A bit which are you know going state nigeria and i agree with my colleague shannon my view other end of the continent hello show. How long military and the world will come to our viewers thank you for tuning into todays program. And the European Environmental show my name is sharon a minute from Nairobi Kenya and heres whats coming up in the show today. Well be visiting have popular leaving a Shopping Complex in my body which has introduced a some ahead in our system. Then we move on to the german city of hama over whether trying to believe its ok to call cops and to remove the original make it from coming whove come from an activist was cruising complex awareness about plastic and just like. My footprints right here in nairobi actually not very far from where im standing that infinity is an integrated residential retail im a business complex designed to be implemented he fled me its time to start less system one of the biggest in africa whats more Building Materials have been locally sourced as much as possible. Even when shes making her cut of the ada money is already surviving the benefits water cost thirty percent less than it used to thats quite a savings when any has been living in garden city in the north of the king of capital nairobi since late last year its an expensive area of town here a new development is designed to protect the environment and save its residents money this solar energy comes from the roof of a neighboring might historic. One that we have a nice bright beat its all the water in the apartment and when we have an obviously is when the heater element kicks in and we get hot water that way but were in generally were not using the element right now the sun heats all the putting and the garden city is a model of green project both in terms of it controversial. And its wasted disposal system. Whatever trash is thrown away over the course of a day ends up next door in the garden city Shopping Center. Its where the more affluent locals go to shop. At the centers money say thats one of kenyas most environmentally friendly buildings. Plastic cups straws packaging waste food from the restaurant all of it lands in the basement of the Shopping Center. The trash is sorted by hand. The cardboard and cutters go in paper tea bags in the organic west bin cans with metal pet bottles to the plastic its a lot of work. To let me. Find a form of. Materials here about doctors to help me but well continue to do them in getting them. Our. Hope probably in the next one year you know. I talk to people i want to know sorting out the show. Here on the roof of the packing garage these assume its tradition with far more than three thousand solar panels the installation is one of the largest in africa it generates the electricity for the Shopping Center and the jets and apartment buildings and it gives the cars and assured the place to park a huge installations like this one havent had the benefit. Cost of the solar panels will drastically reduce the threat of the mine and you see a far greater accessibility to each and every individual will be able to afford and will be able to power their homes using the Natural Energy that we do of. The rooftop solar units are still really thinking most of the funding for this one came from investors from highly industrialized countries. And thats why the financial profits dont remain in kenya. Who are investors from america and stray. And the u. K. And i think it would be exciting for us to be able to raise capital for us all the funding for other investments that we do more often internally within africa but the reality is the stores of capital enormous in the developed world and bringing capital in from outside will remain a large part of what we do. Back to they select up packing lot. Soon every solar packing sport is to be with a charging station for electric cars. The and to me of that was enough for. Charging stations we helped make electron will be it could possibly king but they are used to it to reduce behavior traffic that need the money and thats good courting only. Through the streets of nairobi. And this hectic times so many people have a drink on the run in the train or even in the car coffee to go is big business in many countries and that means mountains all discarded plastic and paper cups about we. Just in seventy the city of hama has devised a plan to counter this terrible waste and vironment openness and bakeries and other outlets now coffee to go in robust reusable cups for which you have to pay a deposit you get it back when you return the cup was a simple and we hope effective idea. Street sweepers in hanover have had enough of disposable cups with all too many pedestrians simply dumping them on the street as soon as they finish their coffee the explosion of coffee take away outlets in recent years has unleashed a steadily growing flood of extra trash and pick ups take up a huge amount of space in trash cans it only takes four or five large ones to fill up an entire sack. But the person in all the number of cups we get nowadays is just huge you know every kiosk every cafe sells them and its causing enormous problems here in hanover. On average hanovers half a million plus residents jettisoned over twenty million used paper cups annually the city authorities decided that was far too many and began finding the deluge a year ago. The cardboard on the surface but inside theyre lined with plastic and as they can lie around for hundreds of years we have to collect every single one for incineration. So its not a good product not in the least ecological. Its time to get rid of them. The citys answer was to market its own reuse of all cops with a deposit the hanno cino it costs to euros which is refunded when customers drop it off at one of the participating cafes over one hundred fifty outlets are already taking part in the plan and the network is growing by the week. This is them is the brainchild of and they have even he surprised at how easy its been to win businesses over