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I. Feel. That there. Is you know. This area is living in a mess people still licata. But i. Just still hear it but refuse to. So. Lets also talk of. The oh. My god that was our fault that. Was left to go. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. Oh. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh god you got the. Most votes in the. Winter. In the country in two. Thousand and twelve two thousand fifteen b. D. C. One on four live in tokyo this is from going to a third visit by our Office Officer i mean if you speak about this you really see one machine you dont use for three hundred ninety exists in this case what. I want to promise to do that we have got to do for sandra levy out sally but didnt get anything just get back in the after line one straight up and if you have. A look of wood on lopping off you know that australia descript by it was a disk will likely go to. A two prong movie and im ready for others to live up to ride of nearly half believe. The most open throughout the two are. Welcome to the new group around them that will do to. Me the same as you said it was a facility come not only is ritchie the way what i did but also when you go to a were you to see what most of your. Snapped out of the world cup were like its out of. Ten great idea to insert. A different political rally but only one led to me and then on a monument wrote to im a large. Tempers are. Putting it on a song called gotten me going to. The. Top of the month here to run up and get up on the world but often feeling my swing and after thinking so i was out of an open imbroglios appearance in the atoms of unusual at lax. Rule. Of law. Sorry but on a milder maybe its because its an over. Yeah i mean this took the under side to that because it was the stuff that morning i think that you were getting i would just come would have. Noticed of you know whats real. And would not let you down on this note i was. Doing within the past for i need to even be able to sign no but it was somebody doing well and down the aisle way out of. Its simplest put into one of the idea. Of yeah no cinemas i mean let an e. Name room a lot of. Them seen on the wrong day to study this and lamela. This for a long way on me so i just did a prince or two if its already said number two you need to get said get him there you have a pond in to do would need to go and sit down. Im going to go to didnt hear and see then you didnt do any kind of kind of out of african what what i do i want to slow down and i say again thomason was in. And then mitt romney didnt look at it cambodia percentage that he had out on i mean tanya and the shadow news talk to mark im done with i dont know and i must say i was a soft fighter jet and i have done. A new killing the day that i thought it might have a dead if it ends or didnt go i would dig in there are some want to do. Have an ordinance to do that i wasnt even going to learn how many new immigrants also i was going on to the development of. Michael jackson to do with. Her. Mother. Would. You. Please. Oh. Please. In concluding we are facing a complex investigation because Many International implications. The prosecution is only growing and will take time. It would not be professional communicates to you today the details time to. The world the food bowl needs to be patient. By its nature this investigation will take more than the legendary ninety minutes. The fact of the matter is that what has been revealed so far is a mafia style Crime Syndicate in charge of the sport my only hesitation and using that term is that it is almost insulting to the mafia because. The mafia would never have been so blatant over and out again. And its corruption. Trial back now youre a puerto rico if you tell me but i want you to get ahold of me now which way are heading up this thing but not a fed of a problem one day or two weeks. At i probably a public trial where everywhere i go i want more of them. Now the outbreak of money if i get in the way that you want folks that people actually. Want to talk about dont want any of them out crying. And theres the auspex for me which are a menace tyrone whose former crews were a champ. Jr bill which imposter drayton featherweight chance freddy toward. And for the briefest of p. R. Is a guy named jose rivera who is well to each of. You thinks fights to make betty. You thinks fights to get a fight or a championship you think fights to maneuver a fighter up the ranks toward a championship fight you think fights to win. In order. Again to position someone strategically. You fix fights to lose. In order to get paid and made you know betting cool is the way to fix fights varies greatly. You fix fights by buying judges thats and you know thats one easy way to do it you fix fights by having the referee working for you so that if theres any way that the ref can stop a fight in your guys favor he does you fix fights by colluding with the fighters generally the loser its all its almost always a loser. Winners almost never go fight is fixed. One of the things that youre cognizant of when you are fixing fights. Is that youre doing something illegal something that theoretically can wind you up you know want you in jail or im going to get people angry at you so you never really say anything you know nothing thats culpable so theres a code. And if youre in boxing for a while you know the code Everybody Knows the code. You go into a shop. Where there is either a trainer or manager and youre looking for somebody your guy can be this happy guys make your money and its interesting that people who lose in boxing. Generally speaking if theyre professional losers can make more money than winners. When it costs money losing makes money thats not true obviously at an elite level but almost every other level is the case. So what you do is you say ive got a guy. And he is looking for people looking for just the first ok so it means that. He needs to be you know having to want to keep him busy. The response to those ive got somebody and generally the second phrase is but he hasnt been in the gym to watch. Ok so the subtext there is hes hes not good shape and so youre horny and i dont where this thing is going to go and you say the other thats ok you