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A friend. Crime fighters dont miss it. Begin to find that were on a journey to see how you have smugglers live do muslims in belgium france and spain have the same problems and worries the same desires are europes muslims the same everywhere are they able to reflect critically on islam where does this work especially well where doesnt it what are their fears do they have to fear exclusion and. The may thats where the conflict is distinguishing between the ideology or religion and the people and thats what motivated me to go on this journey. How many had a Bad Reputation for hating islam that shows that critics. Of islam arent really welcome so you can end up in a dangerous place its high time to eliminate this issue from the perspective of the people becoming not bashing islam but not islamic p. R. Either. Because we cant allow the right wing populists to be the only voices criticizing islam i dont think its bad to doubt and criticize on the contrary and. How muslims react to hunted in these tense times hes considered germanys toughest critic of islam. I only know him had from the media in two thousand and thirteen his murder was called for on Egyptian Television hes been under Police Protection ever since. Its hard for me to imagine what it means to live such a restricted life. How the how much they think its you know nice to meet you again i see youre not alone. Thank you but. Do you always have a security detail and. Yes. Would you say your need for bodyguards is directly due to the thought law that was issued against you ordered a cult because. Its due to several things that was the starting point people know the term because of selman rushdie. Uses a fatwa is a religious opinion that justifies killing an up of states thats when it started with me people were calling for my murder and what happened after that was even worse. And it doesnt hurt you to be labeled an apostate and i believe that if you dish it out youve got to be able to take it to. Yourself im taking care of them as long as were. Hurling words at each other not stones then alls well im just people. Like me theres a turkish market right next door. Were going to go shopping the muslim way i like getting to know people maybe someone will recognize you does that frighten you why should it this hasnt made me scared of meeting people. Its ramadan right now isnt it yes it is. Hello i have a question. Do you fast yes yes i fast. Is it really hard for you and preparing food no its not too hot its hot but im used to it. Its ok to sell food thats not a problem. No its not. But if i want to buy a piece of board from you and eat it as a muslim then youve incited me to commit a sin i just dont know why because you tempted me with treats like these. Myself things thats my job people decide for themselves if they want to buy them i fast for myself not for you we dont force anyone i can tell my son he has to fast but he makes that choice to do it not me. I might tell him once or twice but he has to decide to do it. Why do many people misunderstand islam. I dont know wed like to understand that theres always a reason its all about money about politics yes and thats not just true for islam thanks have a good day. But i was. Just seeing that. Look at the star itself he jabs and. Im. Sure this sister dont you want to return to god. Youd look much prettier if you wore a job box thinking if i wanted to wear he jab or had to wear one id tie it quite differently and. Lets see you know if it was. You know the singer erykah badu yes shes got that gypsy style it would be frowned upon if you were the he job like that why because you have to cover the neck if you want to follow islam correctly then yes does it say that in the quran yes. How long have you been wearing the you job since seventh grade its your choice yes my choice no pressure. No my daughter did it without pressure to she really wanted to cover up i didnt make her i told her the seventh grade was actually too early and she wasnt ready for it i told her she. Didnt know why she wanted to do it i called the teacher and said something was wrong that you wouldnt expect that you always think theres pressure from the home but in this case theres no pressure from home there was pressure from school and the students teased each other i know that from egypt that in a way so its kinda funny for some the women who dont wear it on the street sometimes have the have pulled so hard it comes out so its going to say its ok would you say youre a better muslim with a huge job i think it comes from here not here for me its here you dont have to prostrate yourself on a mat five times a day to pray if youve got bad thoughts running through your head nobody can tell me theyre one hundred percent muslim and the way its written in the koran. Is counted as a moment why do you think god wants you to behave this way this is the source of. Why not ask me the other way around why isnt it the case i dont know if i knew that i had to be much farther along god probably judge doesnt correctly i only know what he wants but whether he gets it thats a different matter nobody gets that do you get everything you want. No you see did you get everything now he mean either i stand here all day for something i have a certain purpose i want something but then in the end i