No i might join me i need to get on to something close to busy dont you come tonight somebody lets go right to our correspondent using central istanbul we have our Political Force here in the studio youre watching news of my from berlin. Its all about perspective. Good. Hello and welcome to a new show of africa our environmental legacy brought to you by chattels t. V. And. My name is felicia and this be and im here in johannesburg and my colleague not to buy joins me from nigeria hi n. T. Hi there felicia and hello everyone today will have some very exciting new environmental stories for you from africa and you wrote such as how farmers in mali are dealing with the Climate Change situation in this a hell region but thats not all here the other stories we have lined up for today. I was on a car wash and surprising cameron is expanding. You know we talk about how the songs race can be used to distill water. And how an artist scene in Uganda Turning from. Cold. Pressed lets head to cameroon one of the problems affecting the metropolis is a shortage of water especially for the local cower services which is believed to waste. And a lot of it experts estimate that it takes more than
a hundred liters of water to clean just one single car and that is not good a local stardom has proved that Environmentalists Business Friendly Activity is a Growing Market in africa it could africa takes you on a ride to the coward. Sylvaine home not regularly inspects is machines as a local entrepreneur and while he launched his business last year with just a few now he has twenty five small apart cow washing kids in operation we bring them something you know most of the car wash in africa they use a chemical product this time we are using not only not sure our product to make their car shine and they use only six liters of water per car a fraction of the amount used in a regular car watch the water is dispensed by
a solar powered pump the pressure can be regulated. One often sees Water Shortages the tops running dry its a mega city with a lot of cars standard car washes are a terrible waste of the Precious Resource its estimated that a normal car wash uses approximately one hundred liters because. The company is mobile kits life serves and private customers across the lab its twenty two employees are Firm Believers in the environmental approach of the business. Theres no need to go and charging batteries at the sockets its a silence Energy Source that is reliable and thanks to the solar panel actually each car wash costs the equivalent to One Hundred Fifty cents and takes about fifteen minutes customers are impressed i notice that this. But i go and see for the core of the car. The pins of the car to last longer because theyre used to sun scrub the vehicle and more women more customers are using the service home watch makes about Eight Thousand u. S. Each month. Set ups in calgary and not well supported as they are in new york where you record Business Ideas on the produce you harbor and go in and call the bank back you are here is a really sad but it is not knopfler dugouts or to always keep axing your to bring some. Around see like you need to really. Do a Hospital Thing like that through or through through to get the money and its a shame and im sure a lot of entrepreneurs in africa are shutting down because of this the forty year old entrepreneur and now wants to expand he signed
a franchise in contract with the board and will be sending some of his machines there so also be another franchise in ivory coast. So by expand a Spondee Business everywhere now we. Have to. Create jobs and also educate population to safe water to protect our land Sylvain Hogan already has a plan for next year a scandal will host the nations cup the entrepreneurialism submitting a proposal to government suggesting that during the football Tournament Young people clean cars in an environmental friendly way with his sold out washing kits. Biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate in Two Thousand And Eighteen a study showed that Population Sizes of forty two percent of known terrestrial and plant species has shrunk considerably even the plants that we eat are
also in danger an association in austria is trying to preserve all varieties of vegetables herbs fruits and grains. Michelle itself is twenty different varieties of beans in his garden every year he tries out new types. These varieties he says were eaten way back in the middle ages these days many of them are no longer readily available. They can produce the Seed Varieties in the quantities that i want for any border on average a beanstalk has three plants ill be from one plant and so i can get enough seeds for myself and
a further seven or eight people to. The Australian Initiative i should know our supply seems to hold the gardens the group wants to preserve as much biodiversity as possible. Many of the older varieties are more resilient than commercially grown fruits and vegetables the harvest tend to be longer to more than sixty kinds of tomatoes grow here Elizabeth Plants Guy is responsible for the show garden. These rushing q cumbers can be harvested until late fall and what small theyre also resistant to a common fungal disease. I thought that the old varieties havent been intensely farmed so theres more Genetic Variability a greater range thats why theyre more adaptable if your chin that it potential is too narrow you can only survive in certain environments but not in others. Older
