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All come storming into power last year on the back of promises to modernize frances flagging economy but now with the railways facing months of industrial action with trash collectors Civil Servants and even students joining in mccrone must prove that they can stand up to the powerful unions who run much of the countrys Public Services our reporter met with one of the train drivers on strike in paris at the gaggle the on who says he has no intention of backing down. In fighting spirit train driver if the deer and his colleagues have assembled outside the station on a normal work day he transports thousands of passengers to and from paris and its suburbs today his train is parked at the gagliano. Good year and his coworkers want to stop president mccalls plans to reform the state owned railway with their strike theyre voicing their opposition loud and clear who owns their station. The responses we own this station. The Rail Workers Union is well organized members appear ready to do whatever it takes to defend their Employment Rights like storming the hallway of company management. Was. So the director cant say he didnt hear them advice and surf dont go into the store could sit by you well workers are still willing to fight for our rights when you are going to sit around without coffee cups and complain before that is all im proud to be a member of this profession wants is in shift it. For decades french rail workers have enjoyed generous privileges with jobs for life guarantees automatic pay rises early retirement even free train travel for relatives in an interview mccall said he would dismantle these privileges for new recruits to help overhaul the debt ridden railway did your studies opponent carefully all the interviews backdrop is a School Michael staging himself as a man of the people hes already pushed through labor market reforms that way and has more up his sleeve did you know as marc klaas fight against rail workers is a decisive battle losing it would be a setback for his reform agenda he needs to get the French Public on his side as new. Passengers suffer from the strike they have short. And strikes can even pose an existential threat to businesses we have to explain our intentions and i want to be clear we must carry it through we must make this reform. Did you feel betrayed by the president it is pick you up if the president says the government wont close smaller regional lines hes lineback you want this more lines are slated to be financed by regional governments they dont have the money that is youre not buying what you often also hear there is a serious. Opinion is divided among those who have now been waiting hours for their train some are afraid of mccalls reform plans and others support it is great ive just returned from shanghai and what do i find chaos yet again needs to stand his ground this country desperately needs reform just you ok im on the real worker side i work in a hospital if they take away the few privileges we have working in the Public Sector will soon no longer be worth our while. Mccaw is trying to pit other sectors against the rail workers did you think thats unfair. The false the michaels the whole has managed to make people who are in fourteen hundred euros think those who earn fifteen hundred a rich really loudly meanwhile he scrapped the wealth tax and the forty billionaires living in france a laughing all the way to the bank. But leaving early. Because mccall has refused to budge vidya is seeking to join forces with students. They too are protesting the president s reform agenda and dream of a general strike to discern where workers are park nation they have a revolutionary tradition sir we need to support them what is it like back in may nine hundred sixty eight when workers and students waged a joint struggle office on it was only after the weeks long general strike that the government backed down. On this man who had rather wallet. But that was long ago and today calls for a general strike largely fall on deaf ears says sociologist neil you know we know if the strikers feel theyre in the minority they could take radical action but that would quickly turn Public Opinion against them status and i wouldnt be able to maintain their walk out that have to give up and then pull off the feat of single handedly pushing through this reform without Union Involvement so part of the federal your perspective do put it from. The eight year is seeking to avoid that at all costs and is urging his colleagues to stand their ground. We all have to keep up the pressure otherwise itll be too late to stop the reform. Savion intends to stay off work for him the strike is the only way to keep frances railway on track to a secure future. It takes place in may but its already been talented as the. Wedding of the year prince harry is marrying his american girlfriend Meghan Markle and with all the pomp and circumstance that is certain to come there is of course controversy with tens of thousands of well wishers expected to descend upon windsor where the weddings being held the leader of the local council has complained that the towns homeless will blight the big day. Royal wedding fever has broken out in windsor answer residents prepared to celebrate one of the most hotly anticipated events in britains social calendar Clarence House announced the engagement of prince harry and Meghan Markle last november