Transcripts For DW Global 3000 - The Globalization Program 2

Transcripts For DW Global 3000 - The Globalization Program 20180508

. global meat consumption is on the rise on average we humans each consumer around forty one kilos a year in two thousand and seventeen alone three hundred twenty two million tons of beef all can poultry were produced worldwide and that requires a lot of animals on our planet has more than seven hundred twenty million pigs nearly a billion cattle. and twenty three billion chickens many of which are full still live in overcrowded cages or stalls. and vast areas of land a destroyed soley to grow animal feed or to be used as grazing pastas meanwhile the urine and feces of livestock contaminating soils and waterways in germany for instance two hundred eight billion liters of liquid many oil was sprayed on to feel . last year with terrible consequences for biodiversity. joyce hannah still washes or vegetables in water from the tap but she won't drink it anymore not after what she went through in twenty sixteen she and five thousand others in the town of havelock north came down with gastro into writers the cause can feel low back there in the tap water. just. that he didn't you know gradually improve for all the six right. now she only drinks bottled water the tap water here is heavily chlorinated after animal feces was found to be behind the bacteria water fail the local newspaper called it it's a somber contrast to new zealand's one hundred percent pure image. if i do you know the rhythms and that night. i probably shouldn't like it but it is the truth. be there is hoping for a quick dip are increasingly met with signs like this. according to many new zealanders these are the main culprits cows over the past fifteen years the country has switched from sheep breeding to herding cattle it's highly profitable says farmer ryan o'sullivan the chinese in particular are big fans of milk powder from meadow grazing happy new zealand calves in. the country now has six point six million of them and just four point seven million people. there's some just rather. we use is there and found when they don't attribute it to to create some of the quality assurance did in. the north you know importance in a dairy farmers are also a bore. the problem is this one cow produces up to fifty kilos of urine and feces per day much of which seeps into the ground and contaminates the groundwater new zealand's groundwater has alarming nitrate levels and drinking water is often heavily treated to combat it ryan o'sullivan says the country needs time to find a solution after all the dairy sector employs around fifty thousand people think there is a place for the free. will be right if we had a. simple software company or an oracle. with price theory and then we wouldn't have a lot of what. we don't have many other options for industry and even broaden this country and we're very good at theory right now but that comes at a price signs like this one are posted all too frequently next to far too many of the country's waterways. martin taylor works for a hunting and fishing association that's also committed to environmental protection he says toxic algae are a big problem. up to three quarters of need of fish species face extinction. by figo much tiny and sea weighted this is a safe river or stream should be the new zealand way you know having to google to see whether you going to poison your kids by going to a stream on a hot day is not what new zealand and it's not what people think even the lake ellis near one of the most polluted lakes in the country it's fed by streams and rivers that flow past vast cattle pastors for years the powerful milk lobby has pushed environmental activists aside says martin taylor pure crystal clear water has long been considered a national treasure something new zealanders are proud of or were. given. one hundred no one hundred thousand filed we've learnt this situation and it hasn't just being the last nine years of a national government it was the previous labor government as well. stamps as far as the eye can see much of the canterbury region once looked like this but things have changed extensive irrigation systems provide the water necessary for luscious grass to grow pastures for more cows the water is taken from the rivers leaving them more vulnerable to environmental damage or. sullivan says there's nothing wrong with using the water for irrigation soon as it would have the arsonists with force. might see the school the economic wellbeing of the country turn to good laws it would afford for economic. he says where there is grass there is less ground erosion and that farmers now cultivate many river banks and use less fertilizer what's more modern technology allows for more precise targeting and less wasteful dosing of water in farming the harsh criticism he says is not justified. fear and it's not constructive instead of climbing out some trying stars at us when i come and say yes and we can work together as a community to find out what the problem is and fix. it that's frustrating back at lake ellison here two years ago the government announced it would invest sixty million euros in projects to improve fresh water quality like a drop in the ocean says martin taylor he sees just one answer to the crisis and it has economic consequences. mainly stary yes it does mean a theory it means least care as least milk and maybe families having to switch to something else but this to why it is. that just because some people are making money doesn't mean all the rest of us should have to put up with a poison. by twenty forty the government wants ninety percent of all new zealand waters to be clean enough to swim in step one on their list lowering standards with instant results overnight waterways have become dramatically cleaner at least on paper. around four million tonnes of cocoa harvested wild wind a third comes from ivory coast in west africa and other big produces a gun to indonesia nigeria and ecuador the cocoa tree is native to central america and that's still home to the world's oldest and rarest cocoa for. we visit a small plantation in western ecuador. at five am even before his chickens of crowed seven partridge is up and about making his morning talk at to the accompaniment of early