Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Cybercrime - The Business Of Fe

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Cybercrime - The Business Of Fear 20180809 15:15:00

executives. human factor is the weakest link however we see that cyber crime or crime online is becoming more sophisticated more organized criminals use techniques social engineering techniques in order to persuade people to open up an email or provide information. so i think that the layman users is really not going to solve the problem. what are these social engineering techniques and why do they work so well. a computer is only as secure as the person who operates it social engineers take
advantage of this situation for example they sometimes portray themselves as i.t. support staff and offer to help solve a computer problem all the user has to do is download some software but that software often contains moen where that allows the crooks to take over the computer . criminals also use phishing emails for example they contact online banking customers and ask them to authenticate their bank account details otherwise the account will be blocked those who provide this information are turning their accounts over to crooks. these scammers try to scare their victims and that's the key element of this kind of social engineering create conditions that frighten computer users and then exploit that fear. or they can play on simple human curiosity for example they might drop a u.s.b.
stick that's filled with mall where in a company parking lot and hope that an employee him. pick it up and use it about half the time. no company wants to become the victim of a million dollar cyber attack that's why corporations including tousen club are hiring experts who can develop and maintain an internal cyber defense system. people like alpha barry in spring twenty sixteen he and his team suddenly found themselves trying to fight off a cyber attack and they had to react quickly and effectively. to has the attack played out. we came to the conclusion that a group of individuals was behind it. and that they probably had a criminal intent and. it was an industrial strength hacking operation some of
they used professional software tools they developed some of the software themselves and bought some of it on the black market. it was like being attacked by a small criminal organization. is going to mean would not come in and sues it's. going to simply look experts feared that the hackers were trying to steal corporate talk humans including we search and strategy papers and construction plans those documents would fetch a high price on the black market. another possibility the happiest could be working directly or to some clips competitors or even foreign governments trying to secure a strategic advantage in important or sensitive industries. the experts from the two sim cloak computer emergency response team worked overtime to get the situation under control. in the end even some external service providers they managed to
clear the malware from the company's computer system but they were not. able to track down the perpetrators. these complex targeted attacks known as advanced persistent threats or a p.t.s. are becoming more sophisticated and more common. alpha very is convinced that every german company is a potential target. says we're now in a period of transition where people are willing to discuss these problems open lines with his. company experts are exchanging detailed information on various kinds of attacks and how they can protect themselves against those injuries and to provide an effective defense we have to have the latest information on the attackers and their methods form the some. part of that process includes a detailed analysis of previous attacks because many hacking operations follow
a pattern. these patterns include brute force attacks in which hackers try to crack a computer users password they simply track through vast quantities of character combinations until they find the right one that's why experts advise people to use passwords that are as complex as possible. another method involves using a digital form to automatically infected computers that are using outdated software some kinds of worms contain mall where that locks up the computer and orders the user to pay money to unlock it this sort of malware is known as ransomware.
it's nothing short of digital blackmail expert's advice computer users to keep. your antivirus software up to date to prevent such attacks. or a distributed denial of service attacks are also very popular among computer criminals dos attack is an attempt to paralyze a computer network by flooding it with user traffic the perpetrators often employ large numbers of computers that they've infected with malware. another kind of attack can involve the use of webcams and smart home appliances like refrigerators . these are called bot net attacks. and the motives of computer criminals who carry out these attacks are just as diverse as the methods they use. there
are different motives behind a different actually criminal groups so there could be a monetary gain financial gain political already just beliefs so people who want to make a statement against a government against a country there could be actually emotional reactions. or even sexual impulses showing off my skills to my peers. one person who made a name for himself by demonstrating his happiness skills was an iraqi born british student mustafa. in twenty eleven he and several members of a group known as lulz security broke into the computer systems of several high profile companies and organizations but they didn't do it for money they did it to show that they knew more about digital security than a lot of highly paid specialists. they also wanted some corporations to become more
transparent about. their activities. because he she wore advanced things like i came to you i'm going to day basis to reveal truths or wrongdoing made by corporations or companies so that's when i was half like interesting way to make a change because if if you suspect that some some corporation or company is corrupt and dirty the most powerful thing you can do is to reveal truths because people make decisions based on facts and truths and in a world where people are being complaining about fake news. ror truth which can be hard to find. groups targets included the websites of the cia senate and sony pictures they even took over the home page of the british tabloid the sun and posted a fake news report that the paper's owner rupert murdoch had just died of
a drug overdose. this called attention to the fact that a group of technologically savvy young people could break into just about any website they wanted alba sam says they wanted to demonstrate that a lot of companies don't pay enough attention to cyber security. most common perception of crime is that it's complicated or it's like it's easy in the law school to do it anyone can do so and you have a. there's many. cool stuff freely available but if you don't or should you have people at work more educated about how these attacks work and what a lot of the peers were generally the last little of the fear and reception uncertainty around here i think we kind of you would use.
