Transcripts For DW Focus On Europe - Spotlight On People 201

Transcripts For DW Focus On Europe - Spotlight On People 20181109 17:30:00

because you're wrong because you guys are starting class warfare the response to that statement should be yes we are starting to play as we want to because we're really quite sick and actually disrupt an economy. which. exclusively starts november seventeenth e.-w. . me. a low and a very warm welcome indeed to focus on europe with me peter craven and across europe people have been commemorating the end of the first world war one hundred years ago on november the eleventh one thousand nine hundred eighteen known by some
as the great war it was in fact an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe that left many millions dead or maimed. that was particularly heavy fighting in northern france of the funders region of belgium where there was a bitter war of attrition between allied and german forcings both sides fired millions of tons of munitions and for the first time the world witnessed the launch scale deployment of chemical weapons. well one focus of the clashes was the belgian town of april where large quantities of war remnants such as unexploded munitions and poison gas canisters are on earth each year for farmers like heads dinero there's what they call an ion harvest to be brought in from the fields alongside their ordinary crops. it's harvest season and for flemish farmer. that means long working hours he gathers several tons of leaks in potatoes every day this is west flanders belgium's
westernmost province. when farmers here harvest their crops they often also make some unusual and potentially lethal finds. the net is latest discovery is a grenade dating from the first world war. my dad could have told you if it's an english old german corn eighty. but i conned this isn't dangerous there may still be some explosives in science but the detonator is gone. dinero knows there's always a risk some of these munitions can still go off and lethal accidents aren't uncommon still the farmer says he's not scared he's grown used to the annual so-called iron harvest. i was still a kid when i first found in unison it's normal here it's all from world war one.
we're. more than almost any other area the belgian town of still carries the scars from the first world war. military cemeteries are dotted throughout. this is where the front line was here some of the war's most bitter battles were fought one hundred years ago on what today our fields. capella military base sergeant major geno law is planning his ordinance disposal squads daily operations it's only eight am. gino mom says the units already received thirty emergency calls about unexploded world war one munitions. today we dispatched two teams just because of the workload we have one team who will take the upper side and one team will take the lower side this was that germans who are this is for the brits were or the french or the belgians troops or
you'll have different types of missions the squad heads to a construction site where workers discovered munition they assessed the situation before were allowed to get a little closer gino and his team say there are twelve german grenades and one british shell all date from world war one. they could contain toxic chemicals. so i guess there are not fires about here i have one i can save at the safety pin and i can say that's not fire this one here still the safety pin and. sometimes the fuses so bad some danger so i have to do my estimates here that a lot can i do is a toxic yes or no you don't know and for what you're going to get yeah so that's why you always have a look and then you you determine your training you know the dangers this is what
i can expect it's just a normal gas mask it's a filter that protects us through most of the toxic. agents were it's estimated that some one point five billion shells were fired during world war one most of those that didn't detonate about thirty percent of all shells are buried somewhere in the soil in and around the town if. they pose a deadly danger and locals are regularly injured. pranks ordinance disposal squad is very busy. tell me it should be done within three days so it's a grievance and between the ministry of defense and the belgian government. they bring the day's haul back to base per year they receive an average of two hundred tons of unexploded ordinance. the military buries the munitions on a special site and destroys them through
a controlled explosion. pocatello can dispose of chemical weapons to using an elaborate procedure that safely neutralizes the toxic gases. later you know lump left gets another urgent call him and his team is called to the french border to recover yet another unexploded grenade. one hundred years have passed since the end of world war one but its legacy is still reality for people here it lies buried in the soil locals have had to grow used to the threat of unexploded ordinance like farmer. who has learned to cope with the constant danger. lurking in his fields. in the first world wars legacy is also still being felt in ukraine whether a growing tensions in the western transco pavia region of the country there are
