Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Pakistan - Torn Between Extreme

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Pakistan - Torn Between Extremes 20180428 05:15:00

are people who are driven large birth people. sophism a mystical form of islam has a long tradition in pakistan many muslims here identify as syfy they celebrate their faith in places like these singing and praying often until they reach a trance like state. break came here regularly. but this time it's on he has made pakistan great all over the world and we're proud of that and also of the sunni faith. that there is little trace of that positivity these days safety precautions have been stepped up in recent years there have been more than twenty attacks on holy city sites sometimes by the taliban sometimes by the i.r.s. the terrorist group has also declared the cities its enemies it condemns singing
and dancing as an islamic was devout that is said about whoever kills innocent people is not a human being. but you can't tell by looking at someone. but we can increase security but we cannot really protect ourselves from such attacks. occur only ceremony usually takes place here every week but today it's just a lone singer asking for money. that. god the god bad lately the ceremony has been canceled for fear of suicide bombers. it's all for now of course few people come here for the good but we cannot live our faith as before because of fear. of our behavior while even. in twenty ten that fear settled in here in pakistan's most important syfy sanctuary the dotted door of our shrine it's located in the country's second largest city lahore many pilgrims were killed when two
terrorists blew themselves up people here can't understand why it happened maybe it is and i'm not it was soofi super claimed islam in our region. without them there would be no muslims here i was going to vote how can you fight their followers. despite terrorist warnings hundreds of thousands of people have come to the shrine to celebrate an important holiday sometimes they queue up outside for an entire day security is tight the police force is the largest it's ever been with fifteen hundred officers here i actually feel sank. in the police security cameras everywhere i don't think anything will happen this time. and it doesn't for three days the faithful passionately practice their rituals with no violent incidents.
friends are convinced that terror will not prevail. i would say that that. you know anybody who's god is filled we were just take it as a challenge and we would continue this lean move forward. subway's family is also trying to move forward they want to spread his message even further. his sons will follow in his footsteps. they too small know. so in the meantime his brother will take over here this is my father mission this is my brother mission and this is known as mar mission now i will try my browser to gap. different. i. think. because his friends together and spontaneously organizes
a code lonely ceremony for security reasons it's close to the public organizers would need to give advents notice but at least the people outside can listen to them singing sob least favorite song asking god to fill them with love the most powerful antidote to hatred. the news from pakistan is seldom good news. but the reality in the islamic republic is more complex and often more positive than the name suggests that goes for religious life in particular. nowhere else is this more evident than on this construction site in the capital islamabad. a new mosque is being specifically built for a minority that bucks the arch conservative clichés of this country the transgender community or. maybe they have had
a firm place in pakistan's everyday life for centuries but are nevertheless subject to much discrimination. go on to stream if they really are we're not allowed to enter saudi arabia was he would have said they were not allowed on a marriage to mecca. this is the duty and right of every muslim. community and. they don't want special privileges they want the same respect afforded to other believers. but if they are not created us as transgender he created us with rights we are not a whim of nature created us deliberately with six what even our parents disown us or they often put us in the care of transgenders movements of system teacher sound or dance at
a prostitute ourselves how to beg it's hard for us to live normal lives mosques should be places where we can be who we are. and so they are building their own mosque they collected the necessary funds themselves. first year to like a goddess at our mosque should be open to all people again there is a dress code and if it's respected anyone can enter to of course anyone can. also donate maternity records educate so as a muslim that even when that's all to me i've been in business for fifteen years my donated part of my income for the construction as much money as i could spare. parts big feel awkward for me he had a high media has given the impression we wanted a mosque to be exclusive for us but that's wrong and i have an example of that. at least the city administration has not yet stopped construction of the mosque but
what do the people in the neighborhood think about the project. currently security is a top priority everywhere in the country the same holds true here at the district's largest mosque. when people are asked about the new project for the transgender community their response is remarkably tolerant. name will must judge obama a second building a mosque is a good date. but me as long as they let everyone attend there's no problem. but. i have no objection to it but i think when there are special places for different groups of select that divide society party. dividing society is the last thing the transgender community wants trans people would like to belong to society pakistan is home to more than one hundred thousand of them but it's also home to deadly fanaticism. an attack was
perpetrated at this amusement park popular mainly with christians. marco i'm a jew i was close by when the bomb exploded and i got to safety quickly when i returned everything was covered in blood there were many dead guns only i was home full of seventy five people died here on easter sunday twenty sixteen in. the attack cast a long shadow over the amusement park. business has since picked up with the park once again attracting many visitors especially on weekends security precautions have been stepped up. this christian family is returning to the park for the first time since the attack fear kept them away as well as memories of that day and the eldest of the brothers
and sisters had stayed home on the terrible easter sunday. spending that we were five siblings and our father left the family. lived alternately with my mother and my grandparents or my uncle and aunt on the day of the attack two of my sisters came here to have some fun and i like that they're not the youngest in the middle one heart but he that my brother was there too and they were at the refreshment stand and had something to eat my brother then left for a moment. he was lucky the blast only injured him but it killed my sisters. all by clean never scared by a johnny depp and she said last. like many of the christians in lahore who often experience discrimination the surviving family members ask themselves how god could allow this to happen. because he is the exist.
