Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Public Enemy Number One 2018041

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Public Enemy Number One 20180414

hundred much but i'm stuck on a schedule be attacked. the new one what's good is it could happen but friends watch out for only i don't tend to go around on my own. misguided. but of course a crazy guy could just flip. since i know how to stand on we arrived on the scene half an hour ago because when it's the police are currently securing the evidence and it's terrible with this i can't be impersonal listened to his shoes are still on the street there's blood carefully surrounded by a chalk outlines the standard police procedure side of us what sorts of signs would also be leaked and the bicycle is still in the exact position it was after it was hit by three or four shots it's really just awful to seditious because. this is really this is time for a check to see. the only purpose of our lives more or less lies in our absolute devotion to the truth we can only achieve freedom and order by continuously striving for truth truth is righteous order. a twenty year old student wrote these lines in one thousand nine hundred sixty and got to ninety eight years later he was the leader of the extra parliamentary opposition a media and on form terry. really did chair the brains of the student movement had been shot i know. one of the eyewitnesses is here obviously but it's the stunt you were here and saw what happened to us because she and i leave yeah i get that we thought they were shooting pigeons but then we saw a man running away we came over here and lying there he stood up and screamed for his parents and he. said i have to get to the barbers with iran another fifteen meters then he collapsed his last words were soldiers soldiers. among the soldiers returning home after the war was out for. he being conscripted at the young age little rooty didn't know his father but at home his mother always told him that men in uniforms weren't to be trusted rudy would never accept his father's in the forty figure. else but dutch girl raised four sons on her run rudy was the youngest born on the seventh of march nine hundred forty one his father was already at the front his mother raised her children in the christian faith she was a devout protestant pious but not on worldly. islam of the mine shaft of the mine shaft my that was a community where my mother was in charge my father fell into line two when my father came back he didn't want to recognize my father as his biological father because he'd never seen him he would rebel when my father said here don't touch that. because i thought he would hit back if he was slapped. the dodgers lived in lookin voda a small rural town in vandenberg some fifteen kilometers south of berlin in the heart of communist east germany. looking back he wrote the rural tradition definitely has a certain warmth but it's always based on i'm limited to hard work in the field i definitely didn't have a liberal middle class childhood i had to work hard. in one nine hundred fifty four rudy started in the get hot helped my high school and look at. history was his favorite subject he was a conscientious student and got good grades not because it was demanded of him but because he enjoyed learning and set himself high standards. he once wrote we can see today what the few other and this is i should have brought as a unified germany is currently inconceivable my mother didn't have us four sons for the war we hate the war and want peace even at a young age really dodged made no attempts to hide his convictions. in november nine hundred fifty eight rudy spoke publicly for the first time at the annual congress of the so-called free german youth school group he had rehearsed his speech at home he didn't talk about sports but about why people shouldn't join the national people's army. and there was trouble last year when i wasn't willing to join the army i was a member of the free german youth. and there was a confrontation at an annual congress when i voiced an opinion about the army and socialism and about the national question. i came out in favor of reunification and socialism but not socialism in its current form is to do. that. instead of the grade he deserved because overall grade was reduced which meant that he forfeited his place studying sports journalism in leipsic. instead he trained to be an industrial clunk he hopes the east german authorities would forget about him but after completing his training he was refused a place in leipzig a second time. rudi decided to study in west germany instead but to do that he first had to get a west german high school diploma the wall was not yet built and he commuted back and forth between look at nevada and west berlin he seemed immune to the temptations of the capitalist city he was at home as much as possible but suddenly this way back was closed off. down beneath with wooden doll i drove to tell toe on the edge of west berlin with rudy on a motorbike it was all closed off already in preparation for the wall but there were checks on the way that if they knew us and they let us leave i drove them to the station and tell. if that's where we said good bye in sixty one thinking it wouldn't be long now that i think that. east germany turned him into a foreigner but. germany was also foreign to him looking valder was his home. was to remain an advocate for german reunification for the rest of his life. now after the second world war the government started talking nonstop about reunification twenty years have gone by and it's not happening what we do have governments that are institutionalized lying machines machines of half truths and distortion the people aren't being told the truth means there's no dialogue with