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Colleagues the low level all the way from south africa hello z. Hey andy good to see you again and greetings to all of you all there from johannesburg the largest city in south africa weve got some nice reports for you on the show today so lets get started. A company in nigeria has developed a solar powered stations to reduce food was. An initiative in paying our want to help what we found this successfully exhausted to the consequences of the Climate Crisis. Its stunningly beautiful unpredictable and cannot be tamed i am talking about the deserts over 80 percent of new jr and landlocked country in west africa lies in the Sahara Desert and huge june creeping closer and closer to the capital niamey but an ngo called a young volunteers for the environment all pushing back leading the fight children and teens the organization believes that the young people all the key to changing Environmental Policies and practices and once theyre on board they in turn convince other members of the a families to join the cause. And Environmental Protection in action. Xenia is learning from master blacksmith even human mana how to build an oven that works without wood all parts must fit together perfectly so that the oven closes tightly and no heat can escape. Ybor him a mana is building a series he just received an order for 50 ovens from the ngo volunteer no porn on feel. Through. This oven is a tool in the fight against desertification is because its not filled with wood but with rice husks the husks cant be used for anything else not even animals a ton of i know my butt out. Every day tons of rice husks accumulate in the state rice factory its waste with no nutritional value everyone who has an oven can get it here for free to use this fuel sonny yuba visit schools to talk about the ovens importance after all trees and bushes hold the desert sand in place so this is about our behavior we have to change our behavior and our way of using Raw Materials we have to as you said correctly use clean energy and especially use Power Sources that allow us to reduce our use of wood what. The pupils are allowed to test the oven at home for a week. How bad my money bossa root tells his family how to use the appliance. When. You know we act and it seems easy to use it produces hardly any smoke and you dont need to use wood any more thats good i want to try the oven out properly. The new oven costs about 15 euros and the ngo also gives credit to members of the ngo discuss the Digital Campaign the organization wants to plant trees and find people to take care of them the Campaign Begins in a village 2 hours upstream sunny and says that after an initial hesitation the women were eager to take part. From barley calling it green news year or news here is going green its about taking responsibility and making things public off the lot also create a digital version then everyone can put their picture in the frame on their smartphone and support the campaign on the internet but its most important for us to show what people in the villages are doing a local way how theyre doing their local part to fight desertification one solitary problem of the initiative has organized a very special field trip in the evening the pupils are to see with their own eyes how desertification keeps progressing and how Important Trees are this is a member. Not far away from me on the bank of the river sand dunes have formed but the final trip will enable the pupils to understand the phenomenon of desertification but will also see what people can do locally to stop the spread of the desert and to anchor the sand dunes. The gigantic dune of settle re i think gates of the capital niamey the pupils only want one thing to climb on to the dune as quickly as possible. Some of these sand dunes wander up to 20 metres a year depending on the wind their height can reach 30. 00 to 40. 00 metres the pupils are overwhelmed once they get to the top. Wow its awesome ive never seen anything like this ive never been here before its so beautiful. Its good may be beautiful but its a nightmare for humans and animals so you want if you dont want sand there instead bury your homes you have to try to prevent them from shifting. With sand drift fences for example sunnier yuba explains what everyone can do to help stop the shifting of the dunes the students are pensive. And. After seeing this here im quite troubled. As you had some point the sand could reach the town. That makes me afraid. Theres only send left here nothing grows here anymore its a real desert. So if it keeps advancing and reaches the People Living on the river then itll be all over. So theyll pull off. The outing had a big effect on the pupils theyre now motivated over the holidays theyre going to environmental camps where they will set up sandra fences and plant trees anything and everything to stop desertification. Whats an amazing thing those young people in asia are doing speaking of young people a school kids around the globe are making headlines with their dedication to preserving and improving the environment have you heard of the fight is the future protest anti indeed i have see its great to see so many young people taking a political stand about the we we are treating our planet and its resources but some are also attacking the issue with hard evidence in the german capital burley informed role school kids are taking part in a project that provides useful information to the whole community here is this weeks doing your bit. These cars emit Carbon Dioxide as well as a fine dust juice the abrasion of brakes and tires. The fine particles have an impact on the climate and can cause lung damage where the in lagos in burnley and. High School Students in germanys capital and now finding out just how polluted this city really is it all starts by connecting a sense up to a small processor. A German Foundation has designed a do it yourself kit. I didnt quite like this project very much since im really into tech and i like to tinker with things. Like collecting data almost a dozen schools who contribute to an online database of the city a tool to alert authorities in the event of air pollution spikes. This school is lucky the level of fine particles here is acceptable according to World Health Organization standards these young scientists not only point to a problem they provide data for a solution. And how about you if youre also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send us a tweet. Doing your bit. We share your story. Spalt vegetables and fruit that become inedible you see that quite often at the end of a market day after produce has been left out in the sun for whole day growth impossible to sell the heat is a problem not only on the markets but also for the producers Small Farmers rarely have Storage Options in developing countries for instance about 470000000. 