Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181220 00:3

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181220 00:30:00

biodiversity species nontraditional exploitation. human rights displacement. march. three thousand. hello and welcome to another edition of your own max coming to you from so let's see what's making the headlines in today's show. let there be light creative paper from profit. centers village visits call the christmas at home in finland and. treasure hunt
how experts of foods time and again by faith finds. and we begin by shedding some light on the subject of lumps to french artists based near bodo specialize in lamb so with paper mushy figures they both put their own creative input into them she brings the a to stick sides to the scotus and he takes care of the more technical aspects my colleague meghan lee met up with them for a closer look. these figures are light as a feather that's because they're sculpted out of paper into feminine forms which resemble dancers. they're called man was and are the work of french artists sophie muito and frederick di bruni frederick structures the paper and so she adds her touch to it by creating the various figures.
and the pieces the put the electric parts inside depleted section of the lamp and turning lighter to. focus i think and sophie works on the personification of each character when he gets you do you. who do we both work on the concept of each lamp. of our own range of skill and expertise if you. please give. sophie uses a paper maché technique to sculpt the figures this includes the use of different types of paper and glue to hold it all together. she prefers paper to other sculpting materials because of its flexibility. the made in france label doesn't come cheap but their clients are willing to spend seven hundred euros and upwards for a ham sculpted lamp. move. plumb so that there are many different
kinds of paper i started out using old newspapers that i gathered up you can use recycled paper so it's a good paper to start with and it's also very light. do they think you can lodge a freedom to work at home there's also a paper that's very valuable or there's a transparency to it or is it more of their papers that have a quality that makes a nice to work with and to touch and to mold. further england about three to paper in their sculptures are a mix between art and technology and have made it to some of paris is best known addresses or book portray on the cover you we've worked on some beautiful projects for over but i knew we made and that was sells according to the ballets in operas doing i created ballerinas and dancers for the different performances the took place there. so we also liked working for one hundred seventy people which
is linked to the museum of decorative arts. as it is of the there we were commissioned twice to decorate their windows both projects that were really close to our hearts because we were a part of a specific place and we had to create works the connected with that place. of experience. are those are expanding their repertoire to include neon like they outsource the creation of the to your glass blower their signature figure is of course included in. the liner elements come in different form. somewhere shorter and wider than this. more and we have others that are much larger. than the biggest we have measures one hundred fifty centimeters. with christmas just around the corner so she and frederick are busy making and shipping off lamps and other paper figures to clients
all over the globe. our american clients are buying lots of pieces like this one to put on top of their christmas trees. no clear. we'll clear our australian clients like our little rabbit figures like this one. woman all colors if we want. and our french clients of whom there are also many really like these little characters either in a white or painted little. home but oh it isn't that without our top seller other modern most of us. all know you sold about a thousand of them so far. whatever the time of year these decorative lamps shut a cosy light on any space. and maybe just the thing if you're still looking for that special christmas gift moving on now for a quick look at some other cultural highlights in today's express.
chester's to near liverpool england has unveiled its top ten baby animals of twenty eight. among them. this is superstar and the first son bear to be born in a british zoo her pictures were an internet sensation. and this is baby elephant and john born three months later than expected zoo officials and visitors were a little worried about that but things turned out fine. this year visitors were also excited about the birth of a silvery given baby to proud mother to. each christmas dinner as england starters home in reykjavik iceland turned into christmas wonderland. she starts decorating in november then it has so many
festive decorations and learns that she needs a shed just to store them all after the holidays. she's especially proud of the christmas decorations on pouted. santa claus turned up at the paris aquarium on tuesday with goggles and swimming fans he spent a few minutes handing out food to some of the fish. just don't believe it we're glad we're here today we got to see santa feed the fish it's great to do something like this right usual christmas and now we're really in a holiday mood. when. the paris aquarium covers an area of thirty five hundred square meters it features ten thousand fish and invertebrates in more than forty tanks.
certainly a strange place to meet in this week's series home for christmas we are exploring the roots of christmas traditions in today's episode we're tracking down this mysterious figure who is known by so many names santa claus father christmas saint nick where the jolly man in the red suit really come from which travelling way up north to the finish provence of lapland where the region's capital on uni has its very own santa claus village and the man who claims to be the real deal well the locals call him a you'll know pokie we set off to the active circle to find out is that really use .