first of all he got local bakeries on. The citys First Division soccer team others were quick to join in. Other than a few hundred makes life very easy for our partners we do the advertising we supply the cups talked with them train their staff. Thats why the hundred chinos caught on and people like to use the cups because its straightforward and theyre doing something for the environment. Its certainly an easy solution for a coffee drinkers they normally dont have to go far to find somewhere to drop their cups off pick up. Drink up drop off the city doesnt make a cent from the scheme for cafe operators the service is free and they save on the cost of paper cups. Its good for their image to. The only condition is that participants have a dishwasher to keep the cups clean and hygenic that was no problem for the staff of this popular cafe theyre happy about every customer who switches to that hannah cino. You know. It took a bit of time to familiarize people with the hundred cino. But once theyve actually used one and seen how clean and easy to handle they are they make the switch quite happily starting more to get. Its also down to the design which has made the cups a local brand name. And theres even an app to show people where to find an outlet. There are no fifty thousand candle chinos in use across the city. The street cleaning squads now have far fewer paper cups to deal with and the trash cans dont fill up as fast either that all saves money. You really see the difference its made here with loads of businesses joining in there are far fewer cuts in the trashcans now. A National Estimates suggest the new head coach in a system has cut the number of paper cups in hanover by around a third. It to be in thing to see if that catches on and even spreads to other cities. Interesting project which recycles and upcycling Plastic Waste in uganda the country has been suffering from persistent extreme drought which has invented the food supply them farmers need to use the little what about they have various pairing lead and now they have found us right smelter yes shot in this weeks doing your bit system we need a job tomato farmer in the couple of come who has devised a clever system of drip irrigation hes certainly doing his bit to combat Plastic Waste and to promote sustainable farming. How can Plastic Waste help grow food. This looks like a dumping ground for plastic trash. But its actually crude material for irrigation technology. You can define much of the sarah lo has created a system that combines. Cycling plastic and saving water. All it required was one great idea. And a little hole in a plastic bottle. Thanks to the drip irrigation system. Tomatoes survived a month of drought. Despite the scorching sun. The farmer expects of. Which he can sell on the local market. The simple bottle irrigation method helps ensure Food Security and to protect the environment. If you are also doing. Visit our website. We share your story was wow its amazing what a great idea as people come on with another eco who we want to introduce to you is regina. She lives in port city in cameroon she is an environmental journalist and shes involved with a Nongovernmental Organization called sustainable one for the bottom and it promotes inclusive and Sustainable Development initiatives and that means getting ordinary people involved with gina has inspired many to think more about the environment and to take better care of it so what did we do when to find out how she does. These women are out to make a difference environmentalist regime and her team of volunteers are collecting plastic bottles from this home into. Her sheena is the founder of recycle me an organization dedicated to cleaning up the city. So we know. Starts in from my home. To cities to turkey theres trash everywhere its a good thing shes doing something about it and on her own initiative. To wall is camerons most populated city the areas more than three million inhabitants produce a huge amount of Household Waste every day. A private company contracted to collect the citys garbage actually only removes about two thirds of it. The rest remains scattered throughout the city. Regime elect they also use the media to combat the waste problem on camerons second largest t. V. Network she hosts a Weekly Program on environmental issues. The twenty nine year old uses this platform to report on the poor Waste Management situation in the west african country. Sometimes this yields results when i reply. You know i was moved to. The side coming. But plastic continues to clog up the citys gutters. This is a serious problem especially when the rainy season starts in march blocked waterways can cause Property Damage and even deaths. Which means that what when those so much rain this what. And some of this plastics also when they get into ocean it becomes a threat. So while others look the other way regina continues to focus on dealing with the problem. She even invests or own money for instance renting vehicles like this to deliver the plastic directly to a recycler. But the site is already overflowing that means a regime as organization doesnt earn anything for the effort. Shes just happy to get the clutter off the streets and put to better use. Here the old plastic is cleaned and shredded. The raw material is then repurposed for instance into useful buckets now regime is looking to expand her operation i really intend to extend many talents in coming to collect as many plastic plastic items for recycling reuse i mean whatever force is serious threats to the environment. She started small collecting plastic from friends and colleagues now she has eight volunteers who cover some three hundred households in offices and douala follows on zanzibar times and here is a famous spice island have been producing our clubs without pesticides or chemical fertilizers for generations long before you open up the make up fell in love with organic. Some saw great opportunity in that love and got satisfied as organic growers