Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181012 13:3

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181012 13:30:00

i don't want guns on private sector businesses make me money. with everything from recognizance drones to laundry facilities firms are treating armed forces in france and germany. just real complex starts oct twentieth on w. . telephone berlin and come to your max great to have your body again because today so with the drama of one of my favorite heavy metal bands is what's coming up. i counted stones to meet iron maiden nickel migraine. use featuring a new hiking trail across the alps. called mccarrick tess and
jenny museum post tributes to disney in the street as. the drum roll is false arrest report it's about the history of drum sets when the first drum sets came all one hundred years ago one singer musician was suddenly able to play a whole range at one time there was a revolution and i play the drums myself and one of my eyelids is nicole brains on the heavy metal band iron maiden one of the best dramas ever we met up with the. nico mick brain is the iron maiden drummer he's been with the british heavy metal band since nine hundred eighty two. he always knew he wanted to be
a drummer at the age of eleven his parents finally gave him a drum kit until then he made do with whatever he could find. apply for about a year on biscuits inns and all kinds of things that mike noise i had a wonderful drum say he was very big it big a exponentially grew every way you know mama get these notes in xena and i put so earth in them to chinese and notes and stuff for. the u.k. drum show a two day trade fair in manchester is a drummer's paradise with something for everyone. from fresh new talent to the pros and bands get the chance to mingle with the stars including nicole mc brain one of the greatest in the business. even though drummers tend not to take center stage they play
a vital role in any band. if you've got a good drama on a band and you garcia you're always walk or i would say it was really nice that rocked it there if you go and see a good band would have drama your come a why god are with shows that you don't really proud sanction so the blazing guitar player the first complete drum kit went on sale one hundred years ago it allowed event organizers to save money they previously had to hire several musicians to play park. now one person could do everything. here drummers have become major stars rinko star from the beatles is one notable exception. along with john bonham who played for led zeppelin he died in one nine hundred eighty.
phil collins started out as a drummer before taking to the microphone. but even the best drummers needed decent set of instruments to sound really good this store in berlin offers an alternative to the big name brands promised from rank makes drum kits to order he made his first drum kit at the age of nineteen and has never looked back today many musicians swear by his handmade drums. the one that every drum produces a bang but the sound very school might be brief to what it might be a bigger sound that resonates for longer and. you might say i want to set that goes . to get on set and then i'm happy.
and they want it to resonate for a whole minute. promise palming rank it takes around nine months to make one set consisting of a bass drum and a so-called floor and rack tom. the shell is usually made of maplewood beach or birch. drums are made hasn't actually changed that much since they were first introduced a century ago. fine hides a level of precision for the individual parts is changed because of the technological progress we used to work to within half a centimeter. today we measure micro meters but as for the drum generally nothing's changed i don't mind a tone of that it makes noise now for. another thing that remains unchanged is the relationship that all drummers develop with their instruments. the passion i have when i see these these wonderful instruments
is still here was when i was thirteen four when he's our guide from our local music shop and organ in the drums and looking in the catalogues and when i sit on that strike he's on strictly in control that's about the only thing in my life that i haven't constructed that well waffle agree with that so. these days computers can generate a drumbeat but many say that's just not the real deal one hundred years on the drum kit remains on peter paul. and yet the new movie windows kicks of the london film festival more on that and other culture news from around europe coming up in today's express. british director steve mcqueen's latest film windows had its european premiere on
wednesday kicking off the be a fine london film festival. the movie is adapted from a nineteen eighties u.k. television series and features liam neeson who's the male lead. steve mcqueen is best known for his film twelve years a slave which won an academy award for best picture in twenty fourteen when i was hit cinemas in november. a special exhibition opens in milan on friday exploring the genesis of leonardo da vinci's famous mural the last supper. it features time prefatory sketches by the vinci which are on loan from the british royal family. the drawings will be exhibited right near the vinci's famous mural which is located in the former dominican convent of santa maria telegraph z.-a.
