Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Cahier Africain Part 1 20180616

DW DocFilm - Cahier Africain Part 1 June 16, 2018

Its. Full convention here now keep on. Shift and they. Thought in mind i follow what the. Effective for the whole buy they a dead one. It would mean a. King should have. Never seen him for the. Sylvia. I dont much shock him has sort of full moan. Would be that for them. And thats why the nelson motto why didnt we end sadly why didnt and you will show up well if you did will never send for the heart of that im one of those she left for good. Youre welcome. Noddy oh my im a sudden mother and i dont go for. The folks who have another day salloum on. If you look here if you think you know their record rather i think you are very far. Better after a member of our hard work of our Favorite Group for look up are for profit if anything. I came across the exercise but in january two thousand and eight in a testy backyard. The Central African republic. It contains id photos of women children and women as well as records before congress leaves mess and had done to them in two thousand take. The book was created in the often most of these crimes. When the victims refused to remain silent they turned to each other and decided to testify and put together evidence of the brutality they had suffered. Since then this book has never let me go. I asked for money for the french translation of the title of my. Account is correct. Is an exercise. It relates to childhood initially its empty and then you feelings. Jim over a field instead of fell. Forty. One into baghdad but then one hundred in a little i can now see done without id much i can live he. Why bunny. Man about that of this nonsense out of a visiting leader but not in the sunlight in a muddle i mean she has some. Nine thousand in the chemists need data. Modeling. I. Did. Research up yeah then about exactly what did in your book actually got here today to be i like. You feel me im not going to shock people clearly many people know if your question after creating the game youre going to pick with me sort of getting caught up in looks awkward again oh that guy youre a complete moron i thought about you the double it got him out to me it was. In one why dont we quit explicate really do any given you praise be my fault or credit off the topic until it broke. But i never have been you know when youve got a downright hostile believing in my Expert Opinion you should only. Think you know very little one year. Old peak psionic or kid out for you all but everytime i think you can see some good on that for. Us you may look into concord command and control. The new show on. To come on martin. Come to me you mean. Like the question. For my. Nephew. And. How. People will say one up with anybody to make within the classroom. Because you saw in the song. I was going to thank you i was at that speck you think you will. Be was. At that again at six you thats ok. But shouting was to get his own back and its really. Cool i was actually looking up because you know i think. Make i did my best to you know did that with. Coming out that it makes the message that it that i think that its not quite that maggette that maybe the bigger stuff. To be. The next. Looking back im seeing there was a young girl. Is the first photo shes ever owned of herself now recently exercised with the photo of attacks. It was saturday in the evening when ben those men broke down the door. In two thousand and eight first meeting im xena tells us what happened that night six years ago. On a cattle man do with well i. Mean i dont want to injure not. That i mean. Well i mean from riding on an issue. You know that she moved in. And budgets illegal. And im wrestling and i dont solutions when i get to downwind game then you swim because such as you know why does it with. A person and i was it was just so i got on my soup and while i dont. Think they got me or in some sense and so what are some names. I like a dead fish thats all the fish. That i think if i get. Jealous who are like quizzing i dont want they dont kid falsify to. See. Me in sort of logic when im doing the above a. By dup if. You things. Just stay. Calm. And. That. Was you really going to help out without going to bed but im worried that. The civil will. Have to. Let me a little closer. To. The beginning. Of the money you know what i am i mean you know no more were just getting one hundred lonely. And defeated. But you know what honeyed await. The night shift if you. Look i for one knows you want to get mentioned you we must. All come through here yeah i must listen you know one of them could mean some shabby old women i dont know. Who she for most women would go. A little bit to the pool during. The marriage and so. It. Was. Just. The. The youngest face depicted in the book. And lets photo of her as a child it says there have been the neighbors dog i heard gunshots and screaming and then a bullet struck me in the leg. Me. Awful small thing but one couple of them among one. Of the big boots when you go. In with him comes up with one of. The staff and in that one. You. Continued to pose and. It took until the spring of twenty twelve to get all the documents together. Let flew to germany to have a new york rages on. Whether the pain with never let a child go someplace and send the dogs is a better lives tell a tale was so his pain in grange itself in the brain. For the long day she spent in the hospital the nurses gave arlette a calorie. On the window panes the homesick child left opaque traces of hours spent standing by the window looking out into the alien environment. That returns home with a pain free need to. Have. Hair. It was. It was. A bit cold if youll allow that. That. That. That it that the sun out really to. Thats the limb that if its in. The moments where you have it you. Should see her. Missing from the pull the construct cannot you think of it not to propagate the axis newbon as was if you knew or not im going to just. Be amazing fucking a point that is so common if you want to share it not you know more dont want to read and you didnt go to med. School for money upon i just. Finish it will be the movie listening to that much as a star. Full of movies it was a