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Every morning when shes in paris Christine Spengler buys flowers she says it makes the world more bearable was. The last good morning how are you. That was it i think ill take three watch rises people in there for a very famous photographer who died taking pictures during the war were going to the palace says cemetery tamara very nice ones because they have. A. Pristine spangly i was born in lose in eastern france and raised in spain she divides her time between paris and he beats her. As a war photographer spending lands work has featured in many top news publications since the early one nine hundred seventy s. Shes reported on many of the major wars and conflicts around the world. Chad. Vietnam. Northern ireland. Western sahara. Afghanistan. Iran. Shes currently preparing an exhibition for the house of european photography the m e p in paris its a retrospective of her life as a war photographer. From all. Over the past century these five women have helped write photographic history what motivated them most still young in their twentys to take up their cameras and go to the frontlines were they as women able to see things that men couldnt. A viennese photographer is believed to be the first woman to record a military conflict on film these albums tell her story they returned from new york back to vienna and ended up in the Austrian National library. There the lifes work of shonda a viennese jew who converted to protestantism in her mid twentys she made a name for herself as a war photographer during the First World War. The albums were discovered by viennese cultural historian Christiane Hup his work has helped restore shellac to her place in history. Sinful tools of art and the second method of this at least a photograph she took during world war one. Rushin thats before she probably put them into the album after the First World War as a memento of her time as a war correspondent and so leave you with her titus expect us to. See her in her First Experience on the front was in an area she knew well the dolemite. To get it back she was nabbed mountaineer a new the dolemite during peace time she went there with a group of journalists who were colleagues quickly she not only wrote but took photographs and thats what made her stand out of the stated goals why. Shes with a group of officers and two civilians probably colleagues from the War Press Office by journalists or reporters. And this was a favorite since it showed her in the midst of this male military elite media. And then the scene at the end these are two very interesting pictures on the right three soldiers are nearing their guns pointed at the enemy giving them you know whats interesting is when you compare it to the one on the left he said you know that instance which shows two soldiers in prone position it is a bit the gifted but this is a governor pointing in the same direction when you compare the two you realize they must be posing in the photo on the left of the and hes because if the situation really were as dangerous as it seems in this photo here the three soldiers would never be nearly in the next photo here and since they were able to kneel they didnt need to be lying prone so this one is definitely past one yes it was on the last photo in the album is also interesting take his side acknowledge charlotte is getting out of a car and is being greeted by two officers so this was a kind of embedded journalism the officers knew she was coming down the offer to give will to see comment. Of them or not you have to give her credit she was always pushing the limits trying to see how far she could go toward the action im sure she didnt make it easy for the press offices of its year of the conflict about it. Weve come just in time now the show begins could any artist produce a more thrilling a more passionate show let those who stay home call board the crime of the century but those who experience it first hand will be gripped by the fever of the experience. We asked christine spaniel to select one image from each of the four other war photographers and have it developed in a famous paris photo laboratory. Developing black and white photos is an art and sunnies specialty the movements of his hands determine how much light goes where. What at least was five exposed its now. Going to develop it. Well you all right. Well see something in a moment then this black and white photo is of a Field Hospital in greece and italy on this living in. Football where he belongs then up and down the compound i dont like it because its so simple. In this bleak place and the men sleeping on the straw pallets need. To ensure it has a simple composition you have the Straight Lines the door the men lying down at first you might think theyre dead. So when you take a closer look you can see that theyre not that. Theyre asleep. Like you know when ill take a printout now you know how much we all really do your eyes your i realize. You can see the contrast in the. Last of all now you can see it even better method now love one called without this we wouldnt know anything about the Living Conditions of the soldiers back then yet they go on this show the readers. Are. Probably the worlds first woman war photographer was forced to emigrate to new york during the nazi era she died there at age eighty two. While only shylock was taking photos during the First World War. Was growing up in stuttgart her parents were jewish her father was an egg merchant. She became famous under the name geared tyros. Square near her parents house is named after her the city renamed