bird song he's a farmer his family has been working the land for four generations. he's also raising six children on his own like his forefathers before him sophia wants to live at one with nature now large scale cultivation on the chemicals organic farming which makes him something of an eccentric. me i look at what everyone here says i'm crazy but ultimately this isn't my land it's borrowed i'm just visiting that for fifty six day or sounder years so it has to be here for a future generation of. you know looking up out of the thing that. for a long time other farmers markets for his dedication to small scale cultivation but things changed dramatically when it became clear that he was in ted rowlands saving the oldest and rarest variety of cocoa bean in the world the nothing in our. laws nationality this variety produces very little kirk but it is promised one trees that generate a lot of cruachan. a low yearly means a highly concentrated flavor if the quality of the taste are exactly what we're looking for looking as though there was camels. ecuador is home to perhaps the world's oldest coca trees and because many locals depend on cocoa for survival righties which produce a lot of fruit a very popular while engine varieties are rapidly disappearing. all work until jerry tuff came along even to ecuador from the u.s. ten years ago. he spent many of them fighting deforestation when he heard that the rare nasional cocoa bean was facing extinction he went on a trail that's when he met a surveyor told them about some particularly old trees in the remote planter valley he knew that from his forefathers although illiterate they were very knowledgeable about local vegetation. in the woods. my grandmother was not interested in a life in the kitchen she was very child like that she loved working in the fields always had her machete with her she was very determined you know with a cause. and indeed d.n.a. tests proved that a handful of the many thousands of trees were rare original varieties. there's only one percent of such fries he's left in ecuador they produce very small amounts of high quality cow for decades local people consider them worthless but the fruit has become a luxury a street this is mindful chocolate consumption give people a reason to kind of stop what they're doing rather than just kind of popping chalk in their mouth and going on their way to really kind of take in what they're doing and sit down and properly taste it the way you taste of a special bottle of wine and so the world's most expensive cocoa is harvested right here assuming that is that the two farmers don't devour it all themselves. well we all do a good job of getting all of our chocolate. oh yeah. it's the first harvest of the season and serbia's neighbors are feeling festive too they earned good money on a small amounts they harvest. they say they're paid twice as much as elsewhere there's real pride in a special product and serbia is no longer a crazy tree hugger he's a local hero. boxes clearly labeled for random quality testing there are regular checks to make sure these are really nice you know cocoa beans. the local climate with extreme weather heavy rain and warm temperatures plays a key role in the way the beans taste. it. explores the on this i wore chocolate creates a taste explosion in the mouth it lasts for a long time to get satisfying and you just want to keep eating it forever. c n. n echoes capital quito the bins of an transformed into chocolate under the careful eye of the group's third member austrian a car schweitzer all of servia in jerry's hard work is now in his hands. being all right if you get the timing wrong you end up burning the cocoa beans and you can't make any chocolate from the. call came to ecuador after finishing school to volunteer with street kids now he makes chocolate very special chocolate to be consumed slowly and with pleasure for. industrialization has caused the loss of so much flavor and quality is you know and for my generation it's now time to protect and rediscover such things. but it doesn't come cheaply three hundred ten euro for fifty grams and the price won't fall until there are more nasional coquetries. that's one of the aims of the farmers here several want to go the same way as servia cultivating small amounts in a sustainable way. but it didn't. at first it was just a dream and then it works and that makes us very happy it feels like a real triumph. after the good first harvest the cocoa beans have to ferment which takes a combination of time and serving as experience but for today at least it's time to relax. and now in the global snack we had still vietnam to taste them to nice delicious dumplings. one is a coastal province in vietnam like everywhere in this country people here attach a lot of importance to good food and they're proud of their local delicacies. just around the corner from the market here in town lloyd has a small restaurant run by madame tory. she serves freshly made bad luck dumplings. that's so popular the restaurant even has a small production line of workers. the dough is made from tapioca flour and hot water. it's needed for ten minutes and then pressed in a pasta machine. he didn't. do. that now finding is that it. madam toy sells five thousand pan lock every day. the dumplings can be boiled wrapped in banana leaves and steamed or fried. the real secret to success is the filling which of course makes herself. at all if it contains shrimp pork bamboo shoots and new air mushrooms from our forest yeah the filling in season with salt pepper and chili. greetings have to be very finely chopped and well mixed. but i want to eat as learn to cook them to perfection that overcooked and never to roll. to be at the one yard to make my mother showed me how to make bran luck when i was still a child. later i started making the from my so far as a gift for friends and relatives. and everybody said they were so delicious so six years ago i decided to open my own restaurant. bon local or a popular snack here in the province of been there usually eaten in the morning or afternoon between meals. and then i know. i've been eating bon luck since i was a little kid they're willing to pickle for our region and i love them and i will go back although it. gives customers a quiet spot to