dont get it so what should i do jump in the canal america. Thank you. Thank you good luck with your business. Can i take a picture of you right. Ive seen you on t. V. And not me. Just a locksmith. What would it cost to copy a key like this depends which one would you like this one cost for euros. For euros. Do you think the islamic way of life is compound of all with the western way of life on the sun. I think the things that exist in the west have already been around in islam for fourteen hundred years. Pose a feeling that you know this peace towards women peace among people we had fourteen hundred years ago this gives us hope for those of you know that i was there but there are differences in the west women are allowed to wear what they want they can love who they want and i. Know thats different a believer has a law a book that says muslim women have to cover up. Their own is supposed to show themselves to the husband. Does ones its a good one you know only the husband why this is because its just that way if you have a pretty woman Walking Around here. There was a pretty woman here just now and nothing happened. Not because something might happen anyone could look at this woman and then have bad thoughts in their head. As long as youre saying that if the woman covers up shes protecting herself thats right yes that means im a danger to you. Yes what are you doing now youre drawing leaves men and. Ive been Walking Around with her all day and i havent had a stupid idea yet how does that work. An example if you have a wife is a bit ugly if you see a pretty a woman somewhere what happens back home most of them. You lose interest in you know. Youre thinking about this other pretty woman instead who says no i dont think like that im a man who say that a lying this is a woman old man like pretty women sure she covers a self up to protect herself from bad things she says. Should she do this thanks. Hes admitted that men are weak sex that they cant withstand the temptation and thats why its a womans job to cover up because otherwise i could lead you into temptation and i just found this goes on. Im a danger to men. I take what he says seriously. I have to take it seriously women as a danger. He says his daughter should start wearing a hijab when shes seven and then properly at eleven he says its voluntary but that requires freedom article two of germanys basic law its constitution gives her the right to the Free Development of a personality. On the thats at the heart of democracy but he job prevents a girl of seven from freely developing herself just. How can a girl in a corset like this develop healthily and become a normal member of the society. The fact that we could have asked the locksmith whether hes aware of the right of Free Personal Development and whether he granted to his children. He would say islam invented Free Personal Development program to say that fourteen hundred years ago islam already came up with all the good things we have in europe now. And slaving over nothing. So what counts is the quran not germanys basic law against exactly and you are aware of the studies showing that the majority of turks living here in germany put the quran above the basic law. Still on the scene they are the honest ones of all of the more honest that figure would be eighty percent versus after sports or. Reading the coffee grounds can you do that. And whats in store for the future. It says is lerner called the reformed. With i have to see that. Lets go. Islam cant be reformed is that really true every religion develops in its own way. Before Luther Christians didnt believe reform was possible. I see the majority of the four and a half million muslims in germany practicing their religion quietly they seem to reconcile the divine order with the secular one. This film is supposed to be a dialogue between muslims one where only muslims are given a say. Next time ed and i want to meet young committed muslims were meeting members of jumah young muslim active what do they care about what goals do they pursue. The only catch is i cant tell them about hunted for security reasons. The young people dont know im coming with a critic of islam. I hope theyll be open to us anyway. Do you think theyll recognize you as you can see ive got a surprise visitor do you know him yes. Youve read something by having. You know i cant remember the exact title but mr abdul samad published a book last year where he tried to equate islam and fascism was the title again islamic fascism islamic fascism i read it i found it tough going. And i was interested in how he was polarizing people with the book. Did the book anger you or her. My identity is based to a very large extent on my religious character. I felt hurt in my identity in my mind im in what makes me me. I didnt feel like i wanted to punch a lawyer or anything. I read these things to toughen up and to avoid overreacting so i dont get provoked. Thats what critics of islam want but they wont get that from me. Youre accusing me of deliberately setting out to hurt you know all provoke you yes you want to provoke messiahs what certainly true is that hammett has criticised islam and angered people there are muslims who want to kill him because of that criticism. Issuing a front walk calling to have someone murdered regardless of who the tell you it is is complete nonsense