the masses no critical dialogue that could explain what's going on in society and how the economic miracle suddenly came to an end and why there's no progress on reunification it is virtuous when this talk of relaxing the rules to allow more freedom of movement across the border but what they mean is maintaining their own political power might offer political nasha. in october nine hundred sixty one rudi dutschke the enrolled at the free university in west berlin he studied sociology he was rooted a seeker and so he imagined himself in his studies he read everything he laid his hands on. i feel splendid at the moment i studied tirelessly for ten to twelve hours a day he wrote in his diary. he read heidegger royd plato and max weber. the crucial thing was he read. that was a protestant trait certainty came from the written word but which word. read on and on reading never meant just understanding to him it also meant understanding something about himself the twenty two year old christian with a socialist heart red car marks. who commented the only thing that mattered to me in that moment was reading and studying those things that didn't match my direct experience of life in east germany but we're still connected. would call this a process of working through he worked through his past and recognized even in real world socialism people exploited each other. there is no true socialism on earth yet socialism with a human face. from then on this would be his utopia. sociology is an all round area of study and unwinding of human history he cared about the big picture and would no longer settle for anything less. on a list of expenses he noted hundred marks means to preserve the body and therefore the mind everything was aimed at understanding understanding first then action. in his student lodgings dreamed of changing the world. in one nine hundred sixty four the congolese prime minister morse a trauma bay visited berlin church goer organized a protest injunction with a subversive happening planned by a group of artists in berlin. he led the protesters to shine a bird town hall while his demonstration had police approval this route was illegal it was greeted with tomatoes he was accused of having arranged the murder of patrice lumumba who had served as the first prime minister of the independent democratic republic of the congo it was the first time students clashed with police a scandal in berlin it was almost arrested strong athlete that he was he was able to get a wife. on the one hand there was a critic of the borzois capitalist order but on the other he was a devoted family man. met an american woman in a cafe in one thousand nine hundred sixty four and name was gay and she was a christian he could talk to her about religion and theology they became close but dutch his first love was for the revolution and he broke up with her the split didn't last long. he remembered lived with bleach and clots in american women she studying theology. the says is on revolutionary tendencies in the upper stalling age. while rudy's comrades were waxing lyrical about free love he chose a very different style. with. bonnie. and as a line festac we wanted to have a party and we invited lots of people i know. i know that's fine like now friends people from different working groups from the third world groups they're done so i know our hawks i we composed a kind of wedding speech and it was read out loud as a kind of sermon like their complacent. heart. prayed. berlin in the mid sixty's wrote things are getting serious now for the revolutionaries who see they are a tiny minority that will remain irrelevant to society for quite some time because it exists largely outside of society. wanted to get those who are disadvantaged by the capitalist system to become active because people only destroy their traditional norms if they believe they can improve their situation. to the socialist german student league formerly the student wing of the social democratic party seemed to be the perfect instrument for this. he rose quickly through the league's ranks but many long established members thought he was too radical. his nickname was put upon the word push meaning to. weeks. it's often difficult to reconcile the demands of studying with being politically and socially active. tash. in ramallah i had the satchel every morning he filled it with books around twenty of them it was always full i couldn't lift it he carried it around so he always had something to read. so we sit down together very often to talk critically about our past activities to come up with new theoretical approaches and to prepare for the next round of confrontations visits him for. his political concept was summarized as education through action he was impressed by the fiery action ism of other revolutionaries such as dita consumer and for its toys for the church got involved in their plans for a commune moving in together free conversation and free love but rudy was married and took his vows as seriously as he took politics free love wasn't his thing and he could get a natural high from ideas. rolling thunder in february one thousand nine hundred fifty five the americans started their aerial bombing campaign of north vietnam the first ground troops arrived in march the vietnam war outraged many left leaning intellectuals not least in germany included it was an issue with international impact and clear perpetrators and victims. americans get out of viet nam demanded the activists who staged protests demonstrate their solidarity with the viet cong who first made up rudy and his fellow student activists used illegal tactics such as pedestrian provocation disguised as harmless but estrogens they distributed flyers and regularly came together as blocks of demonstrators. they numbered only around