here i still believe that god exists it's things like that just happened. how do you call mrs i'd rather accuse the government of what they were threats beforehand but no safety precautions anyone could enter the park and controlled that on sunday there was even free admission of it was like an invitation to. the brother still suffers from his injuries and may never be able to pursue a normal profession yes he's also psychologically traumatized. we used to come here often but now we just can't we only came back to these interviewers. like many of pakistan's two and a half million christians they feel like strangers in their own country. or. bibi has been on death row for seven years.
she's pretty sick right now but her faith in god is on broken. if she is actually executed she will die for jesus. even though. he does what he can to protect his two daughters the family lives in constant fear in lahore. massy worked in this christian school as a security guard. because you could certainly get a lot of drivers say they'll kill us or vasser is released they also said death threats to the judges that's why the case is taking so long everyone fears for their lives but the gov there. may be the last footage of b.p. six years ago at a press conference with a politician campaigning for her release. two neighbors had accused of having blast
fame to the prophet mohammed a capital offense the accusations are completely untrue the politician stressed. like. his own bodyguard murdered him a short time later on the open road. as she and her family are pinning their hopes on their lawyer he is a muslim and human rights expert he took over the case out of personal conviction and compassion. all of this mission a straight the story nobody said mean that you had done something good in pakistan those are your putting you and your family in the danger of floods for him the case is clear according to islamic law and no one can be convicted on such weak evidence just. tainted too difficult for them to lead a normal life in this country. still the shifting of facts that.
most people in this part of lahore are christians subjected to constant discrimination and terror. this couple some. it was shot in front of his church the assassin's bullet was intended for someone else for his parents he is a martyr just like. a baby's conviction shows what christians are up against the glass fearing law threatens assault. your words can be twisted at any time. and then they say you have blasphemed the prophet and you must die for it . that's exactly what many radical islamic teachers and their followers demand in this mosque in lahore the murderer of the politician who helped as he is considered a kind of saint he defended the honor of the prophet the christian baby defiled it
she must hang. line and know what their problem is she has been convicted of the verdict was upheld and it has been clearly demonstrated that blast feigns the prophet. and what if the sentence were to be overturned the conservative koran scholar makes that clear. this is a school board for the. baby gets out we will take to the streets against the quarter and against the government. we have nothing against christians or sang only against your baby. and whoever stands up for our enemy. a clear threat against the highest constitutional judges they want to reach a final verdict soon here in the capital islamabad according to the law that means either commuting the sentence or death. the courts have recently imposed many death
sentences mostly against muslim perpetrators of violence the bodyguard turned murderer has been executed. the reaction to the lynching of a christian couple accused of blasphemy was also draconian the death penalty was handed down for five of the perpetrators. some pakistani journalists are taking an open stand against radicals and for us. from the point of view of one popular blogger the country's future is at stake back then would you really. be isolated and i think it would deserve to be isolated because every reason mother she's a. christian woman a minority woman coming from a class system that has already dipped against her. sari is campaigning for tolerance and hopes majority opinion and state policy will change. as
a society in transition it needs to be given a chance to grow and it needs to be given a chance to sort of see through its its dark period and this is our dark fear you know. but i'm hopeful and i'm sure if it that over time as more know where people stand up for people who are oppressed that's going to change. these catholic christians can march through the streets of lahore only under police protection. if. they're demonstrating for their rights. the community also suffered an attack during an easter celebration. but they won't let themselves be intimidated. i think i know they are more coming
to give us the all those were not coming but after these incidents they are coming more and more because they feel that it is there so they don't fear in that sense. the priest preaches a message of hope. in the christian community is hoping for the support of the state who should protect them from new terrorist attacks if not the government and the police the priest refrains from criticizing the strict blasphemy law. all this law. in pakistan is more direct bigger use pods for the muslims less than the christians very thing for. above all they hope that the christian quarter will no longer need armed protection. but it is not only religious minorities who have difficulties back to karate and
