That matters j w made for mines. I think a board think im going to want to. Get out of hand out of that one ive got a board think im going to want to. Get out of this together. Its after the hero dies that the legend is born. The legend of her nest. Better known by the name chain is no exception to the rule like all legends it is based on reality a reality that has gradually slipped into an imaginary universe in which the hero is no longer a living being but i miss a life in the public eye and an early death were enough to make a legendary icon of revolutions. You know fast effective going off. So did they had a poor childhood. His parents were very much what we call today bohemian was ahead of their time. His father was somewhat of an eccentric in an anarchist and his mother was brought up by nuns so the family was really very bush yet they didnt have a great deal of money they left to set up home in the sierra de cordova an arid area in the middle of argentina on account of their eldest sons asthma his name was ernest oh he wasnt yet and yes dont shake with our. So youre lucky he was a very few nice skinny child and he never went out and. Met her you know his mother used witchcraft to try and save him as medicine was not enough. But she would search for black cats and lots of other things that shed put in his bed. And then at the age of about five or six theyd say hes done for we might as well let him go his sister told me that they let him go like a bird from his cage. And instead of falling from his cage he managed to fly he took advantage of life he did sports rode horses and started to shoot in swindon. He was so tenacious and had such strength that he dominated his asthma. You have to understand the place as much occupied in his life. He was living on extra time because the as momus killed him when he was very small and all his life he suffered terribly from that so by dominating his as my he became someone with extraordinary tenacity a new kind of gun internet she did all the know it could go on there while he was in secondary education and he moved in high society circles even though again he didnt have much money but his parents were so well known that he always had lots of invitations everywhere about it. And then when hed finished his secondary studies he returned to buenos aires where he plunged himself into studying medicine. I dont manage it therefore hed even finished Medicine School he decided along with an older friend who was older than him. To take a major trip around latin america like. The upper level people i mean if he did it people i mean they could very well have gone to see the pyramids gone to paris or done something other than discovering their own continental talk and you know lets get down to us on whats interesting in their case is that they remained in their homeland in latin america a little touch of mama the motherland of the incas that is like up. There were two high points of this trip which proved to be a rites of passage for a church. Because it was there that he was exposed to precolumbian civilization and as a spanish descended he thought a great deal about those past civilizations that had been destroyed he was angry with the spaniards for destroying those civilizations and after. He was angry with the americans for in slaving his latin american contemporaries. They were shocked to discover the terrible endemic poverty as you know mine called. Northern chile. A place where people were born and died almost at the mercy of their american masters in terms of slavery so there were the beginnings of shock and the reflection they kill or yeah when i was after it damages it as soon as he got back to buenos aires he finished studying medicine passed his exams and within a few weeks left again for a second trip this trip resulted in him leaving argentina. He had gotten to know where young politically committed a peruvian woman she was rather plain looking but very militant and she developed a sense of marxism which became very strong. At one point he even intended to go to maos china and very nearly well. But he stayed in guatemala where he witnessed american imperialism on a very real scale. That you were developing the second you got him out in one nine hundred fifty four a left wing nationalist member of the army set up and i rarely reform but it was fought by united food a major american banana producing company. This Agrarian Reform led to the toppling of bents. The United States landing. I missed to give was there at the time. And witnessed the landing of the master supported by the United States. Appear valid as you say he tried to organize the resistor. Once with the Guatemalan Communist Party but the balance of power was much to in favor of the americans. Very important lessons about preparing an effective revolution about preparing for a United States military intervention. He learnt about the need for training. But he remained in hiding for a month at the Argentine Embassy and. Then organized his departure from mexico where he took refuge. Here again met with the cuban exiles he had met in guatemala who had traveled from guatemala to mexico and. These cuban exiles first introduced him to roll castro then a month later to fidel castro who had been granted amnesty and it just arrived in mexico. In mexico he immediately try to organize a team of commandos to return to cuba to bring the revolution their. Fellow. Started referring to. As for them not all argentine started their sentences with the word. For che his first meeting with fidel was utterly and wonderfully decisive for him. Because. Of he felt that fidel possessed all the qualities of a real war leisure. And the necessary determination tenacity and intellectual potential to successfully carry out such an improbable adventure you know. Its staggering to think that eighty two men went in conquest of an island that was protected by over fifty thousand men heavily armed with the help of the United States. Their adventures started when evening in november one thousand nine hundred fifty six when eighty of them