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They see that theyre losing, the Russian Military is losing, in every single category of this conflict. So they resorted to missile strikes against the energy and infrastructure of ukraine, locking grain shipments, doing everything they can to cause us. And also by the way the, the. Busy threats to use a nuclear weapon. All of these are intended to cause the wes to lose the will to support ukraine or to, to stretch out the conflict for as long as possible. That sounds, that sounds desperate they are, they have no other real options. So, so losing on the battlefield. So the key here, the key here to, to bring this more to a, to quickest successful conclusion is for the west to stick together, lead by the united states, the u. K. Germany, other european allies, help ukraine when as quickly as possible. Thats how you start this killing. Now, what would an end to the green export . Do you actually mean for the conflict as a whole . Well, of course, the stop stopping the flow of grain affects millions of people that needed to live in africa and the middle east, even in asia. So that, thats, thats whos really going to pay the biggest price. Theres obviously an economic factor here that affects the ukraine, the exporter of all of this grain. But the bigger price is going to be paid by millions of people who will once again be short of food that they need. I think also this was important for turkey present air law played a key role and happened to broker this grain deal. And so his reputation, i think, is at stake a little bit. And, you know, hes, hes managed to can, even as they are, hes, hes managed to play both sides a little bit because he had a relationship with president putin as well as president jill ascii. So it can turkeys interests that this, that the brain starts flowing again. And that russia lives up to the deal. I read what the Russian Ministry said that, you know, they cant the, theyre pulling out a great deal because the ships that are needed to protect the flow of grain. You know, were under attack, thats probably one of the most preposterous claims ive heard. Theres 0 ships required. 0 russian ships required to protect the grain grain used to flow while the town without escort. Why would russian ships have to be there to protect it when theyre the ones that had an interest . Stop again. Alright, well that was for me was military commander and Senior Advisor with human rights for its been hodge. Thank you for your insights. Thank you. Are all right, turning to the philippines now, where a Tropical Storm killed at least 45 people, dozens more. Are injured storm. No guy has no storm. No guy, rather excuse me. Ever rains were cause severe. Landslide and flooding. Emergency teams are racing to rescue survivors. And deliver aid their counting their death amidst the rubble of a village. Now washed away the earth beneath their feet. A death trap. As flash, floods turned rocks, trees, and dirt into a sea of gloomy mud. As rescue efforts continue, authorities take stock of the carnage. Now guy unleashed on the southern mike in the now province. Amidst the gloom, a ray of light as authorities on saturday, revised down the number of dead after discovering that some had been counted twice. With gusts, maxing out at around 130 kilometers an hour. Its unrelenting rainfall, rather than the lashing winds thats causing the most damage, knots, and rescue workers. Scrambling to evacuate thousands of residents in la. Little if this he keeps rising, we have no choice but to leave the boat. Itll be too dangerous here. I would be nice if the waves stay small, but they could get very high and sweep off a roof lie to limit the damage authorities, have close schools, cancel flights, and suspended very services through much of the country. While the philippines is no stranger to Tropical Storms, seeing an average of 20 each. Here, scientists warn they are becoming more and more powerful because of climate change. A grim forecast for a nation where natural disasters ranging from earthquake to bo came interruptions or all council is making down the need is people since they were proud wind blowing fit. The cap insurance forms did have pastry popular district dinner at the lobby and cuba allowed stun bella in facility in cuba has been allowed home to pakistan. Site la barava was detained in 2003 and accused of financing, the al qaeda geo. Hottest group. He has always maintained his innocence. Authorities in somalia, say 2 car bombs, have injured or killed or injured scores of people in the capitol. Mogadishu, attackers targeted the education ministry. The 2nd blast hit as Emergency Services helped victims of the 1st the islamist group. Ill show bob carries out frequent attacks in the region, but has not yet claimed responsibility south africa celebrating the coordination of a new king of the zulus. King music zulu is the 9th loom monarch, the 1st to be crowned in democratic south africa. Thousands of revelers joined the festivities in durban. President s, real remo fossa has given music to official recognition. 