deep in the magical snowy landscapes of finnish lapland near the glistening city of rovaniemi is the place this santa calls. visitors from all over the world make the pilgrimage to santa claus village up in the arctic circle every year since one thousand nine hundred five santa has welcomed thousands of guests young and old right here in his own living room he listens to all their wishes hello i'm santa claus. quite real we are right now here at the arctic circle. k. twelve to the north but it's also a world of. tree and wonderful place to make a worse place is one place where no one doubts the existence of santa claus i don't think you're ever to all. fifth major hood. guy.
you. know but only three a lot but that's where i came here santa claus actually could speak but yes yes. i think he is polyglot things like this. and every year about five hundred thousand letters and cards with wish lists arrive at his official post office of course father christmas can't answer that many letters himself but he has a host of busy else who can lend a helping hands. if. we are open all year round every day and this is like a normal post office here in feel. it's possible. buys nice stamps and of course this is the place where all those letters to the clouds comes to what people and children are right. it is like to send postcards stamped with an
arctic circle postmarked to their friends and family as santa claus gives every letter his full attention but some a moment marbled and others sometimes i letters. girls tell that they have everything they need but they know somebody who is in need and they ask me to remember them. this kind of letters are very dear to my heart. the whole theme park based on christmas in santa claus village visitors can experience the entire spectrum of the christmas season every day. for lovers of christmas village near rovaniemi has been the place to get into the spirit for thirty years now but legend has it that santa is real home is much fun to know. we were always told that santa is fun for about on three that is the moment in
called air moment in because sound that good to hear all the way up the kids around the world. in a very remote their reality very closed if you know russian border and it's hard to get in there that's why basically santas relates was being it for the travelers to meet in a more easier way santa claus village is open all year round fact it feels most genuine in the winter months when the temperature drops to minus twenty degrees celsius perfect for a little jaunt with the dogs a. great beer full slaves and a more steak effects so how do santa manage to deliver so many gifts just so many children. tara. it's all relative. and that's it you just have to go how to be in the millions of different places around the same time and after practicing it so well a couple of centuries i think i might it's quite well. the atmosphere gets really
cozy in the evening with glowing campfires and entertaining music shops even the most stubborn scrooge succumbs to the holidays in charge. and for those who want fortunate enough to visit him santa has this message. i wish you all a very very happy christmas. and if that's got you into the fast so spirit visit our website to let us know how you like to spend christmas and what you really need to make it perfect send us a photo and don't forget to explain why you like to celebrate this way and if your entry is chosen you could win an exclusive whist watch now how can you be successful on social media the young people who grew up with it might be able to answer that question so the logical step would be for them to pass on this
knowledge to others who are looking for the past to the perfect online presentation and that's exactly what one young man from bell and is doing. spot i always liked sports even when i was in school. today stardom and popular you tube videos tell little stories from his life visualized with sketches. and this is this latest one today's donovan's you tube channel has more than two hundred fifty thousand subscribers has been producing clips since the age of fourteen a few years ago he started earning a living from them. tulsa thousand clicks earns me one euro two thousand clicks that's not so much this one i only got five thousand views of this when i got the thirty thousand times so what earned me thirty four euros. i would have but sometimes my videos went viral and i made two thousand euro. i would have liked. but today shadowman is switching gears after he helped
a friend on social media. two years ago i coached a friend of mine and that worked out really well. with and after so i realized i have know how that can help other people become a success on youtube. cacio bozeman is his latest client she's developed a range of big and beauty products but she still need some advice on marketing them on social media and instagram in particular. was the ad of the facebook era instagram this is into graham to me it's like wizardry i have no idea how it works or why people use the platform and you know if i don't so i did them in the shift again. so i still need to learn all the ins and outs by bringing think how does i believe social media is the future and i'm an expert in this field . entertaining content for you tube and that's fun but helping others make it on
social media and helping companies that have a good mission and deliver real added value that's even more fun but luckily no high end equipment is needed to make social media clips. ok can you like talk something true it's a cover. up coming because this. is a come of it because i think whenever i visited my grandparents they'd say don't you want to find a proper job. but my parents were always very supportive and my father's a photographer so i helped him get more followers on instagram. so called today's start a man is not in it to get rich he's happy to pick and choose whom he wants to help . i get takes i'm not always presented with an ideal scenario sometimes they are faced with great ten inches but every problem has