a run of the mill residential complex the residence of the. around refuge behind these walls they won't show their faces their families could recognize them track them down and kill them or. send who has been living in the home for two years her offense she complained about the infidelity of the man she'd been forced to marry in her father's eyes she brought shame on the family. going to. try to shoot me twice but he didn't have the heart so he asked my thirteen year old brother to pull the trigger he wanted to do it too a little made it hard but who's about to shoot me if it. doesn't my mother intervened and i managed to escape someone told me about this whole thing which is the my father and brother don't know i'm here. which is their dotage of me all but i'm still afraid they'll track me down here they come here and kill me and look at
me anyway i'm never going back to them again. but i do would you look at the good of your limited thinking. another resident story is equally tragic. at the age of fourteen salma was forced to marry for the first time her husband dumped her then her parents sold her to another man for the equivalent of two hundred euros but i believe he was forty years old and had serious illnesses what the boy when it got i stayed anyway it will be long mark one day his boss or me and he offered to promote my husband if you could have sex with me in return i did article you no more lead here i refuse to be going you know gog and he got need to make up that i leave my husband lock me up proper my then his boss came and raped me several times i was knocked out. when i woke up i heard them say they wanted to burn me play dead maybe i should when they went out
to get gas and matches i escaped. but all about got the out of committee got there . they had. she escaped but not to the local police she went to regularly to a private aid organization its mission is to help women who are terrorized by their own families and who otherwise have no place to go. unfortunately ahmadi have police that unfortunately the women can't trust the police when they file charges they're also unfair they humiliated at the police station here no strict laws against domestic violence. we just live in a male dominated society and that's the problem. is that. this case sparked a public debate a mobile phone video showing five women and one man at a wedding the village mullah condemned their behavior as an islamic they disappeared the case is not yet solved but according to witnesses they were
tortured and murdered by their parents. the murder of internet star can deal ballo it's also made headlines her brother took exception to her videos and strangled her. in reaction to this punishments in pakistan have become more severe the reference to family honor is no longer considered a mitigating circumstance in the case of murder charges one might think that goes without saying but a survey of men in a conservative quarter of karachi shows the frightening reality. brother of can build it the right thing according to our belief a man must not allow someone to look at his sister with lust and he certainly should not allow her to post offensive videos of herself and. no man with a spark of decency in his body may allow a woman in his family to defile his honor so much. that of course a man can also forgive his wife or sister but if their behavior is totally
misguided he may also take tougher measures. after her scape. when do you came to the headquarters of the human rights organization for the protection of persecuted women it's a few kilometers from the shelter for the camera she retraces the path that led her to the reception desk after she poured out her heart to the employees they showed her the way to the shelter. most of the people working here are experienced lawyers and idealists they know that only a few of the women affected make it to them more than a thousand women a year are victims of so-called honor killings a misleading term says the organization head and husband of the shelter manager. the last one i met was a girl whose brother had abused her and try to hide it and he tried to kill or and make it look like an honor killing your what does this have to do with on or we
must see it as what it is because murder with. the director and his colleagues also know that the evil in pakistan is not brutal men but destructive traditions lack of education and a lack of the rule of law. school now i warn against blaming only men. i also know cases where maltreatment was perpetrated by women. or women who kill their fathers or their daughters. that also happens between it and the survivors of the honor killing attempts they have no education no money some women have fled with their children now they concentrate on raising them and caring for other abandoned children who also live in the home. others such as eighteen year old times war are still completely traumatized she has already been forcibly married three times to different men that would. be good i think get it
when i was eleven but my father married me to a man who already had children and a wife. she was jealous of me she tortured and abused me she tried to kill me with black magic. which i did you give a good hard job. give us. when tosh why i wanted to return to her family she was locked up and urged to commit suicide instead. i cut my wrists but not in such a way that it was fatal my family told me to try again and he would be happy if i died after that. the. prospects for their future are bleak what can they do in a society that revolves some completely around family the shelter managers have taken over the family's role. again but she made us out there and we're trying to teach the girls educate them to independent. we also try to help get them married.