know. Like i got to get in a few routes i mean its going to knock out at which point he goes well you know ok. I can do that but really mike by guys in shape to go more than three or four. Thats ok so you just fixed a fight. Nobodys done anything illegal nobodys done anything with it come out and stated anything explicitly. But thats a done deal. And you get. You get what you pay for. It is a great fight just six. Hundred. How many im not sure but hundreds. I see it all the time now i mean i dont make our living in boxes anymore but i see fixes all the time sure will always exist and always households. My kids here we go with are many many that evening with the burden not the countries it was Six Continents to begin the. Shutdown. Biggest i think tends toward the sensational irish hurricanes here mike. And keep laughing keep laughing. Youll feel funny a. Few go if anyone to you because you respect me or what im doing or what ive been do of last three months since youve been announced to go against a guy like this you have nothing to pin. Protrude. On her to feel to be clearly from the field passed on sunday night what are we to take since yes. But if you have it it took a few recruits not take them soon because remember what happens when i refuse my cuckoo. Ulis measure was found in fin thank you thank you i had no money so i for a while was bankrolling what they were doing i was breaking mcneely and sometimes and actually dont need to new york. For various things you know and i was making fights for peter so i mean i knew them very well and i was very involved in whats going on so i bring if you dont have to help or if its office its done to its director of boxing and we work out a deal for me only to be tysons first part which is a completely win win situation for everybody im just happy to be here everybody me can speak me down nearly every keep statement on do you really need a fight thank you for your for good thank you. I got a phone call from a guy whose voice i recognize but not not somebody i really know but you know he said look somebody thought i should give you a call to let you know. That a bet that made that the fight wouldnt. Because im trying to remember how he described. I think he told me the fight wont go its not going to go ninety seconds it was you know it was a Million Dollar bet and the fights not going to go ninety seconds somebody thought you might be interested in the want was want which were eighty nine seconds which point then vicki on the steps. Between the ropes to prop the ending to the five was only who really had this thing figured out understood that it was crucial that there be no finding of impropriety because tyson was the machine on which boxing rap by far the biggest are in the world and. You know when when he fights and vegas. They generate a billion dollars in added revenue i mean not from boxing for say but you know for from all of the ancillary revenue so it has to be ok and vicky and you know. So he gets his payday whatever it is and i dont know what it is and never did know what it was. And i get a phone call from from him and im still in puerto rico so i got to come to the house i got to see you and i said i cant do it and still out of the country and he says send somebody you trust. And when that somebody got there. He was still full of a little put my son through college i got it you know i got knocked down the match quick yeah its hard. I felt like the for i felt like the first nine thousand a good good quick podge of my part is a little bit of a flash not that i was ok the second knockdown as the film will show i was shaky i slipped i fell on the rope and i twisted i twist the part of i need you see the way. You see to fit look at the film. Look at the film look at the film my knee buckled my knees buckled on to get me hit mogul dont. Imagine youre up against a very well placed. High profile machine that is capitalized to a degree that you cant even begin to imagine a billion dollar multibillion dollar industry so this guy with nothing except for his brain in the spirit of. That is the greatest single underdog score. That ive ever seen in all of my years in boxing you know the single most savvy maneuver that ive ever seen. Was. Half. That. Was. The r. Was. The. Car. Ah. Loader on. The phone was the bus stop so yes i did sit still. For the fucking looking for my secret. My mum. For. The. Car i yanked she was of course thanks for a pill feel free to both schwab to my home has it is there with you with this quality into my shawl that canonical new doesnt want to wear a thing was a mug would know its quality and they only. Holds the movie key thing who is sold to the shrugs see if she. And then you die young boy are they sick of the simpler suppose you thought of this the d. D. E. Because when you die. Like a fish a whole year you have bookish chaos as were all friends every other possible perceptively why did you as excited as them are say that tomorrow or the thought. Of us seeing green your dish. Which will do for the other what was in your face a surprise for me and for you in this group because they feel she has you to see who hear your mother in there says shell have a sphere was there five feet of those i mean you. Ever was there the judge who said i would say my life and the mother cannot fool him with a new. One will survive because a she might act and then she thought she would love war fozzie the most if you want but you lived well then with that was so much nothing of the well my life and i think while i was there you are the one to the bone if you will. The ocean opposes are my friends for coming to. Act keep pushing not think when we. Whack and how would you feel was injured through the this was given for the kick at the auger so i can get the weapon so who knows when to move but i would kill some of the old with no poison my eyes. It dont know what you do if you think which of them will start to care about the source and i want to know why is this do they see on what i found the one question which was. If you think about the stadium as a reflection of the city we can say that the poorest fans have been expelled from the mount of kind of violently theyve had their places literally taken away from them. All around brazil people are asking