00 Small Farmers lose about 25 percent of their annual income to unnecessary food waste anymore state in southeastern nigeria a local company has come up with a solution that stickler. This could use looks fresh and juicy but once is travels the routes it will sell and the vendors will make any money in countries across africa its almost impossible to keep perishable produce in Good Condition because its so hot and developing countries a major cause of food spoilage is lack of coal storage. Has come up with an indigenous and affordable solution to the problem his Company Called hobbes is based in a worry in the south of nigeria does that mean social enterprise that actually designed and installs solar powered walking called rooms the goal is to use disco drums to us than the shelf life of food from today to 21 days these are completely solar powered so they are very well designed and robust for installation in the farm and in the markets because cool how the gold rings are solar powered they can operate off grid that is where there is no electricity available out of a socket. And for the same reason they environmentally friendly in the daytime we are running off the solar panels are descent time story and edgy and in the night we switch to the batteries so just 24 hours a refrigeration system completely of the great cold rooms are well insulated and those temperatures inside is kept at minus 5 degrees celsius farmers and retailers can store their fruits vegetables and other perishables and lengthen their shelf life allowing them to sell a greater share of their wares make more money and reduce waste what farmers do is just rent the green crates for 100. 00 and i like it and they just all your produce inside a cold room you know for just under an hour now when you check by the when you check the laws you know the laws on market is about 50 percent the laws can get to 70 percent depending on where you are so it is really cheap very affordable. Cohabit up and running not a market in the wearing stallholders please this is made a welcome difference its evidently worth their while to pay this storage fee when doing that and runs the coal store the fruits and vegetables that are unsold one day spend the night here and are taken out and put on display again the following morning the whole House Company hires only female staff to run its cold rooms to help boost employment for women this hub is a success q and do is busy as you can see here its almost like the place is really working well. I have seen as you potential to grow its business across the vast african markets the Company Estimates it can build and sell up to 20000 janets over the next 10 years. Hey all you coffee drinkers out there do you know that over 2000000000 cups are consumed every day and much of that comes on beans grown in africa and while the best coffee is good to the last drop dr periods insects or the lack of knowledge and resources leaves many small coffee farmers struggling to sustain a livelihood the situation is particularly critical in kenya which is why the climate academies have been established to teach the farmers houses just their methods to suit the conditions of the Climate Crisis give you a great wonderful and outdoor Training Session at the climate to carry me. These. Because. It. Becomes more. Becomes more people of. Their movement to prove you are. On todays show. 2 way to prune coffee trees the aim is to prevent the fungus that causes coffee berry disease which destroys the beings. They found was that the Climate Academy are expected to act as multipliers the idea is that then we pass on their techniques to up to 50 ad the farmers know is there. Such that there will be. So. Much of course is a coffee rejoin in south and kenya here a local cooperative or but its a model Coffee Plantation but Climate Change brings challenges like diseases drought too much rain and this is causing yields to fall they cant academy is visiting today and wants to help the farmers ive just their program is funded by the Fair Trade Foundation is just one way the farmers can become more successful again. We have nutrient applications theyre supposed to apply. Because. Despite tips on cultivation many farmers find it difficult to leave just from growing coffee through the Climate Academy they and michael credits and gain expertise on how to generate more income be that through aquaculture. Or beekeeping. Because we found my james and baby is now trying his hand at chicken funding. With all my new knowledge learn to the Climate Academy i can even sell more than 9 chickens another of them sell for less than a 1000 shillings. Even when my relatives come to visit me i can take the chickens and use them for food. Before that it wasnt possible. But coffee remains the main source of income in the area theyre called but if the process says its members have it and helps marketing it collaborates with the Climate Academy and follows a green approach to asking. This used to be a waste now farmers use it as a cheap granite for tell lies instead of expensive chemicals. Do you think its possible for a large secluded area that seems to practice military maneuvers and explode hand grenades to also serve as a seed habitat for wildlife believe it or not say the answer is yes at least if youre talking about Armed Forces Training ground in germany it really is Pretty Amazing n. T. To discover just how many rare species find refuge in places like that birds wild cats was all sorts of plans and insects are more or less left to their own devices along with the surroundings themselves and in fact most German Military Training Areas are part of a European Network dedicated to the preservation of biodiversity. Constantines movements and artillery exercises make Nature Conservation at this army Training Ground a complicated affair before the ecologist start work the search Party Patrols the area to make sure there are no nasty explosive surprises lurking in the grass theyre always accompanied by munitions expert from the German Military once. They found a missile its location is marked down and later bomb disposal experts will pick it up. You have to search carefully as we use everything from small 20 millimeter ammunition to large ordinance and explosives of course its much easier to find bombs that define small munitions and dont forget weve been using this troop Training Area for 80 years so you find all sorts of stuff here. Just those 80 years of Army Maneuvers have helped create a very landscape in bomb holder or grasslands with wild herbs as well as woodlands and brush all ideal for biodiversity. That iraq funds are so valuable because theyre hard to find anywhere else theres no arab land so no pesticides no nutrients no fertilizers this is only for military maneuvers. The army has all the heavy equipment it needs to preserve the Natural Environment this Armored Vehicle is used to take care of open spaces to make sure they dont get