Transcripts For DW Euromaxx 20221031 :

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx 20221031

bavarian dress. climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today. and despite data and evidence that global warming is in fact happening, many people still don't take it seriously enough to make necessary changes. but one artist in the netherlands, has taken upon himself to educate as many people as possible about the harm we're doing to our planet. and he does this with his fascinating artwork through which he also asks important questions. do you know how much one single cigarette burn polluted to water in the soil way and throw it on the ground? ah, or do you realize how much a blessing you have in your hands every day ends up in the ocean blue? did you know that watching this right now creates as much jo do as driving a car for almost 200 meters blue? i'm dice view, saker. i'm an ecological artists and i worked together with environmental scientists and biologists from all over the world to turn their facts into feeling just outside amsterdam in an old paper factory tie, spear staker gathers dry scientific data and translate it into works of art by his side or a crack team of tech and communication professionals. they not only develop the concepts and visual designs, but also help build his projects. the dutchman, creative drive is fueled by the challenges of the climate crisis. most of the time it starts with frustration. when i'm reading a research paper from science as not like, why don't i notice i shoot notice and the whole will soon notice. and then i think my brain starts to reach out in the crate field, but also in the scientific field. and they start to come together in a shape, it translate the data, and then the research papers into an art installation that makes you feel those things again. for his current projects, whither do sticker is working on creating plants from a curious material? who's foliage can switch from transparent to opaque in the blink of an eye. the crystals in the sheets are in chaotic state. but one, a currency is applied. so when there's power going to it, it will just go straight and you can watch through it. with the work focuses on the ongoing destruction of the rain forest and makes visible the area of this ancient ecosystem that is being destroyed. second by 2nd, every leaf that you can see disappearing, become and transparent and coming back. it marks a loss of home the 28 square meters of rain force that's around then soccer fields, a minutes of rain force disappearing right now. statistics compiled by scientists in collaboration with unesco tice. bure staker helps us see this data a single cigarette, but pollutes 500 liters of water every day. more than $10000000.00 tons of plastic and up in the world's oceans every year. and every megabyte of data generates 20 grams of carbon dioxide. tice beer staker and his team develop their prototypes and close conjunction with scientists from a number of fields. the dutchman himself holds positions at universities in delphi and amsterdam. his pieces are often designed in such a way that he can produce them in various sizes. we have a strong prototype face, and that's the best part in the studio where we turn it on for the 1st time. we're like, okay, it works because when you feel empathy or when it communicates issue, that's the moment you, we all realize that, okay, we're doing exactly why that you do. what are trees and plants saying, how did they communicate with each other? and can they provide us with information to the just addresses these questions in several works like here at arnhem museum in the netherlands. this panel visualizes how this copper beach is doing in real time. 12 sensors measure data such as c, o, 2 levels, humidity and light conditions. beer staker translates this data graphically into rings that provide information about the trees well being. which you can see here is some of them are perfect because we're today imperfect letter. but some of them are bending and that can be because there's a traffic jam in the neighborhood. and the c o 2 is spiking our doubts, a lack of water here on the ground. tice pierced acres of work can be seen all over the world with his art. he hopes to inspire people to help save the planet. i think when you combine the factual and the emotional side, it will start to, ah, create action in a quick away. it will provoke action, and i think that's our job right now in this time and age where we've heard the facts. now it's time for action and high spears takers. it works like ye canarios do just that. the robotic plant reacts to political decisions that affect biodiversity. now it's reaching up into the sky, as if to celebrate a small victory for nature and a work of art as a growing glimmer of hope. traveling through europe by car is a dream of many tourists who come here, but to american you, traverse decided to take on a bigger challenge and explore the sites in an electric camper van. and we followed eric and allison biller, as they've made their way down to italy, carefully planning where to charge their vehicle along the route. well, as they wrap up their tour, they share one less round of incredible views from the italian countryside. ah good morning adventures. there are electric hampton road trip continues, and this is the lowest that this thing has