and once it became known that the wedding would take place at Windsor Castle the people of windsor were thrilled. And we dont know them but we do know that the very not be very good. At looking forward to seeing them we have to put up with the tourists all year round so its going to be pretty chaotic i think you. But youre looking forward to use your will be to be far away like oh so we have a street party. Yes she did say. The patrons town of windsor wants to show its best face to the world but some here think the homeless spoil that image. Council leader simon dudley has complained that rough sleepers and beggars present a beautiful town in a sadly unfavorable light and called on the police to remove them he claims some were homeless by choice as they earn hundreds of pounds a week from aggressive banking. This homeless man named stewart doesnt know quite how to respond to these allegations. By private radio we were not made to her we have never needed to carry the day. People people who generally get paid to get. Their pocket change. Do you have anywhere to get. It jennifer but. When you look at. The last of. The Council Leaders statements caused a huge outcry both in the media and from charitable organizations the number of homeless in england has risen by seventy five percent among vulnerable groups including families with dependent children since the conservatives came to power in two thousand and ten france is getting more expensive but the housing benefit isnt changing it isnt going up with the rents so hence the reason people cant afford to rent. Employment jobs arent wages arent going up with the rents. This like say is a variety of Different Reasons that critics say that instead of looking for solutions to these problems conservative politicians like simon dudley prefer to make headlines with populist remarks but when he approached him at the town hall dudley was very tight lipped his response may be afterwards but afterwards he never came. I used to comment that its the best idea to move i wander in here now but lovely to see. Dudley was under pressure as his future was being decided at this Council Meeting he was facing a no confidence vote and opponents were demanding his resignation at all the statements on evidence not only is this whole debacle been embarrassing to all members in offices this tell us a Little Family has damaged the reputation of windsor it in the eyes of the world. So what did simon dudley do he remained silent and let his fellow Party Members on the largely conservative council do the talking hundred sixty five. Councillor darkly its all good reports hes seen tensions are clear and honest this motion is no chips the results of the fight knowing full force in the end dudley survived a no confidence vote by a large margin he smiled and said nothing. Just a few kilometers away stuart is preparing to spend his next night outdoors he wont comment on the outcome of the vote for him what counts is that the police dont plan to remove the homeless so for now at least he can stay here at the foot of Windsor Castle. In parts of kosovo in the heart of the balkans time seems to have stood still women here have practically little or no rights Domestic Violence is rampant and the Justice System repeatedly turns a blind eye many women despite being victims themselves end up paying the price. And the man has been locked up in prishtina as womens prison for nine years now for killing her husband we cant reveal have real name the marriage lasted just a year but it was torture us her husband ran can be terror pete earley and even broke her. Had a but i should also i went to the police so often once i even took the pistol my husband said he bought to kill me i felt threatened but the police did nothing so i dont remember their names but i do remember their faces when you only one told me if you were my wife you wouldnt have had the chance to come here or because id have killed you with this pistol if a policeman says that to you you cant do anything else you lose your will to live and dont believe in anything anymore laden the man of the sun because. She left her husband but he continued to threaten her she was terrified and started carrying a kitchen knife. Not long afterwards she was in his car shed only agreed to get in the she was with her brother who wanted to act as mediator but her husband kept insulting and threatening her so she stabbed him she didnt even trying to flee. Again a was sentenced to twelve years for murder and the court gave little consideration to the circumstances which led to her actions or the fact that the authorities had failed to help her for a year theres only one note thats a harsh sentence twelve years even though i was a battered wife seeking help from the police in vain and then acting in self defense is not the same as purposely murdering someone out of jealousy theres no justice in kossovo absolutely not. A gay man comes from this village around an hours drive from prishtina here they hold on to their traditions and gender roles men have to say around here many villages still remember this sad story for years the game is brother fed hed fall victim to a blood feud as laid out in the can own a set of traditional albanian laws. Even up to a few weeks ago it would have been too risky for him to talk to us but the families have finally reached an agreement he remembers what it was like. For the follow on we were devastated we