2 months after he took the fro. Were drawing nigh now by our south africa correspondent adrian increase in cape town. So adrian, as i understand that this isnt just the moment, a new king is crowned. Its also in historic occasion as hes the for zuba king to be recognized by a black South African liter. Absolutely. Erin, a truly historic moment here in south africa, the last coronation of a zulu king happened in 1971. Those were the days of the apartheid era where the wide minority regime acknowledged the existence of the zulu kingdom. But they also made it clear back then to the king. They want him to do the ceremony in a suit and a western attire. Today, we saw a stark contrast to that. It was a true celebration of zulu kasha, not only the new king himself, but thousands of zulus showing up in their traditional outfits celebrating their new king. And just to put it a bit into context, every 5th South African is in fact as zulu. So it is the Largest Ethnic Group in the country. All right, now walk us through this for people not familiar with South African, the society. What rule exactly does the zulu king play today in south africa . So the South African government regulates traditional leadership in the country. They acknowledged basically, aids kingdoms and monex. And they also do pay for them. The zulu kingdom is the biggest one. They receive about 3000000. 00 euros every year to run their affairs. But the rule of the king, as largely as ceremonial rule, he is, however, a sort of a moral authority, a very important one for the zulu people as well. For example, last 2 months, you already addressed issues of gender based violence. So he can kind of set the agenda, talk about important issues, and during his speech to day, the new king also pointed out some major problems in the zulu land. But often south africa had large unemployment poverty, a lack of trust into the government, but also into traditional authorities. So he is likely trying to address that in the future. But on the other hand, he does still have some power, especially when it comes to the point of lands. Theres a special arrangement in quite soon that are, that is basically the heart of the zulu kingdom, 30 percent of the land o l. And there is owens, by a specific trust that is controlled by the king himself. A right before me was little became king, there was a power struggle for the throne. Can you tell us more about that . Right, so shortly after the late king died, there was a feud in the family starting basically 1st it was one of his ex wifes, of the king who try to get 50 percent off his estate later, others at joins in saying basically that the new king is not the rightful heir, and some even claimed that his, that the will of the late king was 40. So this went to court. There were several Court Proceedings that took place over one year. It was kind of an embarrassment for the royal family at chilly and, but in the end of the day to day hopefully marks the end of it. Although some of the cases are still in court. But the government acknowledging the fact that this is the new king as probably as next step forward. And hopefully the ends to this family, a few that we have seen over the past year. Right. That was either busy dream crease reporting for us from cape town. Thank you for joining us. Now, thousands of people have breathed heavy rain in tip and tie, pay for the 20th taiwan pride parade. The annual event celebrates the island status as a regional leader in l. G. B t writes taiwan is the only country in asia were seen. Sex marriage is legal to w, asked marchers what this means to them. You. We also see participating in physical pride events excites me because of the pandemic. Events were held virtually and we didnt really watch them or celebrate online, but being here is so much better. You feel emotional. You can walk with your friends and its fun pricing. Danny, does that sound . I am he to join the pride parade with some friends . I enjoy the freedom and happiness here and it is a colorful day. I have like less men. Thats been bokes, anna transvaal. I dont feel like they have like enough visibility in the community. So then i feel like l g, b, d q. I a pause like we are, we all need like boys ourselves and then we need, well, we are need on the government at the us basically. And this year what were trying to do is were trying to facilitate official participation of the of pride, your brains, largest Pride Organisation eligibility job loss organisation in taiwan price. And i think its very meaningful because these way we had yet to actually hold a small pride for kids here. Because if right at home would not have a pride this year because of the russian invasion. And things may seem that grim here on earth these days, but at least the sun appears to be in good spirits. Nasa has just released an image of the sun smiling. A satellite photo captures a bright beaming pattern on the face of the sun with dark patches. Cold corona holes, regions were fast, solar winds gush into space, and it might not be a real smile, but who doesnt need a little more sunshine in their lives. Right up to date, coming up next are Technology Show shift looks at how digital recording can helped preserve monuments threatened by climate change. Im aaron tilton. Berlin, thanks for joining us. Ah, every journey is full of surprises. Weve gone all out to give you some time. Why they, indian only the footsteps of the rigby hall. Im in europe, northern most count to play with brain times along, but still very much alive. D w channel, youll go to the central southern germany. It recognizes where exactly it was fun and i learned a lot our culture history, all their d. W. Travel