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It used to Green Energy Solutions into resource to. Create interactive content teaching the next generation about Environmental Protection and were determined to build something here for the next generation. Years multimedia environment series t. W. Hello and a warm welcome to Focus On Europe im so me so much gonna donating organs can save lives so why does it happen so rarely in Europe Germany is facing an acute shortage more than ten thousand critically ill patients here are waiting for a life saving kidney liver long or heart transplant many will never live to get one every eight hours a patient dies because he or she didnt receive an organ in time. Now the system behind Organ Donation and transplants in germany is complex and bureaucratic you have to volunteer to be an organ donor here and not enough people sign up now in spain on the other hand youre automatically a donor unless you opt out and spanish hospitals Work Together quickly and efficiently to get available organs to those who need them over the last twenty five years that has made the country the world leader in this area and that strong and germans like thomas de niro who are found a new lease on life and say. Music producer thomas de niro urgently needs a new kidney and its not the first time he had a transplant fourteen years ago when both his own kidneys failed he was already living on the Spanish Island of new york at the time and that might have saved his life. I mean to spain in Two Thousand And One and then two years later when my kidneys failed i was in a country where you can get kid makes four or five times faster than in germany on. Board. His hoping this time hell also get a new kidney without too much delay because in spain more people donate organs after they die than anywhere else in the world. Thats because by law everyone there is automatically an organ donor unless they actively opt out its a well organized system. For the moment thomas still has to have parity nail dialysis every day it takes hours and limits his activities dramatically hed have to wait about eight years on average in germany for a new kidney in spain the waiting list is just two years long reason enough was some to try to fiddle the system. Now declaring that they live in spain i know two or three whove created a pretend life here buying houses setting up small firms also that they can benefit from the Spanish Health care system. And have faryal had a Liver Transplant ten years ago today he is back in good shape. Miguel has a problem with people coming from abroad just to benefit from the spanish system although he also sympathizes. I cant imagine what it must be like to have to wait for so many years i know what waiting means its not a life but for me it went by fast. Miguel understands the need. But he also regrets that the rise in Transplant Tourism means that people who really do live in space will have to wait longer for a donor organ. Donor or spaniards donate their organs for people in spain. Of course we know that an oregon liver or kidney might be sent elsewhere if its not needed here but if more and more people come here for transplants then this will have to be stopped and thats the only thing that makes sense. Transplant tourism is technically banned in the e. U. But its also difficult to control many Kidney Transplants are carried out at the University Hospital empowerment of new york. The Senior Consultant here has operated on many germans he treats anybody with a neat its not his job to determine whether a foreigner actually lives in spain or just pretends to do so in order to benefit from this system. Theres Freedom Of Movement in the e. U. So its hard to distinguish. Your fortys have to ensure there is order. And why they have to set clear rules. And. The pressure is rising. Now the National Transplant organization at the Spanish Health ministry has developed new criteria for foreign patients. In the future only people who have lived in spain for a minimum of two years will be eligible to receive organs. I want that we have to track things much more closely. People who have a lot of money can pretend to be living here people with less fall by the wayside and have to wait longer in their own countries for an Organ Donation. Never. Thomas de niro cant understand why there arent more organ donors in germany he blames a lack of coordination and the fact that you have to expressly state that you want to donate your organs when you die as a. Terrible that people from germany are going abroad even to india to get an organ that they cant get at home because of a. Needs to be changed. I think. Everyone who dies on spanish soil is a potential organ donor so who knows one day a german tourist could be the one to save thomas de niros life. Now to turkeys border with syria a stretch of more than Eight Hundred kilometers of Land Fortified with a wall of barrier was completed early this year with help from the European Union its meant to stop smuggling and illegal crossings but it has also prevented syrians from entering turkey is already home to more than three point five million Syrian Refugees providing for them has been a mammoth task that of strain the entire country including a border towns like way hundley now the seven year war in syria appears to be entering the final stage and millions more civilians could be on the move but in turkey solidarity with the refugees is waning and the border wall has what some syrian families right down the middle. Of do not gz sees his