this question comes back in i cant who is this really benefiting and of course you know the answers and its the elites really politicians the very narrow strata of the brazilian highest class is that for the world cup as for not for the vast majority of brazilian people were hypnotized by whats happening in the narrative the football and no one wants to talk about issues because they just want to enjoy the circus now that the circus has gone we can talk about these things again and so its a suspension of critical thought its a time of suspended animation where its not just the country that stops its is a few falls brain stuff working as well. And so this is the depression the dissent and debate about is this worth it trying to do this should you do this whos there for when the ball is rolling those questions were largely eliminated from public discussion. Who are. Clearly being illegally meaning me i mean. Its always the most one of the people this happened to. Go back to soledad in eighty eight to see the forced removal of tens of thousands of people from their homes their barcelona ninety two forced move immigrants quarters in. Atlanta in one thousand nine hundred six forced removal of two africanamerican neighborhoods near the olympic sites. Not so much in sydney but then the first removal of tens of thousands of roma people from from athens two thousand and eight two Million People moved from the center of all beijing. London similar tastes of displacement and then again well see this in rio two thousand and sixteen similar in south africa so this is a repeating theme that has different power to killers in some particular places. Thomas bach is saying we need reform because the olympics are in a slow motion crisis right now and you only need to look at the bidding for the two thousand and twenty two olympics to realize that because voters who any voter who had the chance to vote on it in a referendum said we dont want the olympics from munich to stockholm to krakow to cuba canton in switzerland they got to vote on it so he is in a crisis comparing fee for in the i. O. C. Because theyre in a crisis of the i. O. C. They know they need to change human rights need to be part of the equation for both the olympics and for fifa i mean right now its not at all a part of the way things are decided i mean just look at the evidence beijing two thousand and eight sochi two thousand and fourteen then theres russia two thousand and eighteen qatar two thousand and twenty two you cant tell me human rights are serious consideration when you make those selections. The idea that politics and sports dont mix is a fairy tale that people at the i. O. C. And fifa tell themselves to console each other around the evening fire is just totally untrue and its ridiculous to say so and it really shows a selective ethics on their part the way it plays out for politicians in beijing or glad im here putin in sochi is they get to stand on the world stage and look legitimate alongside this incredibly popular event known as the olympics and so they get to sort of enjoy the olympic halo effect if you will and meanwhile brushed aside all their Human Rights Violations and all their problems you know with their democratic practice. One thing though he seemed is that independent of the Global Economy which has periodic fluctuations the fluctuations of the profits a few for the i. O. C. Only go like this they only go up and up enough and that means that theyre completely disassociated from any economic reality for the of the places where they go. And the olympic motto bigger stronger faster also could apply to the size of the games. Every olympics its always been your its always more sort of this idea that the event itself has to reflect the competitive nature of sport has to some a. Veteran n. B. A. Referee is under investigation for allegedly betting on his own games the gambling scandal has ties to the gambino crime family. Tonight a former n. B. A. Referee accused of betting on his own games and working for the mob fears for his life. One year three months behind bars for disgraced and be a referee tim donaghy. My name is tim donaghy im the former n. B. A. Basketball referee that was involved in their gambling scandal from two thousand and seven to where i used information that ive seen from other referees in the League Office based on relationships that exist between referees and owners referees and coaches and referees and flyers and use that information knowing what was going to happen and that n. B. A. Team and used that information to pass along to People Associated with organized crime for monetary gain. It all fell apart because at the end of the year. You know some of the People Associated with organized crime or heard talk you know where the wire top selling back to the f. B. I. And they started a big investigation and when i got there i basically told them the truth that i you know was somebody who had gambled a lot. In general gamble on n. B. A. Basketball games and they wanted to know how i was able to win so many games without fixing them and it took a while and several meetings but i explained to them that the relationship. Existed both positive and negative between the referees and the players and the coaches and the owner spilled out onto the floor and through the investigation and speaking to help coaches in owners and players and former referees they came to this inclusion of what i was telling them was the truth. We have here a rogue isolated criminal. The n. B. A. Reacted by basically saying that i was just one bad apple in the boche and you know trying to throw me under the bus for what happened was just you know they they did it using best a geisha and the f. B. I. Came out and supported me one hundred percent and said that everything that i said was truthful and that the n. B. A. Had a lot of problems that they needed to clean up. And the reviews are basically packed with twenty thousand people its like a broadway show where you have beautiful cheerleaders you have the greatest athletes in the World Running up and down the court doing things that most people could only dream of so its packed with excitement and people love to be a part. Of the sixty seventy thousand dollars additional per year tax free