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But. You know. It all. Since the one nine hundred sixty s. Black coal mines have been going out of operation in numerous industrialised countries in germany the last remaining coal mine is set to close in two thousand and eighteen almost one hundred percent of all the black coal power plants is imported from overseas. One of the worlds main coal suppliers is colombia each year approximately eighty million tons of not coal if its caribbean coast. Almost all of colombias coal is exported mainly to europe and north america where its used to produce and interested. Kind of friend to say p. R. You is leader of the y. You community have to my key to the open pit coal mine of al sort of has encroached upon the y. Use Indigenous Territory it covers an area of seven hundred square kilometers making it one of the largest in the world and said it is owned by the Swiss Company blanco along with astri is b. H. P. Billiton and im going merican from great britain. In that on class the way you community have to make you tell and set it on have started think oshie ations about the conditions of resettlement. I once had one of the aftermath of a family there. Was a consistent that happened just how youre thinking and living we were. If i had on me r. K. You know was it pretty tough wrote it but i mean i like the thought of us for somebody but up and then which was thirty this is i had anticipated but you know by the way on our own this hour youre taking a stand on the steps there goes another way and we went at. Each other and were still going on you know theres that one you want im not going to take us because them i love them to know youre in look at every seat on this man with guy was. A leader. That you normally know and only one of the side they get others imo and them in. That they need to get young. Up a step back look when people. Get what they are they have no idea i mean it in an area you know that i would notice him but theres a lot of good and i was. Going to settle we get most of it. Funny how you for the day was a city. You know the one car over there will see this to everyone or c. R. V. Their money will go through for months on three quarters you know. Trust them to. Do. This or all this money to. Go to a couple of policing. Or whether it was really. Over a. Glass. Of wine you know. There were you settlement in tama quito is situated thirty five kilometers from bronchitis in the border region with find its way into the village has a population of one hundred eighty Alfonso Lopez a. P. I. You is the oldest his grandson is spokesman of the y. U. Community. One were not going to. Look at the. Whole. System even getting our. My name on there but its good to have the most value. Good and. No tie. In the wearable. Home. Yes in my supporters yells out of the mob why must i mean were going to get a scene right now that im here. Folks. Hidden away in a remote valley. And his family cultivate a piece of land the entire area surrounding. Has been bought by said a honda resulting in a why youve been denied legal access to their own answer and hunting and Agricultural Development is barely possible now so their livelihood is diminishing. The coal mine i reach is within four kilometers of time akita. And. Despite their vulnerable position the thirty two families have maintained independence and tamaki during the conflict. If. They. Went away with him i never see the us i mean i was there or to be. There for only last several years and most of them. To the north of us have a home. Get your money if you thought or. Do work out what he does he would howl. But its youll see you on the street where you dont like or most important people because when i need you you dont. Know. If you want. To. See. The end of me so many that i wonder. Who has are dancing all but i am meeting you on the side and i want to be india will follow. Me so you will be. So you know you are reaching your womb says you for each and all song a you commit founded on what is in the. Can all say and all say is kill or get by bus on the im a lonely me in the wilderness i am im with you one. More as you handle his he had to hand it here i will see the movement there was a move. In the temple that. He would see in the way im part of. The moment above the. Sea. Money. And without right right right but they have. To be some of these items hence will not come. On television. Isnt that what you know right well that. Would save. Everyone from the names that are different thats got a room got no i mean there arent being a mom and a Hospital Compare notes on the pressure. Because i mean its not going to get the better for it and the i think its high three or younger that is going to. Premarital i said well im glad to see them with you mcclellan. Well i think one of the most was done a lot of them when. I say. That i dont assume that there will be a middle class im not a prelude to you know i mean i dont. Regard to our primitive idea for the good use i made on knowing our family album of the. Mean time of my heart. The amount of time a kito can read to go fishing the direct route to the river is blocked and the details of a known way around the Mining Companies set upon plans to reroute the rio rancho area in order to mine five hundred million tons of coal from beneath the river bed. The. Night that it was a Good Good Good Good Good Good good. Good Good Good