a solution as in the case of this family from. out in the south of germany they found a building plot for their new family home but in fact it was just a rather narrow passageway nevertheless they managed to come up with a rather clever solution as they explained in today's. the finke family had been looking for years for an affordable building site near stuttgart. and then just one turned up. the plot of land was really inexpensive because it was unusually narrow. it's left over from a larger piece of property. you know it's just not like you in the properties around here are quite expensive. but we found this site in a sling and. used to be
a driveway here but it wasn't being used so we got a good deal. and that's how it all started. if you subtract the required minimum distance to the next lot the property measures four point seven zero eight. why fourteen readers long. i had to ask my husband you really think we can build a house here and he said i've got a plan and i said ok go for it the basic the law. for architect thomas fink this was an exercise in how to save space. we used the world's thinnest walls he's probably covered up panels such as six said to me just pick six in the middest i'll get. polycarbonates or thermal plastic polymers that are used in a wide variety of applications there durable and in some grades translucent i don't ask i'm talking during the first couple of days the sun was shining and the front of the building kept making these popping noises because the material kept
expanding and contracting. and if yes it's kind of spooky at first but we got used to it pretty fast. to. think family home as a total floor space of one hundred forty seven square meters private rooms on four levels we kept construction costs low. to the essentials. that meant no expensive windows on the long side walls and no expensive interior construction just concrete and cement based flooring it looks like a work in progress but it's no use the polycarbonate to frame the surrounding countryside so the landscape is like a big old decoration and the scenery changes with the seasons. at the front of the house they have a nice view and in the back a small garden the color scheme is just white and grey except when they light up
the polycarbonate panel. you know my husband likes it i don't use it a lot except when we have company. so on a narrow plot of land the finks manage to put a house that lights up their life. believe it or not fake news has been around for a very long time throughout history experts have repeatedly come across find which they believe to be a sensation until they were taught otherwise now an exhibition in the german town of hit is time is dedicated to some amazing fault lines and sometimes they are just as exciting as we treasure. it was in archaeological sensation in one thousand nine hundred sixty school diarra was offered to the louvre in paris it had supposedly just been discovered and was sent to date from the third century
b.c. the museum paid to record some for the artifact at first it seemed like a good investment the singer tavernise drew large numbers of visitors about ad homs what i don't like then a couple of archaeologists said the way the depictions i ranged is a bit unusual but awards. the status quo and one day a man from a desk named israel rushkoff ski came and said excuse me but i made that it will destroy the past and they thought of he's crazy he's just a guy from the countryside some kind of craftsman seeking attention and they get the stuff. unfortunately for the louvre the goldsmith was able to prove his talents by reproducing part of the tiara. to art dealers had commissioned him to make the piece based on historical drawings the louver quickly removed the object from its display and was subjected to much derision today the tiara of so you're toughening
this is regarded as the most famous fake in archaeological history. there were. museum in here this time is now devoted an exhibition. into stories like these. the show on errors and forgeries in archeology features more than two hundred exhibits their history is often amusing and whitening and now more relevant than ever official us that we cannot spot in the fog trees a clearly a very exciting topic fake used every day we deal with fake news or not fake news what is facts and what isn't and it's a topic which people in politics science but in culture as well have to deal with all the telling and that's the most. so it's hardly surprising that mistakes are made. like in eight hundred thirty eight when these metal pieces from an old bucket were mistaken for a priceless royal crown. and there was clearly some wishful thinking
involved when bones allegedly belonging to the skeleton of the unicorn of peddling board were discovered in the hearts mountains in six hundred sixty three. using bones and tusks from mammoths researchers reconstructed the mystical creature in that they clearly wanted to believe in man had nothing at all about math they kept thinking about what it could look like because of course no one had ever seen one in the side. so they were different considerations that it looked like a host with a hole and all something else entirely that's you of us with what we see here is a replica based on bones that really have been found though they weren't from just one animal but from several and. even got played vinum bly planets including the drawing of the find in his standard work on paleontology the polymath fell victim to a hype that began in ancient times and peaked in the middle ages it continues to this day it seems that unicorns never go out of fashion.