a small but vocal garion minority fired on by hungary's leader viktor orban he's pushing for the reversal is what they see as injustices dating back to the end of the war but is the hungarian community merely demanding cultural autonomy or do they want more. seven blocks of stone decorated with red white and green these are the national colors of hungary. each block commemorates one of seven hungary and tribes the monument is located in the car paid in mountains on ukrainian territory. these valleys once belonged to the kingdom of hungary until the end of the first world war and the treaty of trillion on which redrew the national borders. we know that the treaty cannot be reversed. again. carlina dark she is one of one hundred fifty thousand ethnic hunger ariens who live in western ukraine. every sunday she goes to
the reform church where services take place in hungary and. she is an active member of the ethnic hungarian community of barrow over. at the hungary and consulate there at the clock show the time in budapest and brussels time in kiev seems to have stood still. a festival that carlina coorg a nice does about to begin nearby she wants cultural autonomy. so we want to be left in peace to preserve our culture. to speak our mother tongue . and to have that spoken in schools but not really nazis. many are worried that this cultural autonomy is under threat. the perception is about to begin carlina does some last minute equipment and set up checks she hopes it doesn't rain. on the local governor who represents the central government in kiev is also taking part in the procession he refuses to pay attention to rumors of
separatist movements in his region and the fears some ukrainians have that this area could see seated. thirty you have passed the result of its own problems. and people shouldn't talk nonsense there is no separatism here there's never been any and there won't be any money in the motion. but few of the participants in this festival sing along to the ukrainian national anthem. separatism through silence. back at the consulate a small crowd is demanding that the hungarian consul be evicted. from the demonstration was organized by bustle vocal in it which. he is outraged about this video which was filmed with a hidden camera it shows the consul issuing hungary and passports to ukrainians in
vero hope. he thinks that would have passed is trying to drum up influence in ukraine on the quiet. let's move this is ukrainian territory we are in the ukrainian state defacto and the jury. but it's hard to tell in daily life what. some people think that this is already hungary if not now then in five or ten years is it will keep the. carolina feels threatened by ukrainian nationalists who she thinks keep adding fuel to the fire. earlier this year the office of hungary and cultural association in the region was set on fire by a molotov cocktail nobody was injured. and the perpetrators remain unknown. down here in government put a lot of money into restoring the university of bear a hole where carlina darty is a politics lecturer she and her colleagues are paid by the hungry and state which
finances the university. but in the future they could be fewer students because of a new education law which bans teaching in minority languages beyond primary school level he. says. but that's the corner of this scandalous law means that ukraine wants to refuse us all rights rights that are granted by the constitutional authority of course your thoughts as a fix all like me. put it best has become very involved in this debate wanting to protect the rights of the hungarian minority in ukraine. tens of thousands of people in western ukraine have now obtained a hungary and passport. carlina refuses to say in public whether she has won. well because then i'll be summoned by the secret service. and. many people
in france carpathia are worried about their cultural identity others are worried about separatism in this border region these are tensions that go back to the first world war and before if they were resolved the region could play a positive role as a bridge between eastern and western europe. now we've talked about of a colossal suffering that the first world war brought for so many people but the world also heroes and among them were pigeons carrier pigeons who transported crucial information and code and did save lives in all of those heroics from still maintains a squadron of bread even ever ready but sometimes robber ill disciplined pigeons. generally you're not allowed to refuse an order in the army. but this pigeon seems to be unaware of the rules. it's still in training.
about a hundred carrier pigeons reside and receive their training here at a military fortress near paris. ga her like us each has its own character some might be a bit jealous some will be rather obsessed with food quality. though they never longer serve except in competitions these carrier pigeon is a part of france's national heritage they're living monuments to the heroic deeds of their predecessors. for instance receive the quite a get out for his heroic service adventure done during world war one after managing to deliver this message we're holding out but we're under attack the gas and smoke are very dangerous we need to be got out of here urgently this is my last pigeon. you could almost say that several hundred young soldiers and their superiors over their lives to a pigeon or two hundred animal to a pure war for what