who was just sixteen at the time i was arrested and pleaded. guilty to charges of computer misuse he was given a suspended sentence of twenty months in jail today he's working on a doctorate degree in computer security. and. the threat posed by cyber criminals is complex they have a wide variety of motives and methods what are the german authorities doing to crack down on them. where in the german state has a at the central office for fighting cyber crime. public prosecutors you. and kyle are working hard to get a grip on the situation. we deal with a wide variety of digital crime just as police do in real life for example child
pornography or the sale of weapons on a dark night. these are crimes that you wouldn't necessarily need a computer for but today they're taking place on a dark net family at but has. the dark net is an unregulated and mostly anonymous part of the internet. such a flood was one of the first germans to sell illegal drugs on a platform known as silk road flom sold cocaine and ecstasy and didn't worry much about getting caught. this fall here for a good clear wished it was like a gold rush. you felt like the cops would never find you. we simply weren't on your thirties radar like sets maybe the americans decided. to figure out what was going on pretty early but the germans didn't mights was until may twenty thirty no cell secret as it was in the us. the silk road became
a road to riches i had customers from all over the world and he provided them with high quality drugs. in fact he was one of the most popular dealers on the site as indicated by customer ratings. profits from drug deals made flan wealthy he could now afford luxury cars and caribbean vacation it's. good for you or did some economics for a liver so i was fairly close to the sources the board trays and direct reports of sort upward i was pretty much the only person between the producers and the consumers. and for both of them we don't give them it it's a consequence i bypassed the whole distribution chain was in the full course i sold stuff by the gram but hundreds of grams a day just this way in this this could only have happened on the internet at least otherwise you'd have to deal with all sorts of middlemen but i was able to sell
directly to my customers just a little pissed some and for over so bring on this wave of skin even threesome to notify my. but the author were already closing in flam had become careless he made deliveries in person to some clients one of them was working undercover for the police flom was arrested and later sentenced to seven years in prison. believes that it's much more difficult these days for criminals to operate on the dark net his unit has managed to shut down a major child pornography ring and to identify the seller of a weapon that was used in a mass shooting in munich in twenty sixteen. but office says that it's usually good old fashioned police work that bring cyber criminals to justice. and if i didn't do it does. it's simply not true that we investigators hacking into a computer systems i want to make that absolutely clear. that the technical options
that we have been investigating a dark night crime are straightforward. we don't hack into systems and we don't hunt around there for suspects. we use traditional investigative methods including undercover operations for these patrols between. their communications and don't deliver their products in person make it difficult for investigators to track them down but perhaps an ever greater cause for concern is the fact that digital technology can be used as a weapon in acts of sabotage. in twenty ten security experts discovered that a malicious computer worm called stuxnet had infected several hundred thousand