konstanz eighteenth century neptune grotto reopened on wednesday after undergoing a five year refurbishment originally commissioned by prussian king frederick the great and completed in seven hundred fifty seven the monument fell into disrepair in recent decades due to vandalism and exposure to the elements the repurpose meant was largely paid for by private investors the grotto belongs to potsdam some susi palace park the former summer residence of frederick the great. ready to join us for an adventure how about a hike in the mountains up next we take to the us and southern germany and make our way to italy. in the summer of a hike as idyllic mountain scenery laughs green valleys and rivers that flow into lakes not only hiking there is not a walk in the park but it could be next year there will be
a new way to hike through the alps very comfortably your pov lot are from austria has put together a special program for beginners let's take the easy way and try it out. mountains as far as the eye can see picturesque valleys and mountain villages this is what the alps are famous for. catalina of course says hiking in the mountains gives her a real sense of freedom. from what i love about it is the connection that you have with nature where you're outside the whole time and you're walking the path yourself. well you're not driving your car or riding a bike you're not being supported by electronics or other technology. it's just you want to. make so no one is. today she's trying out a new trail hiking from the damage packing here sent in germany into austria and on to south to roll in italy. from austria mapped out the trail.
the routes only includes parts of light to medium difficulty so it's a long distance hiking trail designed for beginners and. first time life is the pits at germany's highest mountain it's almost three thousand meters summit offers a panoramic view of more than four hundred mountains in germany italy austria and switzerland. the hike through the alps starts at the foot of the bits and heads towards air found in austria on the first day hikers covered in turn to have commanders. in the mountains you always have to be prepared for sudden changes in the weather garrick pavlov has spent the past forty years hiking in the mountains and knows exactly what kind of clothing is needed. to make the case the up also you want underwear that is breathable perhaps made with merino wool or a synthetic fabric that dries very fast in far less than lightweight trousers that
are also fast drying in case the grain is. the most important of all good hiking boots that are ankle high waterproof cortex for example with a good tread. day two begins with a trip on the cable car up to an altitude of fifteen hundred meter as today's route will pass through the guy style valley and is slightly more challenging. to get something that has legs fifteen point five kilometers it will take you around four and a half hours i should easily manage that. those who don't feel up to it can opt to go by car instead no one has to carry heavy bags either. all they need is a small backpack which should contain the following. already charged cell phone with emergency numbers saved should it become necessary that's vital. for normal. it's also good to have a hiking route highlighted and i think it's
a. plus drinking water high energy snacks suncream a first aid can't and warm clothing. the walk is divided into six day stages the entire route is seventy six kilometers long even experienced hikers like catalina cause find their muscles hurt now and then so are. the women undergoing the most strenuous part of today's stage was when we found there was a particularly long steep section you do then feel it in your calf muscles or heels . every two hours the hikers stop for a break and a bite to eat. the rich passes a number of selected alpine cafes and restaurants many of them serve which is a to roly and specialty that can be savory or sweet. hiking is extremely good for you it strengthens your immune system and builds up muscles and this our pine track is also suitable for children or the elderly the beautiful surroundings are
real tonic in themselves. here we have a fantastic view of the dollar that's the sharon behind that is the rosengarten group in the middle of the violet towers and right at the back and already see the public group which is in trying to know. the final stage leads to the town of sam geneseo the parish church stands out from the farm it dates back to the fifteenth century. some of the hikers then up to visit the italian city of bones are no further south. this is where the trail ends. right now as a concept willis to the entire tour is a very pleasurable way of hiking and it combines all the positive aspects of beautiful views on the great paths good food it was perfect. as i'm far
past. this new trail across the alps on foot will do you. bailable from the summer of twenty nineteen perhaps it will tempt even the most dedicated of couch potatoes among us to come and enjoy these wonderful themes. on next record will evoke memories for many including me it's about an exhibition which features all the war disney characters from doc burke residence such as donald and daisy dock along with other disney characters are brought to life by many different industries the first and most famous one of all was for disney himself but over the decades the character's changed as others replaced him that's a look back. mickey mouse the world's best known cartoon character will always be associated with this man american animation film pioneer walt disney . he actually stop drawing cartoons in the mid one nine hundred twenty s.