leap to say from now. On the new one point is not if an equipment. Check in your book and tell a trip around the city to live it did not but when you book a compound of sisal say most of forests. Suppose like a good shipping thats for submitting a proper chain of way when youre still is supposed. To be strong the ship captain of what you see someone. Sitting on a phenomenon became six and some people can confirm to game seven or not put it in the monte. Words of an exercise book a for. Prof some witness statements is heard on the other side of the yes the accused backyard members of congress the International Criminal court in the hague believes the document holds great strength of evidence in the case against the congolese rebel leader jumping at. The i. C. C. Since his staff member jamal to bangui has to bring the book to safety. Jamal works for the evidence here in this not be recognized the ranges the discreet handover with benedix i. Think. If. That very same evening the book is on its way to you. In a rucksack chained to his wrist jamal carries the book into the vault of the International Criminal court in the head. He was. Half a year later we returned to bangor. New tenants have moved into the small backyard where the book was once created is. All the remains of the victim selfhelp book an isolation of pieces of a signpost. What has become of benedetta saying the president of the association. Said chain of the fleet. When it did say oh has become the minister of tourism. Praises him by his easy office his office in exchange she had to give up her commitment to the victims rights of the world at a political one because the life else was an immoral song man. You. Might come so you knew that our bond with me on. Coming for you soon the pictures from would have been replaced. There wont be any tourism or elephant safaris anymore. The frame will hold the portraits of the next pooch. And ministers say. She will disappear unafraid edge of history and say will the donation funds of the victims organization. Could. We hear from germany from the north of the Central African republic he recounts his observations concerning a new muslim rebellion whose celica that has broken out. Is spreading across the country while he writes at first there were very few but more supporters of jumping on the bandwagon with every mile theyre leaving behind a swathe of destruction on route we saw hardly any campfires not a good sign he writes. Entire strips of land depopulated the rebels for a cause i could tell to the family. One has to worry that the people in him that he is seeing because no one believes the hottest in the news. This morning the first date supplies arrive the best option for any suffering from hunger is to move towards conflict areas its easy to supply. Chain. Them from within and i think you have to make them look at what their job but what about lieutenant ive got you to want to come see them or would you believe that they use a job that im going to need to do yes you know they can i guess you know theyre going to pick. I do know as a good man but as a god i said let us take our guns or somebody like you tell you i give you to. Be two countries i was going to let you know my bicycle to warn me. If you saw one. You know i go walk. Out of there to never a mob you want to get up and look it up because i mean beginning its and then he went on for a he did me the bus ill go through shawnee circuit im going to come back but im going to get in one of his own and hes gonna have to go but i wonder if you think about it. Because you think that you know. That going to have a model is a. Sort of fog oh is she going to be so they can but then i say well done and honest for john. There was a particularly in. Here that was a little rough you know with the mother but the minute do. If that little moron. I didnt show herself one of those be dead being mean ive said it too cause i knew sorry day and dressed out for to con the silver the mindedly the behind as absurd for me. To see the mind in the thing on a ship that was real. Russia and got a bottle. And were going to give us her lies here and now to settle the hundred of the. Book on and so you can go to a wall. And you know i didnt get in and then you know now you could. Leave and in a. Blow job and i have the mind in legal issues that in fact you did it feel not my lot of women would. Never say as you could imagine it will be just like you take the high let me tell you its reality for. Who. Come to the marketplace and get you in a few feet on the street want to disagree for the good from either of the good that he got for. Himself. As a stumbling. Might. Be seeking now hes on issue to call you dont miss a message in plymouth talking please not. Design was enough. Reason to use our little new. Position to say good to good for you good or should you give it up were you see a good. Average you know one of which will fail put it up if we leave the. Place that they seek. In who they were plucked to say i could do to me a lot of talk dirty. In the early hours of march twenty fourth twenty thirteen muslim silicone rebels marching to bangui. Their folk hard to fire some prisons and directed they come said. Militia leader deduction has made himself president and set up his headquarters in the citys five star hotel. His bodyguards kept in the empty swimming pool. The rebel leader has promised his foot soldiers he will bring electricity to their remote villages in the hinterland. And says the men every socket and light switch out of the wall in the belief they are the source of electricity and like. A Multinational Peacekeeping force brings about deceptive. President goes easy flees to a neighboring country. Rumor has it that one hundred fifty kilos of rough diamonds found in a ministers knocking at the airport. Looking fifty five noted to suffer a very very corrosive. So look women find that a very. Deep you know the sauce in you not you know i mean if you live in. Would do would be got a case of you know a bunny. I see. You know by the bici opening song because you do song guys you know where if you could get into bed without their. You know what. Im the guy that. Want to suck a fish sinica visit second feed you know this is a