Good you can. Do. It and you. Can. Not. Only believe. That. The. Longer. The opposite but after that i got a bone. To. Pick up on you know what. Yes. Why michael gon be that should be my medal but im the one little up with the day to get out that i go you know but i dont go bush will miss when i said he has had me im not bad at all. But i say you know go. To my all you. Like groove. Theyve got a leg he gave through. A been done thank. You. Kind of thing and the way he got that right i was right right. Right right right right. Right right. Well. Its. Good that only one of us. Yes or no commitment to him. This is just so so it looks a little bit but ok if we just had a. That my kids were there before he said he says that he just threw it right over us and left this was just a gimmick when you know that he looked at you they issued a new player. A way of thinking in a minute to delete. The old. Playing. The number one called this book by the German Energy corporations audibility eon back in fall the n b w stan country and now among others. The department of relocation engine Land Management etc is managed by and because the men tend. To. Take the enemy like that i mean i dont mind the hour and i mean how do you think. It. Is i said maybe a game to see about the new economy. But again the c. E. O. Of boeing had been found i think mode on his own they may call you martin. To talk on if you cobham oh no they didnt mean no they got it was mucking around that it would. Close to. A new settlement for the where you community of. The distance to the old village is approximately thirty five. Could. It be. Because ive got about. One if they had our day i was in suffolk not this i dont think thats. Going to commit a lot of people seem to think about it as i dont if they really sold a movie gun you put a mock up again no bunya from me when. My most who think im getting down. Like. That but im going now with. The introduction of a male whatever. Happens. Im not going to run him that i will come back and yells at the moment im a player and i can see it if he would be removing the body because it doesnt fit into the face of. The most and when done for us the foundation from the bottom. Really know what we need what about the damage done to get when its in focus you know i think about it im like oh well when i was like a kid you know eight days from i yank orthodontic if theres going to not forget that somebody else was here i think. They did that i mean why do you get a sense of dozen of them said just one the one that you know and hes going to be right when are you ready to live he said you know this is i think im this here to the leaders of the head of the they said to his name i mean is he now years of this yet but its a little does he have the other can of whoop im going to were going to have the weary but theyre just going to keep would if he doesnt like and that is i could be live on book i would not settle not down tendency on born again oh god why people have so many want to keep going to allow that on the other longbows off also have the show minus how wasted i want. Missing someone to have a hot sam but i have them more than men then they gave me mean theyll give it in the event my niece they woke up they may have long been ok my opinion im going to ask sam but im going to go. So the namely what happened i dont know basic but theyre not yeah im ok that point and then we talk about the personal to me i want may not. Us the right thing if one of them going to come up and you know get a mosque out of here. Most of the focus on little meeting him although you dont really sam will be moving through the bag lady again women talking a lot of them with a past that knows nothing of you going. To get serious for them political comment them of the hour what did you know that brought my love where. Does this number or why he didnt go out of my thoughts with someone whether i will whether you are one of mine couldnt leave our movie to go on my. Own many of them but i might have been there longer have the other not so look at their facility itself all out of the. Yeah well see if anybody and. Yeah bill you know what its all bad it would be awful if. Youre here you know i dont know me its all your silver or stuff going on if you know what i love you know that i would not want people. Who. Believe. You are. Naive. You know think of the family all you have to do without. Every haunt you but i expect all money that now feed him out there where to go it all seattle yes i call so you that yeah my baby only sad but ill say its ok is it out most say can be a good thing when all portable me that i get a handle every home on tuesday this on the way to sway in yours. But the school work again. Youre literally. So they are much younger than. You but of. Course. Theyre going. Yes. Yes. Let them yes. I can end. Up with them and. I will. And theyre fine young man and i was not. Going to. Run. He just said. So so so. Right. Now my whole yammering at get back at the good things arent going to be any. Feel. Its. A. Good thing that he took the call but its a. Good. Yes. But. Its. Not a. Negative. That i want. To make any of us. Oh. Its. One of the good when they see. Its. Rajar. Campbell. Well yes something anything that campbell or someone who. Was going to see. Them when i won my family i might find that my. Want to implement reading. And family because im going to benefit them with more