Transcripts For DW Eco-at-Africa - The Environment Magazine

Transcripts For DW Eco-at-Africa - The Environment Magazine 20180810 12:30:00

topics: Shea butter is good for more than just skin; Doing Your Bit: Cleanup flash mobs in Zimbabwe; Spirulina, an algae superfood for Africa; Saving Kenya's...
a mission to save another title. as young my walk involves risking sea turtles that have been caught accidentally by fishermen when you. see turtles and amazing creatures. they're also an endangered species. if they weren't protected there's a chance i may never even have known about them so my story. kitty has been working with sea turtles for a decade now. before you started. this all the stuff was. in what's happening on earth and cost total protection is being spearheaded by an organization called ocean trust.
a turtle instead and sell it. we have to teach them about alternative sources of income so they don't already lie on fishing. for me. to date look. at least sixteen thousand titles back into the ocean. back in the bottle to get the species removed from the endangered list is still far from one. but. it seems to be a problem all over africa the huge amount of trust just piling up in the streets i am group of zimbabwe in the capital harare father i'm one day started collecting the waste and my way around a something sent in the city so many people have seen before know that they have now decided to clean up the country's cities doing separate.
a great idea. i her passion is farming fish reka lisa reineke a is sixteen and still at school four years ago she started implementing an aqua panic system on her father's farm in pretoria south africa it combines conventional awful culture like raising fish and tanks with hydroponics cultivating plants in water she started out with a thousand fish now her experiment has grown into a business that supplies fish and greens at the same time. i. was in the sea bank meaning this time it's moving so you can be in your backyard or in a dual fuel area the system can feed about two to six people and everything the basis you can make a place in and some sustainable the fish and vegetables say can i play seeing any
good thank you pete. alternative systems like this one are especially important as south africa suffers from one of the most severe droughts in its history many farmers have lost crops and animals due to the lack of water. three making knowing the rainfall should begin it was thomas of the year the season and it's already a devastating effect on me and on the water table holes are drying up one of the things you're going to be doing the streakers issue learning up wool trying to. get a little bit more water out of it. we have two bowls that literally dried up enough that we could even use aquaponics is a reliable alternative especially in dry times the uses what she calls a decoupled system in order to save water it's a simple way to recycle used water back into the system we send all that will do to a friend tank the same thousand to tank from day it's been full to do this system
the problems of this all over the a chance and then also in eight hours cycle that what is cleaner than what it was in the fish tank so sending the same this word to back to the fish tanks so this is basically a big big filter or in a natural way she can say it's a big way to. another advantage you can grow anything from cucumbers to tomatoes and lettuce releases vision is to roll it out to places where people are poor and water is scarce. he added little ones into the system and only once a week you need to twenty five liters of water that some day you can have your fish and vegetables in your backyard and you can sell the salads you have in common. in south africa next is still in its infancy so far there are more than one hundred ninety freshwater and over thirty salt water aqua culture farms official see
a lot of growth potential in paan existence. we have aquaculture our news campaigns we also have programs whereby john and i would miss companies who actually go and hold the whole day from us hand by hand to advise them on how to start on our next farm we give them step by step excise i do not think think that the government has helped enough. especially for young up coming into play here is who needs funding he needs financial advice i don't think i've got enough help and advice from the government in south africa. with or without government support rick elisa run it go we'll continue her business and passion growing vegetables and farming fish on a big scale. thriving green is a project set up by german students developing especially we don't all share that could be used to help feed people in barren and drought stricken regions initial
pilot programs are already underway in kenya took on a region thriving green students say cultivating all gee isn't all hard work it's also lots and lots of fun just a few final adjustments then there you detect it will be ready for a test run. a device allows the students from regensburg to determine how many microscopic algae are present in the water sample and not just any algae but a very specific kind spirulina algae are also now being grown in kenya. via the internet the students in southern germany are monitoring the growth of the algae in a basin they set up in kenya that way they can alert their african collaborators to the best time to harvest it spirulina tastes like salty salad but packs a much bigger nutritional punch. from that comment has people you know one hundred