is it that i have voiced them illegal that as. you see that they can speak up and when there's a chance of reconciliation with the family we also hope. they help raise the other young children as well daily life distracts them from their memories and fears of the future. which i don't know what to do next the shelter managers are my parents now and they'll decide for me just like my parents used to. despite all their terrible experiences most women here hope the organization will find them a new husband who will protect them from their most dangerous enemies their families. it's not just pakistani families that are fractured the deepest divide has come with the founding of the state and the bloody separation of india from kashmir.
the predominantly muslim region is split into an indian and a pakistani territory. tourists rarely come to the western side of kashmir it's too dangerous especially near the border with pakistan. those who live here often have a sad tale to tell. you i have relatives in the indian part of kashmir i haven't seen them in over thirty years we can't talk on the phone either it's bad i don't understand why in germany the wall was torn down and the division was overcome when it does not work here. almost no day passes without fighting at the nearby border. that is why the economic situation here is very bad. and the whole world is watching. what
other prospects do we have. the. most suffer a bad the regional capital experienced yet another disaster in two thousand and five more than eighty thousand people died here and in the surrounding area when an earthquake struck. for many the latest border skirmishes are more urgent threat than natural disaster. there are people in the military hospital who were injured by gunfire. and then i was on a bus when the indian army opened fire and they shot the driver and two of my uncles i hid behind the bodies but i also took two bullets. were injured. and one he gets an important visitor a woman who is we've aired here as
a heroine who shall mali could fight for an independent state of kashmir independent of pakistan but also of india with its hated hindu government. for blessing their government bush meat is beard on that side of the say they had this undying oath and the really. to fight for their right to said no that is what india is trying to kill. one hundred kilometers away on the indian side here too most people are muslim. the capital is called srinagar and the streets are teeming with soldiers and policeman protection against terror that is almost commonplace here. the local leader of the hindu ruling party b j p is on his way to a crisis meeting on the agenda how to deal with the most recent bombings especially in schools no one has claimed responsibility. is made by.
pakistanis behind it they support terrorists like a star has instigated several wars over kashmir and has achieved nothing now they are stirring up the people here against india but that won't work. and what to the students say it's far from clear to them who is behind the attacks made the move but on him i don't know whether terrorists committed the attack or even the indian authorities. in any case whoever did it should be severely punished before they attack another school. or. a hockey classes have been canceled because the classrooms were destroyed that's not the only reason why students face an uncertain future youth unemployment in and around srinagar is high unsurprisingly it's hard to attract investment to the area. these people also come from the area of srinagar but were expelled and now live in
a refugee shelter on the pakistani side of. the indian authorities allege they were providing cover for terrorists. i am a simple man but they claim that i have contact with pakistani terrorists at this and should give them information. they tortured me look at my life. be die you are very good because he can't work anymore. he and his family live on less than one euro a day. visits or help from relatives on the indian side of kashmir are impossible. is also separated from her husband he was born in india and lives there but most of the time he's in prison he sees himself as
a kind of gandhi fighting nonviolently for an independent kashmir. who comes from a pakistani family married him seven years ago like their daughter has not seen him for two years. i could have lived a normal life but the kind of soul that i have it's very onset really and my soul just clicked with him that yes we have to do something in this short lifespan caister should raise a wife for humanity. as does her husband he has just been released from prison on the indian side he was arrested when he called for a demonstration. i mean that india is more scared of non well in the moment because they know what they were this is. they know a lot of people to be on the streets. the way they used for is access to food is it the people i need this will go on because no seventy years have bussard so seventy
minutes for you in the ration in india used every kind of military method corruption method. go look meant method but all these methods failure so museum demand is very new and scared she concludes to dissolve this dispute but they still believe. you have enough to get enough. sex. this recent footage caused further controversy the indian army had killed and the much terrorist his supporters took to the streets many demonstrators were killed and thousands injured. nevertheless even after seventy years of division many kashmiris still hope for reunification although there was little cause for optimism and many will do i did he know intellectually.
