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I think that under budget cuts this summer some of this is. They want to shape the continents future its part of it and join our youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges the seventy seven percent platform for africas majority. Of the country was. Clearly that on balance they are we certainly dont enjoy living next to a minefield im afraid when i think of my kids playing anywhere near it i think that barfi good i. Go there for minefields in the middle of this Housing Development today that everyone who lives here is in danger. Twenty two years out of the end of the war bosniaherzegovina is still full of landmines thats horrible. Ninety four thousand tons of unexploded munitions including landmines are still buried in Bosnia Herzegovina. The u. N. Says that bosnia has more mines per square kilometer than any country on earth. Or the mines were to have been removed by Twenty Nineteen but now that deadline has been pushed back to twenty sixty. This material remains a deadly threat and for nearly two decades Darva Callender has been working to remove it. Theyre here for the fourth test far as we know on li about sixty percent of all mine fields here of been identified. But in all three point five million bosnians about half a million are directly threatened by mines thats nearly fifteen percent of the population though there are three in our. Devil runs his own mind Clearing Company called profit or its located in moscow a city of about One Hundred Thousand people. The company trains dogs to sniff out mines and employs a staff of fifty experts to clear the explosives which are located throughout the country. Since the end of the war in the mid Nine Hundred Ninety s. More than six hundred people have been killed by mines in bosnia that includes fifty one mine here is its a. One of the worlds most dangerous professions. Oh i mean the way this particular mind can kill people within a radius of fifty meters can pops up and scatters Metal Splinters of you then its called the problem one of those influence incredibly deadly that comes after twenty five years this one still looks brand now. Because ninety five percent of Mine Accidents here in. The bosnian military a Government Agency and about a dozen private firms have been working to clear the mines but today more than twenty two years after the end of the war many of the devices have not yet been located. Away this map shows where the mines were placed throughout bosniaherzegovina wealthy. Right now are here and most are. The minefields essentially follow the front lines of the army so think of the voice coach. And those front lines changed often will be. Comprehensive maps that show the exact location of the mine fields simply dont exist. About Four Thousand Six Hundred sites have been identified and are ready to be clear it but critics say the government is dragging its feet. To justify your book on a summer job to do all this i remember that i heard a loud bang. I didnt actually see the mind explode the sound of such as the bang is the last thing i remember when i feigned a minute the explosion elliot or me to pieces it knocked me off my feet and threw me to the ground honestly i was unconscious for at least ten minutes maybe when i finally came to i saw a Coworker Lying on his study if your call his hands were blown off and the foreman was injured he was and screaming for help but i didnt hear the job of. Railway work a drug or mission chest returned for the first time in six years to the place where two of his colleagues were killed and three others were wounded when a landmine blew up. Was it just so i still feel awful because two of my coworkers were killed here it was terrible. Its even more overgrown here than it was before you know there could still be mines here but for me the fear has passed i have that fear for a long time and used to get terrible nightmares. Drago spent three years in a physical Therapy Program he still cant do heavy physical labor. At the Railway Station he pays his respects at a memorial to the workers who were killed he himself still has shrapnel from the mine in his back. You can still see the scars have a look. And on top of that i lost a kidney while fighting in the war plus lots of other injuries first. Drug i received the equivalent of Seventy Three of us in compensation from the Railway Company and about Five Thousand Euros from the state. On november twenty ninth we told the boss that we didnt want to go out there. But we did anyway and look what happened. That morning we met in this room. The boss told us to go to show it was unclear trees near the tracks. I told him that there were mines all the way from there. And there are mines from here to tuzla along the bosnia river. But the boss didnt listen so we had to go. Twenty minutes later of us were dead and for going with. Drug and his colleagues say the government isnt doing enough to clear the mines. Whats more the rail network is falling apart and they say no money to repair it. And there arent enough signs to warn about the presence of mines. No one wants to drive trains anymore that goes to our Business Interests dont ship their goods by train. People travel by bus these days are not by train. She said our goods are now transported by trucks. And those trucks are owned by some pretty powerful people. As the. Corruption and nepotism are widespread in bosnias railway system. And the same problems are also to blame for the delays in removing the landmines according to diver and his daughter yelena. The director of the state mine Clearing Agency is said to have accepted bribes as he handed out contracts to Disposal Companies. Weve been complaining about corruption for years but nothing changes all the head of the National Mine Clearing Agency was fired because of corruption but all agency is corrupt. There will be those in positions of got to be filled by professionals. Not mine clippers di. Davis says that the agencys delaying tactics are deliberate. So hes organized a small conference to discuss the situation and explore ways to promote more efficient mind clearing methods. Tomorrow the authorities Deputy Director will be there and well ask him why he hasnt taken responsibility for these deaths