this isn't an archaeological error but it is the most famous forgery in post-war west german history they could learn diaries. in one nine hundred eighty three down magazine fell for these fakes. the weekly news magazine paid an art forger a huge nine million dollars marks for the diaries before going public with their seemingly sensational find and he doubts as to their authenticity were simply dismissed until the diaries were exposed as fakes. the diary of an exhibition comes from germany's federal archives just one of the sixty volumes forged has been loaned out the scandal surrounding the fake their diaries certainly made one thing clear if it seems too good to be true it probably is. even though new facts are produced every day you have to deal with them in
a critical way you need to consider whether the great story of being told is actually a fact. though sometimes fakes are at least as interesting as originals as this exhibition in hindu sime clearly shows. well the saying goes to humans and with that we wrap up the show for today thanks for joining in and hopefully we'll see you again tomorrow and of course in the meantime you can follow us on social media until we meet again from me and they can try out your balance they can and i find out. next time on your own mix the tenth edition of race are clearly festival is now underway at a ski resort in the french alps the festival is widely respected in the film industry and attracts not so famous faces. cinema in the snow
next time on your own max. from.
the. movie. when it's so cold the foam freezes on top of the waves. that's one am time as a model so far only a few know about come chaka but anton has friends believe the mushroom surf from revolution lobby high surfers huff come childhood mozzies to.
more. than one into unofficial estimates more than one point two million venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. returned to. to visit friends i don't think i'd ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i don't know so i'm not sure. bearing witness global news that matters. made for mines. her first day of school in the jungle. first clueless and. then doris grand moment arrives. join during a taping on her journey back to freedom. in our interactive documentary. tore up
the reputation returns home on t w dot com among its hangs. natural riches. precious resources. and a rewarding investment. in a foreign land it has been called ethiopia's gringo and. the country has an abundant supply and leases it to international preferred giants government to hide export revenues to corporations high profit margin. but not everyone benefits from the booming business. would give when i saw the bulldozers clearing the land i was devastated can give me how could they bulldoze the land without my permission if they knew it belonged to me one object creation environmental destruction starvation. the price for government

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Biodiversity Species Nontraditional Exploitation , Meghan Lee , Stick Sides , A , Aspects , Input , Lamb , Care , Paper Mushy , Scotus , Paper , Man , Figures , Light , Look , Artists Sophie Muito , Dancers , Work , Forms , Feather , French , It , Frederick Di Bruni Structures , Lamp , Pieces , Section , Focus , Personification , Electric Parts Inside , Range , Expertise , Character , Concept , Skill , Paper Machà Technique , Use , Materials , Types , Flexibility , Label , Doesn T , France , Clients , Move , Ham , Seven Hundred Euros , Seven Hundred , Freedom , Newspapers , Kinds , Papers , Transparency , Quality , England , Some , Projects , Mix , Cover , Addresses , Art , Technology , Book , Sculptures , Paris , Three , Place , People , There , Performances , Ballets , Ballerinas , Operas , One Hundred Seventy , Hearts , Part , Windows , Museum Of Decorative Arts , Signature Figure , Creation , Experience , Glass Blower , Repertoire , Neon , Course , Somewhere , Liner Elements , Form , Others , Lamps , More , Frederick , Shipping , Corner , Making , One Hundred Fifty , Top , Globe , Clear , Lots , Christmas Trees , American , One , Colors , Rabbit , Home , Al L , Most , Little , Thousand , Isn T , Characters , Stop Seller , A Thousand , Thing , Space , Highlights , Special Christmas Gift , Express , Ochester , Baby Animals , Liverpool , Twenty Eight , Ten , Internet Sensation , Baby Elephant , Zoo , Son , British , Pictures , Visitors , Things , Zoo Officials , Baby , Mother , Birth , John Born , Starters , Decorating , Christmas Dinner , Wonderland , Iceland , Holidays , Decorations , Shed , Christmas Decorations On Pouted , Santa Claus , Paris Aquarium , Swimming Fans , Goggles , Something , Fish , Food , Invertebrates , Holiday Mood , Tanks , Area , Ten Thousand , Forty , Thirty Five Hundred , Home For Christmas , Episode , Traditions , The Roots , Saint Nick , Names , Figure , Suit , In The Red , Deal , Uni , Santa Claus Village , Circle , Pokie , Capital , Region , Locals , Finnish Lapland , Finish Provence , Landscapes , Santa Calls , Glistening City Of Rovaniemi , Thousands , Guests , Arctic Circle , Pilgrimage , All Over The World , Living Room , One Thousand Nine Hundred Five , Wishes , Twelve , Guy , No One , Tree , Existence , World Of , Fifth Major Hood , Lot , Letters , Post Office , Wish Lists , Cards , Five Hundred Thousand , Host , Round , Helping Hands , Feel , Busy Else , Children , Postcards , Stamps , Clouds , Finke , Attention , Girls , Friends , Letter , Marbled , Kind , Somebody , Everything , Need , Spectrum , Heart , Season , Spirit , Theme Park , Lovers , Christmas Village , Near Rovaniemi , Santa Claus Village Visitors , Fun , Legend , Thirty , Way , Reality , Sound , Kids , Border , Travelers , Around The World , Temperature , Twenty , Gifts , Slaves , Jaunt , Steak Effects , Relative , The Dogsa Great Beer , Tara , Couple , Places , Millions , Atmosphere , Campfires , Music , Scrooge Succumbs , Him Santa , Message , Don T , Website , Photo , Watch , Whist , Entry , Social Media , Step , Question , School , Youtube , Videos , Stardom , Knowledge , Presentation , Sports , Bell , Donovan , Stories , Subscribers , Life , Sketches , Age , Clips , Youtube Channel , Fourteen , Two Hundred Fifty Thousand , Clicks , Living , Views , Two Thousand , Zone Euro , Five Thousand , Times , Two Thousand Euro , Thirty Four , Thirty Thousand , Thirty Four Euros , Friend , Two , Cacio Bozeman , Client , Marketing , Ad , Products , Instagram , Advice , Idea , Wizardry , Platform , Graham , Think , Expert , Content , Shift , Field , Outs , Ins , Value , Companies , Talk Something , Equipment , Mission , Social Media Clips , Grandparents , Come , Father , Job , Followers , Photographer , Parents , Problem , Ideal Scenario , He , Fact , Solution , Building Plot , Germany , South , Case , Passageway , Building Site , Land , Piece , Plot , Property , Stuttgart , Properties , Site , Sling , Husband , Driveway , Distance , Readers , Wasn T , Four , Seven , Eight , Zero , House , Plan , Law , Thomas Fink , Walls , Polymers , Polycarbonates , World , Panels , Exercise , Middest , Six , Applications , Front , Building , Popping Noises , Material , Grades , Variety , Sun , Im Talking , Floor Space , Contracting , Rooms , One Hundred Forty Seven , Side , Levels , Construction Costs , Essentials , Countryside , Construction , Landscape , Polycarbonate , Progress , Flooring , Decoration , Color Scheme , Seasons , Changes , View , Garden , Polycarbonate Panel , Company , News , Find , History Experts , Finks , Exhibition , Archaeological Sensation , Fault Lines , Hit , Town , German , Louvre , Sixty School Diarra , One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty , Investment , Museum , Artifact , Numbers , Singer Tavernise , Israel Rushkoff Ski , Archaeologists , Depictions , Awards , Excuse , Desk , Status Quo , Gold Smith , Stuff , Craftsman , Talents , Louver , Tiara , Display , Object , Derision , Art Dealers , Drawings , History , Fake , Show , Archeology , Forgeries , Errors , Whitening , Fog Trees , Two Hundred , Facts , Topic , Culture , Science , Politics , Thinking , Mistakes , Telling , Bucket , Priceless Royal Crown , Eight Hundred Thirty , Bones , Mammoths Researchers , Skeleton , Unicorn , Creature , Peddling Board , Tusks , Six Hundred Sixty Three , Considerations , Math , Nothing , Vinum Bly , Replica , Animal , Hole , Several , Planets , Hype , Polymath , Victim , Drawing , Unicorns , Paleontology , Fashion , Diaries , Forgery , Isnt An Archaeological Error , West German , Nine Hundred Eighty Three , Fakes , Public , Weekly News Magazine , Art Forger , Magazine , Authenticity , Nine Million Dollars , Nine Million , Scandal , Volumes , Diary , Archives , Sixty , Story , Saying , Originals , Hindu Sime , Humans , Thanks , On Social Media , French Alps The Festival , Balance , Tenth Edition , Race , Ski Resort , Faces , Film Industry , Cinema , Snow , Max , Model , Foam Freezes , Know , Few , Movie , Waves , Mushroom Surf From Revolution Lobby High Surfers Huff , Canton , Childhood Mozzies To , Estimates , Venezuelans , Two Million , Returned To , Colombia , Matters , Mines , Jungle , Bearing Witness , Doris Grand Moment , Journey , Taping , Documentary , Riches , Resources , Reputation , Dot Com , Tw , Country , Government , Supply , Gringo , Ethiopia , Everyone , Export Revenues , Profit Margin , Business , Bulldozers , Price , Permission , Me One Object Creation Environmental Destruction Starvation ,

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