a story levi all remains unforgotten to this day he's even the star of an animated movie. in the second world war carrier pigeons played a role in the french resistance and the nazis banned people from owning homing pigeons these carrier pigeons no longer have to deliver messages now they can enjoy a peaceful existence. but if we don't keep them just in case we keep them for tradition we're quite traditionalist in france that's why we keep our carrier pigeons optional as. pigeons that can simply fly over paris at their ease without having to risk their lives crossing enemy lines. well the first world war was of course described as the war to end all wars but sadly the lesson of peace is one that we still need to. know on a very different and highly contemporary notes our hyper digital world is facing
a big problem where to store the massive amounts of data that we're constantly collecting and how to do so safely and energy efficiently one solution lies in the small community of left norway's west coast where they've created a huge data center in a former mineral mine the result is the kind of setting usually only seen in james bond movies and it's brought new hope to a former backwater. the north shore cuts inland more than one hundred kilometers from norway's west coast. on its shoreline is the tiny village of lifestyle just a few farms like thousands of others in norway. care on the left lives here everyone in the valley has the surname left out he shares the pastures and fields with three other families what's not immediately apparent is the enormous treasure under the ground a digital data treasure which in the digital age is like pure gold if. you have all
. the gong on that first it was like science fiction to us so what is science fiction for us men now i've wanted up to the idea more and more that with a day or so at a border i can't wait till the whole mountain is filled with data. but not. until two thousand and nine olivine was mined here in the neural is used in steel production. most often has customers visit for example from silicon valley california deep inside the old mine an enormous storehouse for data and a data processing center are taking shape the operator is a consortium of norwegian and international investors in the future vast amounts of data will be required for example for self driving cars it can be stored here. to have a data center inside the mall its security. protected were six hundred meters into
the mountain both against e.m.p. but also physical security so that's the main advantage the mine is also already here so the cost of building a datacenter here is a lot lower than if you build a new building above the ground. the first level is almost completed three more a plant part of the technology comes from germany left al is now connected to the whole world through a data line. once the plans become reality this will be the world's biggest data center the servers need continuous cooling and huge quantities of electricity both are available here. the cooling water comes from the fjord at seven degrees celsius it flows into the mine through two large pipes the electricity comes from higher up in the mountains from your. bear valley lake. the water is collected at a height of one thousand meters and diverted into the valley through turbines. one
of the region's twenty six power plants is in nearby sunda new. all in gus and his coworkers inspect the turbine room the technology is simple and durable some of these generators have been running for more than seventy years that helps keep our costs down. a company in norway pays about a third as much for a kilowatt hour as it would in germany given the data centers power needs that's a crucial factor. it's a good match. we supply to the data center in left dollars green. even if someone has one of the region's oldest power plants and fairly small. town a lot it's been running and producing sustainable elektra's city for over one hundred years and rolled over. on an autumn day the largest town in the north fjord region seems almost deserted but around two hundred fifty new jobs have already
been created here as the mayor is proud to confirm. the sick in the long term evermore data storage capacity will be needed worldwide and we are taking part in this development with the new trickling i mean. property owners meet in front of left community center they won't say how much they are in annually from leasing an old mine but it's no doubt a hefty sum. at first there were other plans for the mine it was to be used as a garbage dump or as an interim storage for nuclear waste from abroad. here are now left all is glad those plans came to not he lives a quiet life and appreciates the privilege of being able to mine digital riches underground here. now he can afford to go on cruises he likes to see the world outside the fjord. again in tech before that then maybe
a town that killed the revenues from the mine we can maintain our houses here and build new ones you need a who's we have a good life in this region that's always been thought of as an outpost the data center also means people don't have to move away anymore or quickly if they can stay on here yes and if a canoe busek to seek out. this valleys future lies underground with left l's digital treasure that doesn't shrink as more data is collected that just keeps getting bigger. well we've been talking a lot about history and it's really is often described as the world's largest open air museum one place certainly rich in ancient treasures is the area around the island of this year in the bay of naples however some of those attractions are buried on or under the sea bed was the challenge of making the accessible that inspired a group of former fisherman to come up with a business model that's given them