you know. A level especially during the playoffs the league would really dictate what they want to call it in a game and that would put a team at a huge advantage or disadvantage moving forward in a playoff series and it was always a situation where they were extending a playoff series because the amount of revenue one additional game would be in a seven game series was always something that was in the back of the referees mind. Everythings fueled by money and they know each additional game is you know tens of millions of dollars into the League Office seligs its a culture of you know the bottom line which is money. Its just a commonly known practice that the stars around the league in the n. B. A. The star so sold the shoes and the jerseys and the bigger market team is what got the n. B. A. Global tension and better ratings so we all knew that you know we need to give them an advantage you know in some way shape or form and thats what a lot of the veteran referees did and thats what a lot of the veteran referees pass along to the younger referees. As a young referee in philadelphia the bowls from town the play in seventy six or so and that year they gave us points of emphasis as referees that they wanted to call during a game and one of them was a spin move on the baseline add on there forget i was the referee on the play that for sure sponsor was a call that if it took place and michael sure did it went up and you know how to monster stopped and i waved it off and i called the travel and right after i made that call there was a timeout jordan rushed up to me phil jackson came at me twenty thousand people in the stadium booed me even though it was an away game for the Chicago Bulls and jordan said you know what do you call not for i said you know you got the same training tape we got thats the move that they want call the travel and both Phil Jackson Michael jordan said to me they may want that call to travel but they certainly dont want to call on me and phil jackson pointed to him and said they dont want that called on him and it was something that really stuck in my mind was it bothered me that twenty thousand people were booing at me the whole bulls team was coming at me and everyone was kind of amazed that i made that call so i spoke to the elite referee in the locker room and he said you know you have to realize that you know you dont call that against a star you let that go and you call that against the lesser players when they have a point of emphasis that they want cleaned up in the n. B. A. He dont do it against the star players. I think when you talk about gambling in the n. B. A. With the referees or even those players obviously the referees like to go to the casinos would like theres a gamble even on the n. B. A. Floor with betting on who would call the first ballot an n. B. A. Game basically when you were refereeing an n. B. A. Game with two of your good friends that you would bet twenty dollars because thats what the tip was for the ball boy so we would say who ever called the first valley game had to put up the twenty dollar tip for the other two guys so we did well on the floor and wed be running up and down the court and wed you know be letting phallus go because nobody wanted to call the first falcon game because then you are responsible to pay that ball boy so you know we got bodies flying all over the place and nobody would be wanting to blow the whistle you know two three minutes into a game which is unheard of a foul mouth being called because of a twenty dollars bet on a locker room the supervisor of officials at the time came in the locker room at halftime and faceplate said what the hell happened at the beginning of the game then you guys were blowing the whistle i didnt want to blow the whistle they didnt blow the whistle either because we had a bet twenty dollars and he just said well i dont want to know anything about that and walked out but nothing was ever done about it so the League Office knew that it had taken place at times. I believe for sure that the n. B. A. Didnt sue me because the last thing they wanted to do was having some of their referees or owners or League Personnel testify under oath that a lot of the things i was saying did take place and were truly to be very detrimental to the league so what they want. It was just you know hopefully put me in jail for a long period of time and have this thing blow over but it kind of backfired on them a little bit given fifteen months in prison and i was able to write the book and tell my story of the trial was something that they tried to squash immediately by going into the offices of random house and getting my book deal squashed at first and going into the offices of sixty minutes and trying to get them not to air the episode. Dream go. Forward. Journalists discuss the topic of the week the worlds most powerful leaders assemble in canada the g seven looks to be at risk of devolving into what she six plus one truck goes it alone to europe at a loss thats our topic on china. On. Global inequality. What does inequality mean. Connecting well. To the media. Joining the discussion and helping. Media following the trends in a. Climate change. Waist length pollution says. Isnt it time for good. Eco africa people and projects that are changing no ones are meant for the earth so to us to make a difference lets. Go into the farming magazine. D. W. We make up over three quarters of our folks that found out that if we all of the seven surfaces. Want to shape the continents future priests to be part of the burden youngsters as the share their stories their dreams and their challenges. Of the seventy seven percent. Platform for such. Claim by. The lead. This is news coming to you live from berlin donald trump says hed like to invite north koreas leader kim jong il into the white house if next weeks u. S. North korea summit goes well the u. S. President is talking up the prospects for mondays historic meeting during a visit by japans Prime Minister shinzo to washington both leaders say they could normalize ties with john yang if the summit is successful and also coming up we will not be intimidated a warning from canada and europe to the u. S. President as the lead

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