lets see what kind of impact that is having on the industry. And sounds a bar you find almost all the spices in the world other times when one will get rich from entirely spices are long gone a man and one who are going to give me loads more you before all the farmers in the area depended on tourists if no one visited the farm it was difficult to survive and a lot of them had to give up and look for other work spys farmer patrick my gang got together with his neighbor managed to conquer a new market. A month a spice farmers of zanzibar his considered an expert and all the others come to him to buy new seedlings. I think its because i exclusively use cow dung and select the plants very carefully and. With thirty other spice farmers my ganga founded a cooperative since then the farmers share everything to strand and the local knowledge together the found a way to expand closer now grown on a large scale. My gangas neighbor and the food explains how this help them succeed. We decided to be Certified Organic and what we sell to. Our customers as organic the price is increase from fifteen to produce all dentition ings appropriated as a Young Company based in stone town it looks for gannett products from the island with bio labels designed spice all functions are handpicked and then shipped to your. Group to sell this piece with the post corporation to get the farm. Validator their market and then eventually they know where they can sell their stuff and so even the productions need to be to high and blast yeah it was a bottle of five hundred sending of the called memory plants and soul probably after two years and then started to harvest more five hundred new plants. Patrick my gang has been able to build a new house with the additional income his wife is equally pleased with him. And he made is my very proud of him life is much easier than before and the family gets everything it needs. Real well to save you a little more and more people who have seen how successful we are but the organization now come here when i mean. You know its the only way to make good money around here in this. Group but the bulk of. His oldest son now has his own small family from the profits from the next harvest i got you know once to build them a house. That two countries on Africas Atlantic course that ive never really been on met a lot of as a raider but mean and total and for a long time both countries have failed to convince that people on the need to preserve the lands biodiversity right especially in the region around the river this river forms the border between the two small nations and its delta is a rich tapestry of mangroves forest wetlands and savanna its also a refuge for rare species such as the manatee and red bellied monkeys lets take a look at what ben and togo are doing to protect this natural paradise. Sylviane davo works for an Environmental Organization hed like to see fishing in this part of the river delta bad and so the fish have a chance to spawn painful points on your deck you know were proposing a ban on fishing for one kilometer around the river delta so the fish will be able to pass back and forth between the mono river and the sink. Were seeking a consensus amongst the fishermen. Always say you do it for them cause this is. The beach and the dns beyond it our natural paradise and home to sea turtles theyve been successfully protected in both bennett and talk open here is this is where the Biosphere Reserve is due to begin in the future. We want to see how the more the delta Biosphere Reserve has progressed and then and talk to narrow countries together that over one hundred kilometers wide theyre separated by the mona river the Biosphere Reserve consists of separate settlements the Coastal Protection area begins right behind the beach. Its a unique biotope here where the monterey the needs to see the mangroves begin other mouth of the river shows us the inland waterways behind it. His organization is helping to protect the mangrove forests theyve planted forty five new hacked is and marked off spawning grounds for the fish with local residents. We continue in and too late to haul. Here patrice is support in the future. His environmental denies ation is planned in a nature reserve for flora and fauna on the river banks. Has already won the fishermen and hunters over so theyll respect the areas where fission and hunton are prohibited. Its a natural paradise with protected marsh areas and recipe shes of plants and wildlife but how important is it to the hunters here to preserve the environment ive known only we used to sell the game or eat it ourselves but weve stopped doing that we want our children to see the water animals in the future with their own eyes focus on darian rock regulars you their property local residents are burning down trees to clear land for farming. The fly to our last stop the forest of good to me in togo. To the people in this area the forest is sacrosanct. They head out into the woods following their priests in the procession they believe the cults of the forest and shield them from sickness and protect them from evil the priests of always kept a close watch on the forest. But now they have the support of a local Environmental Group that. They hope to reforest some areas and set up a patrol. And the run up quietly give it a greater stretch to the forest are clearing and farming. And at that point i dont mind. Their working together to fight poaching forest burning and timber thieves. And so again a whole bunch of good ideas on protecting and preserving the world we live in thats it for todays program thank you for watching the environment show but do you buy Channels Television g. W. And Katie N Sharon as always its been a pleasure working with. Thank you mel a tad thank you to all of you as if you have any questions or ideas that you would like to share with us you can do so on our website or by responding to our social media post the address is a pop up in just a moment in the end credits thank you