computers around the world most of them in iran. the worm interfered with the operations of centrifuges in the natanz enrichment plant in iran one thousand centrifuges were affected fifteen to thirty percent of iran's enrichment capacity most experts suspect that the u.s. was behind the attack although some say it may also have been israel. in december twenty fifth teen western ukraine was hit by a power failure hundreds of thousands of people were affected in what turned out to be the first successful hacker attack on a power grid the attackers managed to break into the grids network system and then just before christmas they disconnected several substations the result blackout. russia was widely believed to have organized the attack. in spring
twenty seventeen krypto one spread around the. targeted windows computer systems that were still using outdated security protection users had to pay money to unblocked their. computers europe and the u.k. were hard hit hospitals and automobile factories were forced to shut down the national german rail system was also affected total damage estimates range from several hundred million euros to about four billion but those responsible for the attacks didn't make a lot of money from their blackmail efforts only about one hundred thirty thousand dollars. in march twenty eighth when the german government was hit by a powerful cyber attack. the attack
targeted a number of german ministries. and since this story broke yesterday everyone wants to know whether any data was stolen. german investigators quickly identified the perpetrators as an elite group of russian hackers known as snake. they managed to operate under attack tit for months in the government's administrative system. the threat posed by such attacks is very real. digital technology experts in israel know this all too well their country is surrounded by enemies including the state of iran jihadist groups in the palestinian territories and hezbollah in southern lebanon. israelis must not only live with the danger of military attacks but also cyber attacks. journalist and author ronen bergman says that israel was the first country to
recognize that in today's interconnected world the internet not only provides the benefit of improved communication but can also be a threat to national security that's why israel has developed a sophisticated side. security system that includes the military business and research groups. and there are at least the sense the months of constant war constant threat a liberal democracy in the middle east that faces extreme threats and therefore using stream measures to counter that this is not the mindset in other countries and when this is the mindset that drives people to the edge can do a lot inventing a lot in being very innovative in order to counter the threats and this is also the basis of israeli success in the world. many israeli students are
preparing for a career in unit eight two hundred the agency that's responsible for code decryption and collecting signals intelligence it's an option that for many is preferable to doing their mandatory military service in for example the occupied territories. the eight hundred. military intelligence m b m the intelligence community all the mother and father start of nation there wouldn't be. such a hive in the grown fertile ground for the growing of these huge huge arena all startups and acknowledge investment a breakthrough without the existence of israel in terms. of the city of beersheba located in the negev desert is one of israel's key high tech centers. the advanced technologies park located on the outskirts of the city was founded in
twenty thirteen and has been expanding ever since. the park is a magnet for israeli computer experts and their colleagues from around the world. five thousand personnel from unit eight two hundred are due to move to beersheba soon plus even more private sector computer security experts. the idea is to create a huge cybersecurity complex that will prepare israel for the future. it's a joint project that will combine the efforts of the israeli military plus the science and business community. is the director of the cyber security research center at ben gurion university elevate says that this synergistic approach will help israel to defend itself against cyber attacks. we are less than eve about what can be done.
