Transcripts For DW Global 3000 - The Globalization Program 2

Transcripts For DW Global 3000 - The Globalization Program 20180206

a thing of the past how can fountains of sidelined academics that rebuild their lives. then on to hong kong where living space is a luxury we head to the city where many live in desperately cramped conditions. been eyes ation is an unstoppable trend worldwide more and more people are deserted in rural areas for life in cities looking for jobs educational opportunities and inspiration all want a decent place to live and that's the problem good locations are in high demand and prices are steep. gemini's most expensive city is new neck apartments in the center fetch have been one thousand two hundred euros a square meter and in other countries prices are even higher in new york for example apartments can cost a whopping eleven thousand square meter the three most expensive cities are london at over fifteen thousand euros a square. mita singapore which is even pricea and hong kong tops the list flats that can cost an astronomical twenty one thousand seven hundred euros per square meter which leads to harsh living conditions for the poor. their home is a cage seven men live in a single room in bitter poverty. they often don't have enough money for three meals a day. mr newman shows us where he's been living for years he gets about five hundred euros in welfare every month nearly half of which he spends on his cage bed and electricity. all you are expendable like trash we've been cast out society has given up on us. because all of their only ray of hope is life xan she visits them regularly and asks how they're doing what they need and brings them extra money for food she works for an aid organization that looks after people living in miserable conditions in hong kong and beneath radius and they also use race shameful because people call we have here for you tells us and people there are so rich in hong kong and that the government had huge you know losses so i think that up once you have the capacity it recesses to have these people but we just allowed this to happen. living space in hong kong is more expensive than almost anywhere else in the world there's very little room for the more than seven million residents but there are plenty of buyers for luxury apartments a profitable business for real estate companies. buying an apartment is barely affordable even for the middle class it's long been the norm for them to spend half their income on rent or a mortgage for many hong kong has a high. it was a nightmare. because of her efforts to help people called the angel of the poor today she's visiting the home of thirteen year old chuck me owners here have subdivided many of the apartments into mini lodgings known as shoe boxes with just a part time job and welfare all this mother and child can afford are about two and a half square meters with a bunk bed and a small table the mother cries a lot and wishes she could provide something better for her son. so you very much say our apartment really should be big enough so that my son and i can move around freely. little italy you hear it's so small that we can only enter the room one at a time. check meaning won't tell his classmates how he lives he's too ashamed most people here work but they don't earn enough for an apartment of their own so several people are forced to share a grubby kitchen and a single bathroom their only hope is a state subsidized apartment but the waiting list is several years long. lie shown gives advice helps people deal with bureaucracy and puts pressure on officials where she can. meet these kind of strange sounds easy to people being please feel main street where you know this is happening because. he ain't going east and somebody is me hans and some people taking up all the street and besides now so many people and i do you know. about thirty percent of hong kong's residents live in subsidized housing but there's not nearly enough to go around. the hunt for an affordable living space even drives people to live in corrugated iron huts on the roofs of factories with little in the way of safety features. it's illegal and it's dangerous but where else are people supposed to go . children are especially vulnerable ly shannon herself grew up in poverty and knows how they feel many don't even have enough space at home to do their homework the aid organization has other volunteers who help them too and here they are taught not to be ashamed of being poor. there so it may just go because they feel that you did it you know this and that was how is it it may be and. and they end up feeling bad about that cost the other people they don't know that they're for sample we have those children they have cost me nor are they living in this kind of eating small space and the. lifespan is calling for more subsidized housing from the local government she says too much land goes to the powerful real estate companies she's already helped thousands of residents to move from their shoe box dwellings to subsidized housing sometimes it took years such as with ms tie the apartments here are bigger the rents cheaper for residents it means a complete lifestyle change fewer worries and more money left over it's a never ending job but a rewarding one i feel happy because when i have people there because iteration i took i feel very sorry for them and so i wore high and they finally put their situation days they'd be very happy and i don't know because i think helping