green beans contain leg 10. This is a toxic protein compound, just 6 raw beans can be fatal for small children. Uncooked kidney beans contain high levels of let 10 just 5 ra beans can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Kidney beans need to be soaked for several hours. Boiling renders the poison harmless on the toxins. Dissolve but make sure you dont use the cooking water. Poppy seed edible poppy seed contains morphine. Morphine is an opiate and is used in medicine as a strong pain killer. It can be highly addictive too much. Poppy seed causes unconsciousness or respiratory arrest. According to the German Federal institute for risk assessment, you shouldnt have more than 20 grams of poppy seeds a day. Any further processing, baking, grinding, or cooking reduces the amount of morphine. So baked goods containing poppy seeds are considered safe to take away potatoes, beans, and poppy seeds are all Healthy Foods that they have to be prepared correctly. Oh no rules can just be so darned cute. Well, some of them others are incredibly dangerous, an inland type and as the worlds deadliest, just one could in theory, kill 2 150000 mice or more than 200 people with its venom. Among the amphibians, latin americas poison doth frog as the winner the brazilian wandering spider is the worlds most toxic spider. Its bite can lead to paralysis and then death. But the deadliest creature outright lacks underwater. The australian box jellyfish, or see was the poison of a single one, could kill up to 250 people in one fell swoop. Not every treasure is made of silver or gold. And sometimes theyre hidden where you least expect to find them in deadly animal toxins. Globally, there around 200000 poisonous and venomous animals, some vital drugs of already been created using animal toxins. There are potential treasure trove for scientists. Is also not me to come in searching for a drug candidate and venoms. Really is like hunting for treasure. Its likely the next generation of medications we develop will be found in these suit toxins. We just have to identify the relevant talks analysts in it. And if its young, and indeed, scientists have identified unique proteins in the venom of wasp spiders. But how do they work . Animals use their venom to catch prey or defend themselves, the poison paralyzes muscles, or kill certain cells. And through the course of evolution, venoms have become more efficient. There thompsons often target, very specific receptors in their prey. Does this apply to humans to escape this . Give the video to date may become very few medications have been developed from venom. However, the ones that have are among the best rugs that we know come into the, the can rare but effective, at least in the lab. They keep on discovering zillow toxins that could be used for tr in humans. Like clara toxin found in the venom of death stalker scorpions can make brain tumors visible and millington a toxin in b, them has produced promising lab results for researchers hoping to be an aggressive form of breast cancer. The painstaking search for promising toxins begins with a visit to the animals themselves. After all, you have to get to the talks in 1st. The way to this rock monitor leads tom lyrica to the reptile house. Here he can extract the venomous saliva directly from the lizards mouth. For other animals, the extraction of their toxin is fatal. Luca has to remove the wasps by those venom glands. Its the only way he can examine the toxins. To do this, he uses gel electrophoresis. The movements of the molecules in the animal than him are analyzed in a gel. This creates a pattern. The researchers are then able to compare this pattern with those of other animal venoms. This comparison shows unique proteins in the venom of the wasp spider potassium. With the 59. So could you animals one day provide us with more new medicines and against want to find out, you have to reproduce the most interesting candidates from the venom in bacteria that johnsons can then be tested against various pathogens. This shows whether and how the toxins could work of spiders often paralyzed their prey. Some spider venoms can affect pain transmission in certain nerve cells. If one of these spider toxin stocks, it can stop the transmission of pain. But there are some hurdles on the way to a new Pain Medicine if we humans absorb proteins from animal toxins, our stomach brakes them down in doing so, it often renders them harmless and thus ineffective as a potential drug. This problem must be solved 1st. And finally, the dose determines whether a toxin becomes a medicine too low. Its ineffective to high serious side effects. One animal shows that it can be done. The gila monster and active ingredient from their toxic saliva now helps diabetics to lower their blood sugar levels. Its one of the very few medicines, based on animal toxins. The vast field of animal toxins is largely unexplored, but maybe one day wasp, spider venom could prove to be another medical treasure exercise is often the best medicine. So just join n already is raring to go with hello to day, we have a good exercise for your sides of your legs. Lets get started. Theres something where you can put your hands on. For example, a bench, a wall, a chair. Then you stand on one leg, the opposite leg, you move outside and then you move bag with make 15, wrap her leg and you do 3 that way. And now we switch to leg. With this exercise, it train your uh, doctors, meaning the side of your leg, but you also train the leg up, thumb and join us again. Next time were in good shape. See that ah, with ah, with who we love euro. We love diversity and anything unusual . 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