but his name soon became synonymous with the worst. and it was decided that it would be better for the company for want disney himself and in terms of revenue to keep everything under his name. freud got freed sun was one of the disney company's very first employees he invented the mickey mouse character personality. the mouse this transforms from a kind of adventure as we know him complete with shorts and those large ears into a respectable family father kind of character who lived by the prevalent norms of the one nine hundred fifty s. and sixty's. that side is definitely going to go through to. the exhibition in the museum features many original disney cartoons including works by the pharaoh who created donald duck as we know him today he produced donald duck
comic strips for thirty one years even though we had to buy his own pens and paper at one point when the disney company was trying to save money. he used his unique creativity but also his own personal circumstances as inspiration for the donald duck story. and daisy duck was modeled on his own wife. that's not my personal interpretation but based on what his wife lucy taliaferro sat. in the late one nine hundred fifty s. at this new cartoonist earned six dollars and forty six cents an hour which was more than the average income in america at the time but hardly a fortune considering the huge revenue generated by the disney empire income for which cartoonist carl barks was partly responsible he created disney's scrooge
mcduck. today artists like younger bronson have taken over drawing disney's iconic cartoon characters he uses a pencil and paints just like in the good old days ninety years ago even after all this time the characters of lost none of their appeal thanks in part to all those hard working illustrators employed by disney. our next stop is the who of the early in the west in germany for me it's a trip back home before i moved to berlin alist and gone for a long time that it's of coal mining safe the city is in. today most of the mines have closed but the spirit of the in this to inmates germans. once so it's beauty in this current exhibition it puts the architect of the world in the spotlight.
a photographer in search of the perfect picture everything has to be just right it can take a good steer garton a long time to find a motif he is happy with he says sunshine is a nightmare and shadows can ruin a photo. the clink of brick facade of this house into sport appears to meet his demands and building is part of a bow house complex that dates back to one nine hundred thirty. it was designed by architect emea who'd author mavis. i'm really busy i haven't seen anything like this before it's very artistic in a static the rather the edges mean i have surface color and shape everything i look for and powerful architecture. it's the unspectacular places that fascinate gets. and the mixture of colors on various surfaces.
his love of artistic images was evident even in his early works. it's the more been now things of life that interest him every day i think the beauty of which often goes unnoticed. that's gotten believes it's his job to discover images not invent them so he strictly opposed to any doctoring of photos he does help things along occasionally but he spruces up the motif not the photo. of the bottle so that's the most they ever do. that you can still see the traces of time the bricks. that have not been sunglasses under still black from the sort
produced by the local coke implants. back in the studio he examines the first prints everything has to be perfect the depth of focus the light the colors otherwise it's not idea god. is just slightly too cool it's got a bit of a blue tint and maybe it's a bit too light i'll do another sample home. he needs good daylight to really check the colors carefully. steer garden's images are always timeless he purposely avoids anything that would date the photo including all signs of life there's no graffiti on the sides of the houses no cars in the street. people are also conspicuously absent from his field.
but that very much limits his choice of motifs he's now come to the johann inhofe neighborhood in this book it was built in one nine hundred fourteen for office workers linked to a local coal mine he's found one corner of a house that's perfect well almost. that's a bit macabre i think i'm photographing a dead mouse that's a sign of life really but i'm not going to remove its. guts dear gardens photos pay homage to the overlooked details of life proof that beauty can be found in the monday for those who have advice to see. now it's time for you to get creative again and join in our weekly series your makes the i why we show you how to brighten up your home in no time with just a few items today our expert is building a ladder but this one all take you very far that's because actually that's how rick here's how it stop.
let it have many uses they can also be a decorative piece perfect as a towel rack show you have to make one out of copper pipes a couple this is that it is not meant for climbing. to make the ladder i buy copper pipes and circle to children's to connect them to my local hardware store i take to cut the pipes each eighty millimeters in diameter to meet his fifty in like to join them and the end caps are right next to. this is what you need in detail. to couple pipes eighty millimeters in diameter to meet is fifty in length. ten companies to join the pipes. and caps for a nice clean finish and no sharp edges. which you will also get from the
d.i.y. store. a tape measure. pan. exclude . and spray paint and the color of your choice i chose gray time to get to measure and mark the position that you're going to cut the stock by measuring twenty five centimeters. now for the pipe cutter placed a pipe inside screw the handle tight and then turn the cuts around the pipe until it is completely severed it. repeat this process until you've got all the pieces you need. we need to forty centimeters long pieces of pipe five thirty five centimeters long eight twenty five centimeter to fifteen centimeters lengths of pipe. then you can start assembling the larder. the forty centimeters long bits at
the base of the light at the wrong spot thirty five centimeters long the interconnecting side pieces are twenty five centimeters long. you see to attach the copper caps to be. then shine the pipes together using the team. repeat the process until if you just have two fifteen centimeter long pipes and two end caps left for the top and that also attach to the. and let the whole thing dry. once everything is drawing strength a lot up with paint outside if possible. you see little blocks of food to support it. and do the same thing on the other side of the ledger. and let it dry again. then your letter is ready for use for example to launch in the
bathroom. i used great spray paint on my leather think you can keep the original coca-cola to keep in mind the copra changes color and turns green as it ages and fingerprints think doc ford's use to pay for fighter accent to scrub off the states that brings well a couple items or shine like. if you want to get more inspiration just go to you tube send the d.w. interior design well that's all we have time for today bob will be back with many more interesting stories from around here of tomorrow thanks for watching i thought by. on the next edition of your own acts the greek island of les paul said to produce the world's best of your music the famous alice flavored spirit is not only a popular apparently it's also. used in the local cuisine. chef lena xiangqi for
example serves on. with a unique twist taste of grease. the book. the be. the best. move. the book.
