Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20171229 : co

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20171229

ten to six and has a little overview. rock of ages the british band deep purple is still going strong. on set in motion a painter film pays tribute to dutch artist vincent van gogh. and colorful characters a savvy in body paint a is a living work of art. smoke on the water it's a song known around the world just like the band who sung it deep purple first formed in one nine hundred sixty eight which means come next year that we celebrating their fiftieth anniversary during that time they've sold over one hundred thirty million records with their latest album only being released in april the band might be aging but the shoes are as strong as that. bill is back four years after the band's last album now what the happy. years with . the band to record it quickly and have it sounds like. we've always been a kind of live. recording sort of our careers second rate survive. so bringing that into the studio was a very wise decision and that's why i think you sound so fresh we don't do hardly ever more than one or two three maybe even three takes and that's it the key to that of course is that you have to be able to play. for ladies and gentlemen let's make a rock record right everybody their infinit was recorded in nashville tennessee. that's where their previous album this time around it took the band less than a month to develop and record. when it comes to music. nashville is hard to beat. they still have great. big studios and if you want to capture the sound you need a biggish room this room is alive you know and i know when i hit this drum it's going to go back it's not going to go. when the room is great. the atmosphere in the studio is great everybody enjoys playing because you know immediately the sound is all you have to do is capture it. and. it's more than. in the early one nine hundred seventy s. deep. into the mainstream and released groundbreaking albums after year seventy two we did. two albums six tours of america. i mean in one year i can imagine that now the time if managed to stay together for four or five years that was quite a long time and manages being what they all this. while the fat goose laying the golden eggs was not allowed to have a rest over its close to fifty year history the band's lineup his changed considerably guitarist steve morse has been with deep purple since one thousand nine hundred four. and keep. replacing the legendary. because it's a style that we've adopted is because we actually have a very natural band we play in a very natural way and whatever natural talent. that's that's the sound has to blend of those talents and they just change because people have changed but the instruments. still that i want to get to. that's. an integral part of the back. in deep trouble took to the road again on their long goodbye to work that might sound rather final but the tour has no fixed end date. how long is a piece of string. that's how long the tours and we don't know if it's we're just putting everyone on notice that they're we'll of what i and we will stop at some point we just don't know when. but if this is going to be the last word to talk then we want to go everywhere we can play to everybody who wants to see it and that takes a long time. so hard rock and heavy metal bands missed the opportunity to catch them in action this time around. while the tour dates currently stand up to july twenty eighth so you have some time and as i said who knows if it will be even longer we turn now to the phil on one knee which also took longer than plans to build construction in total to ten years on the new council hall in hamburg and it ended up costing ten times more than was originally estimated finally though locals and tourists alike were delighted when the building opened and early twenty seventy. hamburg's fit how many concert hall in the city's harbor district is the latest landmark on the city's arising. almost ten years under construction it opened with a gala concert in january. the heart of the ensemble is of course the grand hall none of the twenty one hundred concert goers sits more than thirty meters from the orchestra thanks to the design by star architect the shock. the music is in the center surrounded by the audience we took inspiration from the theater carved out of stone in epidaurus greece. one thousand football stadiums to. they have spectator seating going right up to the top. and it's that verticality that defines the space for the musicians. the site has only recently been devoted to the performing arts in one thousand nine hundred eighty six a red brick warehouse for coffee tea and cocoa was built here but the rise in container shipping methods of per floor us get shut down and stood empty. here i'm half the building stands out here in the harbor there are a lot of red brick buildings here on the docks but this one from the sixty's danding here so defiantly. was a great basis for the new film monye which is entirely different. over. the construction of the new concert hall began in april two thousand and seven but was soon interrupted by numerous problems and postponements for a time clashes over the soaring costs led to a complete halt and construction. work eventually resumed in twenty thirteen albeit with a new projected cost to the taxpayer of seven hundred eighty nine million euros almost ten times the original budget but the controversy has been largely forgotten. as well the need behind it's great and i'd say it was worth it right now perhaps not strictly speaking in financial terms but certainly in terms of ah global image or an implied putting the cost to side it's hugely impressive. come off to you it's a work of. great coffee cost a bit more but beautiful things tend to do that. the complex also includes a plaza with restaurants and a platform offering panoramic views of the city the elbe river and. harbor. also attached to the concert hall is a hotel with around two hundred fifty rooms and suites. one end of the building contains new luxury apartments costing from fifteen to twenty five thousand euros per square meter this apartment boasts four hundred square meters of living space. but of course the for now money is