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Russia because of its onyx ation of crimea. Personally advised putin to impose counter sanctions that put firm adore at the heart of International Politics caught between two worlds right now things are a bit difficult between russia and germany i feel like the child of divorced parents you love your mom and dad but theyre arguing and you dont know why you just want them to get along because you love them or you. Its mid february theres more snow than usual in the southwestern russian town of list ski in the province of border nets its minus twenty degrees. District administrator victoria shifts of is visiting stefan to. A german born businessman who is one of russias biggest Dairy Farmers. The view from the air shows how big the farm is. This helicopter belongs to one of doers friends a fellow businessman and a member of the russian parliament. Everything you see here is ours we have one hundred thousand hectors and list gate including forty five thousand on this side of the don river all in one piece thats about four hundred fifty square kilometers one hundred. Forty five thousand hectares worth of fields and buildings plenty of room for cultivating fodder breeding seeds and housing livestock the average german farmer has an average of just sixty hacked has been called the German Farmers federation sent me as an internal i could have gone to greenland or tanzania but i wanted something different. That was in one thousand nine hundred nine when the soviet union still existed at the time still thought that he would take over his parents farm in germany but he was captivated by the opportunities offered by this vast country and like its a farmers meatspace and theres much less of it in germany than here in russia and when i write i saw the opportunities and things got more and more exciting i met the right people and things took off from there for like if the lord if someone had told me at the start that this would be a big business one day i wouldnt have believed them that he watched spin just need. To call it a big business is an understatement echo neiva has more than seventy thousand cattle throughout raw. Carbs and heifers a kept outside they seem content despite the bitter cold. District administrator victoria chefs of was there in two thousand and two when dual was looking to take over to form a state collective farm the russians were skeptical at first and didnt want to make things too easy for him or her your family who would have you asked us whether you could work in our district. We gave him to businesses that were on the brink of collapse the crisis of the one nine hundred ninety s. Really hit our Agricultural Sector hard and he got the operations down. At the first Public Meeting in church at the quiet dawn collective the first that stefan was to take on he introduced himself to locals. Can you win the german had once owned the collective and he did address and join with. Me to give the older folks said that german ran things properly. Maybe this fellow will. Give them a chance to work with you pretty at the board. Stefan doors original goal was to increase Seed Production we also took on some of the cow was we wanted to get rid of them but the district administrators said if you do that youre gonna cows mean jobs and if you kill jobs youre finished but im grateful that he made me keep them if you can stop. The cows pluss Agricultural Machinery business have become dollars main source of income by european standards the growth of his company is almost impossible to imagine. Theres Boehner Charmaine location we have one hundred thousand hectors and eight hundred thousand dairy cows we also have facilities in kaluga you know was a beer human or unbroken course turnover in two thousand and fifteen was one hundred forty five Million Euros the business employs almost four thousand people and they keep hiring Dairy Farmers in the west of fighting for survival but russias demand for milk remains huge the state subsidizes Dairy Farmers and and the others can hardly keep up with the demand is it here. Moist on long this is the nearest facility thats fully up and running but i dont think it went into operation at the end of two thousand and fifteen we took on another one on january tenth its fully stocked with counters the place runs twenty four seven including christmas and new year. Each of the two thousand eight hundred cals is taken to the milking facility three times a day every cow provides about thirty liters of milk per day. Theres nothing thats more i was treated as well from day one people didnt resent me because im german. And thats important because this countrys been through a lot. Of. German visitors are confronted everywhere by reminders of the war. Local residents refer to the fighting around the village of where do all opened his First Business as the second battle of stalingrad. It was part of the great patriotic war as the russians call it. The conflict has shaped russias perception of itself to this very day. And theres a monument in the forest near. The s. S. Shot twenty four civilians there in front of their children. Really grisly. But i went there once with the village priest and an old woman who had seen the germans execute her parents the officials that center chill down my spine. On may ninth the anniversary of the end of the war we were all amazed that stefan doe was there. He laid wreaths and asked us to forgive his grandfathers generation and his nation it was very moving after that everyone accepted him. Do it has helped to insulate and partly modernize the local school. Is now a model Russian Village dualists Company Supplies the school in kindergarten with free food. Unemployment here is almost zero and more people are moving to the area. Do it donates about six hundred thousand euros every year to charitable causes his business built the kindergarden. The local residents say door is a hero. This is our wall newspaper called where home begins everyone adults and children too should be told about the people who always