a new livelihood and made it possible to look into or even dive into history. julia orlando says people like him can no longer live from fishing so is scarce fishermen now ferry tourists around instead. but this boat is different from the others. the rules fitted it with a glass bottle and now the family office excursions to the sunken roman city of inner ear off the coast of ischia it's the younger generation like julio son gaetano who are developing this new kind of cultural tourism here. so it was our idea to live from the sea in a different way than our parents do. you know out of all. this or came about due to our love for our homeland the love we want to give it the respect it deserves that want to create jobs that extend beyond the tourist season and this project is comprised of
a whole bunch of ideas and initiatives. that are you know limbo to be brought out as it was. so the local fisherman became amateur archaeologists they banded together to buy diving equipment and technical devices and applied for the necessary permits and they hired an underwater archaeologist who oversees the excavations to this day. conducting archaeology underwater is a laborious business due to the effects of currents and waves areas that were painstakingly uncovered can soon be filled in again. but the fisherman didn't give up and made a discovery is a true archaeological sensation a port dating from roman times. this is what it might have looks like. they've also found the remains of the villa until such finds were made no one knew
the romans had settlements on ischia it was thought they'd avoided the island as it was printed to earthquakes. see what i mean are they so was somewhat directly. we can say with certainty that you scare wasn't just settled by the greeks but also by the romans meant that they want to save our antiquities probably from two hundred b.c. until two hundred eighty going jane ceramic pieces indicate that the what with the video there are other words there was probably a catastrophe or not that a visit where you mean that at the moment we believe it was an earthquake that destroyed the city. in part there are shipped out and sent these ceramics to the bottom of the sea in. the entire settlement sank into the sea these ceramic shards were recovered from six meters below the water surface. the fishermen spend all their free time searching for more clues about he not here many of the younger ones are now experienced archaeological
divers but although the work has become routine for them it's much more than a job that needed something to just you know what we need i walk in the water and every dive is a moving experience because every time something new can come to light for dr a new piece of evidence of what was there which helps us to understand the past because as a church every day brings a new discovery. diskin lives from tourism each year hundreds of thousands of people flock to the island to bathe in its hot springs and visit the famous gusto out of going easy hand every now and then the super yachts drop anchor here. the mayor says a new branch of tourism is always welcome but he won't commit to offering the young fisherman any financial assistance. in the. money's tight in all of the municipalities and we have to make do with what we've got but it's
a nice initiative that deserves consideration. the fisherman believed in this research. it's an unusual situation because although we've received all the necessary permits for an archaeological investigation from the relevant authorities it's all being paid for privately financed. so these professional and amateur archaeologists will continue their exploration without any government funding to your narrow says that at least that way no one can tell them what to do. and we wish julie our former fisherman a fish all the very best with a fascinating project. and that's all from focus on europe this time around thanks so much for joining us and if you'd like to see any of our reports again go to a home page on v.w. golf coleman all visit our facebook page t w stories until next time i buy
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Related Keywords

Some , World War One , Catastrophe , Region , Northern France , Fighting , Fact , Millions , Funders , Belgium , Maimed , World , Munitions , Clashes , Time , Focus , War Of Attrition , Tons , Sides , Chemical Weapons , Deployment , Launch Scale , German , One , Farmers , Town , Fields , Ion Harvest , War Remnants , Poison Gas Canisters , Quantities , Heads Dinero , Earth , Crops , Harvest Season , Potatoes , Leaks , Flemish Farmer , West Flanders , Finds , Province , Discovery , Grenade Dating , Net , Dad , Explosives , Science , Detonator , Isn T , Risk , Old German , Corn Eighty , English , Lethal Accidents Arent Uncommon , Odinero , Eighty , Farmer , It , Kid , Iron Harvest , Unison , Area , Scars , Military Cemeteries , Geno Law , Ordinance Disposal Squads , Front Line , Military Base , Battles , Acapella , One Hundred , Gino Mom , Emergency Calls , Operations , Units , Eight , Thirty , Team , Side , Germans , Teams , Workload , Troops , Belgians , Brits , Two , Workers , Situation , Construction Site , Mmunition , Squad , Grenades , Missions , Types , Gino , Twelve , Chemicals , British , Danger , Safety Pin , Efuses , Lot , Training , Yes , Dangers , Estimates , Look , Gas Mask , Agents , Us , Toxic , Filter , Five Billion , Soil , Locals , Most , Somewhere , Shells , Didn