Transcripts For DW DocFilm - A Game Of No Rules - The Decept

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - A Game Of No Rules - The Deceptive Promise Of Free Trade 20180929 05:15:00

it will go to the u.s. senate but with a condition making sure that we do due diligence here we can. have a short pause and make sure that the f.b.i. can investigate. but first we begin in berlin where the german chancellor angela merkel and turkish president of type area won have taken a first step toward repairing the fractured relationship between their countries aired one pointed to a win win business project on the horizon and merkel said that she was hopeful on finding common ground in their press conference on friday we heard diplomatic words that were in sharp contrast to the insults and ultimatums we have heard over the past years with germany demanding turkey improve its human rights record an heir to one accusing german politicians of acting like nazis so is this now a relationship reset between two nato allies the critics are skeptical and on
friday they were out in force. even in germany there are sometimes moments when journalists can't behave exactly as they please president adeline was in the middle of his press conference but chancellor merkel when a man stood up and revealed a t. shirt with the words press freedom he was quickly bundled out by security officers the brief distractions seem to amuse as well but his crackdown on journalistic freedom was one of the issues the chancellor raised with him at that meeting. it is no secret that there have been serious differences between us in recent years ago and there's still a lot. this is mainly about the rule of law and about press freedom. from the fog and oppressive by hurt double asked about the case of can do a turkish journalist now in exile in germany after one was defiant. they could be bush. used
a loophole and fled to germany. but he's caught sentence remains valid. and this person belongs in jail because he revealed state secrets. she's. also the former editor of calm her newspaper which published a video purporting to show turkey's intelligence agency delivering weapons into syria rejects the accusations despite being accredited stayed away from the press conference after edwin threatened to pull the plug. it became clear to me one would use my presence as an excuse not to come to the press conference and face critical questions from journalists. they've been mixed. outside on the streets of berlin protesters were also drawing attention to the lack of basic freedoms in turkey a number of demonstrations both for and against add on over the next twenty four
hours but with thousands of police deployed in central there is determination that the street protests will not overshadow the diplomacy. german president steinmeyer greeted at one of bellevue palace this visit is an attempt to normalize relations when times are anything but normal turkey is holding a number of germans as political prisoners not to mention thousands of its own citizens many politicians worry the owners go too far but of course from the peace i think there's a piecemeal costs and to me it smells like appeasement is totally wrong because it betrays all those who are victims of oppression and there are hundreds and thousands of them in turkey. many m.p.'s boycotted the state banquet at germany's presidential residence the empty rows were filled with of the guests with germany's leaders determined to keep the show together but the differences remain deep and
certainly unmistakable. and part of president obama's program on friday included a state banquet in his honor hosted by germany's president frank. if you some pill is outside of bellevue palace where that banquet is being held and here with me is the turkey correspondent yulia han with some analysis in the studio charlotte i'd like to turn to you first because i'd like to talk about the banquet it's significant not only because of who attended but also because of who did not. that's right sara number german opposition politicians announced ahead of the state banquet that they would boycott it as a sign of resistance of opposition to the turkish president's state village state visit a number of people have also pointed out that the german chancellor angela merkel is not taking part not been taking part in the the state banquet that has to be
make clear is not something that's especially on usual she doesn't usually take part in these statement because it's not any kind of signal being sent so your father we heard that the banquet had been going as planned fairly smoothly although there have been reports the president added one in his speech at the banquet went slightly off script there were reports that he reprimanded the german president. apparently upset angry flush dimas reference to political prisoners. and of course to a number of politicians a number of german political prisoners that are currently behind bars in turkey reports are still emerging but it appears that there was some anger at that state arquit no shortage of controversy with his visit here in fact many germans also highly critical of the fact that area one has been welcomed with full honors to the country and without of like to turn to you yulia because it also comes at
a very interesting time for turkey this visit what is erica want hoping to achieve in germany let me say one thing sara looking at looking back at what happened today this is already one of the most controversial if not the most controversial state visits to germany this year quite a number of scandals that we saw today and that outburst of anger there by mr out on the child that was just mentioning again there are just reports we have not been at the banquet we have not listened to his speech but that's what coming out what's coming out and media report. now is one of them and it's probably not exactly what he was hoping for for sure he was hoping for some glamorous pictures he was received with military honors earlier today by the german president he was handshaking with machall and for sure he wanted these pictures because it shows he
is respected and received as a statesman here in germany europe's economic powerhouse and my feeling was that he was looking forward to these kind of pictures to reassure financial markets to regain trust to show that he's among the europeans he is well respected there a difficult time for the country we know for example they are pretty much to. the country the country very much under a lot of economic pressure coming to germany hoping to increase the economic cooperation between germany and turkey also with europe just generally speaking and and charlotte you know not everyone in germany is happy about that in fact you were on the streets today and there were protesters out. that's right there were tens of thousands of people on the streets today what they were looking to do was to counter that image that you see it was just talking about that image of president ad one as a statesman being welcomed in jimmy the protesters wanted to show that there are