fifty but the police arrested eighty six pedestrians including window shoppers tourists to journalists and will be judged he was. said the ring leader he was no longer one of many he was now a public figure fag. the berlin aside to newspaper described him as having messy black hair pacing on his on the bushy eyebrows and a leather jacket as society's worst nightmare made flesh according to the right wing press and by x. wish to bring a wherever he showed up trouble wasn't fat white. ladies and gentleman vietnam isn't the talking point on the third of june vietnam will be the talking point tomorrow during the shah's visit to the vietnam aren't they stabbed it. is when the shelter of persia came to visit we didn't know much about iran about our own country we thought the shah was just an attractive man with an attractive wife and a happy family from a happy country it wasn't until the students came with their flying is that we learnt the truth about the show that he was to blame for maintaining and they literally rate among his people of eighty percent who doesn't know that infant mortality it was fifty percent and that he himself pocketed four hundred million dollars every year while his subject stove on just seventy dollars i on the evening of the second of june an opera visit the schedule of the magic flute but the theatre started before hand the shah had brought with him supporters who launched themselves at the anti shah demonstrators fighting. i a student then owners org was shot by police officer col high school last night from now on everything seemed possible pascha vietnam. the state firing shots it seemed like rudy was right the free democratic order was revealing its true thanks violent and maybe even fascist. a week later benno on a zog was buried in hannover several thousand people walked behind the coffin a congress took place and even its hidden agenda the question of violent action off a professor hamas your undefined objectivism is battering the subject to death not emancipating him. i believe these if your dreams that i don't know for a few months but if the demonstrations scheduled for tuesday is forbidden we've decided that immediately after the ban we will consult and be signed on fighting back against this the ones that vote their god and their own w. batten cheated their hair prepare. them for the fear i would like to ask head good the following the trail of king he has developed an ideology that was called utopian socialism back in eight hundred forty eight this was kill them on their own hotline and on him and that today must be called leftwing fascism at least i have reasons for calling it that lincoln first christmas and it was the you were. isn't counter-violence just divine to could never really make up his mind about the violence issue. around so if i were in latin america i would fight with a gun in my hands i'm not a latin america i'm in west germany where fighting to make sure it never reaches the point where we have to take up arms but that's not up to us we're not in power and a few days later the marxists philosophy habit mark who's from berkeley california visited the free university he gave this to you. it's a justification for violent resistance. but. i think the term violence covers two very different things institutionalized violence defending the status quo and the violence of resistance that necessarily remains illegal in relation to positive law. but nobody could define exactly when resistance became illegal rudy dodge who couldn't either but he dead to question the legitimacy of power. the next important stage in overcoming i was self-imposed isolation would be the project off expropriating this spring our cooperation. how do we work outside of the operator's dr assumes that west berlin could become an international city of subversive action that we could implement free city plans and an altered form where we could turn west berlin into an international subversive city against stalinism and fascism and in favor of supporting the third world through central europe fascist most. need to . hear the first serious strikes and west berliners where promising workers must support collecting funds and taking on not silvery functions in west berlin this will lead to an acute confrontation with structure reason and stresses we are determined not to stand by and watch criminal actions are at the very least incited to universities at worst supported and initiated. didn't intervene we will support universities if they support us in putting a stop to events that prepare criminal actions that would mean there now and long been so in. the trial of activist fritz teufel started at the more beat district court on the twenty seventh of november nine hundred sixty seven teufel was accused of throwing stuff. and the police set up a wide cordon around the courthouse seven hundred and fifty officers were on duty. on the other side were around six hundred demonstrators including the chair he instructed the protesters to tag down the barriers took part in self as the berlin press looked on. this is the image that spread around germany taking on the spring of press anyone who hadn't understood by then realize now that he was the ringleader of. the unshaven revolution and the violent provocateur the firebrand that's how he was presented on the front pages of the media. good evening tonight we are broadcasting an interview with rudi recorded a few weeks ago second of it just a penny why don't you leave politics and wouldn't that be the greater mercy for the poor devils the people you envisage such terrible times for why don't you say we can't change it let it go. we can't change it we're not hopeless idiots of history incapable of taking off eight into our own hands we can shape the world that has never been