ultimately about music. to most hang on a boat is the conductor of the resident n.p.r. for how many orchestra for him this is a very special place of work. that a phenomenal thing about the whole is that you can play everything here and the audience can hear it very well not even a fortissimo will produce a muddied sound and at the same time it's quick to create a wonderful intimacy in quiete sections here. and intimacy that lovers of exceptional music can now enjoy for themselves. what a stunning building imagine if it was covered up christo of all gary an artist has done this with many landmarks he covered them in white sheets and they see it we came across a polish artist who covers up there with things and objects with crochet her name is ole and how works always make a statement even though the big bold colors she uses are not to get anyone's attention. i gotto oleksiak screw shade art installations may look harmless enough book looks can be deceiving. the to. do if i'm elected i'm an artist and sometimes electrical mysel of an old fashioned lay the whole process falling out of the soil. for more than a decade now the polish born artist has traveled the world covering anything and everything she can little layer of colorful yarn. i believe as art is there is no separation between life and art or a feeling that enters my logic on the crocheted it i question it text messages from my ex lovers so natural way for me to express myself basically if you don't know me . eventually you can be part of my work. one i put my first piece on the street i realize how the piece changes in order to enter violent and also how people are not dissing the. book. people are afraid to for some reasons to go inside a gallery or museum they don't feel saved or maybe they'll feel they're free but enter the spaces so in the moment on the street it's really for everybody you know there's a minute if you're educated it doesn't matter if you have any knowledge about it art it is for your to experience it. got to the stage her most spectacular intervention to date on christmas eve of twenty ten she'd learned that the famous charging bull statue on wall street had been installed there without permission in one thousand nine hundred nine so decided to honor the beast with a semi legal installation of her own. actually the legal piercers are much more the call to make than the illegal piss is because then your across is always like a killing buying thing no. levels i mean further says there's police but this translates really for artists to finish that and. their peers of course time but also the material because that takes time so i had to pull her all the pieces before. me and pray that are going to eat. lucky to run away with. quickly. in many places all next interventions constitute property damage and are punishable with fines or even jail but she doesn't like the fact the term public travels the world to expose social problems and then just in spite of covering things up when necessary with official permission. in twenty fourteen all that plunged into the gulf of mexico to protest against the destruction of the bush economic ecosystem. in march twenty sixth she joined women in india for a protest performance to celebrate international women's day. later that year she travelled to finland to create our pink helps with refugees from ukraine and syria the project's message was everybody should have a home. for my pieces they're not just to decorate a city a whole day they bring awareness of certain issues that are very important to anybody who universal side talk about for a dollar and what human rights women rights you know like about environmental crisis right now so all those pieces has some meaning behind the course of the scheme. which no lack of seems to inspire new works it's clear to all that the actual go right on crochet. from crozet we tend to painting but how you would usually see it this is the first time ever that we can see a painted feature film yes the other work of visit van gogh artists from all around the world were hired to paint thousands of frames for the movie it's called loving vincent and i can tell you firsthand it is a must see i was in all the whole way through it and you'll soon see why. this is the world as vincent van gogh saw it or at least how the makers of the film loving vincent imagine he did. they've created this animated feature as in a march to the dutch artist it's comprised of around sixty five thousand frames each painted in oil by hand. the film had its world premiere in very picturesque surroundings in south eastern france loving vincent was shown as a part of the renowned international animation film festival. when you put these paintings together and put the letters together that almost create like you know storyboard so. so that was their main reason and also he fascinated me as an artist with his incredible bravery and their passion. you know still briefs life into what we do in. the film storyline is based on around eight hundred letters that vincent van gogh wrote to his brother tito it covers the last year of the artist's life including his struggles with mental illness and his eventual suicide. in concert with the girl i reckon was out of his league in the next go. around one hundred paintings provided the basis for the film's hard work. ethic challenge for us to be unified. team of painters because they're very different people with their artistic background but also different style. and all of sudden they all had to just leave their air leave all of that behind first the scenes were filmed using actors these images served as templates for the painters who recreated them frame by frame. own signature style the trick. i know that. the artists worked at three different locations most painted their works in done poland some five thousand people from around the world had applied to take part in the project around one hundred may degrade to make the artist's work easier these special studios were set up each one is equipped with a monitor and a projector. when required the template can be projected onto the screen. they had come from ukraine specializes in fortress. vince vaughn god is one of her idols. i use his experience for my work and for my life and now i. do. i think