especially because of criticism anyone should be able to criticize whatever they want. You know what i think i thought today would be about muslims in germany muslims in berlin and about muslim life and now were debating issues like this again. Im from berlin im threatened in berlin im one person not one person and. Ive never threatened you im certain none of the people here would threaten you who german will have an individual lifestyle i think its a shame. That were not talking about that today and that were instead talking about terrorism and how you perceive the death threat. I think thats a shame it makes me laugh really. It doesnt make me laugh and think its a matter of life and death to me just like your complaints about the germans and how they dont accept you there are problems associated with islam too not least in germany because we have extremists here too we have islamic associations that patronize muslims and try to speak in their name and you act as a group. I mean. It was less defined for us it was more general we thought this would be about how we live here with each other maybe a few difficult questions for security reasons you couldnt tell us you were coming but islam in berlin isnt about extremists or people who threaten the lives of people like you. Go to get to visit what other topic was and tell us about them how we live together why cant we talk about the fact that there are five hundred thousand muslims in berlin and that we dont have a problem with each other there was a room with a he job and a mobile phone with a palestinian flag. Can be taken for granted do we have to address it. Yes but i think its problematic if we as muslims have these negative discussions the whole time its constant person ism at every discussion never mind where at work at university the question is always what you think about the job why do you have to do this or that you hear it once youre polite you hear it twice youre polite and then the third time in the thirty fifth time and then you think do we really not have any other problems in this country but the home of the kind of opinions based on this how do you see it when do you feel injured as a muslim. And foolishness for thats. When this mission i feel injured if i feel impaired or disadvantaged because of my religion if i cant pursue a certain job for example because i look like a muslim because i have a beard uk income vice. President and bob hogg because i want to pray at work and im placed at a disadvantage as a result you know if im out and im with you have but were told the whole time that we dont quite belong to German Society yet even though we call ourselves german are you primarily german or primarily muslim im primarily you cant put it that way because the one is religion and the other is nationality im a german muslim and melbourne and i just have to i would like to be accepted by German Society i want to be accepted with all my facets even though its just a piece of fabric on my head i want to be accepted with it and a pair in public and it id like to be able to wear it and still be able to work as a lawyer for example and. At the end of the conversation i became aware again how hard it still must be to be a devout muslim in germany you constantly have to justify yourself and emphasize that islam is a peaceful religion i sense some of the you must feel pushed into a corner theyre sick and tired of having to defend themselves. Yes and they were angry about how meds unannounced visit. With but i remember the selfconfident women religion played no role in my discovery of myself as a woman but how can deeply devout muslims reconcile the demands of their religion with a modern view of women. To answer that we need sinead who calls herself a conservative muslim feminist. I was just being towed about. This. I found out about you a bit earlier. Youve come with your entourage. A surprise guest. You could have told me in advance. We couldnt for security reasons i thought it was because people would be a bit upset you know there are Real Security reasons youre not annoyed with me are you you know i was just a bit surprised you two know each other yes thats why i thought that what you just said made sense where are we going around the corner to al and martha lets try it. Whats that. For three of what you wanted to wear kneecap and cover your face. This is the hima you put it on so you can see a silhouette anymore theres a skirt as well because if you were to walk people would see your legs and that is to be avoided too. When you wear these things its not just about covering your hair you want to hide your feminine allure because if im going to put this on strictly speaking im committing a sin because i know shes just getting undressed i could have bad thoughts yes simply being in this room with this subject matter i dont know if ive done it correctly im coming out. Its not right at the back i dont want to trample on any religious feelings but i feel a little like that man doesnt fit in looks nice with the purple and the black it has something respectable about it the hand shouldnt be visible right now whats interesting is the reinterpretation of the kneecap or the burka which we mainly know from afghanistan this blew down with this lattice in front of the eyes back in three thousand b. C. The sioux mariannes were in mesopotamia