because we don't know what. israel or other cyber activists can do and eventually or the cop abilities that act towards this eventually are leaking to the cyber crime so we have an advantage that we know in advance what is so broken those are going to use that thing to us. private sector businesses are also interested in these developments that's why elevates created telecom innovation laboratories a joint venture between ben gurion university and orchard telecom. european companies know that they can benefit from israeli technology. companies from europe are coming to us will try to buy new technologies into the middle cybersecurity mainly from start up companies or lifted several technologies
from different companies and they are using them either to protect to sell it to other companies germany and in europe. germany is now adopting some of the innovations developed by the israelis. library military complex even though in the past cooperation among the military educational institutions and the private sector has been rare. in twenty seventeen the federal interior ministry created cetus a new central office for security sector information technology. much of the headquarters building is still under construction but soon several hundred people will be working here as the federal criminal police and the federal office for the protection of the constitution develop new ways to fight crime. bill carl is the president of this new organization carl says the israeli approach
of bringing together large numbers of experts from different sectors is a good one. i don't think that we can copy exactly what israel and other countries are doing but i think we're in a good position. and the key to success in those countries is to bring experts from industry universities and various institutions together. so that's exactly what we're trying to do here at c.t.'s along with the private sector it's the bundeswehr university and the cyber defense research institute which was a typical discrediting forces institute cyber different. but some critics say bad seed has needs to be more transparent about the kinds of research and development projects that will be carried out here. the agency's mission is to provide technical assistance in fighting crime and in hansing national security but it's
not clear for example what sorts of methods sita smyth use to help prevent terrorist attacks we'll learn more about that once the agency is fully operational . right now wilfried carle is more concerned about finding enough people to fill the need jobs. thus far. to push to the shortage of qualified experts in mathematics information technology and communications engineering is a real problem for both the federal government and the private sector. we have about thirty employees right now and plan to hire about twenty mom. sick. from. c.t.'s also employs attorneys and administrative experts but it's clear that right now the agency simply doesn't have enough personnel to launch complex research and development projects like corresponding
agencies in israel have done. this indicates that germany has a lot of catching up to do in israel cyber security is a key element of government policy. israeli experts are capable of dealing with just about any high tech threat. cyber crimes in the classical to solve a crime stone done by private criminals over us. but something. as much as this is of prime concern in other countries it's a much lesser concern in israel. will prepare the. cyber security is one of today's most important international growth markets as israel. but there aren't many german companies to be found among the world leaders in this sector.
this is the london office of dark trace the world leader in the use of artificial intelligence technology to provide cybersecurity. emily is one of the company's co-founders dr a simple it's nearly seven hundred people many of them are former government security experts. early days what's useful as well is was the expertise of people from government intelligence backgrounds who knew what it was like can actually when we look back the experts in cyber security weren't in the private sector they were in the public sector they were people that were. dealing with national security defense and offensive projects so it's important for us to work with those people because they have a lot of insight and help just develop that product in the first phase in
a way that it would be useful for the security industry. they don't trace advisory board includes a former director general of m i five britain's domestic counter intelligence and security agency and a former chief information officer for the u.s. central intelligence agency the company services are definitely in demand right now . absolutely a growing business and we are seeing investment increase across the board. and governor. taking this more and more seriously we see many countries that's out there right now national security sense is. very positive. number of private sector businesses are also actively investing in i.t. infrastructure and to do that they often turn to foreign companies to some clips says there's a good reason for this. is the german
companies are simply not offering the sort of innovative cybersecurity solutions that make sense for us. today those solutions are often provided by startups in the u.s. or israel and. germany has been slow to develop a national computer security strategy and there are few examples of technology made in germany in the booming private cybersecurity sector. and then there's the shortage of qualified personnel experts in computer security have their choice of employers worldwide. vo to work it takes quite a while to recruit specialists to fill vacant positions. of course we're competing with a lot of other companies it's a tight market germany simply doesn't have enough cyber security experts to meet the demand but. let's take a look at the size and scope of the international cyber security market.