up and running just three weeks after construction began. to go on looking forward. because it was for you know we go one two three. many of the villagers turned up to watch as researchers out and see and yet exceeded the fifty square metre basin with spirulina cultures as filled with salty water from lake turkana. as with some just motor spec and the three kilometer we got the first basin up and running and saw how quickly and at what kind of scale the biomass started to appear. we were pretty amazed by this and seeing algae grow in the lab in a test tube is one thing ferment at the speed at which the algae reproduced in several thousand liters of water well that's a natural wonder to holes. from the. thriving green wants to
extend the farm until it can eventually supply spirulina for four hundred people the micro algae reproduces all on its own through some division and every part of it can be used the only input is water it has to be changed occasionally because evaporation otherwise causes the salinity in the basins to rise circulation also mixes up the water algae mixture which promotes growth. the spirulina can be harvested every twenty five days. aside from goats beans and corn little thrives in the region around lake took can i do with. that. even so the people here are a little suspicious of the bright green algae at first but they soon lose their reservations people weakened by malnourishment can be helped back to strength by the nutrient rich food stuff. i guess and if you like it you know what's really
so tasty thriving green and the people around lake talk ana have developed recipes together when mixed with corn meal and water powdered algae makes it delicious flatbread. and over half a million people in kenya's turkana region suffer from malnutrition even more and other east african countries fresh water is increasingly scarce in many regions especially in developing countries so we think that algae farming has potential cause for concern the spirulina farmers have received requests to set up facilities in ethiopia and bolivia as well. nigeria has one of the highest rates of deforestation in the country's population is growing rapidly and i would call it is expanding to meet demand base a vicious circle the fire station courses so i leave ocean on sunday was and feels the need for more law and our next report shows just how dramatic the situation is
caught in the act the ranger tells the men they have no rights to be here. the forest guards can rest them because they have entered a strictly reserved area the cause of forest in a new state and federal dollars are that of a poster and idea that the punishment if you send it to called the protection zone is part of a wider strategy of the nigerian conservation foundation the ngo hopes to save the diminishing forest in the country each year nigeria loses more than three thousand square kilometers of woodland only seven percent of its land mass is still coming by trees the foundation a set of grass roots because of asian comedians to help to protect the forests the chairman fred explains the zone system of neighboring going to get a forest it covers three hundred fifty square kilometers divided into three.
transitional and causal yeah we are transitional. where we're plant to. last. july august so we are also in tents or blunt one will go through this year the transition season the most human activity farmers there are allowed to plant crops here in the close supervision however one major concern is arsenic people sneak into the area to set fire to the land and drive animals out of the brush they also still go to the forest to light up the forests because it's awful for i mean months it has been the me. in the projects the ambitious goal of the nigerian conservation foundation is to have twenty five percent of nigeria's land mass covered with forest again within thirty years that's about four times more than now. one
approach is to ban all human activity and let the forest regenerate itself every adult every live every warning shot available you. so the committee did exactly just release on porch that is why i. came on board to be direct those things to be like this the next step will be to plant more than two million trees over the next three years to ensure the survival and growth of nigeria's forests. cher bots are becoming ever more popular in africa for cooking i mean. but the award of the share not. a body of all right. and that's why it's made into a charcoal in book enough. to stop the resulting deforestation what are they doing . the group is training the women to make the top.
recognize that the thinking here. on this one a live tree is more valuable than the dead one. sacks of charcoal selling on the side of the road. prices it's charcoal made from sheol wood some producers are allowed to cut down trees selected by the forest authority the producers pay a fee for every tree they cut their bullet from keep it on the ground and. women who cook in the big restaurants with the big government save a lot by using sheer charcoal that's because it's very slow burning at last for a long time in the oven. to keep down the field. so not surprisingly she often cut down illegally either for personal use or by people looking to make money. so has
a huge problem with the forestation over one hundred thousand hectares of forest disappear every year. we've adopted various measures to try to reverse this trend but it's true that illegal logging is still taking place in our forests. are working together with the state to finally put a stop to this phenomenon in burkina faso. these women are collecting the fruits of the shia tree ready to turn it into she of a product you. in many cosmetics and creams the little honey do sabir each checks the quality of the fruit he works for a local ngo c.e.'s it's training the women to produce more and better quality see a better this will allow them to increase their income making their families less likely to cut down shia trees illegally the n.t.o.