people are being killed in minefields and opened up and properly marked what someone has got to take responsibility for this. Six hundred twenty five dead thats a disgrace. Doubler doesnt clear mines himself but hes always on site with his employers so he knows what theyre going through. My father didnt talk to us much about his job he didnt tell us what he did for a living but i knew anyway. So of course every time the phone rang we got nervous and. Paul would. Be alive the list. Right now doctor is on his way to a Mine Clearing Operation near the town of traffic. Hes actually a lawyer by profession. Thats given him insight into the way the government operates and has been an outspoken critic of the states response to the problem of Clearing Mines. Some will be homeowners its not just the Mine Clearing authority thats corrupt the entire government is organizing the top leaders down to the lowest clerk. Two weeks ago our t. V. Crew received permission from the state mine Clearing Agency to film here today. But when we arrived we found out that permission had been revoked. Divers says the agency is just trying to make his life difficult thorazine just want to send him a message. That. Theres no logical explanation for this who would want to interfere with a film about Clearing Mines i believe the authorities stepped in because theyve still got a score to settle with me after all we were the ones who spoke up about corruption in the mine Clearing Agency. So we moved to another field thats mostly been cleared of mines. Several years ago davos company and seven others teamed up to find Government Corruption in Mine Clearing Operations they have been paying the Agency Director bribes with five percent of the value of contracts that were awarded double worked out a Plea Bargain Agreement and was given a suspended sentence the director resigned but still collect his pension. Keep your eyes open. And do your job well. So that the children who live around here can have a safe place to play. The mind here is outfitted with helmets protective vests and Metal Detectors there for workers to clearing unit this is move rats hostage they have to stay on the cleared paths which are marked with yellow strips. First moratti uses the Metal Detector to check the underbrush. Close was flown on which weve learned over the years not to let fear get the better of us. Meanwhile we have to remember not to relax too much to stay alert and opus we want to question. The detector has found something the device can spot metal thats up to thirteen centimeters beneath the surface. Now murat has to feel his way with the prof he checks the area thoroughly he doesnt want to take any chances. Hes not going up or do you have to put the broad at an angle of thirty degrees on the wooden slab. And youve got to be careful some mines are super sensitive and exploded three kilograms of pressure. All clear it turns out that the metal object is just a coin. Works his way through the area centimeter by centimeter this job doesnt pay very well the equivalent of about Thirty Five Euro and today about the same as a local tradesmen. Not the same almost another problem is that this is Seasonal Work or we cant know their minds during the winter so we dont earn any money than. That on any cookie primanti i miss that. After eight hours on the job they call it a day. And the crew didnt find any mines here today but as a result of their set they were able to declare the area free of malice. Tomorrow theyll destroy a number of mines in a controlled explosion. Make sure hes got the dynamite. Double also has to deal with the fact that International Donors have cut back on funding for Mine Clearing Operations other crises have taken priority that makes it tough for him to do his job. But it up between nine hundred forty five and Nine Hundred Ninety before the war there were no religious or National Tensions here. We will there came with a war. It was like someone had opened pandoras box. And now decades after the war where people on all sides were killed were still dealing with the consequences for both of them and i thought over one thousand square kilometers of bosniaherzegovina are still covered with minds. The scars of the bosnian war are still visible in moscow. And that conflict Muslim Bosniaks catholic progress and all the docs sets forth against each other. The old bridge of must is a unesco World Heritage site. Where the other through all sides in bosniaherzegovina have their own version of the truth. They all feel like they won the war the truth and were just defending themselves but the question remains who actually started it. The bridge was destroyed during the war and then rebuilt afterwards. The annual Diving Competition is a centuries old tradition some reports say must of Bridge Jumping dates back to sixteen sixty four and one more. Wed like everyone here to observe a minute silence to remember the twenty three members of the diving club who died defending this bridge the city of moss star and Bosnia Herzegovina home or how that evolved made a lot. Of rich defenders were all Muslim Bosniaks local croats are upset about such memorials because they feel theyve been lumped together with the crisis troops who destroyed the bridge. National. Unfortunately the city is still divided who could have been its hard for people to start living together again it is almost but the wounds will heal with time in which the stillest sadly today young people from different Ethnic Groups dont mix with each other. Even go to separate schools while doing the school on. The bridge jump has plunged nearly thirty meters into the icy waters of the narrative a river. I am the bridge symbolizes the divisions that still exist in the city. Most muslims live on the right bank of the river currents live on the left bank. The next Morning Dollar arrives with a conference the participants include representatives of insurance groups mind victim associations n. G. O. S and other mind hearing companies. The Deputy Director of the state mine Disposal Agency is also scheduled to attend but he hasnt turned up yet. During the Conference Participants will discuss various aspects of Mine Clearing Operations including the possible use of drones to search for sites. This meeting means a lot