overgrown it tears up shrubs and flattened small trees. Germany has 1400 square kilometers of land for military drills the Environmental Group nabu commission to study and found something astonishing although there are pollutants like heavy metals and kerosene residue the sights are ecologically important. The home of didnt let some of those on earth situation in these areas is unique the exercises create a patchwork environment there are temporary changes what we ecologists call disturbances in areas where soil is removed there are pioneer sites where rare plants can grow as well as animal species you cant find in the regular landscape. Destruction by tanks and artillery creates new ecological niches says army ecologist wilfried korten pons foreman tank trails and bomb craters where frogs and newts can spawn. Its extraordinary the damage we see here from tank trucks you only see this in military Training Areas is especially important for Nature Conservation this is not static Environmental Protection habitats are constantly changing theyre also valuable areas not in regular use by the military where nature can evolve organically to live. In the area is used less often they deploy sheep several 1000 sheep graze all summer long in the military Training Ground so thats what makes sheep really useful is that they get into all the corners under the bushes into parts of the woods we cant reach a machine cant do that the sheep saw prince grazing and droppings at the turf into the state that nature needs. The sheep of spent numerous summers in the military zone and are well used to it so shepherd karlheinz kinkel. In there regularly generally whenever theyre shooting even heavy fire youd be amazed how fast they adapt if they do get frightened they huddle together. In germany large swathes of the Natural Environment have been wiped out chiefly through intensive farming the untamed land in Army Training areas is highly valuable in ecological terms in bomb order to spite the bombs and grenades this unique environment get special protection. Have you ever heard of a pangolin have you ever seen one there are unusual looking animals with tiny eyes and nimble tongues used to snap up ants and insects all the eggs different species in the world hope of them i fear and africa but a severely threatens take care since scales are widely sort ofter who are traditional medicines and in the fashion and Cosmetics Industries and their meat is considered a delicacy and parts of the world so much so that the mysterious creatures are in dire need of protection. 2 legs have their own protective armor and require. One on watch every time animal keepers take over the pangolin. Thats because theres a high risk of her being abducted his scales are with 15000 euros on the black market. For it was just a juvenile when she was rescued from poachers. We have many security measures in place which we dont make known to the public so overlapping security helps us i mean unpredictability of rehab of penguins we constantly changing sought some like haitians some days that well some days theyre not well so theres no set pattern as to when we are out in the bush or where were going. The animals that naturally rajas century were all rescued from the hands of poachers some of the penguins need medical help when they arrive because they havent eaten in weeks poachers dont kill penguins immediately preferring to trade life specimens. Some animals are still so young that Natalie Rogers has to feed them milk from a syringe. Or a needs to gain weight to every day she gets put on the scales today shes 4. 8 kilos since she arrived at the animal century 5 months ago shes gained about a kilo one mole and she can be released. Theres still so much still to learn. On her white but she. Usually still be in the mothers territory. Before they became efficient enough to find their own food and find their own territory. A team of rangers is dedicated specifically to tracking down the poachers Glen Thompson is in charge of the group he says and tracks but he says tracks left by penguins are hard to find in the bush over the course of many years observing animals in the wild he and his colleagues have only ever seen one penguin if you look at the bottom of it theyve got a very similar to an elephant so its like very soft lines in it and we walk on the back feet so most of the time to find the sign of the spank them is when its walking the tail will leave marks in the road like this as a team and goes on and its extremely difficult to see this work. Thompson and his team have repeatedly confiscated illegal goods and large animals theyve also arrested a number of poaches although theyve probably cause only a fraction of the criminal gangs that operate here. The rangers are dependent on tips from local residents so well get information that the someone in the village wanted and soon as we get that information and we can verify that it is alive penguin well set up a sting operation with a c. P. S. And then well go in and go effect the race collect the penguin and then take it for medical treatment or medical assessment. These coaches stop to refuel their car the pangolin was still alive and lying in the cargo area the rangers had received a tip from a witness. A rescue mission like this is what saved and gave her new temporary home. Now she can at least go for walks back in the bush at the moment still accompanied by her own personal bodyguard. What incredible looking creature has lets all conservation efforts continue to succeed well thats all we have for today here at africa hope you enjoy the program im sick and signing off from johannesburg and its also time for me now its i need to beat you farewell from the big garden in lagos but dont forget to stay in touch on our website on the social media platforms see you real soon but. The only. Time in chiang. Sustainability. Environmental projects. Give globalisation the face biodiversity Species Conservation exploitation inequality. Human rights displacement pull the global and current of local action to move. 3000. Closely. Listen carefully. To suit choose to do good. To discover. The i. Subscribe to documentary on to. 15 years since the moon landing. She was the 1st man to walk on the moon. As a small boy she dreamed of the stars. As a pilot she flew anything no matter how to introduce. A church or go to the pole. As an astronaut she took part in the greatest adventure in history. A legend or simply a showman. Who was neil armstrong. Was his destiny starts july 20th on w. This is g. W. News why but from berlin tonight the trillion candide save the planet from Global Warming a team of swiss scientists who says one trillion new trees could be enough to absorb a c o 2 emissions that are fueling the Climate Crisis the trees would cover a landmass the size of the United States researchers say theres enough room

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