varieties have this potential for harm to the book and thought its. Safe though is on a quest to preserve these older genetic types over the past three decades hes collected some Five ThousandSeed Varieties and since theyre so robust they could play an increasingly Important Role in the process of adapting to Climate Change. Organic produce isnt garden is also interested in these older varieties they perform better in soil that hasnt been sprayed with chemical fertilizers. Trying to grow these Five Thousand varieties in a five year rotation it doesnt always work that were trying to do a thousand a year we always take stock and say what variety is this how adaptable is it whats the produce like and weve documented all. Bill get that man is in charge of the guard not weekends visitors come here to discover varieties theyve never seen
before in the supermarket. They find out how to plant and cultivate them. Touching smelling and tasting is encouraged here the aim is to awaken an interest in preserving biodiversity. Up front that are going to see every plant has its own story its own way of being cultivated by when you really know a plant you know these things that the media often doesnt this for one beam of any loss of knowledge is an impoverishment but when it goes beyond a critical Point Society loses out to. Save itself. To prevent that from Happening Benyamin is doing his best to spread the word hes the chef at the Noir Show God Restaurant and cooks with produce from the garden over the last century theres been a seventy five percent reduction in older forms of crops. Its hoping to make more
popular again. So i came from and i always say ive managed to get around quite a bit angel i thought i knew most fruit and vegetables but then i encountered a huge noah and i noticed i knew only a tiny portion. He uses his newfound expertise to whip up tasty dishes. Theyve become known all over the region good food and good times this chefs recipe for preserving biodiversity. The Wildlife Trade is a big business and generate substantial revenue worldwide every year thousands of Birds Species in millions of individual birds are traded internationally many end up in small cages in private homes where they were. Indeed and never see another
bird or even a tree. Yes its a sad life but here in south africa a Small Organization operates a safe haven for birds that have been rescued from captivity but cant be released back into the wild because very often the Birds Just Couldnt Cope With Living In The Wild again. Feeding time is twice and be bad to. The fullest. This year no breasted mccoll dont waste any time living free in nature is an experience many of these bats and to use to. You. Is a been vain thing has worked here for more than fifteen years and now is pretty much every bad. Thing this is the sweetest little. You feel good to shake with the birds feet on the challenges all the bigger face even
the rules and i think if you could just put a feel as a protection to keep fighting the toes. This is a huge native aviary confines Twenty Three Thousand square meters and is up to fifteen metres in height. There are more than Three Thousand beds. From a private. Bank but the come you need to learn to be birds so they need to learn to fly they need to learn to eat the right food those type of things and of course we have to also see that to act well was each other that they can interact with the people that come here because they need to be so. Sure who is responsible for the integration of commas she knows only too well you have faith that friends have been through some have ripped off this. Exact behavior cries and needs to think. He was
a bad. Previous owners of his owners were moving away and the landlord would to go check on the house to make sure everything is still fine and she found him and he immediately phoned us and aust us what to do and he said we will take him in and we will eventually release him outside my pass. To spend a few weeks before being released into the main. He has to be given a clean bill of health and to be independent. Most of them more than physically. Damaged and they very dependent on humans our process that we try and get is trying to get them demonized which means were trying to get them independent of humans when they can survive on their own the sanctuary is financed by the minute visit here. Because they should live. Even in the aviary they will be able to survive in. Around half of the Two Hundred Twenty species here from africa the rest from other parts of the wand. And. Every year millions of bonds for victims to try to deny. The picture in south africa is a huge Huge Industry if you just think of a single one like Africa South Africa exports Something LikeNinety Thousand parrots other countries and its part a lot of the original on the wall of it is going to place a big role in actually teaching people about. It. Sadly birds of a dane is find many more bad than it can take in by people who cant or dont want to take care of their peace anymore he had taken leave of their lives in really to