snack and unwind away from the bustling streets nearby. but. it's a basic human right education yet millions of children and young people still have no access to it yes tiger in two hundred sixty four million children were unable to attend school around half of them live in sub-saharan africa in the small country of a sotto families often can't afford to send their kids to school and there's a shortage of schools to the result many children fail to gain even basic literacy skills. when he whistles the herd follows. every day germany takes these cows many kilometers through the highlands of le soto looking for grass and water. he'll soon be fourteen and as worked as a herd for more than half of his life. every day i'm out here cruising the animals where you have to make sure they get enough to eat i like their work. it's also the only way to survive. the cows germany tends to belong to a farming family in similar kong a small town in central a soldier in exchange for his labor he gets a roof over his head and he gets to keep ocala the end of the year. the young teenager doesn't have time for school his parents have died so germany has to fend for himself. this is my first job. but it's the first time i've been treated well. the last farm i worked for for example just didn't pay me. i'm great i things are going better here. in the sotto one in three boys of school age works full time as a livestock herder often miles away from their family and without any hope of going to school full time. most of the boys are illiterate and will likely remain so for the rest of their lives. you your smile row is familiar with the situation. you have to leave school after second grade money so you could look after his mother and two sisters. he says that's common in lesotho but it wasn't the life he had hoped for. but because of the this is. to live. to. all the. nice because even the. dogs they didn't even feed us they'd lived like be slaves. us quickly learned that not having an education can make it difficult to fight for your rights. over the years he paid for both his sisters and their children's schooling with the money he earned as a shepherd. he also managed to put aside a tiny bit of his pay until he could complete his. when they finish tending to the animals for the day they come to us the shepherd school germany is also here. they study reading writing and arithmetic. teachers on a voluntary basis he believes that a basic education can change the young herders lives. and they didn't even. know. that. you've got that another subject is health including aids prevention. it's an important issue unless soto which was the second highest rate of hiv infections worldwide. under war male or sometimes provided when there have been enough donations for many it's the only proper meal of the day. socializing is central to the time spent here. is wake you have to care for their animals then you were born here. cope with other people but it's only happened here except at school is where the learn how to sell ace is where they live and how paul speak with others is where they lend if need be. to learn everything to her has come from far and wide what germany wants ten kilometers every evening to get here. when i can read well right well i want to teach to. i want to pass on what i can. but germany still has a long way to go the next morning he returns to his solitary work in the health like so many other livestock herders here in the soto. ok cheat. by the names of all the sheriff. and me in because they were saying you're going to seventeen years old. holding up six goals until boys is. playing. i'm scoring goals when i'm playing football. again i can become a professional player like the messi neymar on ronaldo and like to play for us in the us alone. the big you know programs in the wall is being developed man me no friends on poets . who cares about the foul industry's destructive impact i do you can as about l.g.b. team in australia. as about female empowerment and i do not support follow d.w.b. oversight. and that's all from global street sounds and this week as ever we'd love to hear what you so want to say write to us at global three thousand d.w. dot com or on facebook see you next time. the be. cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut. cut cut. cut cut. cut. cut. cut cut. the was supposed to be humorous violence dennis rodman's peace mission and funding for going to the best. news ever but it is a song for north korean durham jong un this is the caribbean are going to play by islamist flute playing games and the declares to. play a big play by childless the round is shaking about the top posts lose your favorite team play. the following to bring them up churchill a good pulse against the entire country the champion of insurance for the last six to glimpse the four minds. a blessing and a curse the force of nature inescapable st. monsoonal slave tropical jungle as the below is a symbol of the subculture last summer slump the constant. mr structure in the book monsoon starting may twenty third d. double. how the germans came together in one nation from shanda munyon to chancellor also from bismarck. the history of the germans has been shaped by great learners. nice well placed to bring my loyal followers of basti protect christendom and spread this line truth. you guys want to see. leaps of course to become the enemy. who can stand courageous decisions to close down close your masters research perceived problems of the room come down from his presumptuous circle the romance of his whole. song. we must. the german starting may thirteenth column t w. this is the w. news coming to you live from berlin the world awaits us president trucks decision all the iran's nuclear deal never ever ever in my life advice see any transaction so incompetently negotiated as our deal with iran he's long said he plans to scrap the zero.

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New Zealand , Berlin , Germany , Vietnam , Republic Of , Iran , Nigeria , Ecuador , Australia , China , Quito , Pichincha , Canterbury Region , Canterbury , Havelock North , New Zealand General , Serbia , New Zealanders , Chinese , German , Germans , Ted Rowlands , Joyce Hannah , Martin Taylor ,

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