loads of people who feel very strongly against his visit the name of the protests that took part that was going on could add one was not welcomed people walked through the streets but the streets were closed off to make way for them as they headed towards the presidential palace where they said that they wanted to make their voices heard by president out of one another would people from dozens organizations taking part in this process including getting far left organizations people he's told me that they were increasingly concerned by president ad what they say is president at once increasingly authoritarian rule we spoke to people who were concerned about press freedom and free speech political prisoners there were also a number of cote pro kaddish protesters as well on the streets here who said they were angry by this military offensive against kurdish militia in syria so a number of different groups here but what unites them with anger at the fact that
essentially we're quite literally germany had rolled out the red carpet for president so a lot of concerns on the table as these two leaders i mean we know the day one was on friday day two tomorrow saturday and you'll be i'd like to turn to you because there was a press conference between air to one and merkel you live in turkey you know you're viewing this through that lens and i'd like to know if you see the possibility of progress here in this relationship i mean is this a relationship reset between the two countries do you see the political will. i see some political will i see that mr advani in general has changed his language remember last year he accused the german government and chancellor merkel all of the nazi practices of being enemies of turkey so he has tuned down this. sharp criticism and now we approach is them saying he wants to revive the friendship and so on and there are reasons for germany and turkey to call parade of course economic reasons geo strategic reasons let think about syria the migration crisis
but as the german chancellor said today there are profound differences they remain and these differences appear when they talk about the rule of law and human rights and there are really have the feeling that they don't speak the same language mismatch bring that up and then missed out on later on says well we have a stable constitutional democracy i don't know what you're talking about basically so in order for this relationship to get any better to improve they need to you know orange to speak the same language basically and i think it's a lot of work that remains to be done there are you turkey correspondent yulia han and charlotte charleston pill joining us from the field thank you so much to both of you. in the united states the senate judiciary committee has voted to advance brett kavanaugh supreme court nomination to the senate floor the committee voted along party lines eleven republicans against ten democrats that one day after a dramatic test in
a testimony by cavanagh and one of the women who has accused him of sexual assault christine please you forward now despite passage to sherry committees cavanagh's nomination could hit further trouble republican senator jeff flake says that he will only back the appointment of cavanagh if the senate agrees to give the f.b.i. a further week to investigate the allegations against trump's nominee have a listen but i will only be comfortable moving on the floor until the f.b.i. has done more investigation than they have already. it may not take them a week i understand that some of these witnesses may not want to discuss anything further but i think we are we owe them due diligence. news of the potential delay reached president trump during a meeting with the chilean president a journalist asked trump what he made of flake's conditions for voting for cavanagh . the sort of handle that will make good decisions very good doing
a good job professionally. i'm just hearing a little bit about it because i've been with the president of chile and we're talking about some very important subjects but i'm sure it will be very good i guess the vote was a positive vote but there seems to be a delay. let's get more on this now. joins us with the latest from washington maya how much closer is brett kavanaugh to becoming a supreme court justice today closer sara actually despite the hearing yesterday the roadblocks that have been thrown the way he is actually a step closer now there has been another delay as we've heard about. the senator jeff flake agreed it seems to vote to advance his nomination to the full senate floor in exchange for another week for the f.b.i. to investigate these allegations against him. whether or not this investigation
will actually take place still remains to be seen and sort of a double edge sword for many many reasons but he has actually taken one step closer to getting to that supreme court bench which is something that the republicans really really want prior to the midterm elections there are just so many factors conspiring here to push them forward miles let's listen in to some of the reactions from senators after the vote and then i want to get your take. kevin i was going to be on the supreme court he's earned it he looked everybody in the eye and said i think this is not for him to change the poor guy think he's been a victim in many ways of the fuse process and the evidence is what it was before and i never felt better about it in terms of process if it takes a few more days it takes but you've got a little bit of a problem and are you have you got you some will happen well i would hope and i would hope so. if you're seriously trying to speed this up you're still
british for going through the investigation using this case. so we see they are one of cavanagh's strongest supporters and strongest opponents the views from both sides of the aisle there but maya ultimately what this comes down to is how likely are we to get an investigation by the f.b.i. of this incident what happens next this is really uncharted territory for the senate this is something that at least in my memory has never happened before a delay of this sort the senate very well could simply push forward with a vote that is completely within their purview and in fact we know that they are teeing up to make the vote happen at some point in the very near future there's going to be a vote tomorrow on the procedural aspects of the next full senate floor vote. and mitch mcconnell the senate leader. really has no obligation to make this happen
as we've heard from president trump he's going to let the senate quote decide what's going to happen and like i said earlier this is a real double edged sword delaying the vote for another week could allow several both democratic and republican senators who have announced that they're on the fence about kavanaugh time to be persuaded against him which would not work and the republicans favor and then on the other hand this f.b.i. investigation could go forward and it could turn up nothing which in that case the republicans were able to turn to the democrats and say see what you did we had you know the supreme court that didn't have a full budget and you just delayed it and now we're going to simply vote to nominate him to nominate him to the bench anyway and the party dynamics are interesting because we've seen suddenly here senator jeff flake of arizona been thrust right into the middle of the straw earlier today in fact he was confronted by protesters in an elevator and i want to play that tape and then get your reaction. how do you feel like we know what you're.