seen before characterized by an end to war and to among go all around the world the crucial question me they still recall quo. for me was always what was jesus christ really up to. how did you want to change his society and what means did he use. during these hours the world's greatest revolutionary jesus christ died in the gasping orient the unknowing counter-revolution nailed him to the cross and now twenty four year old right on good friday christianity and revolution were one in his mind. found his bible told must move as the theologian of revolution written by and block the philosopher from tubing block was also from east germany and it was fascinated by him he was looking for a father figure block an old man an optimist became one of his intellectual fathers . on christmas eve nine hundred sixty seven staged a political protest at berlin's memorial chanche. i kind of forced him to see and it was an impressive scene and one i'll never forget it was the christmas service in the memorial church and berliners the socialist student league had decided to organize a silent protest outside of the church with posters featuring images of the children burned by napalm and. most of these are because the churchgoers had to walk past all of these posters they had all gone to church to digest their roast goose in peace and quiet while listening to a good sermon or they sat there waiting expectantly for a soothing sermon by the pastor but then. came along from the last thing i know he stood on. the steps of the altar and began a speech the standard christian way dear sisters and brothers and then started giving a sermon on vietnam but i've never witnessed anything like it in my life for this crowd that had just seemed so peaceful was transformed into a pile of hate filled faces. of under the vision the whole from the guy from the house and through to fritz. born to strong men i grabbed rudy do much good by the arms and dragged him through a cordon slipped into a change but here i would have before he was spat out and one person beat him with his stick so that blood ran down his forehead and. i was a hatred that came to light was unimaginable for blindness but they should be burned because they just want to cause trouble here in berlin nothing else but he should go and work he has no skills he has nothing to say he's a student but there's a student have to say it's good. there are program like attitudes but that's normal. people who have to do incredibly boring work for hours on end every day if they get together a few hours early. if they're trained to act against minorities or those who think differently. sure they'll be angry and want to let off steam. the fear that these are risk they can mobilize the masses but i fear that the masses move him into a state that when he stands in front of a large crowd allows himself to be swayed by them and forget that could be dangerous for him and for society because it is great illusion is that he believes that he can get all the workers on his side as one group but it seems to me the greatest hostility to him comes from the conservative were. he was raised in post-war germany about the shaft. ugly brainless and unkempt this was the image of dutch get painted by the shrine of france. my mistake should get lost. but mr franciosa strauss talks about the unwashed and unshaven doing it with mayor shop a bought and bought and says you have defiled churches your hooligan and a lot of the bavarian politician france is on their own ethel calls you on unwashed dirty creature covered in lights how do you explain this hatred was the. dear americans that will come in the day and the hour when we will draw you out if you don't give up your imperialism that i did was i was. the people above anyone to build their future in peace and freedom. nobody will stop us from doing that including the enemies of democracy in this heavy tedious time ago i was meeting with it will be seriously pissed were protesting against this conference i was. the. guy i was i was. out the demonstrators in berlin believe the city employee dejan mende was the dutch guy he was almost lynched the was going to have a shorty done. i tried to reach woody at amsterdam airport by asking the airport employees to find him like. went there they got through to him and he called me on your roof and me and then zack to call me i said don't come back i'll come to amsterdam and then we can go elsewhere. i told him what had happened he told me i was exaggerating and nothing would happen and he would come back so he came back that is out of. the eleventh of april nine hundred sixty eight twenty one minutes to find the unemployed painter yells if bomb and shot really don't get three times before he pulled the trigger he shouted you dirty communist swine he was injured during an exchange of fire with the police he was twenty three five years younger than. pearl in exploded. gun shot nobody knew any details the students made to spring a corporation and its anti dutch debating responsible for the assassination attempt rocks with run vans were set on fire a loss flaring up of the result before it was extinguished. was taken to hospital with life threatening injuries ten centimeters of his brain were blown out he couldn't talk any more but he survived. really judge he had to start learning to read and speak from scratch he was as old as his son hosea cheney they learned together. the press was off to the family it was the start of an odyssey through europe they played a lot of table tennis it was good for a dutch guy who'd lost half of his field of vision. the composer hans van henson invited them to his village near rome. was on the phone to berlin twenty four seven he was unable to do nothing hence his phone bill was a rendez then they were discovered. down