sister fatima only on mobile videos usually she doesnt have good news. Weeks ago they were as strikes here again and the little one was hurt can you see it almost thank god it wasnt worse. The girl his sister remained behind he cannot. Phoebe her house was destroyed in an airstrike and she left with her children to our parents village. Where the basis. For going to but later it was bound to. Be my simply didnt believe the war would last this long and. This so would have. Done a gz shows us how he lives in turkey in a makeshift tent village. With his wife the hawk and five children they all share one space. But we live here because nothing else is possible. You know you should see this place and wonder. I mean the ground outside gets muddy and its ice cold its a really hard life and. As difficult as life might be here up till ajeet and his family are at least in safety three years ago turkey effectively closed its border to syria and started building a wall three meters high and strictly guarded. Its more than Eight Hundred kilometers long and still expanding. The effects of that decision can be seen here on the left on the turkish side empty space on the right in Syria Refugee Camps practically to the Horizon Aid Groups feed the people there. Aid workers like. At the Turkish Red Crescent depot in how tight hes packing boxes for the next a tomboy to egypt. In one corner of the warehouse there is a display of what his team takes across the border to syria food toys Washing Powder and hygiene supplies cooking utensils clothes were going to go there if he is in mostly these items we can care for One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand people five head to toe in the comes for displaced people and it liberates. But for everything to go quickly and smoothly its crucial that the transporters are well organized a few hours later cardia can do send the aid convoy arrive at the Border Crossing the red crescent workers do this kind of to at least four to five times a week and that will be its either going to bring our aid supplies into the people there and we believe they did or they are always there for the day and night for them explosions and bomb attacks have become a part of their daily reality. Thats hard for me to take. Lets hope that this fighting comes to an end and all of these displaced people can return to their cities because. In the small border town over a hundred many turks say theyre proud their country has been providing aid for years no other country in the world has taken in more refugees from syria than techie but many also say enough is enough the Currency Crisis has made everything more expensive people have their own problems they say. As they get it we have already taken into many syrians who cant take more and dont want to stay with us if we had to flee fighting we do the same its fine with me if they can both of us who were there for a generation of what they take our jobs away. Or used to earn eighty lire day here now the syrians do the same work for half the pay. Result of my going to have the energy to and his family feel the skepticism and the resentment still they are grateful here in the camp turkeys president is considered a hero even more so since he has managed for now to avert a final bloody offensive on it. Like he had them all coffee. Of course its not the end of the conflict. But when youre drowning you grasp at straws there were three in one one of at least the killing will stop. Now i hope where you. Were about about them or what ever egypts future is i do my g. D. Wants to see his sister fatima again not just on a small stream but in Peace And Freedom some day. Here live how long you have to learn but in fact you get. The hunt for Hidden Treasure it has driven adventurous to plumb the depths of the deepest oceans in the darkest caves and believe it or not the pastime has turned into a growing problem here in germany more and more socalled detectorists are arming themselves with a Metal Detectors and theyre going out on the prowl looking for profit some legally some not and thats whats important Archaeological Sites at risk. They call Treasure Hunters detectorists or just plain looters plundered Archaeological Sites are a growing problem in germany million barclay is in charge of excavations for the two thousand year old roman Burial Ground whenever possible she and her team dig in secrecy for fear of illegal Treasure Hunters. Then done twenty but when this all fever takes over they just keep digging and they might make off with crucial fines that would have told us the dates or enabled some other conclusion is that vick discoveries that are forever lost to science its hard to pin a monetary figure on the damage caused by illegal Treasure Hunters but police estimate its in the millions of europes. Treasure hunting with special detectors has evolved into a kind of sport many hunters wear camouflage and carry high tech equipment there after profit and adventure bugs. Long its a myth when you take up this hobby you have certain expectations and then one day you might hear that signal somewhere that could indicate something really interesting and you think this is it. Every year Treasure Hunters in germany hold a major event a big rally for digging up metal and gold coins well finds the greatest number of the most value is declared the countrys national champion. Gold gold gold the first signal the first corn and its a major five a gold coin. Many Treasure Hunters view it as a sport but not Archaeologist Mary in particular at the championships