to. dawn in santo antonio a small community of rivet well as in brazil's pariah state as soon as i heard the hospital ship was on its way people from the surrounding villages started gathering here. the assembly hall has been crowded since early morning free medical treatment brought virtually to the front door is. almost too good to be true but 1st mass is celebrated for the franciscans healing and eventually zation are 2 sides of the same coin. or market. i would say that the hospital ship papa francisco is a church on the move. together with the volunteers and missionaries that god sends

Related Keywords

Brazil ,Pariah State ,Privet ,Dawn In Santo Antonioa Small Community ,Hospital Ship ,People ,Treatment ,Villages ,Assembly Hall ,Door ,Healing ,Sides ,Coin ,Market ,Nization ,Franciscan ,1st Mass ,1 ,2 ,God ,Volunteers ,Catholic Church ,Hospital Ship Papa Francisco ,Missionaries ,Move ,

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