and it was traditional for prostitutes to cover up as a free woman you until out. Of position just. How things changed so id have been a prostitute back then thats right definitely in the samarian part of mesopotamia youd be put in that box in arabia before islam youd have been a free noble woman only slave women werent allowed to wear he job and today today youre a muslim woman whos chosen the salafi interpretation. Of the motivations behind why a muslim woman covers up very a lot of their own reasons like the positioning herself better on the marriage market because youre saying im a good chaste muslim women if you marry me you wont have to worry about my being an immodest its also about distinguishing ourself sometimes from your own parents by showing your religion a kind of our show you how to live religion properly another factor is suffering for god you cover up to suffer the god that way you collect hasnt it points for the afterlife its a very commercial thought that plays a role in raising children too but also in this interpretation of. The man. In a couple house her posture is different than usual to her in makes her look small and limited like. You could intimidator them i dont know or like that sounds at least yes well if they have to play this isnt how she usually chooses to dress its just an experiment. Yeah yeah. Its a strange feeling my field of vision is very limited because of the slit for the eyes i cant see my body anymore i can only feel it im covered up but feel exposed to the gaze of the passers by and i cant hold a mans gaze i feel intimidated. I wonder how emancipation could even be possible as a devout muslim woman. Might. You can see yourself as a muslim and a feminist for centuries men have been thinking about and reflecting on texts and developing you know. Text or not. So why shouldnt a woman have the same. Kind of almost just as tom does of tools or the quran say you can strike women it says a wife is the vessel to receive her husbands seed meaning the husband can excuse me mount her at any time without her putting up any resistance can you take the same book and find a legacy of emancipation in it. Given if you look at history then there was emancipation at a very early point women were secured in a manner of speaking and the construct of marriage was introduced to provide them safety also with regards to clearing up questions of fatherhood waiting three months when i get divorced that the man wasnt allowed to marry again straight away you know all the details so there is emancipation that. Two western women muslim women never fought for their rights i think its a problem never to have to fight for rights over time thats become lost if women cant read or write they dont have access to theological texts but what does this blow for emancipation really look like you say the quran says the first blow is to have no to lose when it comes to asking questions ask whatever comes to mind dont be scared that if you lost something youll be excluded from your community that your parents will curse you and your brother will look at you strangely. That question all and you have to ask yourself why you react like that. We have to look inward and ask ourselves what drives us to these reactions its that you stop thinking about where these things come from. Gives me hope that religious muslims will follow her example and bravely stand up for equality without having to give up their faith. As well as if there really is a name that stands for islam and for europe in this function of building bridges then the first person i think of is by some t. V. Is a girl ive heard of bus and. I can well imagine you know who he is then you also know that he coined significant terms such as euro islam and dominant culture. Hes one of the people who used to warn about all the things were experiencing now muslim fundamentalism problems with migration in those days people said he was a rabble rouser now you read his theories and you think this guy was right. The element of surprise for me is always exciting. You know. Mr t. V. Hello. Ive tried another guest weve never met i only know you from t. V. Ive never met you before either never met no weve never met i mean. Im pleased to meet you personally how are you good thanks have you read a book by abdel samad. I know what he does and i dont agree with him on everything because unlike him im a devout muslim but im a reformist im not writing off islam just yet having this come on what do you criticize about him because hes written off islam and i still have hope of you still have hope when you say hamad is someone who hates islam no thats incorrect if you ban criticism theres no enlightenment the difference between us is that youre a devout muslim and im not you think islam can be reformed i dont so what do we have in common. The fight for freedom and human rights when french and ive had this cluster t. V. Tell us briefly what you know islam is how do you define it. As your own or slumbers your of your oh islam is based on five pillars the first is separation of religion and state the second is individual not collective human rights thirdly tolerance and tolerance not in the islamic sense of tolerating christians and jews but tolerance in the sense of the european in liason meant and then a Civil Society and pluralism. In the middle of the