people is that kind of happiness. those living in cage beds generally paid even more rent for their space than people who live in subsidized flats if it weren't for shuns help mr leone and the other men here might not even have warm clothing for the cooler winter nights. sometimes when the people of hong kong come home from work mr young goes to the soccer pitch he used to work in a slaughter house and lived in employee housing now he's seventy and in poor health has given up hope of ever getting a subsidized apartment as there are almost three hundred thousand other people in hong kong were also on the waiting list. now from hong kong to turkey two years ago more than a thousand of the country's academics signed a petition criticizing president to read chapter one tsp. elysees and appealing for an end to his bloody campaign against the kurds a small act with major repercussions many of them were later fired by presidential decree the accusation spreading terrorist propaganda after the attempted military coup around one hundred fifty thousand civil servants in turkey lost their jobs often for unexplained reasons they've hit the streets in protest at being blackballed made captives in their country. by our taras been working behind the counter for only a few months last spring the political science lecture was fired and like so many other civil servants he was banned from his profession as well as forbidden to leave the country. after that he had to ask himself what should i do now. we just wanted to do something here for faith then we don't leave we we will find new ways to do what we have been doing in the university and that means what they had been doing with science. with puts it in general in twenty sixteen by a lot tara signed a petition called academics for peace they criticized how the turkish government handles human rights issues in a kurdish part of the country he was fired for that and barred from government service by a state emergency decree he will also receive another unemployment compensation or pension by october open the café together with other colleagues who were fired may mean the coffee shop. or house of culture they offer workshops and readings they want to provide a space to share knowledge where people can learn and discuss things and ask critical questions. this was his dream these are the seats and greens of maybe that would be a forest maybe there is this is there to support and people immediately see a lot of messages over the internet it's all there's room it's easy and that's you gave us support and you gave us hope. because the cafe and island of hope working here gives him strength and distracts him from private concerns. his wife works at a university in germany he hasn't seen her in eight months he is not allowed to leave the country and if she were to return to turkey she would face the same situation. her emails be. when she comes back i want her to know this. life after departure in so her birds even from germany. i think most. in the capital ankara husband and wife jaylen whose luma cino are also saw their professional world collapse before their eyes they were elementary school teachers before being fired about a year ago now they are trying to make ends meet by running a small food stand the number sixty six is on the front counter this is the number of the law that was quoted as they lost their jobs they're trying to keep a sense of humor oh. we had to sell our car to open the shop we have two children and somehow we have to make ends meet. today they have a visitor. you know used to teach communications he's writing a book about those who were fired and yes he too was dismissed for the same reasons he wants to tell the stories of some of the forty thousand teachers and professors who lost their jobs. many people who were victims of us to korea now networking we have the same worries and we're beginning to feel some solidarity a kind of resistance movement it's not just about coming to the shop to eat it's more important than that it's about the exchange of political and personal ideas. but kamal has almost no contact with former colleagues at the university where he taught. the school was right wing conservative and he was one of the few liberal leftist teachers there now he spends his days in his home office working on his book he also has financial worries he has loans to repay but now no income he gets small monthly payments from his labor union but it's not enough to make ends meet he and his wife have begun selling homemade leather bags. started eating soup instead of proper meals and i rarely go out so i can save money . i've sent out a lot of job applications but no one is interested in employing someone who was let go to a government to curry of course anyone can become unemployed but for us it's important to come up with a survival strategy. but it's not just about survival these people want their lives back that's what most of the fired professors and journalists are demanding at this demonstration in istanbul. lost by hard times determined to remain positive he came all the way from a scene to be here today. it's not easy but it's not easy to insist on getting something you need to meet you you need to see that you're not the only man here you're not the only full of the full of the town and there are other forces that this is it this is stupid this is so you just start to really believe in yourself you just refresh. your is just days and years to go. tar is going to need his