crowded into a small secondhand boat fidel castro was so impatient to arrive that he mordred the wrong place where he was not expected it was more of a shipwreck than a morning. Give out. Of our was slightly hurt and at one point he had the choice between taking a bag of medicine and a box of arm. He couldnt take both so he chose the arms. From then on he declared that instead of being a doctor he would become the revolutionary militant and the guerrilla hed always been. A. Distance athlete was waiting for them they were bombed and there were many deaths but they managed to escape with the help of people who waiting for them. A dozen or more members of this expedition reached the Sierra Maestra which is a small mountain with such thick vegetation it was very difficult to spot them. It was in the Sierra Maestra that the revolution and the struggle were organized around fidel castro and her nest changed with our. Change became an emblematic figure of the revolution that fidel castro used to his advantage. With you know it was also in the Sierra Maestra that the legend of che was carved out a popular figure of the revolution in progress he became the most famous of commandant this. I think to change when youre comfortable made shays the first commander of the cuban revolution with well he placed him ahead of his own brother rose which was an extraordinary mark of respect did you know che was so courageous and fearless it was almost too much. Fidel would tell him they needed him so badly that he was not to go and get himself shot that he should hang back a little and that calmed down hed tell them. As time went on and the rebel army started winning military contacts against the test as. It also carried out in parallel a very efficient and interesting policy in the mountains. The policy was led by che guevara and consisted of setting up schools in the Sierra Maestra mountains and hospitals to. In reality they were tents but the peasants were treated there and taught to read and write wherever possible. The rebel army paid great attention to their relations with them thats how little by little the guerrillas proved efficient against the dictatorship its also how they won social support because protests were. In power now these successes fed the development of Popular Mobilizations in the towns. Vera left at the head of the guerrilla collins going to take a central town on the island of santa clara so it was a real street because he had never been there before the very first time he went on to santa clara he applied a military tactic that enabled him to capture the identity from then on but everything fell apart for that is his only in december fifty eight the dictator fled. And the revolution was victorious for years. This is rebel radio from cuba and American Free territory. Victorious the revolutionaries the liberators from the teesta dictatorship rode into la have gone on tanks cheered on by a static crowd from then on nestor che guevara occupied an increasingly important position in cuban political life becoming minister of the economy the minister of industry. And for a all a dream you had to. Go on chair arrived in havana bearing the reputation of a great commander. Fidel cast. I had always been wary of anyone who might have too much prestige. And the prestige they could out showing him there are theres something that i thought of as the outcome so we ask of our other to look after the fortress of like a banya which overlooked the port of havana and where previously the first revolutionaries had been imprisoned and then following the victory of the revolutionaries but easters entrances that. Say give our fidel castro in charge shake of our with the task of organizing trials for the prisoners of the tasters regime just. So it wasnt just another episode in shades history. It was probably the most indelible task you could have had. To be so much a business. You know cubit answer on the receiving end at the time and family members of those who were shot called him. The little butcher of like about oh yeah. This is all under his orders dozens of prisoners were executed following ridiculous trials lasting anything from a couple of minutes to an hour to. People were shot in the night only. Solution if you dont he wasnt a tall bothered if he was sent people who hadnt been tried in court. He was in charge of carrying out execution is on those who had been sentenced. At first they were people who had been involved with the batiste regime. Involved with repression but soon it was counterrevolutionaries while i was. There resistance fighters are violent in my point of view is legit. From the french point of view it is also legitimate because they are always singing the praises of john law and the other resistance. Stop. The violence by resistance fighters is one thing but when youre in power shooting three hundred people is a crime. Said. The luck a band youre episode was to reveal chains darkest side although he was driven by strong values of social justice he did not hesitate to have hundreds of sentenced opponents shot from trials the execution of the former head of batistas police was an example. And he had. Some authors claim that fidel castro was already a communist but i dont think he was. Give there on the other hand had a real knowledge of marxism but without having been a member of any communist party to come back with the news that he is not i mean isnt. All right. Castro still didnt know whether hed become communist or marxist he became marxist particularly on contact with change during the Sierra Maestra and he asked for the support of the Cuban Communist Party because the Cuban Communist Party was organized on a vertical discipline system which was not the case with even Fidel Castros troops. But you could. See his posts this. Is from fifty nine in the face of attacks washington was preparing the revolutionary leaders in particular castro and give era were looking for support. Experience in guatemala was very important here. They were looking for support in the face of what they quickly understood was going