she tries to talk to the detectorists as they call themselves and inform them about the damage they can cause and. My worst experience was when we were investigating of the aerial sight during the night someone went through it with some kind of trident and dug up everything they call it one for me and you could see the marks it left and a lot of things were ruined this couple of players helped out by her Colleague Pay to him he often runs into detectors these days and always tells them that they need a permit and what to do if they find something legally. Basically every dollar i get it should be labeled put in a finds bag and numbered and it went perfect. All these are roman coins presumably from the first century. Many detectorists through stuff like this on the scrap boxes to here its numbered measured and entered into the find report thats how it should be done many Treasure Hunters cooperate willingly with archaeologists but others resent what they see is unwarranted interference there after the adventure like x. L. Telephone cocked he maintains a website called the german detectorists union. Just can claim you need a permit in general and that anyone who doesnt help one is considered a looter but that simply not true as i thought i often heard a Blanket Statements like that you can go anywhere you want with your Metal Detector and not have to worry about restrictions thats absolutely false that is different to fudge the two sides are at loggerheads and there are black sheep in excavation sites without a permit. Doesnt guns gets you those are a looter is after very specific objects theyre organized like mafiosos they target certain Burial Mounds and dig illegally the whole thing is a commercial enterprise it would lie to the archaeologists its a disaster when its a thorn in before you just want to get up if in a grave there are Bone Carvings and burial objects but all the vessels and horns are already gone because someone stolen them back then yeah thats a huge loss for us that a fan for the reason. Ideally the archaeologists would like to turn their detectorists into partners and in the process help them understand the value the buried treasures have for posterity. And thats increasingly necessary as more people here in germany become amateur treasure. Now to apply facing manufacturing hubs across europe and places like who Bay In Northern France where the Textile Industry once spurred Economic Growth companies have closed up shop and left workers behind so how do you breathe life back into a town thats literally falling apart ask the mayor hes working to turn around the towns fortunes its an effort that takes a clear vision a strong will and a whole lot of faith. Baze glory days are long gone this place was once full of life and rattling machines but Behind The Scenes the town is being reborn a Young Creative and extravagant scene is breathing new life into this french city. At the s. Model based school of Fashion Design Two Hundred Fifty Young Students learn to create Trend Setting Attire to recognise this face. It shot a guy. The patterns are wild the materials sumptuous at the Dress Rehearsal for the Big Catwalk Show everyone is focused busy and extremely nervous. About it but i dont want your daughter would want. Her back. Was that backstage we were backstage at the show for the graduating class of twenty eight team fun its the students big presentation with for the professionals and a large audience is with us your first opposition that you will be. Meanwhile mothery got then is taking a look around she and her partner jack are looking for a house in of all day because here they have the opportunity to acquire this old place for a single Euro Move City representative lucy shall home shows them around. The shack and melly have been waiting for an opportunity like this they applied for the chance to buy this old house now they were exploring all the nooks and crannies of what could be their future home. And if it has lots of hidden charm it needs a lot of work we will certainly. We expected that. To be honest i thought it would be more shaped. Murphy fights her way through the garden which is completely overgrown lucy shovel explains the conditions for buyers young families are given precedence and they must have money to invest in the renovation the goal is to create an Energy Efficient eco friendly home. This is a typical french Working Class District Built in the early Nine Hundred Twenty s. Around the textile factories that made who bade rich. Thousands of people lived here including many immigrants you sit down. By. Yourself today the area is neglected rundown and partially abandoned. But bays new future is starting here in the relics of the past a Textile Industry startup has moved in its giving t. Shirts that didnt find buyers a make over the seamstresses who work here it used to be unemployed the startup has created new jobs for them and hopes to hire more workers soon everything is done by hand. Two thousand t. Shirts are ready and waiting for shipping. Its a beginning thats come about thanks to whole bays mayor unconventional and unpretentious. Is a guy who gets things done and he has lots of plans in store he hopes to attract more young people and new businesses. The once rich city has fallen on hard times the Unemployment Rate here is around thirty percent but delabar hopes to change that. And he only does for me and i can you were a city in transformation there was a time when we enjoyed great wealth during the heyday of the Textile Industry because if you want