computer. Game and hes on this is going to sue. Him for giving him perfect. What were her. Oh. That. Was. The that it was you know that the. That. Eat them enough funny thing about things see so consequently always if you right now ever did this morning typical fish if i lift. I. Would. Think you. Were losing me you know were learning to live with being that they will. Leave. The way you. Did. The. Oh never blame me. Love me for losing i miss your own go in his cheek im going to look over as we look forward to more nagano look at him more. He got big enough was eighteen when im ready to learn the usual. I mean are serious i didnt value gays or being a member. Of. The brain meller. Our a little logic i dont get though i dont quite enough fourteen years old conflict and no child left are you forcing them to seek the help of his own and to me and ive seen you know watching for that act that youre not im not in it for you to buy an opinion from office on not in bundling because you act in a phony for fun is all there up on the low have been wolf i will go move through my family with a board game dug up it knocked uniform and off a lot if im alphonsus i meant by the vehicle im in the bhagavad im an engine was equal to five days on a party with the other project in the new album no was a bind like the day in and out but if you want to give it. Enough when no song i know i think he thinks im going to let him from. The fucking clue thinking one of three new moves on leaving you. I. Thank you. Thank i. Thank. The folks who saw you go and see the for you dont believe the parents who dont work. Octave feeling some sort of a pulse and you are going to he could speak it was with him or something he looked up suddenly its like what she said these six three zero s. Wanted to see it in new york with six rings. So nice to. See the beauty. See the buick regal food for thought is really. Selfsufficient you need to do this unless its in the streets or for the oil the police. Feel. Feel feel. Feel. Were going to start a book called the see below were going to have fun i think im a loser get a good news. For the good old rule. Of not love the stuff thats going to stuff up a lot of other stuff. But you go want to go clean up you know the good looking. Cut nothing to. Look things look great in the coming week are you going to be your bosses loosen up like yourself doesnt like the way a lot of the los vegas folks. Go and. Say im looking. Good. But let me begin with this if i say this is something i know but im done is something that apart from god i know my. Brother this is so. No dont make my living here think you know the good the bad the buses in the imposing things that they will go to the bus issue because the but i confess im letting up. For. The. Leak was. Not. Cause. Its. Going to. Hurt your health i dont really think anything more to do with your heart because you got i can tell the american. Story. With. Me so. Long you dont know i think you should all be good i visit i would love forever you know so. Everybody knows now but you thank you nic i do something new that. Well thats not much good to me smoking something to. Isnt it to say i must give using my. Best gave it a little bend a cynic i. Mean Jenny Mission isnt like. These oh english saves you gotta have this but if you dont you you know them undocumented said to me dont you. You know you know. Theres all this i saw. In them started to see. Gas. Tanks instrumental its a bang. Even before the perpetrator or sentence the i. C. C. Begins to investigate the crimes of the new. War. A witness from the group of perpetrators is expected. In agrees to divulge what he knows about the latest pillaging emerges and writes. On condition that his face remains coverage jimoh allows us to watch as he sets up a mobile interrogation me. Im going. To meet her. Or. She tell me so kenya and uganda and if you come must see me he tells us about some of the places he has worked that he has recorded thousands of hours of interrogation in testimony to me he tells us about the quality of pride in terms of sound and images to ensure that cereal can be admitted as evidence before the coolness proximity to the by different people makes him an. Early. Jamelle works methodically while he sits down in the interview his place a moves in all directions he wants to make sure the witness is still on camera when he feels cornered being interrogated by the investigate his the suspect callouses just like to show consummate she said im in the nature of his colorful mischief. So but ive usually made it was about the connecting. Via. My. First good little play for everything i feel now which. I. Think. I want to. Am certain alice was there is it throws them am i. His january twentieth or twenty fourteen. After ten months of tyranny the rebel leader has turned his back on the country. An interim council is and it takes an interim president. And. I. Dream destination is Majestic Mountain scenery. He has told someone to reach a. New question michel mentioned backpacks of scales the peaks. Explode from a mix. And indulges his passion for the angels customs. Next detail you. Know finish for liberias chimpanzees the population have dwindled because of low. And before station and poaching have left them threatened with extinction now a rescue center hopes to say these critical danger its been since. I read an interview with him i lost it so much. Go ahead africa in thirty minutes on t. W. Its clash of cultures in india. A clash between those who believe in arranged marriage comes those who want to marry for love to. Accomplish that shaking families and society to the cool. My father would be angry sometimes i think im already dead and. Commandoes starts joysticks d. W. German chancellor Angela Merkel is facing a mutiny within her conservative coalition over migration policy interior minister or seo for the various conservative party is reportedly threatening to go ahead with this plan to reject migrants at the german border without merkels approval. By french president emmanuel mccrone and italys new premier do sepic conti have agreed to Work Together to push for changes to the European Unions migration policy they said

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