gotten so far. we got to about a quarter tank. i'm saying tank battery, ordinary battery. i think we're getting the hang of this electric charging you guys . we've been scouting out the stations ahead of time, we make sure to get this, which is the quick chart does zubair jones actually 2 other types of chargers here, and sometimes this one that we need isn't the one that they have. we're gonna get all charged up and then we're heading further east into italy and we'll share with you all later when our plans are with . mm ah we have arrived to our next destination in the traverse. so province we came to hotel, do car peny, and it is a very, very special place. as you can see it's, it's right smack in the middle of an incredible vineyard vines. as far as the i can see rolling hills, epic, classic italian countryside. we did manage to get a brighten early, so we could come out, stroll among the vines and just take it at least a little bit of use before we head on that this is the amazing room we stayed. and last night, this is actually the top level of the old farm house, where the farm workers from the vineyard used to live it since been converted into a hotel were absolutely in love with the architecture. you can see they've got these beautiful stone walls. they have whole tree trunk through the roof, is the support. it's all ra, all beautiful, it so mighty and rustic. and today we have to be off again. we go even further north. our ultimate destination is munich, but between now and then we're hoping to squeeze in just a few more incredible views. ah ah, ah, we made it the lake. it's absolutely stunning, just like we thought. and it's so serene. i feel like we have the whole thing to ourselves. y'all just kitty. everyone in the entire world is here. so according to the internet, they said you could rent these awesome little boat and we thought, you know, to be like this little family out there, turns out everyone is doing it. the line is like all the way backed up to the hotel . i mean, the place is incredible. it still means you can still get great views. you can hike around or walk around the entire hour late. sorry, sadly, no, both today, but it's ok. we've taken both out before the deal. so we decided to bail and out of the lake because we didn't really realize how awesome the lake is here at our camp site. this is it with a one hour campsite is built around that mag critical thing. yeah, it's pretty brigand, suite of nestled between the epic mountain view, the waters crystal clear, very, very still, most importantly, far, far less people so we made our way further into north eastern italy. we're just near the dolomites or ptolemy t, as they would say in italian, but they are these epic collection of mountains ah, or electric camper, van road trip. it's finally coming to an end. it's been very interesting. there were things to learn, a huge part of learning, as you guys saw was just figuring out how to charge probably wouldn't charge or works for our type of vehicle. we didn't break down side of the road, we didn't. so i'm pretty happy. i'm pretty proud of things and you can watch all of the episodes from eric and allison's e van adventures on youtube and d. w. travel. now for anyone who goes to octoberfest in munich, a traditional costume is of course a must later hosen, for men and for women, the durned doll. now it consists of the dress, the blouse, and the apron and, but for those looking for a more modern alternative to african sisters based in munich have created a new style of this traditional garment. the african journal is the result of a true cultural exchange. this journal is made of colorful african fabrics been cut to look like traditional bavarian gob. it's the work of sister's mother ye devilish. and i'm a veteran from cameron there label. no ne has been designing dental african since 2010 in unit 9. and whatever my mother was a taylor herself, and i come from a dynasty of taylors, i crawled around in fabrics as a child. the fabric is what i know my mother used to, so my clothes and cameron, that's what we nails. alice was vic, hadn't the inspiration for they cross didn't come just from their mother, even their great grandmother and grandmother were taylor's, and although the sisters have been living in germany for 40 years, they still deeply connected to the african culture that's. that's what i love about my work is that we connect people and i'm a connection myself. my father is occurred and my mother is from cameroon. and i connect, i don't divide added, i feel our work with turned dolls is going in just the right direction. we use clothing to connect cultures and people who get withdrawn and equity. lynch. this is benning in western africa. after over a decade of producing journals in germany, the sisters moved their production to africa in 2022. it was the oldest sister maggie demolition who had the idea. and now she spends 9 months a year there and hadn't got office yet, but we never thought we'd actually produce eternal in africa picking a bizarre. that's really special to ask you. this isn't given. it's a traditional garment, as is it and not at all easy to sell. this piping is very, very hard to integrate and balance. and only our master tailors handle that issue. and it's so great that we really have a product here that is made in benning, made in been in the known they don't, don't