strength and positivity all of the academics who signed the peace petition have been legally charged the first court proceedings began in december but the professor says he's not afraid after all he's an eternal optimist . this week in our global ideas series we take a look at a billion dollar industry cut flowers most of the world supply comes from large scale flour farms in just a handful of countries it's a business worth around forty four billion euros a year. the global center of the cut flower trade is still the netherlands but its production is on the rise in four countries in the tropics one of them kenya. our reporter money well it's checkers headed to lake near nairobi where dozens of flower farms have sprung up. but for other people who rely on the lake for a living the future looks far from rosy. those two crop of trees local fishermen have finally managed to learn to catch again. after hours out on the water every boat has at least returned with a few kilos of tilapia. the talk is making the rounds again the pollutants have been found in lake never. take samson much area back to the end. ira mental disaster that struck in two thousand and nine the lake almost dried out and the fish population was decimated all caused by the flower farms on the shore i did of course or they almost dried out the lake completely and the chemicals they were draining off affected the water and affect your mind when i say there were hardly any fish left so i keep of course when i finish that pile of fish over there that was the harvest of ten loads it took the department of fisheries one year to regenerate the fish stocks so people went hungry. conditions by late night vasher are ideal for cultivating flowers over fifty companies have set up greenhouses on its shores. the soil is fertile temperatures mild plus twelve hours sunshine a day when the lakes full of water. since the two thousand and nine disaster local fish are folk are highly suspicious of the cut flower industry even though strict regulations for companies were introduced in the aftermath. they have to bring that to me because i want the three of those chemicals those going to cause then they wonder what the when they link and it's also about what up with the to the lake and then when the fish consumes that we need to me how they depict to their consumers and also to the breeding area because the op i mean about across the breeding area of. the flower companies reject the accusations. normally they won't grant journalists access to their greenhouses. but we've been allowed into this facility accompanied by ruth moore from germany's organization for international cooperation the g.i. said. the syrian flower farm claims its own environmental record is exemplary. if this passes the sides of the lake maybe it's coming from industries which are not. mine is by a good code of conduct like say the kind of flower council and that's my baby there needs to be more focus and tons of small scale farming to help understand the values of using products in a responsible way but also the impacts of all those products have been misused on on a major syrian says it only uses half the industry standard amount of insecticides . the company prefers to employ in natural allies like these tiny beetles which are sprinkled over the roses to eat the pests that target them. what is more is always looking for natural methods that other operators could also use. all the water in the gutter but the plant not used we recycled they used again is for many things should be very good for the system because nothing from the what of the shark recycled water or green water go to the ecosystem but also it safe for our speculators who go after recycling they still feel like they're out of sight and then be used again and again and again i think it's because it's costly to put up this system for the small holder farmers who are growing outside it might be quite difficult for them to have such a system but for those who have picked up a city to it would be i would say so lucian because it cuts down on the cost but at the same time it's also good for the environment. they don't appear to be any toxins leaking into the lake night. but a syrian is only one of many flower grows in the area and we aren't allowed into the others it's also pretty hard to pinpoint just where the pollution is coming from. the flour industry says smallholder farmers are to blame. like potato farmer paul keim ani. so what is the solution to the pollution that many of the farmers are offered advice on sustainable practices by an organization headed by come on board or he also wants to know why the lake is constantly being polluted. and. yeah. you think. that's what i did because of course. they have to improve the. if he. is that lot of gap between that acknowledges that. harms and what they're doing and also the kind of advisory they get because even when he has a problem with put it was he just goes to the vet or anything i have this problem but they don't get to get advice on the methods that could be used. those organization promote sustainable pest control. we use. the fifth friendly fifth. to feed their. core. technology that is used in the cup now. they have to make the beat but that's nothing new for him before any pesticides were available here ok so farmers used a species of ants to eradicate crop pests but it's also true that the insecticide they use now is highly efficient. even if it is expensive. back at lake naivasha the days catch is