it's. important and he. bowed carlos about styles about working landscape it's my thank you for him. every painting was photographed and pieced together to create a film sequence it took twelve paintings to produce just one second to film their style how to remain as close as possible to vanguard's but at times they had to get creative. various camera sizes so you know sometimes we had to invent a little bit to the rider to the left sometimes for the reasons see another there of reasons we actually had the trains of the season so we had to change a little bit the color scheme and some of the paintings are bad but you know we tried to show most of the paintings as true to the original at some point in the film as we can. at the animation film festival in all see the film found its audience. that everything is animated and that they're all paintings is just i can hardly believe it and the play of light and shadow and that everything is painted in impressionist. you were really caught up in the paintings of its called this film was very touching and poetic and you had the impression of being caught up in the artist emotional torment. the film rights to loving vincent were sold to twenty countries even before it premiered and it recently won the european film award for best animated feature. and it's already been nominated for next year's golden globes awards too so i predict that the more awards to come now we finished the show with a report the fell into the sixth place in popularity this year the key cust yeah if you learn about off on you shame you will be there for hours the illusions of this your make up artist a phenomenal money on a kick up milosevich literally paints her own body and then creates illusions by standing against a black backdrop i've never seen anything quite like it so let's check it out. the illusions are mind boggling. not just because they're nearly perfect but because they're actually a body. on a mineral ship which. has seen her you tube channel get millions of clicks by viewers worldwide. she set up a little studio in her apartment and spread to over fifty kilometers from the serbian capital belgrade. she learnt to draw as a child and taught herself to paint today illusionist videos are her trademark. i live challenges and that's why i choose to do and it's very funny when you make another nut in your stomach or if you are i'm enjoying to do it because every day i'm. twenty sixteen international breakthrough came with wooden. a video that won or a top makeup artists award in serbia. she also made an appearance on spanish television. more than one hundred thirty thousand fans have subscribed to her you tube channel and regularly watch your videos she can't believe her look. i'm so happy i am old vehicle you know from all over the world and you're talking when they write he says for rosie. i have that feeling that i was there or i you know so it's a very special feeling. can spend two days preparing her designs scrutinizing them in the mirror to see what works and what doesn't like the not on her stomach. she can work on a new body for up to eight hours drawing inspiration from music and her own experience. i had a problem with my way and. i couldn't eat i lost my appetite and. i felt that my stomach is not you know. the tricky part for the makeup artist is holding her breath for long stretches while she paints soon the fine details of her works of art involve magic of some kind. of cool. coke. and bread that are. not bad. in the body spinning illusionist can do more than tires off and knots she can put a spring in her belly. it was part of her wooden property illusion one of her biggest challenges so far. that spring gave me sole watch trouble because it's very difficult on your stomach on your skin almost all rock because you can't you want to make picture. perfect. it's motivated to keep perfecting her body paintings by her dream of what the future could hold my dream is. one day to be on the red carpet and. cold. hollywood may or may not be on the horizon in the meantime she's busily creating body painted our ten tutorials for her fans. among those who shared keep those videos is american actor charlie sheen but she remains dedicated to perfecting her art and she certainly isn't the time to lose or head over her success. but is that we have time for on the site today but join us some arafat's help five reports of the air on your back five an hour. coming up in our next year max special on the dixon is a talented profiteer from britain. the world's slowest porsche takes to the road. and a man from croatia and his loyal simple compounds this and more in our next special countdown. close. the gods house of music. this time with the color of taurus soprano simone a chemist's. together with opera star. please. just split the joke with. these moments before. the stories inside. it's all about george chance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us in the inspired by distinctive instagram murders at g.w. story topics each week on instagram. they live to surf. danger lurks in the longer we were there. surfing. basically the faceless. couple goal was to. get somewhere and see more more. rubbish inch time has a seat gives me everything from waves the wind i have to give something back so i feel obliged to ok for those who seem to be out of there with us or just. one waves surfers fighting against unseen pollution the sea starting january seventh on g.w. . for me is what brings us together. these is where i what she would win can grow old and live that's why we've made these. short. chain stunts. this is news live from berlin another deadly attack on egypt's coptic christians at least ten people are killed outside a cairo church filled with hundreds of worshippers witnesses say police and the church's lock doors prevented a massacre will go.

Related Keywords

Serbia , Hamburg , Germany , Niger , United States , United Kingdom , Elbe River , Germany General , Belgrade , Serbia General , , Ukraine , Mexico , India , Tennessee , Netherlands , Croatia , Hollywood , California , Finland , Poland , France , Berlin , Greece , Polish , Britain , America , Dutch , British , American , Dixon Isa , Steve Morse , Vincent Van Gogh ,

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