have a similar cut to the traditional bavarian. gov of the 1950s just like women's wear to day such as that octoberfest. but making them out of african fabrics presents a special challenge amazon don't know when you look at a turn to like this one, it looks quite normal at 1st glance adam, that is, but what makes these journals special is that they're made up of individual sewing patterns eva, that is, we have to make each design element symmetric, and that's our specialty. meaning if you look at it from the back, it's no coincidence how the designs are placed. and it's a ton of work. and because that's where the creation started as bash, undeclared, you and the fact that they worked together with a charity to have all the done was made in 90 town room in north western benning. here, young people who would normally struggle to access education, received vocational training. the us and the trainees learn the craft of tailoring the thunder and sewing had turned all is of course an elite exercise and tailoring that's neither. what we offer is really an integrated work study training program at wiley aust bid on as a steel back in germany, the durned was sent to munich to be sold. the workshop here puts on the finishing touches about the dundas fabric isn't the only thing that sets them apart from traditional ones, the ones it here. you can see here how we used to have an apron. at 1st we weren't sure whether to add an apron or not. now we don't have one at all. uh finished, but we have a belt, a cummerbund good, and not some parts because cultural changes over time that we did some experiments back then. oh, it was a real challenge at 1st one unfold, booking challenge. nunez customers, come from across the world. the african dues can set them back over a 1000 euros. the ones men, i think how we want to orient ourselves more to africa, argues increase. i totally believe my continent yet. i even the older i at the more it attracts me like a magnet it. my continent is hauling. and my holing me in my he is already down there, but our kids are to click in the how the journal african is an article of clothing that connects together to coaches and 2 continents. austrian artists, freedoms like honda advice, are painted his world in, in colorful, vivid and imaginative way. his works that made him world famous, including the buildings. he designed up until his death in the year 2000 in his home town of vienna. he was involved in the design and function of a museum, which he also called home while we went behind the scenes for a sneak peak, only allowed to a select few. ah, hidden behind this whimsical facade are all kinds of secrets. we talk to austrian, alexander, montana, who sheds light on some of them. recombinant concise, welcome to the cons, hausteen's the 100 vasa museum. i'm alexander mats. now, i'm an art historian and i'm captivated by the utopian vision that one at vasa realized here in the fall for him. it was not only about architecture daily, but also about the celebration of life week. but he was mainly concerned with ecology and how to inhabit urban spaces in harmony with nature. the 2nd i'll show you some features we haven't seen yet. let's go in company. she takes us all the way up to the roof of the 100 vasa, building a privilege reserved for a select few gifts like this is the highlight of the house 100000 rooftop apartment . talk about a normal museum ticket, won't cover this inside a tour. the steps lead to the form of private apartment of the artist and architect . only those who exhibit in the museum are allowed up here. us photographer, any leibowitz and former beatle paul mccartney a just 2 of the famous faces who have been seen here over the years. oh, yeah, home address is 100 castle, lived and worked while he was indiana and where he realized his architectural visions. it was important to him to stay connected to nature, so he planted a forest right outside his own front door house to this might just be the smallest forest in vienna. 20 trees in an area of 220 square meters. originally, the rather extravagant wounded vasa intended to let cows graze here because he was so fond of milk. nothing came of it though. the knees planning permission only go so far off to roll. hold of us on the point at nasa loved nature and really spent as much time as he could in the countryside. he preferred quaint, simple houses surrounded by forest, water and sunlight in vasa. but when he had to be in the city, when he sure to bring nature into the house with him, so to speak, causing hosts to win coons towels. vien is an up cycling project. it began as a disused furniture factory. yet sagen. this was how honed at last had conceived his museum. yeah, he took this late 19th century factory, which was originally built for toneta and converted it according to his vision of his young default. and in the process creating around 1500 square meters of exhibition space in the center of vienna, kuhns towers being opened its doors in 1991. this flor showcase is a 173 iconic works by the prolific architect and artist. he thought us the permanent exhibition at const hausteen's gets a good overview of 100 fos, his life and work. it's the largest and showcases his most important paintings. his original furnishings are here. everything is authentic for the 19th century. floors to the walls, yvonne milo, treat in flesh