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Topics Spain Refugee Crisis; Sweden The Elin Ersson Case; Britain Cellar Wars Beneath London; Iceland Hunting Endangered Whales; Italy Stamping out. Little plastic or you know. Many. To fizzle on where no or good looking for. The ability to. Dream of a better life in europe has become a nightmare. He has no Residence Permit and now he has no home. He can only work illegally on one of the many fruit and vegetable plantations you dont have no right to what. You know you dont have no one will see that living out. To see that every morning you need to all believe in one thousand one you know you dont have a lot. We can go on the way his friend motor of we do see say as in the same position except hes a newcomer in space having recently arrived from senegal. He lives in this hut he says the roots taken by refugees to europe are always changing currently entering can be in. Spain is a country with high unemployment which by the mere. Theres just not enough jobs for so many people but i got up on to him. The other spaniard see things differently antonio about volunteers for an Aid Organization and supports migrants like any way he can. He helps Plan Festivals and takes care of red tape. Antonino sees the refugees as an economic factor the plantations in the region couldnt get by without them. Roughly i get that from thanks to these people many others are getting rich at little grass the immigrants live off what little money they can earn so theyre cheaper labor officially they are getting a part from the they are not going to want a problem they have to put up with everything and never complain. Until new thinks they can be proud of what theyve accomplished so far but most of them are ashamed to be living in a slum in europe where. Youre getting there from they dont want their families to see them living here in these conditions thats logical you can understand that. I dont think they ever lived like this in africa but if you go. There is not ashamed on the contrary he wants people to know whats really happening in europe. And hes not ready to give up on his dream of a better life. Got. A move in modern us now im living here sometimes i would go to work to get more money to send to my family you have to go to help myself here you know im no im to die for my future it will be to go. Eventually once hes saved enough money intends to return to the ivory coast my son needs me he says all of africa needs us but thats in the future right now hes got to figure out where he can sleep tonight. While migrants are facing an uncertain future across europe as governments step up deportations of those whove been denied asylum but it is a controversial practice especially for turning migrants back to afghanistan and critics say the country is not safe in sweden and activists made headlines were refusing to sit down on a flight taking off from gothenburg preventing the deportation of an afghan man Ellen Erickson has been celebrated by some for her courage and criticized by others for breaking the law we caught up with her to find out more. When and shauna gets together with her friends these days they usually talk about her protest which made headlines Around The World she still getting messages of support theyll figure theyre trying to deport me to i took them to court and ive been waiting for a ruling for a year. If you take another year you know that ive lived in sweden for several years now and i have no idea how id react to being deported. The way i dont obviously with everything that was. Her actions have sparked debate about swedens asylum an Immigration Policies and recent polls indicate that right wing populist son gaining ground ahead of septembers parliamentary elections they blame immigrants for an increase in crime in suburban areas. And to stop the next government should stop immigration. And dont have young people who face death at home are allowed to stay but we let in all sorts of shady characters. The conservative Opposition Party moderate turner says ash on committed a crime and says she should be punished for it. We are still small in sweden deportation cases are decided in a court of law not by politicians and you cant have private citizens interfering with that Process Dispute but and sean says the courts ignore the dangers facing deportees in afghanistan and thats why she decided to protest. So in afghanistan where when you are deported there they can see that you are from europe they can see that youre wearing clothes from europe that you have a different way of walking of talking and its a really bad situation but if he. Says that she now fears for her safety. Right wingers have threatened her on social Media Networks so when she goes out in the city she keeps her eyes open. But they write down my friends i think of her and such like that different side of you just trying to make sure that. This social media doesnt know where i am or who my. Stars. Says she plans to keep protesting because of the dangers many afghans face once they return home despite all the recent pressure she remains determined. So even if it gets starting to deflect a chanst afghanistan then it would be probably a still together and i hope so because they are part of my life now its. Time now for enchanting to give an english Radio Station an interview the debate over swedens Deportation Policy continues. Now london is facing a serious Housing Shortage the Prime Minister the citys mayor have vowed to fix the market and build more Affordable Housing but the british capital is becoming increasingly an affordable for normal earners and even for londons wealthy residents like Robbie Williams who you might know space is at a premium so if you cant build up or left or right there is only One Direction for the rich and famous to go down of