help us and support us no matter how unusual our requests might seem. Even if it. Rules his russian empire from here he makes executive decisions and directs his staff in fluent russian. You will want to know that she had this. Limousines business going over. It was read i didnt study russian formally i just sat around with other internals sometimes we had a bottle of vodka crazy i had no thats how i learned the language but it was a very rural and informal dialect. When i go to moscow and talk to people because theyd be really confused but over time ive learned proper russian. Spends a lot of time on the road. It takes at least two hours to drive from the regional capital vote on ish. The road winds past fields and she adds this is a knievel country dewars company is by far the largest milk producer in the region. The city of voto nash has a population of one million and is the industrial economic and Cultural Center of southwest russia. Has an appointment with the Deputy Governor viktor logging off to discuss the subsidies for two thousand and seventeen. The two men no one trust each other. How much money can do or expect this year this is almost like a state visit. I mean if you want to make of you can. Get in with. The students and before the so. A lot of people asked why russia should subsidize agriculture we could import dutch cheese and canadian wheat and sell them our petroleum but those people have stopped complaining its clear that russia needs to be selfsufficient when it comes to food production. Not mean subsidies. And thats good for farmers. And so on. My going to. Russia or invest about four hundred Million Euros in the milk Production Industry every year in two thousand and sixteen stephon door received subsidies worth fifteen Million Euros russias tense relationship with germany and the rest of europe does not affect relations between doored and logging off. Never its people like stephan and i and many others have a good normal relationship of course the sanctions are good for us theyve helped us to strengthen our Agricultural Sector. With your name and i told some european representatives that id like to keep the sanctions for another ten years. But if they were grateful for them. Because theyre good for agriculture. When we will continue to strengthen and develop domestic production. And we are glad that she definitely is a part of that she wouldnt. So with business stefan dured also sells Agricultural Machinery there was a huge demand for it when he first arrived in russia in the early years he sold east german equipment then american machines the business did quite well for many years and then the problem started. There were three really difficult period the worst was in two thousand and nine we had all that a large number of Agricultural Machinery russian bang some funding and then the financial crisis struck the funding dried up Western Banks couldnt help either. We were paying Interest Rates of thirty percent that nobody was buying out of the bank already owned a house and my wife and i had to move in with our parents it was a three room. You know. Do it is glad that he didnt get rid of those cows they now provide sixty five percent of his turnover. I am actually glad that i went through all that until then everything had gone well the sky was delimit. But when you hit bottom it gives you a new perspective and you take much with you when you start new projects. Were doing fine again but im sure well see tough times in going to school. That knights do it wraps up his business in burra nash and drives off. He decides to stop at one of his dairy farms its located along the way. There are lots of statistics here on milk production runs an orderly business after all hes german. He wants to know when production will increase soon an employee says going to. This facility alone is home to two thousand eight hundred dairy cows two or owns a total of more than twenty seven thousand they produce seven hundred tons of milk per day by comparison the average german dairy farm has fifty six cows and me a fraction of doors heard. Now door is headed for moscow and the annual agro from trade fair the russian capital is only six hundred kilometers away a short hop compared to a trip to one of his facilities in novel seabiscuit three thousand six hundred kilometers from here. Is always on the go he also commutes between russia and germany where his Company Headquarters are located he doesnt have much of a private life and he doesnt want to talk about it. Like with any mica i can make phone calls because theres a good signal almost everywhere and if i could be on the road for five hours. But it goes by like it was nothing. He arrives in moscow at two in the morning. Moscow one of the Worlds Largest cities it has a metro population of seventy million. A statue of lenin still towers over the trade fair site a rare reminder of the soviet era agro farm is the most important even of its kind in russia its both a trade fair and a political platform. A deputy Prime Minister is here the Dairy Farmers want to know whats going to happen to their subsidies and theyre concerned about the tense relations between russia and europe the people here know and trust stefan duerr hes one of the most powerful people in the russian dairy industry and a putin supporter. Russia can certainly use the milk his company produces and the ties he has to the west. To. Meet a summit of the world is like coming increasingly global so is our economy. Were growing more interdependent. And thats why its important for us to have people like stefan dear. Ours that theyre working hard or share hes great for russia and for our economy. And hes also a sort of diplomat or at the park where. He can break down political barriers for me to promote the school food first me my ability to square were brought here. President putin personally awarded door russian citizenship in two thousand and fourteen perhaps out of gratitude as the president heard about the citizenship district three i broke down and cried like a child before life here was like