the square some ten years ago following an initiative spot. By cultural historian. Emma shabba first began carrying out research on guitar hero more than twenty years ago her biography of the war photographer has been translated into several languages the book is now being released in japanese vice field. Just imagine how much id have to reset if shed grown older. But unfortunately get a tarot died during the spanish civil war at age twenty six and still she was like a magnifying glass who captured so many of the questions that marked the Twentieth Century and these. She was born in stuttgart in the one nine hundred ten and in the one nine hundred thirty three she was arrested for distributing flyers after the nazis came to power she was placed in socalled protective custody and later fled to paris where she began to take photographs so for duke or a few in france freelance artists when subject to the same restrictions by the four board in funk. In paris get her met and fell in love with her young hungary and photographer andree friedman. The couple used to meet artist friends at coffee. Had an idea she would work under the. Tara and her boyfriend Andre Friedman would take the name robert kapper. These were hollywood style pseudonyms in a way. There was actually a great deal of xenophobia in france at the time right now see how they wanted their photographs to sell better and build up as off they dont want to be subjected to discrimination a dirty semitism was in a phobia. And they worried that theyd be added disadvantage because their names may have identifiable as refugees in barbara and. They lived and worked together in one parnassus guerdon was and would always remain the love of robert campus life. I gather tara was a very vibrant person with a great deal of humor and wit but she knew what she wanted she was a very modern woman. Imma show about also carried out intensive research on the history of the spanish civil war which began in one thousand nine hundred thirty six kappa and toro wanted to document the struggle of the forces of the left the republicans in the beginning tomorrow in camp and publish their photos together to us here is this this is the issue about the mother evacuation tyro and a couple both took pictures there by the food and coffee and the food was that here you can see their credit her entire town hall. Often photographed the same subject kept up with unlike a pair o. With a reflex corella which takes square format pictures. Tarot was a highly skilled put dog of her in her own right. And yet is that and here is the special issue with photos taken by gad to tara alone of the new peoples army in spain for me to annoy of this day she got the cover picture and she has a double spread in the magazine. You have and a credit to the photos tarot for towards time. Taros photos appeared in news magazines in germany switzerland spain and france the soldiers admired the german photographer. Get to have the charm and beauty of a child she was brave and the division admired her for that. By nine hundred forty five robert kapper had moved to new york where he and his colleagues founded the legendary magnum photo agency. Robert capa and get a tyros legacy is in the holdings of the International Center of photography together with. Cynthia young has spent years investigating guerta tyros life and work they discovered that tara was much more than kappa secretary as the people at magnum thought certainly as we know her photographs are spectacular and i am more and more convinced the more i look at their work how much capital lurd from tara and i think even his famous dictum if your photographs are good if youre going to have good enough youre not close enough that was absolutely something that he saw in her or she was the fearless one of the two of them she went closer she stayed deep into the story as he was too but he could see what she was doing. After kept his death in one thousand nine hundred fifty four magnum put a new company right stamp on guitar as photographs photo robert cappa. Gerda taro was written out of photographic history. In two thousand and seven several boxes filled with hundreds of previously unknown negatives by robert capa and guitar oh arrived at the center they had survived the war and the following decades in the house of a mexican general. The discovery of the mexican suitcase as it became known caused history to be rewritten. Yes of course for this suitcase is a very lucky find in terms of our research its been especially important in our study of got a tolerance you. Know its helped us clearly distinguish between their work tara and cuppa. What is the female my or their female sensitivity. I think theyre great story hard in the morgue and so insightful because i think it was a story that happened never photographed and never did even for the rest of his career to go so close to death and to hit it straight in the eye is that a female perspective is that sort of the honesty of the you know of the woman i. Left for. A second new this is the famous photo bag at a tarot which shows the training of female republican militia during the spanish civil war yes. So quite this was a drill near bus alone or. When i saw it in the book as a photographer i mediately thought this is a photo taken by a woman seeking for book feedback and found. I would today absolutely even the contrast between the pistol and the femininity you can see the femininity in the shoes community. At. Home and she died tragically killed in spain during the fighting on the madrid front and. She was run over by one of their own telling. This