the book. the be. the be. the big boss move her. our small boys will survive the night hydrogenated. we are scares me are very scared of me of the bottom of the my reduced or. what is the true face of the country look like the book freedom independence the separate. action of state and church that used to be
important but for decades political infighting here has hindered progress and islamist extremists are gaining more complex dog eat dog we call for the rule of law the law is long. democracy and the rule of law are on shaky ground. if this could get worse down love this should be. a bit of. a nod to. bangladesh the dawn of islamism and exclusive d.w. report starts october eighteenth.

Related Keywords

Walt Disney , Drum Sets , Arrest , Museum , History , Drum Roll , The Street , Singer Musician , Eyelids , Revolution , Range , One , One Hundred , Heavy Metal Band , Dramas , Iron Maiden One Of The Best , Drummer , Nico Mick Brain , British , Hundred Eighty Two , Iron Maiden , Heavy Metal , Nine Hundred Eighty Two , Drum , Drum Kit , Things , It , Age , Big A , Parents , Inns , Kinds , Eleven , Way , Notes , Mama , Saxena , Drum Show , Manchester , Chinese , Earth , Two , Something , Pros , Everyone , Chance , Bands , Greatest , Talent , Stars , Paradise , Brain One , The Business , Nicole Mc , Drummers , Center Stage , Band , Drama , Role , Come A , Shows , God , Sale , Sanction , Guitar Player , Everything , Mo Ney , Musicians , Star , Exception , Person , Event , Play Park , The Beatles , John Bonham , Led Zeppelin , Nine Hundred Eighty , Instruments , Set , Microphone , Phil Collins , Drums , Back , Name , Telephone Berlin , Store , Rank , Alternative , Drum Kits , Nineteen , Bang , The Sound Very School , Sound , Bass Drum , Shell , Floor , Rack Tom , Promise Palming , Maplewood Beach , Nine , Parts , Much , Fine , Precision , Level , Hasn T , Progress , Centimeter , Tone , Noise , Nothing , Thing , Relationship , Passion , Catalogues , Organ , Music Shop , Guide , Four , Thirteen , Life , Control , Computers , Strike , Well Waffle , Haven T , Say , Drum Beat , Deal , Peter Paul , Twelve Yearsa Slave , Movie , Steve Mcqueen , Culture News , Premiere , Windows Kicks , London Film Festival , Express , Liam Neeson , Television Series , Lead , Features , Nineteen Eighties , Fine London Film Festival , Exhibition , Picture , Academy Award , Cinemas , Fourteen , Twelve , Twenty , The Vincis Famous Mural , Davinci , Genesis , Drawings , Loan , Milan , Leonardo Da Vincis Famous Mural The Last Supper , Royal Family , Convent , Dominican , Telegraph Za Konstanz , Santa Maria , Frederick The Great , Monument , Refurbishment , Disrepair , Neptune Grotto , Prussian , Seven Hundred Fifty , Five , Grotto , Summer Residence , Elements , Exposure , Investors , Vandalism , Prepurpose , Susi Palace Park , Hike , Mountains , Adventure , Us , Southern Germany , Hiking , Summer , Valleys , Lakes , Rivers , Mountain Scenery , Italy , Walk In The Park , Alps , Mountain , Beginners , Austria , Program , Villages , Lot , Dpov , Eye , Catalina , Freedom , Connection , Course , Sense , Alps Are Famous For , Car , Nature , Bike , Path , Electronics , Technology , Germany , Trail , Trail Hiking , Damage Packing , Hiking Trail , Light , Routes , Difficulty , View , Bits , Foot , Pits , Heads , Switzerland , Three Thousand , Four Hundred , Hikers , Changes , Weather , Commanders , Garrick Pavlov , Forty , Case , Kind , Clothing , Fabric , Trousers , Merino Wool , Underwear , Example , Hiking Boots , Grain , Tread , Drying , Cortex , Route , Trip , Cable Car , Altitude , Guy Style