course think luxury basements with pools and so on us but all that Underground Construction has the neighborhood option arms take a look. So. We go. So this is the pool area which is one of the biggest in this area i mean there are others but normally we dont have the space. Close to steelman topple those can barely contain his pride the Property Investor wants to show off what hes achieved the pool appears at the push of a button only recall ten metres below ground the houses on the market for a mere Twenty Five Million pounds. Were however. We have a shower. We have a sauna. Its hard to tell on the outside that theres so much below this villa in londons Upmarket Notting Hill area the house has three visible stories and three below ground its fully automated garage can house three cars. Is restricted space of words especially their Conservation Area like mobile. And is restricted. In between houses so the only ability to increase the volume of the house is to go downwards. London is constantly on the move rising higher and higher wherever possible. The city is a magnet for investors and global money and its facade is changing fast. As are its foundations this is an unmistakable sign earth and rocks are being excavated by the truckload here theyre digging twelve metres deep building another super basement. London is going deeper underground. Train going to road in southwestern london. Home to bentleys and saudi princes as well as their nannies no pairs. This is the epicenter of the underground movement. Twenty two houses already have mega basements theyre like icebergs above ground its all english and picturesque below theres a Cool Elegance sometimes three stories of it you might not be able to see anything but you can certainly hear it the ongoing Construction Noise is a source of conflict among neighbors. We sat between two amazingly enormous very noisy developments and. The it was it was absolutely the walls were shaking off and my son moved out Couldnt Stand it it was very very noisy. Here and iceberg has triggered a major conflict the victorian fortress is a listed building owned by rock star jimmy page the Led Zeppelin Icon has lived here almost fifty years and was happy until another music legend turned up and wanted to start digging below ground. Robbie williams bought The House Next Door for his growing family he has plans to build an underground Swimming Pool under his garden. But jimmy page thinks the project will cause irreparable damage to his house. Hes been fighting the project for five years he lived a complaint with the local council and asked them to refuse planning permission. He likes his home too much. Ive got to protect the building up in it its a very special building and its really difficult to be able to talk about it because its sort of building that when people go in they feed it they feel the energy of it and then they and then when they start to see whats employed in the rooms and lost a plan of it its just its just that is unique. For the moment the project is on hold while its reviewed the local council has decided to place more restrictions on mega basements theres too much infighting among the rich and beautiful. This is what interests Roger Burrows a professor of cities at newcastle university. He participated in a study of more than Four Thousand basements in london and the effects they have on the people in the neighborhood. One of the things thats emerging i would say so its not simply a place that was interesting its this kind of tension between what we call the haves and the have the between people who i would think of just being merely wealthy versus people who are believes and believes that. Because just doesnt like the negative headlines about the underground Building Revolution he says the future belongs to the bold and those at the top simply need a space like this. Well all thats missing is that private stop on londons underground now whaling season has officially opened in iceland after a two year break fishermen once again started hunting endangered Fin Whales Iceland and norway are the only two countries in the world that allow commercial whaling despite a global moratorium on the practice but local activists are increasingly fighting back not only because fin whales are a protected species but also because Whale Watching is a growing tourist attraction. I. Can see video of him here but they can whittaker takes people Whale Watching off the coast of iceland a dream job for the marine biologist. Its one of the Main Attractions for tourists here but they need to be patient. Really do things that. Would occur spotted something a mink a whale is eating its way through a school of fish. The whale only stays at the surface for a few moments. With a bit of luck the guests may even catch sight of a much larger humpback whale. In the same waters where the tourists are shooting their photos others are Whale Hunting for whitaker a cool business. These out it was laid out skid like nothing has nerves they can feel this pain so there is a hard pin that goes into the wild an explosion and then they bring these wells on board so it can take you know thirty minutes up to an hour for these files but its a long painful process i only whaling station lies hidden at the end of a few orde far from reykjavik. The Whale Catchers have bagged a fin whale the second largest mammal on earth and listed as an endangered species. Animal activists record the stripping of the forty ton whales blubber. Begin to talk is an icelandic activist working to stop the killing of whales. She posts photos and videos on the internet hoping to inspire others to act against whaling mainly her own countrymen. This is not a tradition here really it started as norwegian stone its we have we have a long tradition of eating kale in iceland and growing kale so if