Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Monsoon Part 2 20180531 15:15:00

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Least every. Three oclock deadline passes and as shastri has been predicting there is no rain check i mean. After reaching the South Of India the monsoon moved on to the Bay Of Bengal and has now reached calcutta. But once it has covered the whole region it doesnt bring rain every day. The monsoon is unpredictable. Meteorologists talk about pulsations in alternation of active phases with heavy rainfall and pauses of varying degrees during which the rain stopped for a week sometimes even pretend thirty days these seasonal variations are very hard to predict but for gamblers and scientists alike. Its been two months since the monsoons unset and displaced should be underwater by now. Because a run the park is situated on the floodplain of the Brahmaputra River named after Brahma The Hindu creator. But a sun is Rain Deficient so far this year. Tom psyche is the honorary wildlife warden it was a ranga and he really needs it to rain. Did this soudan day by the nest. They are coming north and hit the bag today hit my land rants and then again stock and after delivering them up what do they get flogged. Because a rangar is a unesco World Heritage site chosen for its biodiversity it relies on the annual Brahmaputra Flood to recharge the grasslands that are home to some of the worlds most and dangerous species. Its quite likely to. Take a while over the legal and. Political hideouts i get ahold. Of those has. And im not scared and while it opened and maybe he can size us we dont have the guard house so we need to lend them any make any mechanix i know its income a game. Thought its a very innocent so and that he thought. What do you think were standing here listening to the oldest of those. Yup. Im thinking of all the. Safeguards of discus was the most. International. No into child loot and thinking about how to leave to save god of destroying all. Say. The flood may create life but it also puts the animals lives in danger forcing them to flee to Higher Ground where poachers await them its just across the border in china a single Rhinoceros Horn ground up and sold as an Opera Doozie On is worth over One Hundred Thousand dollars. The stakes are high and has around the park rangers shoot to kill. All of the money up with. This visit if you are coming from the north bank theyre fully prepared and armed along with but one another with. A visit to oh i know theyve been seen in the area. We dont need to keep an eye on the river anything can happen especially during the flood. But i dont i dont. Thats exactly right to run the race. To our number theres. Just a he had a bad day at the racetrack yesterday. And people are calling to settle here cause i know you bet and won Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred yesterday you bet Two Hundred Thousand Bucks at that it. Made me theres no theres no bigger thing than my reputation in life nothing is more important than my reputation. How do you go about doing our job ok ill make a packet with Two Hundred Seventy Thousand for you this way you can come pick it up to. Her. I get it like i got. Back on. There theyre going to get my shit and ill get i yeah yeah yeah yeah i. Was going to lose a lot of money a little bit. I the monsoon finally had a son too and the Brahmaputra Flooded although not paddling. Last year this entire village was underwater but it wasnt enough to renewed the Flood Plain Hutong was on the lookout for migrating animals now is the time their most vulnerable. Clips. Close close close. Do you do all the creatures do all the animals migrate in the park floods. Most of the. Day he. Has. Three. A little what people were funding are using what is the cost theyre using. And. Walking. From. And this photo was one handcuff in his hand he managed to ask it from the Fire Department first guard. Its not just the poachers to get to high ground the animals have to cross one of the busiest trucking arteries in don. Jon has received word of a rhino encounter trying to cross. Early going theyre going to mess up high you got any medicine my getting blood ive got. All the good that this is. Why and i know why the deaf people i feel bad that i did and. Thank. Toronto has received Record Rainfall since the monsoon unset. Water levels the round the back waters are rising steadily. And the levees are barely holding. Her her perch. Q look. Cute a hookah. The cuba the. Book of acute. A hushed cuteness a hookah. A little. Q. The bucket. A hook. Worried about the danger to the levee quickly spreads. Nobody zone is safe now. Will. Be attacked is your word im taking my mother and my children to my sisters house then i need to get home to protect everything from the water im afraid my house is going to be washed away were going to go a little late. To new. Move. It. Being. The. Its not just to keep us family. The levees ruptured through out the back waters last night leaving Thirty Thousand people homeless. These people are taking their children to live with their relatives and some of them will never return. Played. Her. For. Dharavi in mumbai is one of the largest slums in the world. Its home to over a million people. Some of them have been here for generations. Others have arrived recently from villages like aquino said. The met office has issued a Severe Weather warning and asked people to stay home but today is the festival of the warrior. Gunners door got. People here look to her for protection if. This. Blood sacrifice is in the air for. There seems to be a kind of elemental a connection that binds these people together in a chaotic universe. A little. The place of the clouds. This is the end of the journey for the monsoon or the clouds come to die. The hindu gods are said to live just to the north of here and they emulate. The mountains on the plateau of tibet are two of the Key Driving Forces of the monsoon. There mass sends waves of heat into the atmosphere to trigger the monsoon and keep it going. To an. During its journey over the warm waters of the Bay Of Bengal the monsoon picks up water vapor then it surges into the deltas of the ganges and the brahmaputra this flow of humid air is blocked for the north by the malays and to the east by the mountains of burma. A. Huge cloud formations then gather over the mountains releasing torrential rains. The northeast of india is the wettest region during the monsoon the high plateau of. Has record quantities of rain this is where the monsoon meets the barrier of the himalayas. If monsoon is the Soul Of India general point g. Is its spiritual capital. Every Indian School child knows that this is the rainiest place on earth with over ten metres of rain during a typical monsoon season. If. For over a century a met Office Employee here has been due to flee recording atmosphere and conditions and sending them to headquarters in triplicate giving a semblance of order and meaning to a phenomenon thats anything but. Under British Colonial rule the chair appoint the met office was considered a hardship posting the constant rain proving too much for even the english it drove many of them to drink and worse. When the british were here yes during rush period yes this was they call this the suicide posting. That. It might be said that it was at times i just use it it was i so he took the city at a. Was has a big stake here so its. Theirs because those moments of. His fast he might make you feel so because they dont hes got to give him. Five and babies the water. They have and some suicides. I guess it will be. Just because a. Lot on the band. And its increasing each day. And thats because a few facts. That. We returned to the backwater as one last time. Are killed under sr are back. They prefer living here with twelve other families. Crowded into the one hour is not destroyed by the flood youre living in the city. Of tinas father leads us to his ruined house its as though he needs someone to witness the scale of business. That after a week yes i did it i was really scared i didnt know what to do. And i couldnt move to another place. And i dont believe i know what my husband said everybody should leave the main house for one thing you know its very comfortable living here you know love but its difficult during this season. Its a good place for normal people the. You that were. In the murphy live you i dont know i want to leave this place im scared to stay here i want to move to another place build my own home and take my parents with me. So. Thats a good hope thank you. The monsoon comes to india every year like some inch and god destroying and creating life. The flood waters what we see rise will grow people will rebuild and prepare for next year. This quietness all of our. A sense of tranquility. Something more than just. Ordinary peace which means a lack of sound. Its not bad this is the limited in the whole scenario. That takes you out of the good. Some methods. Very clever have its own sort of glee. As a black clouds have five ghosts. In accounts of different thicknesses. Now its that scary overgrown community. Council its been benign but the new not free. Its Form Offensive has. Something to preserve and the memphis. You can tell a lot about a society by its garbage. The first speech which was for the rich the book for many poor people it offers their chance of survival when i could be lunch for today just like. Our reporters travel to nairobi and look and know the true value of courage. It has created a thriving the parallel economy ablaze but what does all this mean for economic inequality around the world you guys are starting Class Warfare the response to that statement should be yes we all starting to lets walk here because were tired. And actually disrupt an eco to. Play the bridge plate trip. Report starting june eleventh on g. W

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