Valley , Fifteen Hundred , Fifteen , Backpack , Bags , Following , Cell Phone , Those Who Don T , Emergency Numbers , Hiking Route , Walk , Drinking Water , Aid , Six , Seventy Six , Part , Stage , Muscles , Calf Muscles , Section , Women , Heels , Restaurants , Many , Number , Break , Bite , Cafes , Alpine , Children , Spine Track , Broly , Specialty , Immune System , Elderly , Surroundings , The Public Group , Dollar , Violet Towers , Middle , Rosengarten Group , Tonic , Sharon , Some , Farm , Town , Sam Geneseo The Parish Church , City Of Bones , South , Food , Views , Tour , Paths , Concept , Trail Ends , Aspects , Most , Couch Potatoes , Bailable , Characters , Doc Burke Residence , Record , Memories , War , Themes , Al L , Character , Others , Industries , Donald , Daisy Dock , Cartoon Character , Drawing , Cartoons , Look , Twentys , Mickey Mouse , The World , Man American Animation Film Pioneer , Nine Hundred Twenty , Disney Company , Worst , Mickey Mouse Character Personality , Got Freed Sun , Revenue , Terms , Employees , Freud , Mouse , Norms , Family , Ears , Shorts , Father , Pharaoh , Side , Works , Donald Duck , Fiftys And Sixty S , Nine Hundred Fifty , Comic Strips , Pens , Paper , Thirty One , Inspiration , Creativity , Circumstances , Wife , The Donald Duck Story , Daisy Duck , Lucy Taliaferro , Interpretation , Fiftys , Sat , Cartoonist , Disney Empire Income , Fortune , Scrooge Mcduck , Carl Barks , Six Dollars , Forty Six , Bronson , Artists , Cartoon Characters , Paints , Pencil , Ninety , Thanks , None , Appeal , Hard Working Illustrators , Home , City , Stop , Mines , Safe , West , Coal Mining , Berlin Alist , Beauty , World , Architect , Spirit , Spotlight , Inmates , Photographer , Motif , Nightmare , Sunshine , Shadows , Steer Garton , House , Photo , Building , Sport , Clink , Demands , Bow House Complex , Brick Facade , Nine Hundred Thirty , Edges , Anything , Surface Color , Static , Architecture , Places , Emea , D Author Mavis , Colors , Surfaces , Mixture , Images , Interest , Love , Bottle , Photos , Job , Help , Doctoring , Bricks , Traces , Sunglasses , Sort , Depth , Prints , Studio , Focus , Coke Implants , Bit , Sample , Tint , Sides , Graffiti , Signs , Steer Garden , People , Cars , Field , Book , Choice , Office Workers , Coal Mine , Corner , Motifs , Neighborhood , Limits , Johann Inhofe , Nine Hundred Fourteen , Guts , Sign , Details , Macabre , Homage , Pay , Life Proof , Creative , Series , Ladder , Items , Expert , Copper Pipes , Piece , Towel Rack Show , Climbing , Perfect , Couple , Uses , Pipes , Diameter , Circle , Hardware Store , Eighty , Fifty , Caps , Detail , Companies , Length , Finish , Ten , Spray Paint , Color , Diy Store , Tape Measure , Pan , Pipe Cutter , Stock , Position , Twenty Five , Pipe , Pieces , Pipe Inside Screw , Cuts , Thirty Five , Larder , Eight , Copper Caps , Side Pieces , Team , Base , Process , Left , Top , Strength , Paint , Blocks , Use , Letter , Ledger , States , Fingerprints , Bathroom , Accent , Copra , Mind , It Ages , Fighter , Doc Ford , Coca Cola , Couple Items , Dw , Bob , Stories , Interior Design , Famous Alice Flavored Spirit , Music , Island , Act , Edition , Cuisine , Chef Lena Xiangqi , Les Paul , Greek , Grease , Twist Taste , Best , Move , Big Boss , Bottom , Hydrogenated , Boys , Action , State , Church , Country , Face , The Book Freedom Independence , Law , Ground , Infighting , Extremists , Democracy , Rule Of Law , Dog Eat , Nod , Exclusivedw , Bangladesh , The Dawn Of Islamism , October Eighteenth ,

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