doing when you're. losing the early. part of the cut. you are the first. time we believe in you be our hero. and after that confrontation we saw him call for the f.b.i. investigation going against the party line high emotion surrounding this process is he getting to the politicians in washington. we've definitely seen the politicians themselves getting emotional particularly during the hearing yesterday during both dr blaser flossie ford's. testimony and during judge happened last test a monet. it's unclear what was going through senator flakes have there but is his proposal of an f.b.i. investigation really looks like an olive branch to the democrats he had previously
announced that he was that he was on the fence about voting on judge kavanaugh and so he did ultimately vote with his party and advance cavanagh to the full senate vote but in the wake of this he said look democratic colleagues i see what you're going through i understand here we could have this week and we could have this investigation that you've been calling for. are there with the latest on this confirmation vote for the nation's highest court a lifetime appointment there to the supreme court thank you so much for your reporting from washington. well earlier this week we saw u.s. president donald trump at the united nations urging world leaders to reject globalism and to embrace patriotism he launched a stinging attack on china's trade practices later even accusing the country of meddling in u.s. midterm elections today china firing back here's the foreign minister weighing ye
at the u.n. general assembly. through to protectionism only hurt yourself and you know literal moves will bring damage to all. regarding trade tensions more with china stands for proper settlement based on rules consensus through dialogue and consultation on an equal footing china will not be blackmailed cool yield to pressure whom you polish and weighing also saying that china's trade dispute with the u.s. was no cause for panic he stressed beijing's commitment to multilateralism that commitment was also echoed by the german foreign minister heikal moss and he spoke with alexandra phenomena in new york the mass democrats mr mass the american president has again made clear how little he thinks of multilateral solutions of international solutions what's the reaction of the german government what position should you take with its union. six i was first of all we have to take note of it
but it's not really new it's been an issue in the international community for a long time so we know that on many issues the american government has chosen a different path for itself and is placing more emphasis on you know not really isn't taking solitary and sometimes lonely decisions. i. don't. think that's right in a world in which the borders are disappearing more and more we live in a globalized world that's true for business kind of digitalize and that doesn't recognize borders it's the same for climate change and the question of migration can only be solved internationally so we firmly believe that we need organizations like the united nations to surmount all these challenges. so we work to keep organizations like the united nations and the european union functional because we need them now more than ever. yes me i didn't you send the deal to me germany is on the un security council for the next two years
what's the priority as a. current events will probably decide the priorities means crises and conflicts the ones we know can possibly others we don't know about yet. we want to take on responsibility and contribute to overcoming crises and ending conflicts conflicts and in addition we want to systematic change to the work of the security council so that it works more in prevention to stop conflicts and crises arising in the first place or conflict. and stephen feel peace and security are important issues but so is climate change which should play a bigger role of the united nations. all the issue of women in conflict which in our opinion gets too little attention. these are our issues and i think they'll keep us busy over the next two years. and that was german foreign minister speaking earlier with alexander fundament.
china is facing a crisis of confidence over safety and supplies of vaccines this follows the discovery last year that chinese pharmaceutical company had manufactured substandard vaccines that were then injected into tens of thousands of children the crisis has been blamed in large part on regulatory failures by the chinese authorities our next report looks at a group of parents fighting for the rights of their children who they say are disabled by the faulty medication. she should to spend whatever time she can at the hospital visiting her two year old daughter when faced with on going treatment she can't crawl or stand she only makes sounds the official diagnosis is infant teil spasms the first symptoms appeared after she was vaccinated against it theory a tetanus and hooping cough. shots how it's difficult the treatment is very expensive. it's all i work for. there's no way out i
hope the government finally takes notice of the children and the parents it's out. early and i in chandon province is home to more than ten million people more than two hundred thousand children here are suspected to have been affected by faulty vaccines authorities have described vaccinations as ineffective many of the parents we meet say injections that were meant to protect their children have now scarred them for life the parents have organized themselves on social media and say they're willing to talk to us the show is documents vaccination cards they cry they are desperate their children are old severely disabled all with similar symptoms. after our interviews the families contact us and withdraw their permission to be featured we later find out that the local police have put pressure on them to keep quiet. that. only she has to choose doesn't withdraw her consent.