cayle not a whale. Its the whaling Company Owner places no value on such criticism as a teenager he hearkened whales from his fathers boat and ate the meat if you go to the museum you. Where you meet this is. The only means without any hormones i think i dont feel that but its been banned in all e. U. Us due to some reasons but if this sentiment is going to take over here i dont think i think iceland will be. Will not be a sting as a independent nation in a couple of years if youre going to use that argument these Arent The Everything groups they want to ban all fisheries theyre protesting everything. That theyre that these demonstrators outside the Parliament Building in Reykjavik Arent Protesting Everything only for protection for the endangered fin whales. Survey show more and more icelanders opposed whaling. The government could end the hunt at any time. Instead it granted Los Suns Whaling company a permit to kill One Hundred Ninety one fin whales in two thousand and eighteen. The uncle of our Finance Minister is the c. E. O. For the Wally Company so if this doesnt scream corruption i dont know what does but we have on the Party Scene Parliament and they are against whaling and i hope that it will be forbidden by law to win the most and i hardly anything is left of the giant fin whale at the station the meat has generally been sold to japan the only Export Market for. Son has a new Business Idea he wants to make a compound to treat iron deficiency. We full freeze there are even meat. You get about thirty percent of the meat that will be then ground down in there. Used as a shipment. Or as a guest as a. Marine biologist Meghan Whitaker reacts to such Business Ideas with sheer horror. Just look you know the other threats these Animals Space i will take a long time for us to rectify whaling is something we can stop here now and theres absolutely no need for it is just pointless for industry. Recently the hunting of minka whales at least was halted its a key victory for icelands conservationists and their fight against whaling. Now to rome The Eternal City millions of tourists flock to the italian capital every year to visit ancient treasures like the colosseum or the pantheon or the Trevi Fountain Rome is magnificent but its also falling apart Public Infrastructure is collapsing especially streets and roads romes administration has been accused of not doing enough mismanaging public funds the city is deep in debt so what can locals do while theyre rolling up their sleeves and filling in the gaps themselves. All bad so must a low end his living on the streets of the a ten all sitting he has been a taxi driver here for three decades hes lost millions of kilometers. But sometimes the job can get really dangerous every day muscle has to deal with countless paul tells. Me so this problem isnt new the citys politicians havent paid attention to the situation for fifteen years if i could write off tire damage on my tax form if you mean id not have to pay any more income tax. No one seems to know how many parts hells that are in right. Fifty states indicates that on average one turns up every ten meetings in some parts of the city streets look like swiss cheese its so real has it. For local residents the hills are simply part of everyday life but theyve also attracted the attention of Tourists City Officials cant seem to get the Patel Problem under control despite the fact that by their own admission theyve spent a lot of money on st tropez. Some residents have taken matters into their own hands as group of volunteers has started filling in the pot tells themselves. They call that group tell me all filmy they figure that they for pet nearly six thousand health so far most of the materials needed donated by businesses City Officials tolerate the groups efforts but provide no financial support. Or all volunteers should get it is all but we donate some of our free time to deal with this serious problem what do you know about injury more potholes are a major threat for motorcyclists. And it doesnt do any good to just sit around and complain when i meet a bus comes up will be the result we want to make a contribution. Part of if you want to get out of the us weve even got an Internet Site where people can contact us and warn us about really dangerous part of the us i on weekends you can find Christiane Devaney in his crew which on the streets filling paul tells me the most theyve ever done was one hundred in a single day but why does this work have to be done by private citizens and not city workers that work across the room blames the problem on corruption. When i look at my kids over the last twenty years the potholes in the streets of rome have been filled with bribes instead of tar. I think the politicians are just afraid to admit that they can fix this problem by themselves. I probably should maybe they think it would make them look bad but in situations like this you cant be too picky about how youre going to solve the problem about the what about it in the middle of the market is not our mission in life but we did on the way out by the borg and we just want to help out and solve a problem for the jets and room hosted this years general to tally up bicycle race and the riders had to keep their eyes peeled for part. The attend all city and seemingly at ten dont probably say. Well if you are planning a trip to rome anytime soon please keep an eye out for those potholes that wraps up this edition of focus on europe from all of us here thank you so much for watching we hope to see you back here next week. Give me. The bow. To. The audience move. Just take a photo or you can do something quite different some black paper and a camera. Thing else the. Pictures are unique. To this love. Even happy to come. On. Board more. 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