T , Pranks Ordinance Disposal Squad , Government , Grievance , Ministry Of Defense , Three , Military , Ordinance , Base , Site , Average , Haul , Two Hundred , Procedure , Explosion , Weapons , Call , Gases , Lump , Pocatello , Border , Legacy , End , Grenade , People , Reality , Threat , Border Region , Ukraine , Wars , Tensions , Country , Felt , Western Transco Pavia , Hungary , Autonomy , Viktor Orban , Community , Reversal , The End , He , Injustices , Vocal Garion Minority , Car , Block , Blocks , Monument , Tribes , Stone , Colors , Seven , Valleys , Mountains , Treaty , Borders , Ukrainian Territory , Kingdom Of Hungary , Western Ukraine , Carlina Dark She , Hunger Ariens , One Hundred Fifty Thousand , Consulate , Place , Reform Church , Services , Member , Clock , Barrow , Budapest , Brussels , Culture , Peace , Festival , Mother Tongue , Carlina Coorg , Many , Perception , Schools , Nazis , Part , Governor , Doesnt Rain , Procession , Equipment , Rumors , Attention , Kiev , Ukrainians , Movements , Mo Ney , Result , Separatism , Participants , Problems , Few , Motion , Nonsense , Won T , Ukrainian National Anthem , Consul , Crowd , Video , Bustle Vocal , Passports , Camera , Demonstration , Territory , Influence , Quiet , Jury , De Facto , Ukrainian State , Vero Hope , Daily Life What , Carolina , Five , Ten , Fire , Ukrainian Nationalists , Fuel , Office , Perpetrators , Nobody , Association , Molotov Cocktail , University , Politics Lecturer , Carlina Darty , State , Colleagues , Beara Hole , Education Law , Teaching , Languages , Students , Primary School , Law , Course , Level , Thoughts , Rights , Authority , Corner , Minority , Fix , Debate , Tens Of Thousands , Carlina , Public , Passport , Secret Service , Western Europe , Others , Carpathia , Bridge , Identity , Role , Carrier Pigeons , Pigeons , Heroes , Suffering , Al L , Information , Squadron , Heroics , Save , Code , Bread , Robber , Pigeon , Rules , Order , Army , Character , Food Quality , Paris , Military Fortress , A Hundred , Deeds , Carrier Pigeon , Serve , Competitions , Monuments , Predecessors , Heritage , Instance , Service , Gas , Message , Get , Attack , Smoke , Adventure , Lives , Superiors , Soldiers , Animal , Story , Win The Second World War , Movie , Resistance , The Star , Messages , Case , Existence , Enemy Lines , Tradition , Ease , Hyper Digital World , Lesson , Notes , Data , Norway , Problem , Amounts , Solution , Energy , West Coast , Data Center , Kind , Setting , Mineral , Hope , Backwater , North Shore , James Bond , Farms , Thousands , Shoreline , Village , Lifestyle , Care , Treasure , Ground , Everyone In The Valley , Pastures , Families , Gold , Age , Surname , Idea , Science Fiction , Gong , Men , Mountain , Customers , Neural , Olivine , Production , Two Thousand And Nine , Example , Storehouse , Center , Operator , Data Processing , Shape , Silicon Valley , California , Security , Consortium , Investors , Self Driving Cars , Norwegian , Mall , Six Hundred , Cost , Advantage , Emp , Plans , Technology , Building , Plant , Data Line , Germany , Al , Electricity , Fjord , Cooling Water , Servers , Cooling , Water , Mine , Pipes , Bear Valley Lake , Valley , Turbines , Height , One Thousand , Power Plants , Generators , Co Workers , Turbine Room , Sunda New , Gus , Seventy , Twenty Six , Company , Data Centers , Power , Factor , Costs , City , Someone , Match , Dollars Green , Sustainable Elektra , Jobs , Two Hundred Fifty , Mayor , Sick , Data Storage Capacity , Trickling , Development , Term , Property Owners , Sum , Community Center , Doubt , Front , Life , Privilege , Storage , Garbage Dump , Waste , Cruises , Ones , Thought , Revenues , Outpost , Houses , Doesn T , Canoe Busek , Left L , Treasures , Island , Fisherman , Business Model , Group , Attractions , Seabed , Challenge , Bay Of Naples , Fishermen , Julia Orlando , Fishing , Boat , Livelihood , Generation , Coast , Glass Bottle , Family Office Excursions , Roman , Ischia , Inner Ear , Son Gaetano , Sea , Tourism , Parents , Way , Love , Project , Respect , Homeland , Tourist Season , Archaeologists , Diving Equipment , Ideas , Initiatives , Bunch , Limbo , Devices , Permits , Effects , Archaeology , Areas , Underwater Archaeologist , Excavations , Currents , Waves , Laborious Business Due , Fisherman Didn T , True Archaeological Sensationa Port , Dating , Remains , Villa , Roman Times , Looks , Romans , Settlements , Earthquakes , Certainty , Wasn T , Greeks , Visit , Earthquake , Pieces , Antiquities , Words , Hundredbc , Two Hundred Eighty , Ceramics , Settlement , Bottom , Searching , Clues , Water Surface , Shards , Six , Work , Something , Job , Divers , Dive , Experience , Routine , Dr , Piece , Hundreds , Evidence , Diskin , Gusto , Superyachts , Hot Springs , Municipalities , Branch , Assistance , Do , Initiative , Consideration , Research , Exploration , Investigation , Authorities , Fish , Government Funding , Narrow , The Very Best , Thanks , Tw Stories , Homepage , Page , Reports , Golf , Focus On Europe , Vw , Facebook , Area Aoa , Odd , Bully , Abiding , Biscuit , Big Subscribe To The Documentary On , Commitment , Glee , Stronger , Boat People , Africa , Stories , Nation , Difference , Destinies , Move , Continent , Hands , Series , Dw , Dot Com , Fdwm , In The End , Smugglers , Clients , Victims , Women , Violence Incomes , Numbers , Visitor , Guests , Citizens , Platform ,

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