believe government will get united. because there was the visions of the people. his wife campaigns for united kashmir at one press conference after another. the pakistani authorities tolerate her even if just to annoy india they want the world to finally take note of what's happening in kashmir. god forbid a terrorist activity takes place in america or in the other part of the world the whole world is signalled unsafe right so it's a small world now and hair you have this. pledge to met peaceful struggle at the moment it's a majority to peaceful struggle. at present however there is no indication that reconciliation might come about. and that kashmir will once again become what it has been for a long time in history a bridge between different worlds and cultures. this
restaurant in most suffer about it's empty. two brothers opened it a year ago hoping for travelers looking to explore the beauty of kashmir. you know you saw it get us when we started out you know counted on many tourists but why would they come here when there's always shooting nearby. if this keeps up we're going to have to close a place down. there getting them out it was one of the beauty and melancholy there are few places where they are as closely intertwined as in kashmir. but there are some promising developments to. international understanding on the
catwalk at the first indian pakistani fashion fair not in pakistan but in india in the capital new delhi. a feast for the eyes and a source of inspiration for exhibitors and visitors alike. a crash course in south asian textile design. some of the best designers from both countries are present this designer comes from india and explains very different very very different fashion and slightly different. fashion is very different when you go down south it's india it's extremely extremely different you will find this less follows in the south so
you will find more leaves in the stouts way it is when you go to get to the east you have a lot of time looms and textiles that come into. meus so i mean that this sex diversity throughout india that's what india is known for at the end of the indian design is the border experimenting and pakistanis are still a traditional. new india the pope in their thinking invented the step but had contracts to lose a lot to his trousers a lot of got to play with options and what is the indian design to concentrate more than structured stuff. and what does her pakistani colleagues say. the thing that's very unique to pakistan is that the fashion that we bring along is things that you will be the pakistan has not yet so they get to westernize each incomplete piece so
that means that we do where weston's what is your feeling anything we read you know about it how in india the younger generation is always in denims and. that's not how pakistan is we're still very the pakistan and i that identity is so strong that anywhere in the world that people people want that same hope so that's what we bring with no one put up the interest pakistan that has a list says more kind of an approach beautiful and very simple words. is a pakistani woman and that's like across the board a country and there is so much and. the love that indians have for the pakistan to look at that about this tiny one has it's like they consider. to be. there even a few men here although not on the catwalk. the
event organizer makes an appearance but seems a little nervous daunted perhaps by all this cultural bridge building. beauty madhumita and brutality exists. side by side in pakistan lobello through july just below that relatively young country that still in search of its identity loaded.
oh maybe evil history and heritage you bet. guys this is absolutely mister is a city with many faces. john been through the cultural reaches of the city and its romantic surroundings there are more than one hundred castles and palaces of course the best way to do trip to the countryside is by buying. on the docks. mom eco africa. harvesting without destruction in ganga mangrove forests used to suffer damage from your starkest now a women's initiative is promoting sustainability. we know that if we continue pressing the roots of the migration come a time when there were no boys to. eat go after africa thirty minutes.
would have been fighting for the place to take you seriously in the world of what appears has come out women stroke katanga. superhero. smart talks smart stage and a legend frank recently in dangerous time for w. for my. ten year olds marching down his court to show a lady she's a refugee from the civil war in syria now she and have found a new thing in turkey she's also getting help in un succumbing invisible wounds. to children of war. reporter on t.w.a.'s. to.