living with a woman youre not married to him and everythings fine youre generally accepted but youre still a foreigner and people are aware of what about this isnt obvious. After the e. U. Impose sanctions on russia in two thousand and fourteen door advised putin to react with counter sanctions but door sais he has not switched sides. Hes providing im convinced that my proposal was correct when i dont like this im for an eye mentality when silly sanctions have no place in the twenty First Century they dont work they might say against a small country and if the whole world joins in. But its ridiculous to impose sanctions on a huge country like russia during the recent months particularly since only half the worlds countries are taking part of these little hes in this upside. Russian farmers and Food Producers benefit from the fact that their country no longer imports western Food Products stefan door is one of the winners the milk market is booming and turnover is increasing in late two thousand and sixteen dollars started processing his own milk hes exhibiting his new Dairy Products for the first time in moscow yogurt cream curds and whole milk under the brand name academy of dairy sciences. The products are said to be high quality and pure not watered down with palm oil like other brands do is milk containers feature a picture of a happy cows. The german equivalent of russias agro farm is the guna vodka or green week a Huge International agricultural trade fair thats held every year in berlin. Companies and individuals set up foods many offer food samples. Russia or is not officially represented here this year but stefan door is here as a private citizen russia has not taken part in the last two affairs because of the tense political climate. Russia used to have a big exhibition here featuring the countrys different regions. It was one of the most popular exhibitions a lot of our visitors now say they really missed it i did to. Them and. Its Dairy Farmers day at the green of vodka perhaps they resent stefan door support for president putins counter sanctions these cost german Dairy Farmers an estimated two billion euros a year in lost turnover at a time when they are fighting for economic survival but theres no sign of animosity towards stefan door after all hes involved in the german russian i grow political dialogue on behalf of the German Agriculture ministry hes seen as someone who can open doors to the russian markets. The. Question is a mob its very important to keep talking lets back to talk and im to do something reckless there from jeff on der has always done a good job for us when. Need contacts with russia and i hope that he can continue his work in that area. Were back in russia. This is the village of bush africa. Stefan door is opening another dairy facility here his twelfth hes also going to lay the cornerstone for his thirteenth both businesses will have room for two thousand eight hundred cows these two new facilities will make it even more difficult for german Dairy Farmers to export milk to russia. But the local residents are happy to see a new business everyone seems to be here it seems like old times children have arrived from the local school. And even the companys milk mascot has turned up. Political leaders from kaluga and the surrounding area here too to cheer stefan door and his russian milk empire moviedom milk is a hot commodity right now. I used to complain about bad prices. But not anymore. This is. Stephan duerr is truly in his element but hed be even happier if the political situation would return to normal. One of his prized possessions is this hockey stick. Ice hockey maybe russias. Most popular sports and door has learned to play it fairly well. He and his company team often take on the town officials from lisc its a bit of russian style fun and camaraderie. But do a says hockey can also provide insights into russian business methods. In germany business. But in russia its like hockey is fast and its rough but it follows the rules exactly. Unlike football theres no point in taking a dive in hockey the best players power their way to the goal quickly and they dont make a lot of mistakes. We lost six one but we have a lot of fun. Its a great game we dont take it very seriously were great ahead of time that we werent going to play too hard because we all have to go to work tomorrow. Good shape. Dropping. People with a chronic headache are often not taking seriously especially women because they use the headache for an excuse to get more rest. Which can have many courses. Of good shape and thirty minutes. About. The story inside. Its all about George Chance to discover the world from different perspectives. Join us inspired by distinctive instagram or yours. W. Stories new topics each week on instagram. When you can buy your way. Or can it. German Online Dating websites to know the two hundred fourteen million year is a year. And. Thirty percent of germans now find their partners on line. The dating business our special focus on made in germany starting october twenty first on d w. Progress thirty where they start to divide the country i do need to deal with where they start to divide the language your blood will flow difficult. Ninety nine days the soviet union is breaking up part of. The members of the Russian Federation would have to find their own way politically and economically or love some of it was an incredibly difficult task not most of them. Because democracy was a lie but if the elections were a fraud it would give privatisation was robbery just because instead of cultivating its culture its words and language it brought forth a rookie holes of nationalism. The soviet unions heritage where does russia stand today and moscows empire our series starting november fifth on g. W. This is d w news live from berlin calling the snap election appears to have paid off big for japanese Prime Minister shinzo abi exit polls are projecting a landslide victory for his ruling conservative coalition whose follows a short camp

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