bubblegum card depicts the accident that led to taras death. Of you can file its a sawdust cattaro was regarded as a hero back then. There was almost a state funeral for her in paris in their eyes she was the first woman well photographer. She was the first woman photographer who was killed working on the front lines of the fallen east or and. Of course this was something that attracted worldwide attention. The fact that photographers were putting themselves in mortal danger to take these pictures he said bill that muffin. Is buried in the cemetery in the area dedicated to the resistance and the victims of the concentration camps. Death is the risk we take in this profession these. Person might notice her sac every war correspondent man or woman feels he needs to be the ones who committed this profession like a vocation or religion you know that they died doing it i mean of. Course a bit in the movie but i dont think given the chance to make a different choice this is it no one would be the opposite i see. Here in east sussex south of london these garden sculptures are a clue that the house belonged to an artist. Surrealist painter Roland Penrose lived here with his wife lee miller one of the most famous women war photographers. Their son Antony Penrose inherited from them and exquisite collection of modern art and a secret. But. After my mother died my late wife susanna came up here in the attic and she found that my mom had hidden her entire career there was Something Like sixty thousand negatives there were manuscripts the well maps the letter she had told everybody that there was nothing left of her work at all being destroyed in the war but we found that there was absolutely an entire life here Antony Penrose turned his parents home into a museum hes become one of the leading experts on his mothers life and the work. She invented herself many different times and. She started off being a tomboy that was the first life she have then she became an art student then she became a top fashion model and then she became a serial a photographer and then that developed into being a studio and a commercial photographer and a fashion photographer a man she became a war correspondent and that wasnt enough so she became a combat photographer. Man ray fell in love with lee miller in paris in one thousand nine hundred twenty nine together they discovered solar is a sion a new way of developing photographs. They had an intense relationship both professionally and romantically. Not long ago the Imperial War Museum in london hosted a major retrospective of lee millers work more than seventy years after the end of the Second World War interest in her has been reawakened. Picasso painted lee miller six times. When you measure a night in thirty seven he was immediately impressed with the warmth of her personality and the brilliance of her intellect and i think thats why he gave her this yellow face to reflect those qualities. At the beginning of the war lee miller lived in london with Roland Penrose who she would later mary. Lee miller was working for vogue magazine in nineteen thirty nine but she wanted to do things that were more connected with the war and suddenly the opportunity arose because vogue needed to show pictures of women of war and that was her moment. The exhibition at the Imperial War Museum sought to capture the unique perspective that miller brought to her work. With photography its not just from like apps there are a whole range of subjects and themes and approaches that photographers can adopt to illustrate or limit or used all of them and i think she was the first female photographer who actually did that. Her images were as stylish as a fashion shoot women in overalls or fire masks. The family speaks very interesting to me in the way that it showed that she was attacked in her own style to the chaos of the plates for her war with surrealism made real so she had no need to apply it there were enough to surrealist objects and scenes that caught our eye as she went through the entire war. Even her images of the liberation of the book involved concentration camp display a disturbing sense of the supreme. Order. He saw this is an s. S. Prison guard in darko who was probably thrown into the canal by the prisoners already killed himself. He was an executioner. And she wanted to take a photograph of him to show that this catastrophic and horrific era was now over us. Sifu thought at first i was surprised to see photographs of war executioners. Because i was only interested in the victims believe him since i believe that she wanted to show that they were finally dead. That this would not happen again. When i didnt know that story well the picture is really disturbing. Difficult but its good that it exists do you know what you know. Later that evening lee miller and her friend and colleague David Sherman took pictures sitting in and of hitlers bath tub in munich. The photo of lee miller in the bath tub made her world famous. When you look carefully at the photograph its been set up theres the photograph by Heinrich Hoffman on the left hand side of the path this was an extremely important image because it was the vanity portrait of hitler it was it was like taking a kind of a sacred object and insulting it then on the other side of the bath we have that horrible little kitsch sculpture by rudolph has been. And this is the taste of hitler the man who cried degenerate. And then. We have on the floor of the book. The morning of that day those bullets that carried lee miller around that and now she is stamping the filth of that place into hitlers nice