to darva or. Meanwhile his just heard from the Deputy Director he wont be here today after all. He says he got the date wrong. The people will. Once again the demining authorities in bosniaherzegovina have shown that they couldnt care less about the situation. Public opinion doesnt matter to them and thats a fact. Of the authorities are incompetent and they dont care. Door to yes or no works for her Fathers Company shes giving a presentation on Certification Delays in areas that have been cleared of mines without that State Certification the Disposal Companies cant collect the payment thats due to them. Favorably well we are still. The problem is that cronyism and nepotism are rampant in the deMining Authority. Officials give jobs to analysts lovers sisters and so forth. Almost half of all the agencies employees have some sort of family connection. Even though theyre working in jobs where theyre responsible for saving lives. Because. Diver is convinced that those people were hired simply because of who they know not because of their professional expertise. The countrys parliament has twice considered new legislation that would expand the scope of Mine Clearing Operations and also authorize the use of drones but it hasnt been approved because m. P. s from the various Ethnic Groups have blocked it personally it is politically paralyzed. This is the main office of the state mine disposal thorazine sarajevo. We have an appointment to meet with the interim Director Special brought of h. One n one we know for a fact that a lot of people who work for the Mining Authority got their jobs through family connections. You can see that in the agency structure. As the director i have no way to fire those people as id like to see the agency operate according to our civil service last look. Whats the besides the government Oversight Committees Havent Met for years. The interim director concedes that there have been problems and he says he will introduce greater transparency. The Mine Clearance have been waiting for such reforms for years and havent seen much progress. There are no ethnic tensions among morass and his colleagues they represent all three main groups pass near croats and serbs. Remarkably they all fought on their respective sides in the war and planted mines as well. Land mines are cheap to produce but enormously expensive to dispose of. Since the end of the war fifty one Mine Clearance have been killed in bosnia and One Hundred Twenty one others have been wounded. Fortunately theres been no casualties in this group so far. Experts claim most Mine Disposal Accidents on poor training of failure to follow proper procedure. The danger of a Mine Accident has now passed for this family the field near their home has been cleared. The mines that were found in this area will be disposed of in a controlled explosion. Grigor is an Explosives Expert hes here to inspect the site first for himself. In some areas there are lots of mines and other explosive devices just lying around and that creates another problem. Yes of course in it well you all Go Home Court familiar with this issue criminals and terrorists have access to minefields even the fields that we havent found yet and they can just walk off with mines will leave so i ask western countries to provide a long Term Solution to this situation and invest more money. Its in their own interest because these stolen mines could be used in terrorist attacks. Gregory gives the go ahead for the controlled explosion. Darva says the criminals have carted away an estimated thirteen tons of explosive devices throughout bosnia when some of this material is believed to have fallen into the wrong hands. The controlled explosion will use a kilo of dining allies and will destroy about seven kilos of unexploded munitions including an antitank mine. Well. I will. Keep you posted. Call me on the radio. Right now. The clearing of this minefield was financed with funding from japan and the united states. Yes yes. Well you go to the little. Bit. Of. We still get nervous every time we do this but it always reminds you of terrible things something can always go wrong you know anything could happen its never easy because you know you. Always stress what dramatically. You know i think the local residents and the Mind Hearing Unit can now relax give him an estimated Five Hundred Thousand people in bosnia about fifteen percent of the population still face the daily threat of being killed over and it in a Mine Accident. Well you know if were doing this for the children well. Weve got to get the International Donors to provide more money for the Mining Operations in bosniaherzegovina because. Your than Two Hundred Fifty children have died in Minefield Accidents since the war. These children are our future and our present. If we cant do this for them then i dont know what were doing me well then theres the call that youre with the world that. In twenty seventeen the e. U. Provided bosnia with two point five Million Euros for Mine Clearance the e. U. Member state croatia got sixty million. Hope they will join the e. U. And that this Financial Aid will increase. You know and thats this weeks highlights. Visit with the legendary ladies man that Casanova Museum in venice. Is home with the bride kings the World Heritage sites tysabri and donna there. They did a the oldest restaurant in the world the sabrina did the teen imagery. Next w c. The armed forces are under pressure battling Recruitment Problems a lack of equipment and limited budgets and the notion of ten x. Ten divisions they dont have tanks outsourcing and privatization all the border of the day but postings every day i dont want those on the Conference Center businesses make no money. From such infiltrating beyond forces military Industrial Complex even forty five. Dollars. Scars cover dont forget women in russia have to live with violence sexism and oppression nothing in bed violence is knowing when russia. Where putins petri are rooms today Womens Rights were already gaining traction a hundred years ago. People here dont have a clue about feminism but there are women who want to instigate change in every day life for justice and equality. Under the skin of russias women starts

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