a classroom since then weve been trying to take advantage of opportunities to reinvent ourselves were doing that by taking existing buildings and using them to create something new. In a good mood even though its almost bed time this is money he enjoys x. Apartment its grown too small for them so the roomy one euro house in one baby would be ideal they live in little around twenty kilometers from. It and theres more going on in li and you can get to the Train Station quicker we both go to paris quite often for work is not a lively i worry well feel isolated but the garden changes everything. Yes it does it changes everything its actually pretty nice. To buy. C. Boyden as mitt. Prosecutor and this was the springs are happening there i visited the Cultural Center in the old Storage Depot its been completely renovated and theres an incubator and there is plenty of music and animation festivals lots of cultural stuff for foster care and you can see. How true its show time at the small table based School Fashion experts have come from all over from paris moscow and new york and of course the mayor is here. To show you is a sight to behold. To play an old textile town gets a fashionable make over. A tally and suit its famous the world over the country is proud of its cohen area tradition renowned for its high standards and top quality but how much italy is actually in a box of pasta what if the tomatoes in your favorite pizza sauce come from The Netherlands for example in an increasingly globalized Food Chain Big Company Save Back is inevitable the Italian Police however believe they have a reputation to protect they have a special unit dedicated to sniffing out fraud in foods and making sure delicacies made in italy really are one hundred percent italian. These carabineers really have a Special Focus Area Food Security they act in the interest of italian consumers. The origin of all the ingredients in the products sold in the store has to be transparent even if the products come from Abroad Ricardo rakyat he heads the task force. It was their water into the information on the labels as fundamental theyre like a Product Identity every consumer in every country should be informed about ingredients in their own language. Food plays an Important Role in italian life cooks are always looking for the best and freshest ingredients and for many that means made in italy Alessio Primavera who runs this past the company insists on quality. Family company. Made in italy means that we buy various products and ingredients from the region as directly as possible. In toward me. Italy imposes stricter regulations than the e. U. Requires some Bigger Companies would prefer them to be lucent. Developed produces pastor for the Global Market from the town of in in southern italy. Really go the rest of the product has to be produced in italy and thats what we do. Think about it have you ever seen Coffee Plantations in germany. There is german coffee. Go for those why is it german because it comes from germany no because it roasted and processed in germany. Says his job has changed his buying habits and that other consumers should follow his lead. In the. Market getting to know the world of food has changed my awareness of food but i never used to Pay Attention to the olive oil i would put on my mazzariello or on my steaks. Or so but i never read the ingredients on the march i was buying well now im always analyzing everything when i go shopping my wife does as well its actually a lot of fun. Im going to go to the. Italian say you want to eat thats why many producers are happy to help the carabineers be in their work even if the regulations are strict. All and good taste thats it for this week here on Focus On Europe on behalf of the entire team thanks very much for watching and if they with us see you again next. The be. More. Modern no harder to be a martyr its a man equal in battle the battleground is mom in all europes biggest saltwater make you feel odd famous customs whelans take on the industrial farm of the bay had to watch as their natural paradise was destroyed by Agro Business and. Now im fighting for the doomed to feed thirty minutes on the dollar. More. On the wages sorry my narratives my hide your identity. Bangladesh. The true face of the country. Independents the separation of state and church that used to be important but for decades political infighting here has hindered progress and islamist extremists are gaining more influence democracy and the rule of law are on shaky ground if this could get worse and out of this should be. Made it is. Not an option. Bangladesh the dawn of islamism an exclusive d. W. Report starts october eighteenth. Armed forces are under pressure theyre battling Recruiting Problems for outdated and broken down equipment and limited budgets. To ten inches a huge lesson are enough enough plainspoken enough enough transport helicopters are not enough tanks have ten divisions that dont have tanks. So dont sourcing and privatization are the order of the day in all areas but that can pose dangers. To sleepless finish when we won the risk of becoming too dependent on private contractors who may not provide the services they promised about the license every day that i was on the private sector businesses make more money with everything from reconnaissance drones to Laundry Facilities Firms argue still treating the armed forces in france and germany. Terry Industrial Complex starts october twentieth on t. W. Plain ole a. Plane

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