never expected anything like this to happen but no one could have imagined it. We would want Something Like this to occur but in life anything can happen. When doggedness. Especially to women in kosovo because in this very Traditional Society women are all too often treated like second class citizens and simply dont have the same rights as men but in the im in favor of women having equal rights but a woman should know that she belongs to me and no one else that must be claire. Kosovos constitution guarantees to abide by International Agreements including the universal declaration of human rights but to decade after it declared independence kosovo still isnt fully recognized internationally so the European Court of human rights in strasbourg has no jurisdiction to deal with such cases is basically a black hole in balika because its the only state of the rich citizens over which you can not apply to anyone court for human rights run the state it fall in violation of any human rights. A game a says if the police had held none of this would have happened after nine years behind bars shes now thirty when shes released she wants to go abroad she feels theres no future for her in kosovo. And when i went to boston you can i want to have a happy life when i get out of here and i want to family like every other woman and to become a mother a mother who loves her child or. Put me on which. Most of all she dreams of leaving her terrible past behind her. Because of kosovos on result of political status which gives it no access to International Laws the situation continues to look bleak for human rights especially for women. For anyone who likes to party and dance the night away the first place in europe that often comes to mind is. Known as the party island the belly eric off the east coast of spain attracts millions of tourists each year because of its stunning coastline relaxed vibe and wild nightlife. And now environmentalists are hoping that the local flamingo population on the beach of salt flats could entice another type of tourist but they fear that the exotic birds and clubbers just wont mix our reporter met with a bird expert whos watching for a solution. Carefully and quietly sean carlists paul there approaches the flamingo watching from afar he doesnt want to startle the bird flemming those are his passion. If you know flamingos or old looking highly unusual bugs so its easy to get people interested in them even those who dont care about environmental protection. And i got off. Color miss happy to see the birds flock to beats us last sunday in a salt flats hes counted hundreds of them already and their numbers have been on the rise in recent years thats good news for the spanish silent but most tourism is posing a danger to the birds. But us alinas has become too busy for them to bring up their young. Men april when the breeding season begins most adult bugs fly away to reproduce what i dont know. Because in spring flocks of tourists descend on the bees a which has become known as the Mediterranean Sea Number One Party destination its visitor number sore the environment pays a price and most holidaymakers couldnt care less a road leads straight through the say sunniness National Park to a highly popular beach which is teeming with visitors even in low season tourists stop to snap pictures of the exotic birds some even stray into the nature reserve. When theres only one i dont know that they want but while thats the only way to get to really see these beds. Unfortunately thats how it is when the winds were nature is a that in all the land to see the birds in that actual habitat to get is that not and i can assume someone out there are going to have thought oh man feels this kind of behavior has to stop. Us where the phoenicians began producing salt two thousand years ago has plenty of plankton and small crabs for flamingos to feed on its an ideal breeding ground for the birds says palermo were it not for the tourists. And most of them simply dont know how to act appropriately in nature branches could help but they dont exist here. Theres just not enough money even though the flamingos could help change the islands party image as the belaire acc islands Environmental Ministry hopes that way ibiza could become an eco tourism destination. So if youre in a similar life a man goes have come to stand for a Clean Environment and theyre apparently pulling in visitors. The birds are giving the party island a pizza a totally new image ok we thought it was from english but protecting the species is costly and limits mass tourism and palermo says the government is unwilling to risk that he says this is inconsistent this year many dead flamingos have been discovered across the island in january alone twenty one dead birds were found. And i must see several if i dont know we dont know if the animals are examined to ascertain the cause of their death when theres all kinds of diseases not just conventional ones are being looked into we have no information on this. I almost think the government isnt taking this problem seriously but you know when theyre already under. The one of us and so we are probably going to. Polarise thinks the problem is being swept under the rug he believes all the talk of sustainability is just an empty marketing ploy. It would also give everything got to get i dont think therell be a change in course or so yes maybe theyre trying to attract other kinds of holiday