Related Keywords

People , Muslims , Tradition , Islamic Republic Of Pakistan , Birth , Syfy , Sophisma Mystical Form Of Islam , Faith , Places , State , Trance , Singing , Break , Precautions , Safety , Positivity , Trace , All Over The World , Attacks , The Terrorist Group , Cities , Enemies , Sites , Holy City , Taliban , Irs , Twenty , Someone , Islamic , Human Being , Dancing , God , Security , Ceremony , Place , Money , Singer , Course , All , Fear , Suicide Bombers , Country , Lahore , Shrine , Door , Behavior , Sanctuary , Pilgrims , Two , Ten , Terrorists , Followers , Region , Soofi Super , Holiday , Terrorist Warnings Hundreds , Thousands , Police , It , Everywhere , Anything , Police Force , Officers , Security Cameras , Fifteen Hundred , Doesn T , Incidents , Rituals , Three , Family , Terror , Move , Subway , Anybody , Friends , Challenge , Message , Know , Footsteps , Sons , Brother , Father , Mission , Brother Mission , Browser , Gap , Love , Organizers , Advents , Song , Code Lonely Ceremony , Hatred , Reality , News , Antidote , Islamic Republic , My Life , Name , Particular , Positive , Construction Site , Nowhere , Islamabad , Mosque , Minority , Transgender Community Or , Arch Conservative Clichà S , Discrimination , Life , Go On , Muslim , Marriage , Saudi Arabia , Mecca , Community , Transgender , Respect , Believers , Privileges , Parents , Us , Rights , Whim , Transgenders , Movements , System Teacher , Dance , Nature , Sound , Care , Six , Mosques , Prostitute , Funds , Anyone , Dress Code , Maternity Records , Goddess , Part , Construction , Feel , Business , Income , Fifteen , Administration , Exclusive , Impression , Least , Example , Media , Project , Priority , Holds , Neighborhood , District , Problem , Everyone , Response , Building , Obama , Groups , Objection , Divide Society Party , Thing , Attack , Home , Dividing Society , Fanaticism , One Hundred Thousand , Christians , Marco , Jew , Amusement Park , Bomb , Everything , Guns , Blood , Easter Sunday Twenty Sixteen In , Casta Long Shadow , Seventy Five , Sixteen , Visitors , Park , Security Precautions , Brothers , Christian , Time , Memories , Eldest , Mother , Sisters , Uncle , Siblings , Grandparents , Aunt , Terrible Easter Sunday , Spending , Five , Heart , Fun , One , Blast , Something , Many , Refreshment Stand , Johnny Depp , Family Members , Exist , Government , Things , Threats , Mrs , Admission , Injuries , Invitation , Interviewers , Profession , Bibi , Strangers , Half , Death Row , Seven , Daughters , Jesus , Case , Death Threats , Judges , Lot , Drivers , Security Guard , Christian School , Or Vasser , Massy , Politician , Campaigning , Footage , There , Press Conference , Neighbors , Lives , Release , Bp , Bodyguard , Fame , Accusations , Prophet Mohammeda Capital Offense , Open Road , Human Rights Expert , Hopes , Lawyer , Compassion , Conviction , Law , Story , Nobody , Floods , Danger , Evidence , Shifting , Facts , Front , Bullet , His Church The Assassin , Baby , Words , Glass , Martyr , Conviction Shows , Assault , Prophet , Murderer , Kind , Honor , Teachers , Ya Christian , Saint , Verdict , Line , Streets , Sentence , Conservative Koran Scholar , School Board , Clear , Nothing , Quarter , Enemy , Death , Threat , Courts , Capital , Death Sentences , Violence , Reaction , Perpetrators , Blasphemy , Couple , Death Penalty , Lynching , Journalists , Stand , Radicals , Point Of View , Reason , Blogger , Stake , Woman , Class System , State Policy , Tolerance , Majority Opinion , Sari , Chance , Catholic Christians , Police Protection , Easter Celebration , More , Sense , Hope , Priest , Blasphemy Law , Terrorist Attacks , Support , Refrains , Pods , Protection , Minorities , Karate , Difficulties , Families , Residence , Walls , Their , Living , Run Of The Mill , Man , Eyes , Shame , Offense , Infidelity , Thirteen , Trigger , Dotage , Im Here , Brother Don T , Thinking , Age , Resident , Salma , Fourteen , Husband , Equivalent , Two Hundred , Two Hundred Euros , Forty , Sex , Boss , Lead , Illnesses , Boy , Article , Times , Husband Lock , Need , Committee , Gas , Matches , Women , Aid Organization , Rahmadi , Charges , Police Station , Domestic Violence , Laws , Mobile Phone Video , Debate , Mullah , Village , Wedding , Witnesses , Murder , Videos , Headlines , Internet Star , Exception , Aballo , Punishments , Men , Family Honor , Mitigating Circumstance , Reference , Survey , Sister , Belief , Lust , Karachi , Wife , Body , Spark , Decency , Human Rights Organization , Headquarters , Measures , Scape , Way , Path , Most , Shelter , Kilometers , Camera , Reception Desk , Led , Employees , Organization , Few , Honor Killings , Head , Shelter Manager , Idealists , Term , Lawyers , Victims , A Thousand , Girl , School , Education , Director , Colleagues , Traditions , Evil , Lack , Rule Of Law , Cases , Fathers , Maltreatment , Children , Honor Killing , Survivors , Eighteen Year Old Times , Others , Eighteen , Black Magic , Eleven , Stosh , Suicide , Job , Prospects , Wrists , Managers , Girls , Role , Reconciliation , Fears , Experiences , Kashmir , Divide , Founding , Bloody Separation Of India , Tourists , Side , India , Territory , Border , Tale , Germany , Division , Relatives , Phone , Kashmiri Haven T , The Wall , Thirty , World , Fighting , Situation , Area , Disaster , Earthquake , Border Skirmishes , Two Thousand And Five , Eighty Thousand , Injured , Gunfire , Military Hospital , Indian Army , Fire , Visitor , Bullets , Uncles , Driver , Bodies , Bus , Hindu , Heroine , Mali , Kashmir Independent , Really , Right , Bush Meat , Oath , One Hundred , Srinagar , Leader , Bjp , Policeman , Soldiers , Responsibility , Schools , Bombings , Crisis Meeting , Agenda , Star , Wars , Wont Work , Students , Authorities , Him , Hockey Classes , Classrooms , Youth Unemployment , Investment , Refugee Shelter , Cover , Side Of , Contact , Information , Help , Visits , One Euro , Prison , Daughter , Independent Kashmir , Gandhi Fighting Nonviolently , Soul , Humanity , Caister , Demonstration , Non , Food , Seventy , Methods Failure , Method , Ration , Military Method Corruption , Museum , Dispute , Supporters , Controversy , Demonstrators , Terrorist , Kashmiris , Optimism , Cause , Reunification , Visions , Another , Wife Campaigns , United Kashmir , United , Terrorist Activity , Note , America , Indication , Peaceful Struggle , It Sa Small World , Majority , Hair , Worlds , Bridge , Cultures , Restaurant , Beauty , Travelers , Melancholy , Understanding , Developments , Fashion , Catwalk , New Delhi , Feast , Crash Course , Textile Design , Exhibitors , Inspiration , Source , South Asian , Countries , Designer , Some , Designers , East , Sex Diversity , Leaves , Textiles , Stouts , Sameus , Design , Step , Pope , Border Experimenting , Traditional , The End , Contracts , Options , Got , Stuff , Trousers , Piece , Identity , Feeling , Generation , Denims , Weston , Interest , Anywhere , List , Indians , Event Organizer , Bridge Building , Undaunted , Brutality , Side By , Appearance , Beauty Madhumita , Lobello , Reaches , Mister , Guys , History , John , Heritage , Faces , Trip , Castles , Palaces , Buying , Docks , Surroundings , Mom Eco Africa , Starkest , Ganga Mangrove Forests , Harvesting , Damage , Destruction , Sustainability , Initiative , Migration , Roots , Boys , Beat Go , Legend , Stage , Smart , Superhero , Women Stroke Katanga , W For My , Lady , Refugee , Court , The Civil War In Syria , Turkey , Reporter , Children Of War , Un Succumbing Invisible Wounds , Twa ,

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