wounded. vasa also made sure to leave space for other artists work alongside the permanent collection or regularly changing exhibitions by a number of artists. and nature is hidden everywhere. here even behind the artworks conflicting. mm. this courtyard is home to a solitary tree, one of several that grow throughout the house. the idea is simple. if we humans take from nature in one place, we have to give back to it somewhere else. who did? vasa was an artist at one with nature. and finally, it's time for something to each and for that we're looking to the czech republic for a classic dish. the dumpling, it's a national treasure there, and the recipe hasn't changed much through the decades while to learn how to make them. we got some expert advice from some top shafts, so boone up a t or as they say in check, don't ra hoot. when the ready, fluffy, white, and hot was fine, paused in the tech republic. the dumpling has been a colony imperative for hundreds of years. the oblong credit cannot leaky, are a classic of the beginning cuisine. they can be found on the menus of ins and traditional pups all around the capitol, prague. nobody went down to substitute or fundamentally change them. guns can't change the race to people because it's sacred to everyone, and nobody would do that. the amy dumplings remain the bohemians on play business should go to much catalina as a chef with international experience. and just like his fellows, jeff lucas gregory, during his 1st year retraining. he had a need 5 to 6000 damn things. the basic recipe is quite simple. so the chick dog things you really need to check out. what else we well milk to ex freshies. so she'll go and the so bread and bread crumbs that i did in later fast. he makes it all the other ingredients. i need the dough to the proper consistency only then the system in the bread crumbs that can a day. so this home to us would be probably started the use of the old bread, and he has to let the device for 40 minutes to give it great to volume. then it goes into oblong dumpling mold and vices simone. after that, the dumplings are ready for the call and that is to weigh about it. we can do boys in water or we can see that i prefer steaming. why? because my lovely mom doesn't like them. the finish dumplings at 2 tended to cut with a knife. so le cash bag arrest uses the thread. an old tradition. it's the easiest way to slice the dumpling roll. because if you cut it, didn't i just recently been flooded with long ago. that's left when school last duck or rice b. the finger thick light and fluffy dumpling slices compliment hottie dishes. they may be light, but they go heavy on the calories. 100 grams of duncan carry 184 killer calories nearly 3 times as much as boil potatoes. schmidt, fix it. they taste very good. and they're also very filling on food. so if i eat for dumplings, it's all that source unfolding. so, ah, there's a sweet variation as well, except in products. oldest coffee houses, the haney and dumplings with a flavorful. sweet free tea feeling these dumplings with one of the pillars of her food they were selling the restaurant because it's a very traditional thing. we maintain them because historically there was a big version of using dumplings in, in this region, because during the summertime the food would be all over the place. and it was the main dish of nutrients. it was sweet to get that energy from the flower and from the her. it was the cheapest thing to eat. the past few years, the tech government has been awarding certificates to restaurant owners and chests who dedicate themselves to the regions traditional cuisine such as the dumpling, those who sat the finest dishes of bohemia, cuisine received the cheque, specials, distinction. i think just to let you, i think chick cuisine and chic astronomy. a very good. the dishes are not always easy to me, but it's fine that way because you just have to know how to do it. we soon have a haman dumpling is just as much a part of a tech culture as, as the charles bridge of prague or that we to the end of this show. now be sure to check out our website for this week's a viewers draw and a chance at receiving items from d w's uncensored collection, which stands for freedom of expression, world wide. as always, thanks for tuning in and we'll see you again with ah, with litter is preventing this little guy from lounging on the beach. plastic waste is contaminating the galapagos islands in the pacific. environmentalists pick up as much as they can, but it keeps washing up on shore. it's a race against time. because eventually, plastic waste becomes plastic, sand, global 3000. next on d, w. a long mediterranean voyage comes to an end with final destination. morocco. last rush shows, fellow presenter jaffar abdul karim the country of her ancestors. both agree that diversity is the region true source of well being. 45 minutes on d, w o. a is increasing every year in many im gonna working on lunch with holiday destinations drowning in plastic white wine and happy to look at the cause with every year your of the exports are 1000000 tons of plastic with use there. another way, after all, the environment isn't to recyclable. make up your own mind. d. w. made for mines. ah, ah, welcome to global 3000 eco friendly businesses. crowd funding gets green ideas off the ground.

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