experts predict that the global economic damage caused by cyber crime is expected to reach six trillion dollars a year by twenty twenty one that's good news for the cyber security industry. ninety three billion dollars will be spent on computer security in twenty eighteen and that amount is set to increase. one study. shows that some countries including the u.s. australia and israel spend a lot more per capita on computer security than germany. still seventy one percent of german companies plan to boost their cyber security measures. the number of cyber security jobs is expected to grow to six million by twenty nineteen . but by twenty twenty one three and
a half million of these positions will likely still be open top level i.t. experts don't have much trouble finding a job and corporations will be competing for their services. claudio ranieri is a cyber security researcher and he used to work in the industry himself. he knows that many who start out in the sector are offered six figure salaries and first class trips to international conferences. but one year he says that these new employees often don't have the capacity to evaluate the ethical and moral consequences that their jobs involve. developing technology towards a direction that is not respectful or of people's individual rights and is not designed and built with the best interests of individual people it's mind a lot of technology a lot of technology has developed in that with interest over enterprises and the
interest of big corporations a new solutions of mind and often that is done at the price of the ability of each and every one of us to have an agency over the technology that we use and as debility of using victims technology in the best possible way for ourselves that's what fundamentally worries me most. computer security policy is not much different from traditional security policy the freedom of the individual must be weighed against possible security threats. an israeli company called celebrate works with law enforcement agencies worldwide to fight crime celebrate breaks into digital devices to search for potential evidence. the technical term for this is digital forensics celebrate has offices around the world that has sold sixty thousand software licenses in one hundred fifty countries
the company specialty is cracking the encryption systems of mobile phones. c.e.o. yossi carmel says this technology has become a key element of many police investigations. brought is due for to help the police catch the bad guys it's very simple at the bottom line it goes to that element when it comes to child exploitation when it comes to children program or go free when it comes to gangs almost terror border all those elements you need to use data digital data in a smart way in order to protect the society and that's for me the main key those who will not do it will live a huge relative huge disadvantage along the road. celebrates technology makes it easy for investigators to access data stored on mobile phones lists of phone numbers records of calls made text messages and photos. the off ortiz can analyze
geo location information and even retrieve material that's been deleted by the user with german police use this technology while they investigated the twenty sixteen rape and murder of a nineteen year old female student. the suspect was hussein cover an immigrant from iran. the crime took place in the city of freiburg. police analyze data out. i phone and were able to track his movements on the night of the attack. they were able to place the suspect at the riverbank where the murder occurred. at the start of his trial confess to the crime the court later sentenced him to life in prison. digital technology had helped to put a violent killer behind bars. in twenty seventeen celebrate was hit by
a cyber attack some of the data that was stolen and later published indicates that the company software is being used in turkey russia and saudi arabia countries that have been accused of serious human rights violations. could celebrate software being misused as a surveillance tool. carmel denies it. we are selling as a very focused in terms to sell and in some of the countries we are selling only to some dedicated customers that we vet and verify. that the knowledge of sell a bright. that the quality which is used by the law enforcement in order to make it so for someone it is. not something we always imagine automatically bedroom seems and the technology goes in the wrong way here. in talking and in russia and in
other places on earth there is also gang criminality and the result so child exploitation and there is also homicide. but in theory this software could be used for example by author or terry and regimes to spy on journalists. celebrate technology has a wide variety of applications but some experts warn that it must be used sensibly to protect the privacy rights of individuals. who will take a lot of foreign too actually. through all of the different things in which the industry and technical people and security people are birth you see bending to it and finding ways to make sure that those do not go out of control and the case for example of some. of these companies. is a good example because it was something that was sort of people new people used to
you know. offensive technology and so. we didn't quite. know we did important know who or. to whom they were working with whom they were working with exactly to find out and help. putting in motion a number of changes in policy level panel that puts pressure on companies like celebrate and we still don't know enough about these firms and who their customers are it's a billion dollar business and ethics issues often take a backseat to profits. when it comes to cyber crime and cyber security there's a fine line between good and evil. but cyber crime presents a clear and present danger. the technology that's being used to combat this threat
is new opportunities but it also brings new responsibilities including protecting the rights of individuals. so far germany has failed to keep up with these technological developments. public debate is urgently needed on the complex issues of cyber crime and cyber security. to be in good shape. these are activities everyone does every day. but not for hours on end or hundreds of times a day. how obsessive compulsive disorders can make my challenge and ways of overcoming to. be
a good should be about thirty minutes a month d w. being a fun baby told him. his work that god is for true not. the muncher a claim to fame would. be to over the first bomb twenty team of. his creations world shifts his brand understandable carlock of it i can feel the fish and. look what do we really know about the man behind the dark shades what motivates him how does he think and feel private moments in the life of a great fashion designer is going to sound smart and tough as it starts september

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