took pictures of rudi without permission the duchess left the villa then italy. but i thought on. both of us in the halls and when he knew what a house of a tree a bottle and a piece of bread were again he visited me. before. he could only see through one eye the other was blind. kwame for. under four and we became close friends and not for political reasons or due to from going to. learn good or cooper meant he was a good personal fear god if i mean maybe. he was called a phrase monger. yang. we are. there for he did use a lot of phrases. but he was a gentle person. who wrote letters to years of pocket money i don't believe you'll remain a fascist and i'm not mad at you the one wrote back. two years later he took his own life in prison by suffocating himself with a plastic bag. he was given an entry permit to england on his way then he had his first epileptic fit a consequence of the shooting the university of cambridge admitted him as a graduate student but england had had a conservative government says nine hundred seventy read rudy lost his residence permit again. fought on his behalf but to no avail the church has had to leave england. on the twenty first of february nine hundred seventy one they arrived in denmark the university of our who's had offered her a position as an academic assistant. he gave a press conference to satisfy the media but it wasn't enough. when his v.w. started heading towards al israel he was followed by a press convoy. ellisville was a remote farm around thirty kilometers from our house it was home to a commune which was now joined by a retired revolutionary. would never really get to know the people he lived with he never learned danish but the boy from lookin valder liked rural life. i. i. wasn't born to rest he knew things were taking a new turn in germany the student movement had fallen apart the socialist student league was disbanded. i'd stand. there folks. as a tribune of the people he was a broken man. to mock. us and thank you for first by the shots and secondly because the situation was different and what he had to offer wasn't needed any more with or without bullets in his brain. it was over he was condemned to the life of an academic. i missing stuff works over. at the university of our who's dutch who felt uncertain and nervous he'd never minded addressing thousands in the past now he had to learn to not be fearful in front of a few students. he wrote his doctorate in the seclusion of others view on a topic typical of him why did it dictatorship emerge from the october revolution in russia why it is good theory produce terrible practice but writing his doctorate was also his way of proving himself that he was still the guy he was that the shooting hadn't destroyed him. germany helped unst block his father figure the wise old man from tubingen travelled to denmark at the age of almost ninety it was august most of the time was spent sitting outside debating the blast stayed for two weeks longer than they'd planned. the visit at a therapeutic effect philosophy as a lifesaver blah she had to go up. continue to toil on his doctorate to travel to germany more and more often and came up against the limits of what he was physically capable of. he had panic attacks and was scared of assassins but he did his doctorate was ultimately entitled an attempt to get lenin on his feet it was an attempt to get him back on his feet the dr of philosophy was drawn back to politics i couldn't live without a certain degree of political activity right. now a new alliance emerged from the peace and environmental movement the green party they radically changed the political situation in germany political novices sort power women knitting norwegian jumpers men wearing them they came from all walks of life farmers and housewives former communists and generals members of the s.p.v. and c.d.u. the greens had room for every one party or citizens initiative that was the crucial question. in tying me i'm not currently a member of this party it doesn't actually exist yet as a party but i've worked as much as possible during the next phase it is necessary to work with everyone to exclude no one and. those who have the tendency to exclude themselves more must learn to see that they are excluding themselves it's not us excluding them the notion is. finally saw a home for himself again a political one but also a deeply existential one he decided to work for the greens in braman and to move back from denmark. one more christmas in our has and then he was full of hope one small. for stuff i know. but it was christmas eve and then revolted by. what he wanted to take a bath while we were preparing the turkey of us and when it was in the oven i went to check on him because he'd been gone for quite a while back at forty. forty i went to see him and he was dead and him again never talked. drowned as a result of an epileptic fit eleven years after the assassination attempt the bullets finally did what they'd been intended for rudy dodgeville is buried in the cemetery of sin and church in berlin on the thirtieth of january nine hundred eighty. two not many were books cared for if you're going to make a film about it which you should know that he was wrong at times as we all are and that he corrected himself when he knew better because he wasn't a coward he was always authentic record in that sense he was childlike in the noblest sense of the new computer. all. exploring mosul with the camera. the rooney photographs hope. these photos declare his love for the city. its inhabitants and its music. take a look moses is alive and the photographs of allie albert. three thousand and thirty minutes t.w. . the freedom of expression. a value that old ways has to be defended and new. 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