freedom a bit of fame and that of many other buds held in captivity. It might look like a salad bowl but you can use that to produce clean water pretty cool idea hey a Friends Company created the new prototype as part of our series doing obits where we show you new ideas and innovations from around the globe that aim to make the world a greener place. In many countries clean Drinking Water is a scarce resource. In africa alone three hundred forty Million People dont have access to it. Population growth and Climate Change are making things even was. French Company Marine tech has come up with an
idea. That produces these plastic hellyeah spears. Which turns dirty water into Drinking Water. The spirit contains a tray thats filled with unpurified water. When the sun heats the sphere the water evaporates. It content says on the dome and then collects beneath. High temperatures in the dome also kill microbes. The result is perfectly clean Drinking Water. The twelve Hundred Euro System can produce up to ten liters of water per day. Thats enough for a family of five. The manufacturer says the hell he always designed to last thirty years. You like them. If you are also doing your bit tell us about. Visit our website or send us a tweet. Ashton doing your bit share your story. Was. From your back to africa now much of mali lies in a region where conditions are harsh the subtle stretches six thousand kilometers across the continent and people who live in the sun face months of drought every year. Meteorologists say there could be more rainfall there in future but so far farmers in mali have experienced quite the opposite lengthier dry periods Water Shortages major harvests how people theyre dealing with the challenges. Sure they cater has all but lost hope once again how well has run dry forcing her to watch in despair as how mungo trees with its a similar scene all over are going to coral the village shes lived in since she
was a child. And. Youre going to miss and you know what are the ground water level or so much hay and when i was younger it was easy to dig a well you didnt have to go deeper at all but women cant dig wells anymore the waters gone because of Climate Change are you if you are young woman you can be just collapsing problems many communities in my life as a local ngo from me is working on solutions they are on their way to civic oral to me to members of their energy Opus Cinda Which helps communities protect biodiversity. Warning more one of those animals. We promised to come back here we are. Five months ago members of the n. G. Or helps the local women to plant a Vegetable Garden in the village theyve come back to see how its doing. The women for too long gone had to tap into the system that supplies water to one nearby hospital. Called city. Hall sounds remarkable the Vegetable Garden has been designed to adapt to Climate Change this year and it had a range when he did it can lead to and didnt last long they couldnt plant any grains and there was no peanuts without the Vegetable Garden people will be stuck at home with nothing to do what is and they go hungry. And see Masala Midlife i mean really hear them and. Meanwhile some a key is meeting the men of the village they are learning how to prevent erosion or legume and melissa we are going to crown of the trees now if you leave just one branch will have enough and it will continue to produce fruit tree and crucially it will continue to deliver into the your limited use i mentioned to be ready. To. Think about. Leaving the trees standing makes planting harder still with the effects of Climate Change so apparent most people are convinced that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. Theres never any shortage of Firewood Muscle and other we men and now managing to survive off what they grow the Vegetable Garden provides them with a healthy diet and an income more so once to crackdown on people who fail trees for charcoal. To get what he needs and when we spend so much time talking to people i think anyone caught cutting down trees should be fine we need the wood for cooking but a few branches and offers us a little more you know i said i want to now move the one who are well off the
abortion will. Enjoy a walk a summer agrees hes been trying to persuade people not to cut down trees but its an Uphill Battle just a short distance away is the evidence for some archy and saw the struggle is still far from over. They call it the ghetto wardrobe great clothes and shoes made out of trash is the brainchild of allison about kenya she was so concerned about all of the rubbish lying around in her neighborhood that she organized local cleaning. Indeed the plan was to incorporate both junk and art and the idea snowball took a look at this. I catch it and stylish. Manufactured her boots from. The former students uses Recycled Materials such as rubber. And all the plastics
she sells her creations in her shop in kampala. Word of her label get a Wardrobe Spread fast and its selling well. I decided to simplify my god into All The Small Things that i used and i did today like and im using right now im using question as a way of communication class with fashion is my voice because people in the flower i never want in uganda outside uganda allows russian. Regular clean up days with her friends the twenty six year old lives in a slum in kampala although there has been an official ban on policing back for three years in uganda it still hasnt properly taken in fact alice and he