clean bath mat and shes sitting there as a victor grinding his crimes into this intimate place and just insulting him in every way that she can possibly know. I think we were in photography. Can be both an advantage in some cases and a disadvantage in others the disadvantage came when people. When my sojourn istic they hated women they thought the womans place was no where near the front line was she doing here anyway shes just getting in the way and then they began to get very very jealous because she was competing and she was better than. And some of them became quite vicious and tried to sabotage. Ive got an amazing picture here which doesnt look like much on the surface this man is an american war correspondent who had really given only a very hard time he had done everything he could. To discredit with the author it is to get in her way to be unselfish and now shes standing there watching him. Steal the wrist watch from the dead german soldiers looting a corpse is a really serious offense in the military and so she waited until he had stolen the watch and then she called out to him hey smile for the camera and he looked up and he saw that she had taken the picture and she never had a moments difficulty with and from that moment on. The strange looking at the mother. Watches the arrival of a young lady it isnt going to make you the name. Of the dog just back from gathering scoops on the continent brilliant penrose surrealist art is now on the on again the classics welcomes her back and helps if you get good at the bank its at a campground on the news getting jobs. What the news report didnt reveal is that leno had been traumatized by what she had seen and experienced. After the war the doctors told lee miller that she could never become pregnant but i proved them wrong because that is me and the pain thing is by my father sharing her very heavily pregnant but also we nurses from this painting that shes looking happy she was reunited with my dad she was pregnant she was really happy about the thing but there were things waiting to go wrong already she was suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder when i was born she was hit very hard with person natal depression and in the space of two years when ronan painted her again this is how he depicted her. You can see that happy face has suddenly become filled with anxiety and coldness she really reached the depths of depression and alcohol abuse but her finest achievement was clawing her way up out of this unaided and it took a fifteen to twenty years but she recovered and one of the reasons that she was able to do that was right here this guy my dad because he stayed with it he stuck by his she was impossible. But he didnt quit and i think thats really what helped her pull up out of that terrible black pit. During one of his many visits picasso painted a tunnel in lee millers kitchen. She died of cancer in one thousand nine hundred seventy seven at the age of seventy thanks to her son her life and work have been restored to history. This is the garden of love her god an architectural gem that longhouse to cinema in the middle of paris. I love coming to love her god to this wonderful place that reminds me of. But this is where i like to write what will be the second part of my autobiography i feel like im in saigon. As a fledgling war photographer Christine Spann layout went to vietnam in one thousand nine hundred seventy three. Seventy up. My face in paris told me that if you arrive in saigon around midnight and go to the third floor of the associated press. You only see a man who has a reputation for never sleeping and yet i think that. Was for us the famous past fun i heard some men back then. So i came to him and said hello sir i want to go to the front tomorrow. I want to go through the front door. In the south and he looked at me like this and said with his incredible german voice well baby nothing could be easier come tomorrow at five am and all send you to the front. Of. I dont do it didnt matter my whole life was decided at that moment. But these days i stood under the stairs and looked up at him and said but sir what kind of photos should i bring you so i can get the job was your job as you go along he was still smiling at me and he said. They said lets save you thats easy the year of the rat insta day and the year of the ox begins the catch is that for me and you have the job. Christine spend less returned with this picture it appeared in the New York Times and it was her breakthrough. Springer sleeps among photos of afghanistan iran and Western Sahara they capture her life but also her nightmares. Spend those photographs became famous and so did she. She was called the female robert cappa a title in which she took special pride. Then with here i am in afghanistan with all my headscarf. As a woman being able to cover yourself in a child or a burka is a big advantage she. Is not only am i much less notice than a man. I just dont stand out at all. New. Women of my generation in this profession are very rare maybe ten worldwide. Most of them died. They paid for the job with their lives. None of us ever got married or had children whereas all our male colleagues have children. And if i dont have a feminine i i have an instruction as i. Did when i hold the camera in my hands a man and woman at the same time. Were there and taking pictures for paris match life Times Newsweek or stone. Im always aware that i have to prove that as a woman im just as brave as a man. Well me why was i courageous because when youre not afraid of death in the you not afraid of anything. Yet. Where