extremely worth a visit. Ah. When will the Leaning Tower of pisa collapse . Many world famous monuments are at risk. You to climate change, war and negligence. But with the help of 3 d scans, drones and a i, we can save these iconic buildings. At least virtually our works. Thats our topic on ship today. Ah, having digital backups comes in handy like of your diploma or your favorite. Todos the same is true for Historic Buildings that have deteriorated over the years, like mexico cities famous metropolitan cathedral, which has been damaged by several earthquakes. Luckily is 3 d model is earthquake proof. Thats also a detail 3 d model of the gateway of india and moon by which has been eroded by sea water. But its estimated that so far, only about 15 percent of the worlds casual heritage has been digitally preserved right now. Ukraines cause will have it. It is especially at risk. Its not only buildings and gods as that. I danger, but all kinds of online archives of things like paintings and lid, which are to me in ukraine. Russian bombs are not only killing people and decimating homes and infrastructure. Theyre destroying Cultural Heritage to right now everythings at risk. Everything from physical Museum Collections to records of library holdings, to servers with websites. At the end of the day, the internet is as physical as, as anything else that depends on servers that have to be connected to power and connected to cables. And those servers are at risk of being destroyed if servers are destroyed, digital backups of art and other records are lost to. Thats why quin number ski and a group of librarian researchers and programmers join forces to start to chill saving, ukrainian Cultural Heritage online. Soon after the russian attack, such a volunteers began archiving as much as possible relying and what they could find from Ukrainian Cultural institutions online. Were trying to, to capture those websites with everything thats on them. Any pdf, any image, any 3 d model or, or walkthrough. Were trying to capture a version of, of all of it so that, that can be, you know, something that is safe and outside the country. Ah, some Tech Companies are supporting search by providing servers in storage for free. So far, the group has saved more than 30 terabytes of content from over 3500 websites. More than 1300 volunteers helped with the task. Sometimes its not even like a firefighter squad, its, its more like, you know, neighbors with water buckets. You know it, many of us had not really done any work on web archiving before this quin dombrowski hopes to chose, archive will never actually be needed. We dont actually want these to be useful if theyre useful. It is a sign that something terrible has happened in terms of the preservation of, of Cultural Heritage. The great thing about this project, anyone can pitch him. You can learn more at social dot org, sometimes doing your part to digital to preserve Cultural Heritage is simple. Other times more expertise is needed. Ah, the great wall of china is the worlds longest manmade structure. Its more than 20000 kilometers long over 2000 years old and in desperate need of repair draws are used to survey ports of the world that are difficult to access. After filming the wall of close, the data is then used to create 3 d models. A i is then used to scan these models, identified the damage, unplug the necessary repairs, the non profits cy arc specializes in 3 d laser scans of endangered at cultural sites. Heres how it works. A laser scanner sensors pulses of light through by measuring how long it takes for the lights to be reflected off various surfaces. Its possible to determine the size and surface material of objects. This method is called lighter. Another technique thats used as photo grammar tree where overlapping photos are combined to create extremely realistic. In 3 d models. Anyone can check out the scans on googles arts and culture platform, or download the datasets on open heritage. 3 d. Digital technology has become critical in reconstructing destroyed buildings. In august 2015, the temple of balcony and palmera syria was reduced to rubble by the Islamic State terrorists group. However, back in the 1950s, smiths archaeologist, po, colored excavated, undocumented the temple. The information he collected back then made its possible to create a Virtual Reality image and 3 d model. Or the temple of belcher mean is supposed to be rebuilt, just like palmers arch of triumph, which was also destroyed by i yes. Using digital muddles robots build a smaller replica of the archway, which has been exhibited in several cities. Hopefully the arch of triumph can one day return to its original location in syria. In 2019 of fire destroyed large parts of the natural dom cathedral. The incident shocked france and people worldwide bid this mean one of the most iconic landmarks in paris was lost forever. Fortunately not, its cowardly being restored. What would the original thanks in part with this man, andrew tell him. No tra, dom was a lifelong passion for andrew talon. Here the belgian born art historian is Walking Around the 850 year old cathedral before the fire. He was recording a 360. 00 degree video, which is why the image looks a bit distorted. Mother, interesting to tell you about this is a bit of lead that was often used as a joint between edge vetted elements such as this talon use. Laser scanning technology to map no to done. He collected more than 1000000000. 