makers but i think theyre not taking action against mass tourism and definitely doing nothing to stop the party tourism. Its all about the money tourists are bringing to the island says john carlos parlor the flamingo simply cant compete with that so their numbers might soon be dwindling. The room. We often tell stories about sprawling urbanization about people fleeing the countryside for life in the big city but what about those people in rural remote areas to find out what their lives are like were taking you on a journey one thats not for the faint of heart on a small train affectionately called the mix it acts as a lifeline to the people who live high up in the remote mountain villages of the caucasus. The three hour journey begins at seven in the morning train driver our tour never knows exactly when or even if he will arrive at the destination but here in the caucuses mantons time is of little essence. Here sometimes when theres too much snow or frost we have to turn back. For. A few days ago a landslide here brought everything to a standstill a look out the window is anything but comforting. The lumber company that operates the train is in financial trouble six of its nine track maintenance workers have quit over unpaid wages. This is the village of cushing co our tour had to branch from the main track to get here visitors who have relatives lumber workers locals returning from the valley with Building Materials only the mattress second bring them here and what if someone has an accident. All we can do is call the moderates and arrange an emergency pick up what were left lord with. Theres no workshop here nor is there a proper road into the valley yesterday lydia says her husband took the muttered search of the doctors but its only sixty kilometers from the olympic venue of such a but it is a place where people only survive if they can make do without state help and infrastructure. After the train stops at other villages without road access our tour has worked on the matter itself for two years and knows all of the residents on the line. The mattress brings fresh bread twice a week is no running to the local bakery for fresh supplies. One loss which then artur steers his mattress in reverse to its destination we are in. A name that translates as remote. Two letter carriers pick up the mail back. Most about the loneys residents have moved away but the Russian Postal Service hasnt let down the three hundred two from maine. The train stops are not alone a for two hours tour uses the time to carry out repairs on his mattress or. So its old here the break disks would need to be replaced. The roof. Just like the village. Is falling apart and without track maintenance journeys are growing more dangerous by the day. Hold of it already jumped the tracks almost daily and could certainly topple over the move then it would be a matter of where that happened just. The bread brought is on sale in the village shop in winter he comes in to warm up rice noodles canned food cheap staples the local pensioners cant afford more and there are virtually no jobs in the loaning. You. I. Grew up of faithful on the journey into the valley. Yet here the troubles past abandoned houses are long it can continue to offer the people still here a lifeline to civilization is an open question. To the people of those remote mountain villages need that little train even though those now tracks make me very nervous still i hope it doesnt disappear thats all for today thank you for watching good bye for me and the whole team. The book. We make up about three quarters of a fix the kind of education we are the sum of some of the some of. The want to shape the continents future its harder to enjoy some stores because they share their stories their dreams and their challenges the seventy seven percent plus one for africa. Time for the create a. Future grows by. Our house with. Design highlights you can make yourself. Constitutes a trip that will turn your home to something special. Above grade yourself with w. s interior design channel on youtube. The dangerous battle for images. Five women. Five exceptional stories. A center i want to look to the front of the blade namely nothing more easy one calling more photography dramatic pictures from the frontlines capturing the few moments in time and even risking death. She gave her life to tell the stories of people who ended up killing. Women or photographers starting may third on t. W. Youre going to want to fishel estimates more than one point two million venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. Already at all why return to vast. Visit friends i dont think id ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i dont know so im not sure. Witness global news that matters to made for mines. Was me we played. The todd the blame. Blame blame. Blame blame. Blame it. Should this is it of a news line from berlin the honeymoon ends for south africas new president Cyril Ramaphosa rushes back home for talks in london and says Police Fire Rubber Bullets at protesters demanding an end to government corruption and better Public Services will get the latest for you from johannesburg also coming up experts just use an unexploded World War Two bomb in the very heart of berlin but not before thousands of people are forced to clear the area and the citys main Railway Station is brought to a complete standstill

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