you later have a look then im very excited and. Ask is a quasi laptop and i think this is the first time youve developed my bombing of prom pen. Im always very moved even years later when i see this photo was i still dream about it. And. Its just you know this one here with the black skies shows the two hundred twenty bombs fired by the khmer rouge. And its this isnt a midnight sun as sort of bright white sun darkened by missiles and black smoke the. Civil king said to me well where b. M. You can see the face of the horrified soldier looking at me with a hopeless gesture as if to say look what theyve done. Says i did it that way deliberately. I always avoid sensationalism just as i never photographed the streams of red blood in color like a picture by here on a miss bosch all Dark Government that littles the whole bush the. New one. Every year in late summer photojournalists from all over the world meet here in perth when young in the south of france its a chance to see photos that many newspapers wont print because theyre too distressing for young photographers pepin young is a stepping stone. In the reborn the power is here for her daughter camille. The photo journalist was killed in twenty fourteen she had spent two years in south sudan and then began reporting on the coup in the Central African republic. Comeon twenty six years old a young white woman among the black men the fight is that scared me. Sometimes if i ask you what ways have fears about physical integrity aggression and all things that should not happen but unfortunately sometimes do happen or who did it wasnt all. They said. I trusted comey but that didnt stop me from being afraid. I knew her far she would go. It seems and i accepted her decisions. So many people tried to discourage me from following my dream doing photography and above all going to south sudan i cant blame them it was a crazy bent but now theyre proud of me respect what i do and understand why i do it. With some of her daughters friends and pep and young young women photographers who also feel compelled to tell the stories that would otherwise go unheard. Of Christine Odonnells that is a canadian freelance photographer who lives in kenya. But he says when she was killed i almost essentially lost my faith in photojournalism. And i thought if she was risking her life and gave her life. To tell these stories and that after her death the war kept happening and sometimes i question whats changed in cairo whats changed thats us and then she gave her life to. Tell the stories of people who ended up killing. Camille look grew up here in on share a medieval town in the west of france her parents still live here after her daughter died maryville new life changed for ever today she devotes her time to preserving her daughters memory. I mean explain. Also camille rarely explain to me what she was doing there a player plays with after her death i found out what photo journalism entails under what circumstances the young people there are living. I just think im difficult if there are two types of photojournalism in the news theres the news where you go to the middle east or africa for a specific event with or without an assignment and you come back with the photos that you do. Get me to do it committed it differently yes she lived like the local people. I mean on this you they knew and loved her. Goodness its incredible what ive learned about Central African as gassy and why everyone knew comey the little white go with her camera who was everywhere. Ive learned about another profession i didnt realize that this type of photography existed which was supposed to. Which truly frustrating is that the media is indeed not interested i was secretly hoping to make things change but quickly realized its going to take longer than i thought. I sincerely hope that once the stories are complete it will be easier to get them out if not through media through books or perhaps exhibitions. Camilla bashers photograph is digital it doesnt need the darkroom. And now were talking about a young photographer who unlike the others first a grafting color. A young french photographer camilla parker. Bowles you know i always think black and white is more dramatic but this one is too. I read a story that goes with us. This isnt bungie the rebels the ante bellum try to wipe out the muslims and drive them out of the city for good. And that morning they killed five muslims who were laid out in a mosque like in a morgue and. The photographer has captured the moment which is always very painful when this person who probably is a member of the family closes the eyes of the dead. How would a man have photograph this and. What he would have taken is from a bar of. More sensational. With more blood and they were captured a smaller section not even a memo we heard from above to make the first or more spectacular. How horrible rival comey are we now moment. After theyve offered a c. V. And. Sank you and could barely. See you soon. Ive heard no one. Thought. The i told. You is your favorite. Church of culpability in the entire country. For the last sixty. Four mines. Global inequality. What does inequality mean. To. Rome to the media. Has. Some great music. From the time. How can he we get out. With your own series. This week. Dozens of palestinians have been shot dead by israeli troops at the carson border thousands had gathered that to protest the u. S. Moving its embassy in israel to jerusalem but israel says its military was acting in selfdefense against hamas the militant movement that governs gaza

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