to be a swift and inevitable break with the american government. And they were to find this support in moscow that you wanted to we gave them was this is so mop way and it was only after a year of diplomatic economic and political guerrilla tactics with major u. S. Companies that the veil was lifted. And castro declared himself a friend of the soviet union and a partisan of a system of collectivist socialism that the americans very quickly branded communist. Castro has just thrown a huge spanner in the works of United States cuban relations in a speech he gave despite his illness to the First Latin American Youth Congress he announced the expropriation and nationalization of American Companies in cuba this decision will affect businesses such as the Cuban Electrical Company as our standard and texaco which are worth one billion dollars this marks a new episode in cuban american tensions. The United States decided to finish with this dangerous individual and it organized badly a landing in cuba persuaded that the population would rally around the counter revolutionaries that were landing. Back you know he does castro and give our war on all fronts which led to the famous fiasco known as the bay of pigs. The us realized it wasnt quite that easy to get rid of fidel castro and fidel castro from then on deliberately turned towards the soviet union to ask for their support. And. Lemon yellow in the way in which the economy was treated in cuba was. It was like the sorcerers apprentice is. Lenins watchword into his head to industrialise the country. For him sugarcane signified a sort of slavery and also a fatality for a single crop producing country. Cuba needed to get industrialized except there were no real materials. You dont taunt in the name of they were around thirty years old when they came to power now thats ok to be in power at that age if youre talking about just one person but when theyre all that age you need older people to balance things out in government so things werent always that easy. So he became an economist overnight although he was more of a poet more of a donkey than the owner of a bank. He showed. It wasnt easy for him but he gave it his all really miss him a full. Set of this unbridled revolution that so exasperates the americans confuses the soviets. There was major debate over the principles that had been adopted in the soviet union and those that he was developing. The debate was one of material stimulus versus moral stimulus. The material stimulus principle that had been adopted in the soviet union and that the most realist of the cuban communist thought they could adapt. Was to give either more money or consumer goods to the people so theyd work harder. Changes agreed arguing that people should simply be given moral stimulus thats what moral stimulus meant theyd be given a little pennant or medals to show they were avant garde workers and that they were leading the first free territory of latin america. Of course it didnt work. The cuban leaders luckily didnt have a great deal of responsibility during the missile crisis. The cuban leaders with fidel castro at the head wanted to send as a preventative measure a Nuclear Missile onto a major american town. Thats what he wrote black and white to nikita khrushchev. It was an error on the part of the soviets because it was the soviets who set up the missiles but when they saw where it could lead they said were going to withdraw the missiles. But che totally subscribe to the plan to fire a Nuclear Weapon onto a major american town and to provoke a worldwide holocaust it was clearly in line with his beliefs but it was above all in the line if it el castors believes he was merely following his mentor. Launch from again in the western hemisphere as an attack. On the United States requiring. A response from the. Castro and give but especially castro were extremely upset to see that discussions between khrushchev and kennedy took place without him. On the. Set that. As a result relations became more stilted with the soviet union but from that moment on the cuban economy started to take a downturn. And had to count on economic aid from the soviet union and eastern bloc countries and you also had to get a beta test. Only a few days i only had a concert fidel was obliged to compromise whereas given who in the beginning was so impressed by the soviet union with the sort of undying admiration became disillusioned. In defeat i asked some. Clear but gradual difference developed between fidel and cheney intil cheney who is the spokesman of cuba. Launched into a diatribe against the soviet union or almost against soviet period listen on on t. V. So here. We have billion easiness of hits that was the day che guevara went too far one could hear him backstage bowing to sylvia delegate he said something a socialist country or a country on the road to socialism had never dared to say. Socialist that socialist countries had a duty to pay in arms and resources third world countries seeking freedom and want conversion e. B. Away in on camera though. They shouldnt sell arms as was the case for the soviet union in the Eastern Countries to be the best value there is. Once back in cuba chased trance turned to suspicion when he finally met with fidel castro and as now those articles the cuban president he kept his head lowered. Behind the smiling decides the tension was palpable castro tried to make contact with him with the son he disappointed but she looked away under the weight of the mute accusation. But you know this war from that moment on give our disappeared totally it was give ours last public appearance and from that point on give our understood that he no longer belong to and cuba. Said till i was sure no he was a revolutionary he wanted to carry the revolution throughout the world so your it was his mission in a way his urgency his life so he was sent to the congo into a fairly neutral zone not straight to south america but to a zone where he wouldnt bother the russians. It was only a war which is why he went to the congo on a totally grotesque mission as