already on its way to market which these days is several kilometers away. the lakes water level used to reach as far as the market. now it's shrinking along with its fish stocks. too many companies are pumping too much water from the lake. it's almost thirty degrees in the shade so the fish have to be sold off quickly it's a good day for the women of the market but husbands brought seculars back with them since a small tilapia fetches one euro at the moment the whole will translate. into a tidy profit for today at least. one of. the. root cause this. is such a. walk on the beach or. people at. least not. yet for now these people can only hope the water stays clean the way it was before the cut flower industry descended on the shores of lake novel . in this week's global snack which we check out of tasty dish from brazil. it's a sultry twenty seven degree celcius in bellingham the thriving metropolis at the mouth of the amazon and the city's famous market the mccardell battle pairs all you can find a flower for. a rainbow of tropical fruits and all sorts of other regional specialty . store sells one of the markets most popular fruits. berries are somewhat sour and earthy pomfrey fruit is packed with betterments. everyone here loves them. as you can imagine this is tell me before we had modern appliances we mashed the berries by hand and pressed them through a sieve now with these machines it's much easier to puree the. good to go. so mush is traditionally eaten with fried fish. the flood of diners at lunch time certainly keeps the owner on his toes. the off site is doled out liberally and eaten plain without salt spices. it said the indigenous people have begun eating it because why. over four hundred years ago. being off the ferries have to be washed thoroughly and then soaked in warm water. then they dropped into these blenders so when you put out the call the manipulation machines. i gave you said of course there's the fish school we buy fresh every morning i fill it to myself we all have a particular job to do to ensure this famous dish is prepared with the same consistent high quality. it's hard work. by the restaurant is an institution here at the market. it's the perfect blend of flavors say yes and i think not thin and watery it's freshly mashed and really delicious well you can come to the vero peso market and not stop in here. but no big deal but we're all used to this here the children learn to eat when they're little. it's part of local cultural heritage that possibly just the opposite as it's been in my family for generations my mother's been cooking with us sorry for decades that kind of a sorry mania started in other regions a few years ago lots of people started eating it was but not on a. like in rio but we like it here just as i eat and fish delicious that's all i see. them with people. why be touted as a super food the berries are perfect for nutrition conscious teaches. you mania is now also spreading to the us japan and europe. and that's all from global three thousand this time around what did you think that's just not send us an e-mail ams check out our facebook page d.w.b. labels. society we're back next week see you then. prosperity optimism that's the power of global trite global for. d.h.l. . the bureau. the boy . the boy. you. the world's most powerful intelligence agencies. working together on climate research. and the end of the cold war are made that possible. the united states and russia seems to offer to meet former foes became collaborators even when they could see the disasters the agents took the morning. fifteen minutes of g.w. . keeps documents that. it's all about the stories in. it's all about george chance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us for a few days sponsored by distinctive instagram or see at g.w. stories a new topic each week on instagram. he created movie milestone. it was an instrument of propaganda and persecution. it underwent bankruptcy and restructuring. but it still turning out films today. for germany's biggest and oldest film company. a cinematic history from the german empire to the present one hundred or so. starting february eighteenth. looking kind of take you know i think the evidence clear and the everyday person to the question is what can they do about it so it's very obvious to me walk with you and don't take living aboard elevator i do i do that every time i think about the elevator. and waited i take it. and i try and walk through it. wherever i can instead of going in the car or even in public transport it's just you know doing things that i think common and we just got out of the habit as it became too easy and quick to take automobiles that actually it's not very hard to change this very reason could individuals to i think you know cumulatively making a difference. this is t w news coming to you live from berlin ok also the u.s. stock exchange the dow jones industrial average takes its biggest nosedive since two thousand and eleven the problem investors across the globe markets in asia are tumbling echoing the dow's plunge. all they knew early that germany's two biggest parties inch towards a deal for a new coalition.

Related Keywords

Russia , Kenya , Italy , Ankara , Turkey , Lake Naivasha , Rift Valley , South Korea , Brazil , Hong Kong , United States , Nairobi , Nairobi Area , Berlin , Germany , Syria , Netherlands , New York , Japan , Syrian , Turkish , Korea , German , Ruth Moore ,

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