has taught the women to process the fruit as quickly as possible before it can be attacked by insects or the kernels begin to germinate. gather the fruit into a heap and leave it until we were ready now we boil it up as soon as we've collected it and then put it out to dry in the sun the butter we get now is much better. this store in the capital ouagadougou sells all kinds of goods made from shia butter ranging from baby care products to vaseline and shampoo shia butter is an important export product but the owner is already feeling the impact of the illegal cutting of shia trees. that the production output has gone down compared to ten years ago and that's reflected in the price we used to pay three hundred to four hundred francs for one kilo now we paid double the price because the product has become more rare. and that's because there are fewer trees and.
see a lot of. protecting the trees is the name of c.d.'s here in the southwest of the country the ngo recently installed a modern shia but a production unit here to come it has to be very that's been training some of the women from the local village of super gun. crushing the shia colonels provides the raw material for the better. the work is physically much easier the women are able to produce more butter and the quality has also improved so they've seen their income go up significantly. we're looking at the future of our children school fees and health care for our kids. that the ngo hopes that by improving the women's financial situation this will in turn help to protect shia trees. it isn't part of the families of these women who are chopping down the trees so we can convince them of the importance of protecting the
trees they can in turn help to persuade others and when they see they can earn more from the butter they'll be more motivated to protect that source of income and. now get on. with the projects and bikini count on the women and their families realizing that it's in their own best interest to keep the trees alive. that wraps it up for this week's show we do hope you enjoyed the last half hour of reports from africa and you so it's bye bye from the ancient city of bring it in niger and it's goodbye from me here in nairobi kenya we do hope that you join us again next week for another had this on all of our environmental and don't forget to speak to us on our social media we love to hear from you my name is sarah my money he may robi until next time it's good buy.
or more for. the small fee lives in the city. when i come from jordan mintz uninformed on the moon soft transmitting. information and when i was young. my concert was drawing many conflicts the war throb enough to keep. people would cause it. to see if. it was my job to tour in one of the lot of just sets so as not everyone in the town called and listened to those updates. nothing husband from incident might have known scotty had in two months or more years on the role even if it's not the i pod os i was it's way of.
my choice in this cognition if i was given their way toward transmitting it's the strongest. men in the question how much and i was. indeed up. they make a commitment. they find solutions so. they can stronger. africa on the moon. stories for both people in a different scale shaping their nation. and their continent of africa on the move stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands. d w multimedia series for africa. d w dot com for go on the move.

Related Keywords

People , Show , Trash , Sea Turtles , Animals , Town , Threat , Aren T , Way , Countya Northern Kenya , Creatures , Workers , Habitat , Sea Shore , Tumble , Migration , Job , Conservationist , Sands , Home , Emergency , Indian Ocean , Title , Mission , Fishermen , Turtles , Endangered Species , Walk , Story , Chance , Stuff , Kitty , Ocean Trust , Protection , Total , Cost , Earth , Titles , Ocean , Income , Sources , Fishing , Turtle , Sixteen Thousand , Back , Species , List , Bottle , One , Nigeria , Waste , Problem , Group , Father , Capital , Streets , Trust , Amount , Something , Zimbabwe , Country , Cities , Idea , Passion , Reineke A , Farming Fish , Reka Lisa , Sixteen , Four , Water , Fish , South Africa , Farm , Tanks , Aqua Panic System , Plants , Capital Pretoria , Culture , Business , Backyard , I , Greens , Experiment , Sea Bank , A Thousand , Everything , System , Place , Vegetables , Basis , Fuel Area , Two , Six , Crops , Farmers , Systems , Droughts , Lack , Three , Effect , Rainfall , Season , Water Table Holes , Times , Things , Issue , Aquaponics , Alternative , Bowls , Streakers , Decoupled System , Friend Tank , Order , Fish Tank , Problems , All , Word , Eight , Filter , Places , Vision , Tomatoes , Anything , Lettuce , Advantage , Cucumbers , Salads , Ones , Twenty Five , Salt Water , Infancy , Ninety Freshwater , Aqua Culture Farms Official , Thirty , One Hundred Ninety , Lot , News , Aquaculture , Companies , Existence , Programs , Growth Potential , John , Savea Lot , Hand , Play , Funding , Step By , Farming , Advice , Help , Support Rick Elisa , Students , Project Set Up , Scale , Regions , Green , German , Turkana Region , Lots , Pilot Programs , Fun , Gee Isnt All Hard Work , Device , Test Run , Adjustments , Regensburg , Algae , Spirulina , Growth , Kind , Internet , Water Sample , Southern Germany , Basin , Comment , Salad , Collaborators , Punch , It Spirulina Tastes , One Hundred , Construction , Many , Villagers , Cultures , Researchers , One Two Three , Lake Turkana , Square Metre , Fifty , Kilometer , Biomass , Motor Spec , Saw , Lab , Thing , Liters , Holes , Speed , Test Tube , Natural Wonder , The Farm , Part , Micro Algae , Input , Division , Four Hundred , Basins , Evaporation , Circulation , Corn , Salinity , Water Algae Mixture , Goats Beans , Lake , Malnourishment , Strength , Food Stuff , Reservations , Nutrient , Delicious Flatbread , Malnutrition , Corn Meal , Recipes , Lake Talk , A Million , Concern , Countries , Fresh Water , Cause , Algae Farming , Spirulina Farmers , Facilities , Requests , East African , Deforestation , Rates , Population , Ethiopia , Bolivia , Situation , Fire Station Courses , Need , Law , Demand Base , Report , Vicious Circle , Ocean On Sunday , Men , Forest Guards , Rights , Caught In The Act Ranger , Forest , State , Area , Dollars , Punishment , Poster , Protection Zone , Strategy , Nigerian Conservation Foundation The Ngo , Trees , Land Mass , Woodland , Foundationa Set Of Grass Roots , Seven , Three Thousand , Forests , Fred , Ozone System , Comedians , Asian , Three Hundred Fifty , Plant , Last , Human Activity Farmers , Supervision , Tents , Land , Fire , Drive , Brush , Goal , Nigerian Conservation Foundation , Human Activity , Approach , Committee , Adult , Warning , You , Step , Porch , Two Million , Africa , Cooking , Share , Survival , Award , Cher Bots , Women , Charcoal , Body , Book , Top , Tree , Thinking , Sacks , Charcoal Selling , Producers , Side , Prices , Road , Sheol Wood , The Forest Authority , Fee , Bullet , Ground , Burning , Restaurants , Women Who Cook , Money , Use , Oven , Field , Trend , Illegal Logging , Measures , One Hundred Thousand , Phenomenon , Stop , Burkina Faso , Fruit , Product , Quality , Fruits , Screams , Honey , Cosmetics , Families , Training , Nto , Local Ngoce , Insects , Kernels , Heap , Germinate , Butter , Shia Butter , Products , Kinds , Store , Goods , Baby Care , The Sun , Export Product , Cutting , Owner , Impact , Production Output , Price , Francs , Ten , Three Hundred , Four Hundred Francs , Name , Ngo , Southwest , Production Unit , Cd , Work , Village , Colonels , Better , Raw Material , Super Gun , Children , Health Care , School Fees , Kids , Importance , It Isn T , Will , Source , Others , Hope , Count , Projects , Interest , Bikini , Niger , City , Goodbye , Bye , People Who Don T , Another , Buy , Social Media , More , In The City , Jordan Mintz , Concert , Transmitting , Information , Conflicts , Moon , War Throb , Everyone , Role , Scotty , Updates , Incident , Nothing , Husband , I Pod Os , Choice , Strongest , Cognition , Question , Solutions , Commitment , Stories , Nation , Destinies , Move , Continent , Hands , Series , Dw , Dw Multimedia , Dot Com For Go On The Move ,

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