thought only about how even if they find russia i won't be afraid the truth is in here i'm sticking to my guns. she also shows us her daughter's vaccination record on it of the names shank shown biotechnology and who hanged shall two companies accused of producing defective vaccines amid mounting public anger eighteen managed. it's been taken into custody state television reporter china's president xi jinping touching the topic and the people come first he said we must ensure this doesn't happen again for many of the parents such comments dunk us off they have gathered in front of the state hospital in beijing to chant stop the fax nations and bring back our children the police have reportedly already removed some parents and returned to their homes provinces. and without you are up to date now on the day as ever the conversation continues online you can find us on
social media either acted up you news my handle is at farrah kelly t.v. don't forget you can also hash tag the day thank you so much for watching have a great day. in west africa there goes a truly magical beam cast a spell on people the world over but. yet west africans don't reap much of
the profits. they wind up in the pockets of big multinationals. can we enjoy chocolate no holds barred how one man's redeeming the guilty pleasure of chalk. next w. . the neck or touring a little mention of journey followed. true at which along. the ridge line is it's way past the peace of the. trombonist and mum of the stunning scenery. and discuss the traces of indigenous culture. the thrill of the run. by train. in forty five. w. .

Related Keywords

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, Roadblocks , Exchange , Whether , Supreme Court , Place , Double Edge Sword , Senators , Elections , Some , Take , Factors , Reactions , Them , Miles Let , Kevin , Victim , Fuse Process , Everybody , Guy , Evidence , Eye , Terms , Ways , Bit , Problem , Opponents , Sides , Views , Supporters , Aisle , Territory , Memory , Incident , Purview , Mitch Mcconnell , Floor Vote , Leader , Aspects , Point , Obligation , Trump , Sword , Double , Quote , Nothing , Fence , Hand , Kavanaugh Time , Party , Bench , Budget , Didn T , Dynamics , Arizona , Reaction , Thrust , Straw , Elevator , Tape , Cut , Hero , First , Confrontation , Party Line , Emotion , Judge , Blaser Flossie Ford , Flakes , Proposal , Monet , Olive Branch , Wake , Colleagues , Kavanaugh , Court , Confirmation Vote , Nation , United Nations , Donald Trump , Reporting , Globalism , World Leaders , Patriotism , Foreign Minister , Trade , China S , Attack , Meddling , China Firing , Al L , Protectionism , Tensions , Moves , Settlement , Dialogue , Damage , Un General Assembly , China , Consultation , Trade Dispute , Footing , Cool Yield , Commitment , Multilateralism , Beijing , Heikal Moss , Mass , Phenomena , Cause , Panic , Alexandra , New York , The American , Solutions , Position , Note , Union , Six , Issues , Issue , Community , Emphasis , Path , World , Doesn T , Borders , I Don T , Business Kind Of Digitalize , Isnt Taking Solitary , Climate Change , Same , Migration , Challenges , Question , Deal , Un Security Council , European Union , Crises , Priority , Ones , Events , Others , Priorities , Conflict , Conflicts , Change , Security Council , Security , Addition , Responsibility , Ending , Prevention , Opinion , Role , Alexander Fundament , Children , Vaccines , Crisis , Confidence , Discovery , Safety , Supplies , Chinese Pharmaceutical Company , Parents , Report , Medication , Rights , Group , Authorities , Failures , Chinese , Treatment , Daughter , Symptoms , Diagnosis , Hospital , It Theorya Tetanus , Infant , Teil Spasms , Whooping , Cough , Theres No Way Out , Notice , Province , Chan Don , Ten Million , Two Hundred Thousand , Many , Social Media , Injections , Vaccinations , Life , Vaccination Cards , The Show , Families , Consent , Interviews , Permission , The Truth , Guns , Russia , Reporter , Companies , Biotechnology , Custody State Television , Vaccination Record , Eighteen , Xi Jinping , Comments , State Hospital , Topic , Front , Nations , Conversation , Provinces , Homes , Tag , Watching , Farrah Kellytv , Much , Truly Magical Beam Casta Spell On People , West Africans Don T , West Africa , Multinationals , Chalk , Profits , Pockets , Pleasure , Chocolate , One Man , Ridge Line , Journey , Neck , Mention , Mum , Scenery , Trombonist , Run , Thrill , Traces Of Indigenous Culture , Train , Forty Five ,

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