or less to help them im now what you already thought to make a rental car while parked at the windows of moment to say ok i dont need to do what i said im watching at the moment of my mind up to the surface im not sure yet i will give it up when we need to understand you mean the highest office in the beginning because youre not going to want to go see nothing. Democratic service here for many months. Then lawwell porky i personally think you have to think what the way you look is equal the. Every man will get him back a no fly you. Know where mikey what if that is where we can hit them im not with. You. And i know now. What i mean im. Not going to. Know i dont think. I complained thought i thought id gone but you know its because youre an artist its very important i think you know i mean you jump on the thing which i said. If the other three know us economy people who got bought a palace but a face youre not they love me and. So you see them dont you see that one of the more you lean people you would know if i knew it if i mean they wouldnt be seen could be doing the same commandment is you know. Im being but i must. Be like i want to. Be we feel that were going to be lost i mean just anybody with a computer to do it down there but its your kid pulled up we got to get busy i mean. I know thats a point even i can tell he was. Going to meet up and also way you know i mean when we need to i mean for the last moment i dont think hes you know hes a monk but i look you saw my face you know he got. You know theres a loop in the which youre. My man and i think. This end. Europes largest coal terminal is located in the port a front to done every year two hundred million tons of coal is imported into here a quarter of this comes from colombia almost twenty percent of john his victory city is generated from black coal. A few months after the relocation of tema quito Carter Fuentes travels to the continent to can switzerland at the invitation of a Nongovernmental Organization to attend glencore shareholder meeting. Lucius judgment good news when it was truly a woods and its a great pleasure to welcome you to our two thousand and fourteen and least you company doubled in size and he holds its position as one of the Worlds Largest producers moccasins. Glencore is unique amongst its feet able to treat and capture value every stage of the commodities chain from morning to so and uses. Them for the good that it be with a clean you know but its kind of when you saw you know what a lot of them are they like what you had by do that. Every neither then or only and i guess im glad they think one body for a minute to amend their own deficiencies doesnt get from me comedy that the s. M. S. When i was a book that brought me communion under the makita where class and ballot and line across aisle borders in the lab you know thats our home but in the d. N. A. One that theyre set up by a knock on the will now the public the contaminant call of duty and the old peoples or the lab present giving complete endl and pomp where the kissing down few months its usually missionary at the front gate we would like a question rolls of them is so huge so if you could review all the discussion each of the truth lucian and close the question then theyd run it by the book down dont let media than everything they need buy is the spending on the living case the securely the do not nestle feel. But at the center of hong kong where this. In the year of the village the relocation glencoe reach profits of two hundred forty billion us dollars. For the people of time a key to the fight for survival and the ongoing conflict with the Mining Companies continue. Since two thousand and twelve multiple new black coal power plants have become operational in germany in europe a further eighty new power plant units a plan for operation. Each year one point five Million People worldwide a force to resettle due to the mining of coal and other natural resources. Week matches in the Bundesliga Itll be christmas soon and whos getting the gifts. Certainly not a midseason start they picked up their first loss of the year against islam. And itll be a Blue Christmas for shaka after losing a home to me. Because of the thirty minute double. Natural riches of precious resources. And a rewarding investment. Of farmland has been called ethiopias go to. The country has an abundant supply and leases it to international preferred giants government to hike export revenues and the corporations high profit margin. But not everyone benefits from the booming business. Would give me when i saw the bulldozers clearing the land i was devastated going to give me how could they bulldoze the land without my permission and what they knew would belong to me. Expropriations environmental destruction starvation. The crime from government and corporate greed. The selling out of a country. That donkeys fear no hyenas. Starts december twenty ninth on d w. U. S. Defense secretary jim mattis has resigned citing policy differences with President Donald Trump trump said on twitter that mattis would leave his job at the end of february his departure came a day after trump and i watched the withdrawal of u. S. Troops from syria in a move criticized by major allies and top u. S. Military officials. U. S. Prosecutors have indicted two alleged chinese hackers accused of stealing trade secrets and

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