pluralism means islam is one religion among many the majority of muslims reject that they say theres just one religion and that islam thats against the constitution if you want as the constitution gives us religious freedom not for muslims but for everybody a christian is a person of faith as a jew or a hindu and an atheist who doesnt have a faith. Can invoke the basic law to muslims need to accept that it was the members of the stuff that you have and i dont think its in here but then were confronted with the devout muslims who take the quran as the word of god the final word. On that instead of going by allah its says that allies religion is islam and islam came to defeat all other religions if you want and were seeing it all had a. Feeling in the world many things in the quran have to be relativize done viewed from a Historical Perspective of course theres a lot of resistance to that like ive said before that its quite clear that if a muslim once a live according to the letter of the quran in europe and be a european thats not possible and if and in mom tells young muslims five six seven eight year olds that they cant take a womans hand that they cant have german friends then that segregationist is lamb thats just. Kind of got involved without realizing it the german state and the german churches support segregationist islam the washington ocean the truth and when its a preventative integration in the name of integration i cant logically understand that. I cant understand it either i think thats the basic problem that islam ists islamic associations and salafist all agree with the German Government that islam is a homogenous group. That treated as a collective instead of as individuals thats where the problem begins the german state needs someone it can talk to as well how else will you establish communications the german state cant personally talk to four million muslims in her life about and on this question doesnt come up in france or other European Countries the german state and the german churches want to force a Christian Church model on to islam but muslims are individuals i dont want. An Islamic State with individuals you know and talk to us as individuals i dont want to be part of the collective youre building that. Youre violating my basic right to freedom of religion because of common five. That was a passionate plea mr gibb if. The people of europe see themselves as individuals most of the time in muslim societies however the group the family unit takes precedence islam is the common denominator those who dont want that can easily feel lost sometimes its probably easier to just give yourself over to religion we want to meet people at peace with themselves and their faiths where attending a muslim celebration im meeting the speaker in the mosque. Her name is pina judge and like me she has turkish roots since i dont know if critics of islam are welcome here ive come without hamad at least for now. Its a special occasion today its the twenty seventh night of ramadan we call it lie lie at. The night of power in this night the koran became a complete finished book its also the night thats mentioned in the koran as a special night on this night a particularly large number of guests come to the mosque were expecting between four and five thousand people today or theyll break that fast here meaning they only together everyone will share from that table with the next table and after that everyone will pray in the mosque. But what does this mosque mean to you a huge amount on the one hand its a bit of comfort and when you come here its a bit like being in turkey its got that holiday feeling on the other hand its the place where mr encounters have taken place where the muslim no muslim or turkish german its the place where it made the most friendships with the majority population so its not just home in the sense of turkey its also home in german. Whos welcome here everyone is welcome anytime the doors to the mosque in a way is open. To all mosque is based on ottoman chungs this is typical turkish oncotype chant the special thing is that the prayer is always the same as china america germany or turkey and you can join in the prez youll have a mosque that looks like this or like that and youll see children everywhere my head is in a world penalize friendly and welcoming but i struggle to keep up with what shes saying im thinking about when would be a good moment to ask her whether would be welcome here to. Meet. You. I got one last question just theoretically. You said before that everyone was welcome at the mosque yes but what about critics of islam are they welcome to own we regularly have critics at the mosque we have many people who come in groups from institution for example and there are some critics among them ill tell you i mean ok i met up just ahmad does that mean anything to you yes is he welcome. Do what you like just tell us. You wouldnt throw him out though if youre happy to have time. We wouldnt throw anyone out. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. I just dont know if some young people recognize him and then ask what hes doing here. Yeah. Yeah. The old. I met up just some. Thats come over here yeah youve not met before. Are seeing you on t. V. Youve seen me on t. V. Youre welcome here we are in front of the mask because its packed inside theres no room its the break of the fast thats exactly. Im just surprised by the security you dont need to be scared of course im not scared of you for some reason comes on the phone or of our community and i know were out on the street you know anything is possible. Whats it like to have hammered here now you know use a vehement critic of islam what would you like to say to him. At the banks i say so much when hes talking on television i like to hear it first hand it is because of me im often angry with you when i see you on t. V. Im an open person i think its a shame that the experiences that have occurred in your life with muslims which i regret opera jetted onto islam as if islam were to blame for the bad things people do to islam i mean they must mention i think we have a very beautiful wonderful religion but people are flawed we all have our flaws and sometimes were bad people but that doesnt have anything to do with the religion of a. Filibuster used youre saying my criticism of islam is only based on my personal bad experiences as a minister of foreign so that. I often feel the two are you know ive written a book about the prophet. Where i just reproduced historical facts that are stated in islamic books. What does that have to do with my personal experience and if i read a book or take someone apart with the intention of criticizing it or them and always find something that i can say i dont like but if i approach something positively and say i want to get to know this person and love this person with an open mind then ill find things to love about that person i was yesterday but you dont have to approach it positively from the start for you as a devout muslim i can understand why youd approach the brother free of the prophet positively because you love this person i want to be neutral i want to look at the sources i have to forget that the quran is revealed by god i see it is a human written in the seventh century if you read the text you forget the reality and the love and then you realize there are problems biggest monday with this title and even on the eastern part of us the problems with wars problems with the prophets both in the quran and in other sources and in philly and they are following that he kept women a spoils of war for example and had sex with them but thats not in the koran the way you quote that ok so youre a thirty three its pointless to discuss the theology its for program but you said it wasnt in the quran that he used them for sex and that he saw them as spoils of wool thats not in the quran lets look at zero thirty three get a koran so we can look no problem i have it in my head you dont no problem. For me the prophet is someone who brought about a revolution at a time when women meant nothing when women were sold and given away as commodities when girls were buried alive the prophet came and said men and women are equal in the eyes of allah can i respond to that as evidence that women were equal before islam came along the prophets first wife what was she she was a traitor his employer. There was no islam when she offered him a job and she even asked for his hand in marriage. Yes but she was an exception in that society didnt now want to deny that girls who are buried alive that was an arab traditions thats a legend and exactly were talking about other sources so we wont be on the same page one more question you said girls were buried alive before mohammed came along what did muhammad and always friends get for wives from all the girls had already been buried its a legend and thats what im saying is that the prophet is sacred to you and that it crosses a red line for you if the prophet is criticized. If i just think that the source is mr abdel some of these quoting authors ive read lets go in to your mosque you know show them two years maybe today is a bad day another time happily but its in the official biography and that was my source another time is that an offer. We can do that. We have your word this is chechen said we can do that maybe next time without the camera i think thats fair. Its an offer it least i think dialogue is positive. Im satisfied ok ok wonderful sounds good. Five hundred years reformation how did mountain news this message get out into the well as you know maybe a friend stands. Missionaries arrived in the colony of german South West Africa in eight hundred fourteen they brought the goodwood with them. Merchant settlers and soldiers fight he followed. In his legacy in namibia julio and thirty minutes alone d. W. Beat the germans new and surprising aspects of noise and culture in germany. Us american good news that takes a look at german idiosyncrasies at their traditions every day lives and language i can just come out of my lungs im sorry so im young good. Looking guy of g. W. Dot com the germans. Its all about the moments that right before. Its all about the stories inside. Its all about George Chance to discover the world from different perspectives. Join us inspired by distinctive instagram or years at g. W. Stories the topic each week on instagram. This is d w news live from but in spain reports over a million protesters shouting the streets of boss alona amid the council on a crisis the pro unity rally hailed as a success by its organizes meanwhile madrid is warning that any moves

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