00 data points, which he then linked to photos of the scanned areas. Andrew became fascinated with the cathedral from a very young age. His work there in trying to create a global laser survey that is really what makes his work stand out there. So we are still reading the benefits of that effort from 2010 in 2012. He scans not as much as im, you know, but it does, since its not hundreds of cathedrals from sweden to spain, not true. Dom was, i think, a crown jewel and a lot of ways. Andrew talon did not live to see exactly how important his scans would turn out to be several months before the fire destroyed notre dames roof, inspire. He died of cancer. Part of the reconstruction plan is based on talent work. It is one of several records that we have of the pre fire state of neutral. And this is of course, critically important as the decision was made to restore the building identical, you know, to dom restoration team, combine talents, models with additional scans resulting in this impressive 3 d model. Us where developer autodesk provides a cloud based data platform, which gives all the stakeholders involved in reconstruction, access to the latest records that makes it easier to plan construction, work like calculating how many oak trees need to be felled to replace neutral dumps. Fire frances, determined to restore the cathedral true to its original design, the one that andrew talon and his team mapped before the fire, thus safeguarding its future. There are many ways in which Cultural Heritage can be endangered. One prominent example art stolen by colonizers, the kenya based non profit, african digital heritage, is working to digitize these treasures. And we frame how this history is documented. Yet another advantage of digital copies, Cultural Heritage can be showcased to a global audience online. Ah, artifacts from african history . Ideally, you might see them in person in the museum collection, but kenyan historian chow tianna minor. Once more world wide accessibility, we decide for many reasons, one of the primary ones being access, enabling audiences practitioners we such as to access material remotely to access material from different countries. You know, you dont have to be in kenya to access Cultural Heritage. Another reason why we digitize is to preserve the material the digital heritage specialist trains museum staff across kenya. The teams have a huge task ahead of them, digitizing tens of thousands of books, papers, and photos. Some of them hundreds of years old. I lot of the time when im training on digitization, i would say about the process of digitization is not about just sticking the photograph. Its about the decisions that you make before you take this photograph. The 1st step is inspection and selection. Not everything can be digitized choosing the right objects is also a way of writing history. When we are digitizing, do we still defeat the theme . Colonial kind of tom. We still repeat the ways in which our people are objects are described or is this an opportunity to say ok, change how things are described . 0, one example. The mama comes in the 1950s. The british army and colonists detained many canyons and forced labor comes using a kind of material. The african digital heritage non profit, has created 3 d scans of the country. Weve been going out into the field documenting these sites in that kind of i would say akila gina sands to see what struck to and still exist as well as contextualizing this tangible hated dis, tangible nato buildings in land to people as memories and people stories digitizing african Cultural Heritage is a way to re examine, contextualize, and preserve this history and culture in i feel that they walk about read going to digitize history is also about connecting time. We are connecting the past the present. And in this very act, we are shipping future. 7 thanks to digitization, its possible to safeguard casual heritage for generations to come. That 3 d models shouldnt be regarded as mere replacements or backups of the originals. Instead, there a chance for people across the globe to get to know cultural sides, they otherwise may have never seen was your take . Can monuments really be capital on the screen . Or do you need to physically be there to get the full experience . Let us know what do you think as often now, bye bye. Ah, 77, unleashing the power of business. Women. If you want to see change, the 1st step is to applebees conversation, dodge being silenced, realize all the time with across africa. Female entrepreneurs, im making way, gosh, boosting Economic Growth process. The 77 percent. Next on d, w, be managing whats making the headlines and whats behind them. Did of the news africa, the shows that settles the issues shaping the continents. Clive are slowly getting back to normally where on the street to give you enough reports on the inside. Our correspondence is on the ground reporting from across the continent. The trends not the mother to you. In 60 minutes on d, w. Sometimes books are more exciting than real life raring to read. Ah, what if theres no escape . W literature list, laundry, german ma, street. Hello, and a one welcome to another exciting edition of the 77 percent. The home of africas youth. My name is wendy camara. And i am super delighted that you are here with

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